What makes a man different than a women in dating world?


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2006
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I am really starting to ask myself this question as of late. Last year or so I have had my share of dates and different sexual partners. I tend to really attract drunks... this is something I still cannot shake. But what makes any different from a woman who is out there dating and doing different guys? Something I am really starting to analyze. Not that I am damaged goods...but I just cannot seem to find the right one. When I think I have, problems usually start to manifest.

What makes us men different than the females we date? I really still want to settle down, but the older I get and the women that are in my range group are loaded with issues.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2012
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woman fortune in her fertility , and it decrease with time , man fortune is his resources and his strength .
if a man for any reason cant get a girl in her summits fertility age (13 -25 ) , he will find a hard time finding a woman that his biological side will feel comfortable to start family with her .if you already have children from other women then it will be more easy to have older woman


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2011
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North America
SoldMySoul said:
What makes us men different than the females we date?
The first thing that came to mind was part of the famous Jack Nicholson quote "reason and accountability".

I read your other thread which prompted me to answer this one. Your girlfriend told you "the man always pays". There is part of the answer. In this case the woman you are dating feels that you should pay in exchange for ... what, her company, physical intimacy, her time?
She cannot have any of these things without your participation, so she shouldn't be able to charge for them.
Given that she has some disposable income to spend on luxuries to which you are not involved, the side she took about your responsibility to pay are a cop out. A quick, stupid answer to hide the real reasons ... selfishness and entitlement.

I don't see a huge difference between normal (or more accurately honest) men and women in the dating world. I expect the couple to enjoy intimacy, not I expect the woman to have sex with me. I expect the couple to be interested in each other, not I expect the woman to reward me with her time based on my attention.

If I see / feel the lack of balance, then I'm not dating an honest woman. With this type of person, the big difference is the entitlement and I just won't waste my time with them. Don't need to. Lots of honest, pretty women out there.

Disclaimer: I'm not answering the question as it pertains to number of sexual partners etc. as I'm not marriage minded and just want things light but ... equal.



Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
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Men produce large quantities of motile sperm. Women produce small quantities of non-motile ova.

That difference leads to all others.


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
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South Dakota
The biggest difference... through trial and error, we learn our worth. We know that if Angelina[etc...pick your star] was drunk and wanted to do us...it was our lucky day. BUT if Brad was drunk and did a fattie...she's think THAT was the level she could land...if she played her cards right. SHE doesn't understand he used her as a comdumpster,so she keeps looking for THAT guy...and keeps dumpstering


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2006
Reaction score
Sodbuster, very interesting perspective. I guess that I had been feeling a little bit of the tried on clothes placed on the clearance rack as of late. After going several women last past year made me start to think, wtf is wrong with me?" But that is not the issue at all...far from it as a matter of fact. Just means that I have yet to find the right one and as a result I keep trying. I am a prize as the famous Pook would say. I know if I have a hint a women I am interested in seems to have a long track record of dudes, I am not thrilled about it, but cannot hold it against her as I have a long record as well.

There is no need for a self respecting guy that has much going for him to put up with crap from the less than desirable ones. My experience has mostly taught me that a woman;s bad traits/ and or issues start manifesting themselves within a month. That seems to be the bar: 1 MONTH.

Used to be when I was a young buck, if I made it to a month and passed it, her and I were an item. What a difference times make! A month is usually good to determine exactly what you have on your hands.