What is the definition of an AFC girl?


Don Juan
Dec 6, 2011
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Been reading through this forum alot lately and have seen the term AFC girl pop up a few times. Just wondering what the definition of this type of girl was. Is it a girl that is attracted to AFC males or is it a girl that does AFC type things to win the affection of a guy?


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2011
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Toronto, Canada
I have seen this used as well. But it doesn't make any sense.

The term AFC is very popular on this site, and now people are careless about the way they use it. It seems somewhere along the way people forgot what the term AFC actually meant, and now they just sh!t it all over the place. I notice many people simply use it as an adjective for something negative.

Tripped over his own shoelace? That guy is so AFC.
Failed an exam? What an AFC.
I can see it now. "Damn, that movie was so AFC!"


Don Juan
Feb 8, 2011
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Montreal, PQ
An AFC girl is a desperate girl who simply doesn't know how to act in order to attract men. May very well use booze as a crutch and is most of the time very annoying in her efforts.


Senior Don Juan
May 9, 2011
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:

A slut

Someone who keeps getting used by bad boys

or most likely

Someone who buys in 100% to the love/marriage hype and never develops an indentity or personality outside of that, including character and commitment.
Sounds like a nice chick to hand around.


Jan 29, 2012
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IMO An "AFC" girl is the type who no matter how many times she may be able to get laid or how many guys she has after her will always fail at picking someone who is a good person with things going for them. (And they know it.)

She is a media drone. A facebook attention seeker, Uses no self reflection. Needs to have the 'one' to 'complete' her broken a$$. She has NO character or individuality. She is a sheep. A constant complainer and will always pick the guys she claims to 'hate' or the latest T.V show tells her is the definition of a 'real man'.

Girls like that are useless for anyone who has anything going for them and recognizes them for what they are.

Those types of girls deserve exactly what they get. I don't pity them in the least. In fact you grow indifferent to girls like that.

They are the type of person who is frustrated at the idea of never truly getting a real man because they not only know they don't deserve one...they don't even have a clue of what a real man is.

They can get married, have boyfriends, get laid etc. But sooner or later those types end up on online dating sites, divorced, cheating, been through God knows how many partners, and end up bitter and alone or continue being a sperm recepticle for the men they 'hate'.

That would be my definition of an "AFC" woman. Avoid them at all costs.

Aaron B

Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2005
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"average frustrated chump girl"

does not compute

the nastiest, most disgusting woman you can imagine has a line of guys just waiting to stick it in her

oxford comma

Don Juan
May 7, 2011
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Aaron B said:
"average frustrated chump girl"

does not compute

the nastiest, most disgusting woman you can imagine has a line of guys just waiting to stick it in her
just because theyre not frustrated with getting laid doesn't mean they aren't frustrated with their romantic life. id estimate that most girls are frustrated as hell since they're not attracted to the nice guys who will treat them right and stick by them but love screwing the guys who end up not caring about them. haha


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
"AFC" doesn't refer to someone who can't get girls or is frustrated with their romantic life (although AFCs almost always experience both of these issues). If an all-encompassing definition exists, I'd say an AFC is a male who simply doesn't act masculine enough (whatever 'enough' is).

I suppose you could take the term "AFC girl" to its logical end and say that it's a girl who doesn't act feminine enough. In which case MainDroite's definition is correct => a girl who simply doesn't know how to attract men. Although nobody will use it like that and instead just have their own individual half-assed definition for it, as evidenced by the number of different opinions in this thread.

The term isn't really that useful, though. Most women have no trouble learning how to be feminine, unlike the way many men don't learn how to be masculine during their youth and then later have to struggle to gain those skills (or never gain them at all). Maybe it's simply easier to act a passive role than an active one.
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Master Don Juan
Dec 23, 2011
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oxford comma said:
just because theyre not frustrated with getting laid doesn't mean they aren't frustrated with their romantic life. id estimate that most girls are frustrated as hell since they're not attracted to the nice guys who will treat them right and stick by them but love screwing the guys who end up not caring about them. haha
Exactly, they won't have trouble getting dates but they'll still complain about being unable to find a "good man." This is because they simply don't attract the sort of man that they want and/or for whatever reason they keep rejecting the ones who are right for them. Usually it's the later.


Senior Don Juan
May 9, 2011
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Aaron B said:
"average frustrated chump girl"

does not compute

the nastiest, most disgusting woman you can imagine has a line of guys just waiting to stick it in her
Very true

Aaron B

Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
oxford comma said:
just because theyre not frustrated with getting laid doesn't mean they aren't frustrated with their romantic life. id estimate that most girls are frustrated as hell since they're not attracted to the nice guys who will treat them right and stick by them but love screwing the guys who end up not caring about them. haha
All of that may be true, but it doesn't in any way make a woman "AFC"

Women in America grow up learning the tactics of psychological warfare starting from a very young age.

The only way a woman could ever come close to being "AFC" would be if she grew up in a way that prevented that socialization process from occurring, then she was thrust into the greater society and made to fend for herself.

Men are women are so different they may as well be different species. Taking a term designed to refer only to men, then trying to apply it to women seems asinine to me.


Don Juan
Jun 21, 2010
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AFC = Average Frustrated Chump

An example of an AFC girl is a slut who wants a relationship. Guys use her for sex and have no interest in her for anything else. Like Bumsniff said, an AFC girl will date guys who they 'hate' and be bitter about it. AFC guys and AFC girls are in a way opposites in that an AFC guy is someone who ends up just friends with a girl, but wishing he could have sex with her; and an AFC girl just gets slammed while wishing she would have a relationship.

oxford comma

Don Juan
May 7, 2011
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Aaron B said:
I have never in my life heard a female referred to as a "chump"
female chumps are referred to as "chumpettes". at least according to Bender.


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2010
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Zerro said:
Exactly, they won't have trouble getting dates but they'll still complain about being unable to find a "good man." This is because they simply don't attract the sort of man that they want and/or for whatever reason they keep rejecting the ones who are right for them. Usually it's the later.
I know of such a girl.

She's hot as hell....looks like Famke Janssen.

Every guy she's dated is a complete loser, except one, but
he dumped her after 2yrs.

Nearly every FB post from her is one of despair and hopelessness.


Master Don Juan
Dec 23, 2011
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pdx1138 said:
I know of such a girl.

She's hot as hell....looks like Famke Janssen.

Every guy she's dated is a complete loser, except one, but
he dumped her after 2yrs.

Nearly every FB post from her is one of despair and hopelessness.
We all know such girls, they're usually the source of despair for many an AFC, who in turn help to perpetuate it by giving them an audience to cry to after their latest pump-and-dump.

It can be somewhat satisfying though when one of these who initially rejected you comes back after dating a string of losers only to be surprised that you no longer want anything to do with her.