What Is The Best Way To Break Up?

Sir James

Don Juan
May 1, 2014
Reaction score
Looks like her interest has finally hit rock bottom and I guess I'll be the one to break up as her actions are indicating this is what she wants.


Within the past 2 months she has pulled back and withheld sex (she blew me last week though).

About a month ago when I asked her if she wants to end the relationship her reply was "if you want to." I said I didn't.

Only wants to hang out once a week it seems.

Calls or texts once a day, usually texts

Is frequently either tired or has headache

Told me she loved me a couple days ago

She'll suggest plans for something to do, then at the last minute she changes her mind. Last night she asked if I wanted to come over (which is usually the one night I spend at her place lately) and to text her around 7:30. I text her to suggest meeting at 8:30 and her response was "I'm almost finished reading this book I'll call you when I'm done." She ends up calling me back at 9:30 to say she just got back from grocery store and her phone's battery died. I was angered by her actions and let her know, but I didn't go berserk or anything and she gets angry at me for it.

Anyway, the writing's on the wall I get it. She's either incapable of saying she wants out and/or likes toying with me.

My question is how should I break up?

Should I be a complete ass and point out her insecurities/tell her I was only using her for sex, etc.


Just tell her it doesn't seem to be working out and leave it at that?

Her games are getting frustrating and it's probably better for my sanity to just get out.

Should I tell her in person, or can I just change my Facebook status to single, delete her, and initiate no contact? I still have the keys to her place.

What is the alpha way to break up?

We have been together a little over a year.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 10, 2013
Reaction score
New York, NY
Don't say anything.

Just cut all contact from her, right now.

No matter HOW much she tries to contact you. Don't. Hold your frame.

Go ghost.

It was only 2 months anyways. She's super low interest, so just drop her without a word.

Sir James

Don Juan
May 1, 2014
Reaction score
Both our Facebook profiles say we're in a relationship

Should I change that

Should I delete her from my friend list

Or just keep her on it and ignore any contact?

The funny thing is she's going out of town at the end of the month for her school reunion and I suspect she is stringing me along just so I'll take care of her dog while she's gone, then when she gets back she'll try to break up. If I break up before then it'll screw up her plans. To be fair, the dog is great and probably one of the reasons I've stuck around.

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
Reaction score
Cut back on your contact. When she asks you over. Give a short, blunt response that you're busy. Don't respond to all her messages and calls.

Start seeing other women. Prioritize other things in your life.

If she offers you sex, nonchalantly, decline like you couldn't care less.

When she tries to talk to you, be aloof and non caring.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2013
Reaction score
Had the same thing going on recently. I got the feeling she was trying to pick a fight with me so I'd end it. I just disappeared instead.

Cerwin Vega

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2014
Reaction score
I wish someone smacked me in the face till I did the right thing when I was (exactly) at your situation.

Run! Dump her brother! Before it's too late and she finds a replacement (she's already looking) and then you're really fuccked.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 23, 2012
Reaction score
There is no point to being an ass when breaking up. It is the best way of handling it like a man. Especially if you want the best chance of the other person regretting it, and missing what you too had. Throwing a fit, heaving insults and other statements just make you come off as weak. Yes, our emotions would seem to revile in doing things like that, but that is exactly what a man does - overcome our emotions. She would be hurt in the immediate effect, but her mind would sooner blow you off as an idiot, and move on much quicker. "Oh I miss Sir James - oh but he told me I was a slut, screw him" or "Oh I miss Sir James - why did he say things weren't working out between us? *spins on what it could have been, and more*)

It sucks, but there is a best route. :p

Sir James

Don Juan
May 1, 2014
Reaction score
Thanks all for the great advice. I'll definitely be using it soon.