What is confidence?, and how does it relate to attracting women?


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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The bottom line is this, confidence is the byproduct of SUCCESS, it's not the cause of it., confidence without success to back it up, is delusion.
For the most part I agree with you. But I'll add a few thoughts:

One reason women are drawn to confidence is that ideally they look to depend on you to be their strong rock in the face of adversity. When life's problems pop up, and they start thinking "what do we do now?", they like to be able to turn to a capable man to provide the answers. And when they're falling apart because they are so emotional, they want you to be a source of stable strength. So there's that.

The other thing is, if you are confident, you are relaxed and you have the courage to initiate the interaction, and move the interaction along, in a decisive way. They want you to make the magic happen. If you're afraid to kiss them, then they have to take over the masculine role, and that's not what turns them on. There's an old complaint you often hear, where the guy picks the girl up and they're like "What do you want to do?", "I don't know, what do you want to do?", "Let's get something to eat", "Okay, where do you want to go get something to eat", "I don't know, where do you want to go?".

A girl likes a decisive guy, as opposed to someone who's too paralyzed to take charge, so you could call that confidence. Bottom line, if you're confident and relaxed, they will feel confident and relaxed, and be able to enjoy the good time you show them.
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Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
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You have a lot of commentary do you consider yourself to be successful with women?

Won‘t really matter unless the man is tall.

Very important a man has a lot of hair.

Won’t really matter unless the man is tall.

Won’t really matter unless the man is tall.

Won’t really matter unless the man is tall.

OK. Axe body spray should be good enough.

OK. Generally I don’t trust people who use complex words.

Id say a man should do what he is comfortable with.

Won‘t really matter unless the man is tall.

I agree, do something. But don’t expect the hot young fertile woman to care. She‘s already pregnant. The menopausal woman might care though.

The only 2 things a man should care about is height and hair. If a man doesn’t have those 2 fundamental things, nothing else will matter.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
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Jesus H Chryst who are you people? What happened to you!

And why are you all suddenly here with newb accounts spewing all this useless tripe?


Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2019
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You really are this clueless, so the odd ugly guy gets lucky so what?, it doesn't prove anything, and you have shown some wealthy celebrities, well when you have money , women tend to conveniently forget what you look like (do you know what a gold digger is?). And in those cases where you have an ugly man with a hot woman, there is a massive power imbalance in that relationship (the better looking partner has ALL the power), honestly how long do you think that the relationship is going to last, until said woman either cheats on him with Chad or she dumps his arse?
If you are going to be this negative and rude then I'm done. I think many here will think the same. That will lead you nowhere. Find a ugly fat girl then and be done with it. It's not my issue. At least you can behave civil and friendly to people here on SS that is actually attempting to assist you.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
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Jesus H Chryst who are you people? What happened to you!

And why are you all suddenly here with newb accounts spewing all this useless tripe?
Seriously. Sometimes it's like the Twighlight Zone up in this place.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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If you are going to be this negative and rude then I'm done. I think many here will think the same. That will lead you nowhere. Find a ugly fat girl then and be done with it.
Blackpillers tend to think that even ugly fat girls think they deserve a Chad.
There's also a more red pill thought that says that pretty girls are more friendly and responsive than ugly girls, because ugly girls retain more resentment and hostility toward men because of the way they've been treated.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
Reaction score
There's also a more red pill thought that says that pretty girls are more friendly and responsive than ugly girls, because ugly girls retain more resentment and hostility toward men because of the way they've been treated.
Truth bomb right here.

Ugly bastard

Don Juan
Feb 20, 2023
Reaction score
If you are going to be this negative and rude then I'm done. I think many here will think the same. That will lead you nowhere. Find a ugly fat girl then and be done with it. It's not my issue. At least you can behave civil and friendly to people here on SS that is actually attempting to assist you.
I have been very friendly and civil to people here, but it's not my fault some people here have no common sense.

Ugly bastard

Don Juan
Feb 20, 2023
Reaction score
Blackpillers tend to think that even ugly fat girls think they deserve a Chad.
There's also a more red pill thought that says that pretty girls are more friendly and responsive than ugly girls, because ugly girls retain more resentment and hostility toward men because of the way they've been treated.
Us Blackpillers think that even ugly fat girls deserve a Chad, because of rampant female hypergamy and entitlement.

Ugly bastard

Don Juan
Feb 20, 2023
Reaction score
This is B.S. Whoever wrote this is an amateur.

Although, of course, a lot of this does depend on the context.

#1) if she's giving you "death stares" she's feeling something for you. Unless it's some random girl who's ass you've just grabbed out in public, if she's mad at you, then at the least, she cares.

#2) if a girl is actually rejecting you, that should not affect your confidence at all. There's a multitude of reasons for this.
-if you need a woman's validation for you to be confident then you are going about this all wrong.
-take every failure as a learning opportunity. Great, you failed. What did you do wrong? What are you going to do different next time? This then, in turn, should actually build your confidence.
No, sorry mate, it ain't BS, and what you're doing is both victim blaming and gas lighting. If a woman says NO (either verbally or via her body language), she means NO, what part of the NO word, don't you understand? I think I read female body language pretty well, and whenever I detect any hostile, negative body language, I get the hint very quickly, thank said woman for her time, and I make a rapid exit.

Ugly bastard

Don Juan
Feb 20, 2023
Reaction score
Here's something for you to discover OP

Eugenie Bouchard, rank 200 in women's tennis went on a date with a random fan from Twitter. He looks like the average frat boy and he got to go out with a famous hot millionaire.

View attachment 10074

So get out there and go find yourself a woman like this. I know I will.
Well no homo here, but the man shown in that picture is not average looking, he is a Chad/Chad lite, so what's your point?


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2022
Reaction score
@Ugly bastard Most guys say they just wanna get laid but ofcourse that is ALWAYS gonna be a somewhat competitive market. Im asking because I think many guys inc yourself are just missing out on positive interactions and relations with women. Most men dont get to interact with enough women in their lives in a positive way without or without sexual dynamics in a healthy cultural system. I'll be honest with you imo MOST guys just want positive relations with women and for women not to be messing about playing games and sleeping around.