What does this mean ?


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
OK I have a good buddy who is a lot younger than me and we get out and about a lot. He is average looking I guess ,and kind of reserved by nature.
I have been coaching him a little in the art of C&F and he is "getting it" slowly and his success with the ladies is slowly improving. He is also my Latin dance teacher - this guy can really burn the floor ..Anyways , last night we were in this club and we met a couple of girls ,both still on the bright side of 30 .They were Russian and spoke perfect English.
My bud's chick was a HB9 and mine was a 7.5 easy ! Great bodies and real sparkling personalities..
He told me later that HB9 was laughing and giggling and slapping his arm while he was teasing her about her dance steps, He then gave her a free dance lesson right there in front of everyone. She ate it up ..However, he still lacks confidence about when and how to escalate,so he took me aside and said this -

" Jophil, this chick is HOT I want to see her again. How do I know if she likes me. She was goofing off, laughing and looking at me and then she just kind of tilted forward right into my chest and stayed there for about ten seconds with her head down resting on me. Does this mean anything ?."
I thought about it and really did not know what to say. I have also had women do this to me a few times in the past and never gave it much thought. .

OK-guys what does it mean ? I suspect that this female body language has some interpretation but I really do not know what to tell my bud. (He got her # anyways. In fact we both got their #s)
Anyone have a clue - a guess ?
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May 10, 2003
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Northern Ontario
Are you asking if the HB9 likes you? From what you described, you talked about him & her dancing, then you said she put her head on YOUR body? Is that correct? Are you trying to play the chick that your bud was with?

Or are you trying to ask if she liked him? Either way, it should have been obvious that you guys were in. However tryin to switch chicks on your bud is not cool especially after he's got her runnin so well.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
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Any kind of physical escalation by a woman is generally a good thing, however you got to hold the frame and know whether she is just playing with you or really wants you and then escalate it even more so ( she is actually waiting for you to make the right moves giving you some green lights , otherwise she will pull back and pretend she was just playing with you to avoid the embarrassment of rejection or lower interest due to your lack of enthusiasm or lack of game).

Its the kind of pull/push game women use to gauage your response.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
MacAvoy said:
Are you asking if the HB9 likes you? From what you described, you talked about him & her dancing, then you said she put her head on YOUR body? Is that correct? Are you trying to play the chick that your bud was with?

Or are you trying to ask if she liked him? Either way, it should have been obvious that you guys were in. However tryin to switch chicks on your bud is not cool especially after he's got her runnin so well.
The HB9 leant forward into him - not me. Sorry about the confusion.
If these things happen top me I just assume that it is all good and ramp things up. I just follow my gut.
My friend asked me what her actions meant - he is clueless in this dept.
I said that I would put his question on the MM board.


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2007
Reaction score
I'd interpret the woman leaning her head on his chest as a very good thing, it says she feels protected..safe, at that moment. Her attraction level was probably pretty high at the time.

Tell your buddy he's on the right path and not to question her every move, assume she's interested until she proves otherwise.
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
Of course it was a good sign. Women are not aggressively direct creatures so when they make advances they put their head down to avoid eye contact and hope that the man gets the hint.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
Whoah, slow down!

Yes, this is a good sign, but remember that this woman is SLAVIC: her concept of personal space is not ours!

Both the French and English-speaking worlds like some space, but German or Slavic women have a tendency to stand a foot from any person's face, and talk without breaking eye-contact. I have a habit of mis-interpreting this.

Don't go for the kiss-close yet, guys.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
Phyzzle said:
Whoah, slow down!

Yes, this is a good sign, but remember that this woman is SLAVIC: her concept of personal space is not ours!

Both the French and English-speaking worlds like some space, but German or Slavic women have a tendency to stand a foot from any person's face, and talk without breaking eye-contact. I have a habit of mis-interpreting this.

Don't go for the kiss-close yet, guys.
Yeh, I take your point - These two Ruskies were also 22 and 25 years old respectively. My bud is 42 and I am 51 . However we had a great time with them -these babes wre laughing their A$$es off, very touchy feelly, and dancing like J Lo...They are heath and fitness instructors at a "day spa" -a fitness joint with sauna and health programs for overweight Aussies (we got fatties down here too ).
Too bad that western women are not that uninhibited .These women were so much fun. I was pouring on the teasing and push/pull ..(I am thinking - "I am old enough to be their Dad !" Then I pulled myself out of that 'rule' and just went with the moment.) Grrrr ! What great looking women. NO whining , no feminista challenges- no mindgames , no "attitude"....
We are going back for more next Wednesday night..
Cha cha cha !!!


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
Joey, to me, the best advice for this is :

"Make the Ho Say NO."

In other words, if you've got decent game and are presenting yourself as a sexual , masculine man, then escalating and getting a number close shouldn't be a problem with women who behave the way these did. It should feel natural, and the women according to the superficial behavior should be excited and welcome the action of asking for a numbver to contact them later.

If they start to hemm and haw, you now know you've got AWs on your hands.

joey, you know that women in a club environment who are out just looking for a "good time" will act any way that will make the experience more "fun" for them, more stimulating to them.
Women WANT to FEEL "Sexy". They need to feel DESIRED. And in a club atmosphere they're going to turn up the "desireable" switch up all the way.

Easiest way, and the one they practiced since little girls is by being flritatious with men whom seem to give them the attention injection they crave.
That's why the real Men will say to themselves : "Alright, looks good so far. Let's assume the attraction and go for it. Then we'll see if they're the real deal or just fvcking with me."
Guy: "Hey, I had a great time. You're a fun and sexy woman. I like you. Let's get together some time and do this again. How can I contact you?"
(then watch her reaction and just stand there looking at her.)]

Her: "Well.....umm. Look, you're a nice guy and all, and I did have a good time, but I'm not interested. Sorry if I made you think I was. I was just having fun. This is how I am all the time to all the guys. Sorry."

And the verdict is in...she is...an Attention Wh*re.

Women don't see anything wrong with fvcking with our minds.
They see it as "just having some fun!! That's all!"


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
Interceptor said:
Joey, to me, the best advice for this is :

"Make the Ho Say NO."

joey, you know that women in a club environment who are out just looking for a "good time" will act any way that will make the experience more "fun" for them, more stimulating to them.
Women WANT to FEEL "Sexy". They need to feel DESIRED. And in a club atmosphere they're going to turn up the "desireable" switch up all the way.


This was at a dance class inside a club. These two ladies are regular students there apparently (according to my buddy who is the head instructor)
I went along to join in the class and help him out if needed ( dance classes are always short on guys ).


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2006
Reaction score
A state in America that'll unmercifully leave you
jophil28 said:
" Jophil, this chick is HOT I want to see her again. How do I know if she likes me. She was goofing off, laughing and looking at me and then she just kind of tilted forward right into my chest and stayed there for about ten seconds with her head down resting on me. Does this mean anything ?."
I thought about it and really did not know what to say. I have also had women do this to me a few times in the past and never gave it much thought. .

OK-guys what does it mean ? I suspect that this female body language has some interpretation but I really do not know what to tell my bud. (He got her # anyways. In fact we both got their #s)
Anyone have a clue - a guess ?
Wow, she put her head down on him. No flame at all man, but I'm pretty shocked you of all people are asking this as I thought you were way more aware than that, especially since you claim to have a lot of experience under you. We should all know by now, that you never truly know if a chick is into you, unless you get to f*ck her. Big deal she put her head on him. Big deal a chick makes out with you. Big deal she grinds your crotch. Big deal she says nice/cool things about you. How many times have we all had this happen to us with women, only to be shut out and proven otherwise?

Yeah it looks good so far for your friend, looking at it from the outside(but you don't know what's really going on on the inside, because you never know whether a chick has a hidden agenda i.e. games), but nothing's ever really certain unless you get to nail her. That's why I never get my hopes up when first meeting a chick, no matter how into me she seems. The only way I know she's truly interested is if she wants to f*ck.

So, as to your question, "what does it mean?" Well, you know the answer.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
Hey Ed, I am a student of body language - I believe that spontaneous behavior sends a reliable message (if you can crack the code ).
My post was not so much about whether these woman were interested, very interested or not interested . It was about trying to decipher her body language - in particular the tilting down of her head and then her leaning forward to place her head into his chest .It was as if she 'melted' into him...
Do you specifically have any experience with this action? I have experienced it several times in the past and never really thought about it in detail . My bud's confusion sparked my interest and hence my post.
Do you know what this gesture means?


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2006
Reaction score
A state in America that'll unmercifully leave you
jophil28 said:
Do you specifically have any experience with this action? I have experienced it several times in the past and never really thought about it in detail . My bud's confusion sparked my interest and hence my post.
I never paid any specific attention to what a chick was doing a split second before leaning her head onto my chest, so I can't really say if I've ever experienced this. I'm sure I probably have.

jophil28 said:
Do you know what this gesture means?
If I were to analyze this, I'd say it's a sign of interest. But once again, that's what it shows from the outside. It's a whole other story what's really going on, on the inside. As we know, a woman's actions such as in this case must be taken with a grain of salt, until it's proven for a fact she's genuinely interested, once you've nailed her.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
Do you know what this gesture means?
my instinct has always told me she is connecting intimately, but is too shy of being straightfoward. Tilted head posture is also a "romantic interest" signal.
If you get the tilted head from her, she's into you.

The moving in and resting her head on your shoulder IME it means she's ready to be kissed.

This is her way of saying "I'm wanting intimate connection with you."

But she's not going to take such a huge chance for rejection, so she plays it relatively safe.
Most guys who are affectonate (she's testing the waters to see how your body "feels" to her, and she's seeing how you will react to her. Will you put your arms around her? Will you just kiss her right there and then? Or will you put your arms around her, and then kiss her?)will do something. She wants to see and feel what would YOU do.

See, part of the reason why Gurus in the community want their students to make light of the fact when a woman kinos YOU, and shows any touching to you is that you declare that you see and notice her Signals.

You; "So I see you're wearing your Granny shoes tonight. Does that mean you're wearing your Granny panties too?"

Her: "Shut up! You did not just say that!" (laughing, and giggling, as she playfully hits you in the chest or arm.)

You: "Wow! You are like so into me! Damn, girl! You are aggressive! Maybe there IS a thing or two you can teach me!" (wink wink, meaning, she is advenurous and experimental sexually) SOI, Statement of Intent, you make sure you inject sexuality in your interaction, so that she knows that your intentions are not a purely Platonic in nature.

By making light of the fact that she kinos you (remember, most chicks do not take chances. So they play it safe with their kino, and hope you read her signals so that YOU make the moves, she wants YOU to take the chance. After all , women feel that it is your "job." , not hers.)
you demonstrate women behavior "savvy". You SHOW her that you "get it".
this lets her know that you have experience with women, she is now more willing to take a chance (buying temperature) with you because you demostrate social intelligence, and know how men and women interact in sexual/romantic situations.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
Interceptor said:
my instinct has always told me she is connecting intimately, but is too shy of being straightfoward. Tilted head posture is also a "romantic interest" signal.
If you get the tilted head from her, she's into you.

The moving in and resting her head on your shoulder IME it means she's ready to be kissed.

This is her way of saying "I'm wanting intimate connection with you."

But she's not going to take such a huge chance for rejection, so she plays it relatively safe.
Most guys who are affectonate (she's testing the waters to see how your body "feels" to her, and she's seeing how you will react to her. Will you put your arms around her? Will you just kiss her right there and then? Or will you put your arms around her, and then kiss her?)will do something. She wants to see and feel what would YOU do.

See, part of the reason why Gurus in the community want their students to make light of the fact when a woman kinos YOU, and shows any touching to you is that you declare that you see and notice her Signals.

You; "So I see you're wearing your Granny shoes tonight. Does that mean you're wearing your Granny panties too?"

Her: "Shut up! You did not just say that!" (laughing, and giggling, as she playfully hits you in the chest or arm.)

You: "Wow! You are like so into me! Damn, girl! You are aggressive! Maybe there IS a thing or two you can teach me!" (wink wink, meaning, she is advenurous and experimental sexually) SOI, Statement of Intent, you make sure you inject sexuality in your interaction, so that she knows that your intentions are not a purely Platonic in nature.

By making light of the fact that she kinos you (remember, most chicks do not take chances. So they play it safe with their kino, and hope you read her signals so that YOU make the moves, she wants YOU to take the chance. After all , women feel that it is your "job." , not hers.)
you demonstrate women behavior "savvy". You SHOW her that you "get it".
this lets her know that you have experience with women, she is now more willing to take a chance (buying temperature) with you because you demostrate social intelligence, and know how men and women interact in sexual/romantic situations.
Great post, Intercepta - it makes perfect sense- thanks !