What do you look for in a woman


Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
Through your inaction this was a missed opportunity!!! This should never happen!! You have nothing to show for your inaction. If you had action at least you would have found out if her interest was genuine!
heheh... I know her interest was genuine because of the way she was looking at me the throughout the night and because of her eagerness for me to touch her and her to touch me. Your right I could have asked her for her phone number but she caught me completely off guard that time. I know I need to work on acting more spontanoeusly to things I dont expect. hahah, Im not a full blown Casanova yet, I have my problems with women too or else I wouldn't be here at sosuave.com.


Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
The opportunity was missed because I was being myself and having a good time she was one of the last things on my mind at the time. I only noticed she was hitting on me after I left. She blatantly showed interest right before I left the party add this with me not really noticing her attempt until after I left. You see it would have shown desperation for me to come all the way back to the party to ask for her number then leave again which is something I wont do anyway. Why should I go out of my way for her even though I do find her attractive im just not going to do it. I think it was good I didnt do anything that time anyway because I was a challenge by not hopping at the first bait of interest that she gave me like any AFC would(If I could do it again I would do the exact same thing again) and when I see her next time Im going to act just as casual, then im going to ask for her number on my own terms. If shes not interested next time then I dont really care either way it makes me no difference.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 25, 2002
Reaction score
what do I look for.

Looks and charisma. the first basic criteria obviously, since this is what makes up the initial impression.

non-smoking. Looks after her physical wellbeing at least to some extent.

a certain measure of feminite qualities.


the above are attraction markers and can't be bent individually (though not the smoking one I would imagine).

From there it is a question of compatible values. For instance, I would expect a partner to, by and large, be able to deal with her own issues as I do. Doesn't mean all of them and that I have no role in it, but as a basic premise a certain measure of introspection would be a neccesity for a partnership of equals.

I would expect her not to be self-centered nor have an accumulationbased approach to life. Perhaps 'integrity' sums that up.

I would expect her to be more positive than negative in her out look on life and generally be capable of having a laugh at things.

Those are all qualities you can usually suss out rather quickly hence few women last long with me before they get the dump.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
the Netherlands
Okay, I agree... I wouldn't mind figuring out what kind of women I am looking for either. Right now, I'm just constantly getting women that start flirting with me.
I didn't sleep the night before yesterday and I went walking through the city all day yesterday with a 300lbs guy, talking about life and all issues that accompany it.

I was extremely tired, having an awful lack of REM sleep and still having to work out quite a lot of the alcohol from the night before that.

However, I was still getting girls that started to flirt with me, I got eyecontact on several occasions but had to look away because I knew my mind wasn't going to be able to handle a conversation with a woman most of the time. I tried twice, but I was just too numb to think of anything witty to say.

At the way back home in the bus, there were 6 girls between the age of 17 and 27 that were looking for eyecontact with me, but I couldn't pick one!
I was thinking 'whatever I'll go talk to one of them, my mind is clear enough now'... but they were all good looking, had some slight imperfections as they should have but they were all good!

So eventually, I just stepped out of the bus, concluding that I seriously have to figure out what I'm looking for, otherwise the choice just remains too great for me.

I don't know if anybody else has ever had this, but maybe someone could give me some pointers as to how to go about this. Do I look for the girl that most fits my own personality? Should I just try to go with the mood I'm in that particular day? Or should I look for the girl that I think would be the greatest challenge?