What do I believe?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 24, 2005
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There is so much information out there on the net and there are so many guides and bibles its hard to sometimes believe any of it when it can be so contradictory at times.

Like me personally I love sosuave but there's so much to read like the bibles or guides or FR reports. Its difficult applying all that knowledge to your game.

I think that this site is great for ideas and tips but thats it.

Ive realized that change only comes when you want it, that I can sit here and read all the tips I want but that when I am outside in the world that Im going to have to do it on my own.

I feel that this site gave me some direction, It told me that a Dj needed to feel happy with himself and have a high self esteem and confidence. There where no magic words that would ever make any one of us believe in ourselves unless we actually started to in our daily lives and HOW someone does that, how a person believes in himself is a mystery but after a while you just do, it becomes a habit.

Does anyone feel this way? That there is so much to read but the real soultion lies within yourself.


Apr 19, 2005
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Relationships, and sex, and the whole 9 yards are an enigma. There are no real "set laws" or rules to go by. Each woman is different. There are lowly Attention Wh0re types who are basically crosses between a leech, and a vampire, they will suck all the $$$ attention, time, energy and effort out of men, but thats it, no body fluids, there are the single "Miss Independent" Sex addicts who like to have two or three guys on a string, so she can screw them, depending on her mood. There are frigid "nuns" who are terrified of sex, but want to land a man anyway. There are the single mommys, who at anywhere from 18-35 have between 1-5 monkeys around, and want you to either be "baby-Daddy" or wait around until the real baby-daddy has custody on the weekends, so she can "play"....there are the 35 year old "burn-outs" the divorcees, and women who let their primes pass them by while playing moronic relationship games, and now biatch and moan because guys only want them for a couple of hours (if that) after 3am. There are the LJBF types, who biatch and complain about men using and abusing them, but hate the concept of "settling down"

Whew. I for one, am pretty sick of the singles scene. Although I am not 110% "all around" ready for the white picket fence, and the 2.5 kids, emotionally, and physically, I have been for years, and I see now why my peers, and friends and relatives have chosen to be in relationships, and get the hell out of the Rat Race we call the dating scene. They have love, and sex and honesty, and RELIABILITY and all they had to do was let go of the initial excitement of chemistry, and the newness of a new lover, and adventures at the bar scene.

A buddy of mine, "Thomas" was the ultimate player. Why, about 2 years ago, for New Years Eve, he met a hot little gal from Phoenix at a nightclub, out of town, and (she) recently divorced, 25 with the body of a Playmate, and the libido of a female Hugh Hefner, they hit it off, and had HOTT hotel sex that very night. Then, it was a roller coaster of a relationship, for about 6 months. She would drive 12 hours to see/f**k him. She was flirtatious with him, and loved his body. But the long distance things never work out. So he moved on, as did she. He would hit the Downtown hot spots, but alas, he was well removed from the "college scene" and heading into his mid/late twenties, where-as the crowd there was 21-24. So, after many, many liasons with drunk college girls he could have cared less about, he was in limbo. The single scene was getting boring, and waking up with a drunk sorority girl he couldnt talk to for more than 2 minutes without getting bored was getting to him. They were fun while he was still "buzzing" but he said he couldnt stand them in his home, once he had well, "climaxed"

Then he met "Cindy" she was a bit more mature, and had a kid, but his type, physically, and they hit it off mentally, and emotionally. He seems much happier with her at his side, much more grounded, and confident. I think this one is the one for him. It has been over 6 months, and they will land up at the altar. That I could be so lucky.


Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2004
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Down South. Between the Y junction.
quote: There are no real "set laws" or rules to go by

I disagree, there is the Bible and there is the stuff on mASF... while it allows a bit of flexibility, that at least is a start as oppose to a newbie AFC's hit and miss, learn from experience strategy.

Not every girl is different. When you break it down to the fundamentals, they are all searching for the same thing. Some are well endowed with good looks which help.


Master Don Juan
Apr 1, 2005
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There are NO 'set laws' or rules in dating. Anything can work and anything can fail. Some work more than others, and some fail more than others. But it's not a rule or a law that states success comes ONLY from this or that. Success can come from experiencing the folly of AFCness. Those that ignore this either has not experienced it or do not understand the importance of it.

Belief in one's self is the most important thing in a person's life. People who do not believe in themselves end up commiting suicide, refusing to get up after failing, stalking their oneitis and all sorts of sad crap. When you believe in yourself, whether or not people say you're a loser or you're a failure or you're a ugly freak of nature that's never gonna get laid in a million years, you do not get phased or affected by it. You throw their words away because you know it to be ignorant and false.

However, with a strong belief, there also must come humility and reasoning. You can't just throw every single argument someone has against you out the window. You have to listen, reason and figure out if what they're saying has some merit or is a total load of crock.

Belief in one's self, wisdom, an enquiring mind and a good sense of reasoning will garner respect.


Apr 19, 2005
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Originally posted by MacDiddy
quote: There are no real "set laws" or rules to go by

I disagree, there is the Bible and there is the stuff on mASF... while it allows a bit of flexibility, that at least is a start as oppose to a newbie AFC's hit and miss, learn from experience strategy.

Not every girl is different. When you break it down to the fundamentals, they are all searching for the same thing. Some are well endowed with good looks which help.
"They are all searching for the same thing?" No. Take three gals. A party girl, and attention wh0re, and a nun. The nun wants the Freaking Immacualte Conception. She wants a man who will commit to her, and basically court her for three years, while remaining true to her, and celibate. And a MASSIVE white wedding, with 18 bridesmaids. House, 2.5 kids, picket fences, and three dogs. You'd better have a Masters.

The Attention Wh0re hates the concept of marriage, and basically wants a SEXUAL dinosaur in bed, and Bill Gate's checkbook. With the body of Ronnie Coleman, and the celebrity status of Brad Pitt, who will "take care of her" and basically financially support her fat a$$ so she can sit in front of the Plasma Screen, in the 9 bedroom home, and stuff her face with Bon Bons while watching reruns of "Sex and the City"...but she doesnt want marriage, and still wants access to her single life, occasionally, so she can pretend she's Carrie from the HBO series.

The Party Girl wants to party, works at a bar/nightclub, has about 4-6 f**k buddies, and her own apartment. She loves her life, but hates the concept of marriage or even a one on one relationship with any man.... and has visions of working in the Carribean at a "Coyote Ugly" type bar, dancing topless on the bar, while men hoot and holler at her, all the while, she is screwing "Leeroy" the owner of the bar, and also, the bouncer, a Rastafarian monster named "King George" who is reputed to have a terrible Anaconda betwix his powerful thighs. She cherishes her freedom, and needs it like a fish needs oxygen to breathe. And occasionally, she smokes ganja with her fellow hottie barmaids, and plays naked Twister with them on "no males allowed" nights.