What diet should I do?


Don Juan
Mar 14, 2002
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I've want to start a diet soon. See, I have been bulked up for a while now. I think I have enough muscle and I want to cut up. I have read Deisels thread on cutting up but I'm not sure what to think. I've heard that some people need different types of diets. I mostly want to lose body fat and as little muscle as possible. Mostly I want to lose fat on my stomach and love handles. I also want my chest to be more tighter, but I have grown enough and do not want anymore fat. I am kinda new to how calories, fat, carbs, etc. work. So, I was hoping that someone could post a site or tell me what types of food to eat and how to diet correctly. I am pretty knowledgable (spelling error) on excersice just not on dieting. I can do cardio and I've heard that its good to lift weights even when trying to lose bodyfat. If anyone can help me through this and share your knowledge on what type of diet to go on please do. THANKS :D

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
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Los Angeles
I know you probably are waiting for a fancy respond, and not the common "eat a well balanced diet" kind of post.

In order for you to loose weight, specially fat, you need to eat less calories than what you burn. You need to burn 3,500 (ammount in a pound of fat) more than what you take in, in order to loose one pound of fat. All foods have calories, therefore you must control what goes in. The easiest way is to cut down on your empty calories, on high fat foods, sugar, refined carbohydrates, and red meats. Find a less calorie replacement for those types of foods. Here are some tips you can start implementing on your nutrition program.

Keep a food log for the first couple of weeks. It will make you aware of things you have no idea about. It will also help you recognize patters, and show you what works best for you.

Whenever you can, do your own grocery shopping, and cook your own food, or have it done at home. Avoid going out to eat, as much as possible, since you'll have no control of what goes in the food.

Drink at least 1 gallon of water a day, specially on days you work out.

Avoid saturated fats (usually from animal products) as much as you can.

Avoid pork, lard, saussage, bacon, etc.

Cut out red meat/pork, replace it with chicken.

Cut out white rice, replace it with brown rice.

Low fat/reduced fat/skim milk instead of whole milk.

Avoid sodas, fruit drinks, or juices, drinks at coffee shops, smoothies, etc. Too many calories, mostly from sugar.

Eat something every 3-4 hours. Try 3 well balanced, healthy meals, and 2-3 snacks in between. This will help control your hunger, your cravings for sugary, fatty foods, and keep your energy levels steady throughout the day.

Quality snacks: crackers, granola bars, bagels, promax bars, fruit, bread, dry cereal, etc.

Don't go on a "DIET", because it implies you are gonna be going off of it soon after. Don't avoid, or deprive yourself of certain foods, like carbohydrates. Its not about depriving, its about nourishment.

Try takin' a Meal Replacement Drink 1-2 times a day. Usually they are a lot lower in calories, yet they are condensed with good nutrients. Will help you avoid skipping meals, and better yet, replace high calorie fatty meals that can hinder you progress.

Take a high quality multi-vitamin/mineral supplement.

These are just some suggestions. After its all said and done, you will need to take in less calories than you burn. Its a food budget.


Don Juan
Feb 7, 2003
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Or you could try the exact opposite and start a CKD diet,
(Cyclic Ketosis Diet)
Cuts quickly and pretty much guaranteed to work,
Check it out at
Have Fun!


Don Juan
Mar 14, 2002
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Thanks Gangster, Im going to try all you said.

As for that other diet. Man, that still looks experimental. LOL I'm probably going to need a quadruple bypass when I turn 25. LOL :D


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2003
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In this Economy?
Originally posted by Phenomenom101
Thanks Gangster, Im going to try all you said.

As for that other diet. Man, that still looks experimental. LOL I'm probably going to need a quadruple bypass when I turn 25. LOL :D
ketosis is really te best way to go

when you are n ketosis you burn fat instead of muscle

though ill admit it is very hard but the results are musch better and even quicker

also look into soe ephedra products

they have gotten bad hype but are really safe as long as you dont have asma (sp?) or heart problems and that you dont OD on them

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Originally posted by drixsa
ketosis is really te best way to go

when you are n ketosis you burn fat instead of muscle

though ill admit it is very hard but the results are musch better and even quicker

also look into soe ephedra products

they have gotten bad hype but are really safe as long as you dont have asma (sp?) or heart problems and that you dont OD on them

Young man, first of all, who told you that ketosis is a good thing, health wise?

In the abscense of carbohydrates, the body, which still needs energy, burns muscle tissue for energy, as a defense mechanism. Carbs are the flame in which fat burns, without them, you cannot continue fueling the fat burning engine (mucle tissue).
When you're in ketosis, you're body is fighting to get rid of the ammonia, which is a by product of protein breakdown, and therefore it will get rid of alot of water in order to rid itself of the poisons (ammonia NH3). In turn, you will loose water weight.

Much better results? Do you know what the weight you loose on a low carb diet consists of?

1. Water.
Each gram of glucose helps the cell store 2.7 grams of essential water. By avoiding carbohydrates, the cells don't absorb the necessary water, H2O is pretty heavy, therefore you initially might loose a lot of weight on the scale.

2. Muscle. In the absences of carbohydrates, the body is no longer able to break down fat during your workouts, but it still needs energy, so it goes into the amino acid pole in the muscle tissue. You loose muscle, you destroy your fat burning engine. You lower your metabolism.

3. Fat.
A lot of these 'Ketosis' diets are also very low calorie diets, wich in turn will give you an initial weight loss, because you are eating less calories. Once you go back to eating normal, be prepared to PAY BIG. And pay with INTEREST.

I love it when 'amateurs' like to give advice on this issue. Some of us watch too many Atkins Diet infomercials. Kevin Trudeau is not an expert on fat loss, he's an expert on speed learning/reading.

To bottom line the whole issue of weight loss, DON'T GET INTO SOMETHING YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO DO FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE, because it will only be temporary. We live in the microwave age, so the quick solution always sounds more appealing initially. BUYER BEWARE!


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2003
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In this Economy?
Originally posted by Gangster Of Love
Young man, first of all, who told you that ketosis is a good thing, health wise?

In the abscense of carbohydrates, the body, which still needs energy, burns muscle tissue for energy, as a defense mechanism. Carbs are the flame in which fat burns, without them, you cannot continue fueling the fat burning engine (mucle tissue).
When you're in ketosis, you're body is fighting to get rid of the ammonia, which is a by product of protein breakdown, and therefore it will get rid of alot of water in order to rid itself of the poisons (ammonia NH3). In turn, you will loose water weight.

Much better results? Do you know what the weight you loose on a low carb diet consists of?

1. Water.
Each gram of glucose helps the cell store 2.7 grams of essential water. By avoiding carbohydrates, the cells don't absorb the necessary water, H2O is pretty heavy, therefore you initially might loose a lot of weight on the scale.

2. Muscle. In the absences of carbohydrates, the body is no longer able to break down fat during your workouts, but it still needs energy, so it goes into the amino acid pole in the muscle tissue. You loose muscle, you destroy your fat burning engine. You lower your metabolism.

3. Fat.
A lot of these 'Ketosis' diets are also very low calorie diets, wich in turn will give you an initial weight loss, because you are eating less calories. Once you go back to eating normal, be prepared to PAY BIG. And pay with INTEREST.

I love it when 'amateurs' like to give advice on this issue. Some of us watch too many Atkins Diet infomercials. Kevin Trudeau is not an expert on fat loss, he's an expert on speed learning/reading.

To bottom line the whole issue of weight loss, DON'T GET INTO SOMETHING YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO DO FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE, because it will only be temporary. We live in the microwave age, so the quick solution always sounds more appealing initially. BUYER BEWARE!
Thats where you are wrong when you reach a state of ketosis you body burns mainly FAT.

Is some muscle burned? yea

but not to the extent that other cutting diets do.

it is quite safe

humans used to live like that before eating carbs was such common practice

look at body builders today

espically the natural ones, so many of them use ketosis during cutting season

Big N

Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2001
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Im sorry but a CKD is not for rookies. Please do not try it, you will end up losing your muscle.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2003
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In this Economy?
Originally posted by Big N
Im sorry but a CKD is not for rookies. Please do not try it, you will end up losing your muscle.
if he follows procedures correctly it would be great for cutting


Don Juan
Mar 14, 2002
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How would you know how many calories you would have to cut down? I mean, I've heard that its best to go as low as 1600 calories a day. Also, I read that you dont want to just drop down to that much but progrssively cut about 200 every week. Anotehr question I have is how do you know how many calories you are losing? If I do cardio I usually do about an hour of bicycling or running a mile or two. I mostly lift weights though and I do about an hour and work all my upper body out and then work on my lower body the next day. I also take Hydroxycut (ephedra free) and take glutamine, protine, and sometimes creatine (I feel creatine makes me feel worse during arobics sometimes).

I also have some friends that they say they are on a diet where they take a shake and have only ONE meal (anything they want to eat) te whole day. They also workout every other day in aerobics. Is this also a good idea?

Sorry for so many questions, its just that I want to look healthy but also FEEL healthy and I dont want to srew this up. Thanks for eveyones help :D

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles

Stop taking creatine, a great product, but not the best one to take when you're trying to "cut up". It assists the cells in absorbing water.

Forget about all those extreme ways of loosing weight, like the one meal a day, with a shake. The results, if any, that you'll get from those will be temporary.

I don't know how old you are, how much you weight, how active you are throughout the day (no including exercise), etc. So I can't tell you a ball park figure as to how many calories to eat each day. You don't want to cut down too fast, or go too low,period.

You're body is like a thermostat, it will adjust to maintain a balance, therefore it will slow down to adjust to live on less food, which means a drop in your metabolic rate.


Don Juan
Mar 14, 2002
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so you mean the less I eat the slower my motabolism will be?

Hydroxycut should help though, right?

Would my motabolism work faster if I was to eat more food but healthy food?

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Originally posted by Phenomenom101
so you mean the less I eat the slower my motabolism will be?

Hydroxycut should help though, right?

Would my motabolism work faster if I was to eat more food but healthy food?
Ok, first, your metabolism will slow down if you go long periods without any food, since your body needs energy from calories in order to perform. It will also slow down if you eat very little, as in very low calorie diets. Your metabolism will pick up ifyou eat more, but healthy foods. Remember, food is energy. Food is fuel. A car engine needs gasoline. If you want that engine to keep running for long travel, you must continually stop to pump some gas into your tank. Same goes with your fat burning engine (your muscle tissue); it needs to be fed in od

Let me give you the example of a camel, you know, they have those big humps in their back. What do you think they store there? No, it is not water! Its fat. They can go months without any food or water and still manage to sustain live. So whenever they finally eat, they store it, for future famines, its a defense mechanism.

The human body is similar, it has a survival mechanism, but it doesn't need weeks to get triggered. Like a thermostat that monitors temperature, the body knows when to slow down to survive on less food. When you deprive your body of water, it goes into retention mode, so you retain water. When you deprive it of enough nutrients, it slows down to survive on less food, so it gets used to living on less calories, so it stops burning energy, and holds on to fat. When you finally go back to eating normal, you gain weight, because your body is now used to burning less food, so anything that doesn't get burned up, gets stored as fat.

Yes, if you eat better quality/high nutrient foods, you'll be able to eat more and be satisfied and still be below your maintenance level. Its all about nourishing your body, not depriving it of fuel. They key is to eat enough to 'feed the muscle', yet put you a little below your maintenance level to 'starve the fat'. That's what sports nutrition is all about.

Even bodybuilders eat all day long, to keep their high metabolism, yet not break down muscle tissue. Professional athletes feed their system in order to get maximum results out of their training, and increase sports performance. You are no different. Why not give yourself the best chances for success?

Hydroxicut will help you loose weight, as an aid. Make sure you're eating program is taken care of and not rely on a stimulant type of supplement to 'cut' or loose weight. That's somthing you can use sparringly just before workouts, to give you a little edge. At the end proper nutrition is what really counts.