Went out. Now what?


Don Juan
Dec 17, 2011
Reaction score
So I went out for coffee with a girl I'm into. She blushed often ... But overall I don't think it went good. I went out of my way to meet her. Personally I don't think it went well but I always think that. I was tired so that didn't help. My friend thinks I should write her tonight and joke around .

What do I do?

Harry Wilmington

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Wait 3 to 5 days to hit her up, then CALL her and ask her out for another date. No need to try and hit her up right away after the date - it's actually better to go NC between dates so she won't think you're already obsessed with her. But yeah, 3 days minimum, then hit her up. If she says yes, you know the first date went well; if she says... well, it wouldn't be no, it would be anything other than yes (i.e. "oh, I can't, I'm busy" with no counter-offer), then just work on getting the next girl.


Don Juan
Dec 17, 2011
Reaction score
Ok I will read. But im terribly busy and looking for quick advice .

Do you have any quick advice?


Don Juan
Dec 17, 2011
Reaction score
Can I just text and ask If she had a good time

Mr. Suave

Don Juan
Sep 19, 2011
Reaction score
You never know how it went. Sometimes you think it's gone HORRIBLY but she's crazy interested in you, or you think it went really well and she's not attracted to you.

Anyway, I didn't know it was breaking a cardinal sin, but me and my friends tend to text a girl afterwards something like "hey, I had a good time, we'll do it again soon", or text her to make a personal joke about something that happened earlier. You know, just light, quick conversation. Never had any negative results from doing that so I'd say you're safe to text her something along those lines.

Don't ask her if she had a good time. Makes it sound like you're trying to please her. Just say YOU had a good time then she's free to comment back something like "me too :)" or whatever.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
t510 said:
Can I just text and ask If she had a good time
Don't do this. Your friends are wrong. Assume she had a good time. Never ask if she had a good time. Stop seeking validation.

Call her in a few days and set up a new date. Then you will find out more about her interest level.

Listen to Harry W. and search some of his posts about textng and behavior between dates. You'll learn alot and you will stop making mistakes like you are about to make now.


Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
t510 said:
So I went out for coffee with a girl I'm into. She blushed often ... But overall I don't think it went good. I went out of my way to meet her. Personally I don't think it went well but I always think that. I was tired so that didn't help. My friend thinks I should write her tonight and joke around .

What do I do?
1 - She doesn't care you went out of your way to meet her
2 - Why didn't it go well? Why were you tired? You have to be bring it on the first date, not treat it like a another day at the office
3 - Work on the confidence bro, you are doing her a favour, not the other way around

If you have to text her, could say "thank you for coffee, have a good night." No emotion, no neediness, no set up another date, no I love you, no nothing, just fact.


Don Juan
Dec 17, 2011
Reaction score
So I texted thank you for the coffee, have a good night. She wrote back right away it was nice to meet you good night. I be honest we only met through a friend briefly before this


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
t510 said:
Any advice? Is she signing off?
You see? Now you are analyzing and trying to decipher her text to get an indication of her interest level. What reply were you expecting? I don't really know what you were hoping to achieve by sending that text. It's completely pointless.

Call her in a few days. Set up a new date. If she declines, she's not interested. If she accepts, you get a new chance to blow her mind with your awesome game.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 27, 2012
Reaction score
Los Angeles
t510 said:
So I texted thank you for the coffee, have a good night. She wrote back right away it was nice to meet you good night. I be honest we only met through a friend briefly before this
Dude listen to Harry. Why did you ask her if she had a good time? You can't actually come out and ask broads....its too late now but future reference if she had a good time when you call in 3-5 days for the next date...and she says YES. Then you know she is still interested. If she doesn't contact you back or makes an excuse. Find a new girl...NEXT.

Spin multiple plates...I just went through something like this and I can't tell you how super important MENTALLY it is to be dating more then 1 girl at a time. It will ease your mind and you will be able to hold out on contacting her when you have multiple girls to chat with. TRUST ME!


Don Juan
Dec 17, 2011
Reaction score
Thanks for the replies. I didn't ask. Tbh I think she asked what I thought during the date. I just said thanks for the coffee and she said nice meeting you.
Stuck what to do now I guess wait a few days.

Harry Wilmington

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Dude, dude, DUUUUUUDE!

You asked for advice, and I told you EXACTLY what you needed to do. What did you think her response would be if you asked her if she had a good time? What girl in the history of girldom would have ever answered you with "No, I actually had a sucky time and I wish you'd leave me alone??"

Let's get into psychology for a moment. Do you REALLY know WHY you even felt the urge to hit her up and say "thanks for the coffee, have a good night?"

The answer: it's because your interest in her, at the moment, is causing you to act on your OWN selfish impulses instead of thinking about what she actually NEEDS to feel in order to like you.

Now, you may be thinking, "but how is that selfish?" Simple: you hitting her up had all to do with trying to get a rating from her about how good of a date you were. However, what you should ALWAYS be focusing on is one simple thing:

"What is it this girl needs in order for her to build up more interest in me?"

Since you don't seem to know what this is at the moment, here's just a few things:


Specifically, she needs time in between dates to think about you: what you're doing, who you're out with, reflecting on the feelings she had during that great first date with you... all of these things are necessary for her to think about. However, you don't do her or yourself any favors if you contact her too closely after the date. Even if she thought the date was just okay, she'd be more apt to go out with you again after pondering for 3 to 5 days why you hadn't hit her up.


During this time when you shouldn't be talking to her, she'll also start to wonder if your reason for doing so is because you might be spinning other plates. At which point, she'll start wondering if SHE was a good enough date for YOU to consider as a long-term prospect. That's great for BOTH of you, as it means that, once again, she'll probably be open to another date.


And texting her right after a date gives her this feeling. Like, you went out on ONE date with her and are already obsessing over her? That's the feeling you give off when you contact her too soon after a date.

You see, waiting a few days to contact her isn't about YOU. It's about HER. You need to give her time AWAY from you so that she's DYING to see you again when you DO finally contact her. It's also about not making yourself get all stuck in your head trying to over-analyze what her response to you was - another reason why I say that TEXTING KILLS RELATIONSHIPS.

Anyway... as for now, you still got a shot at getting another date, but for the love of GOD, try waiting at least two days before CALLING her and asking her out again. And if she does accept, make sure you're not tired this time, m'kay??


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
Reaction score
Bro, we've all been in your shoes, and all this is first and foremost for YOUR emotional protection. Minimize contact between dates so you don't go crazy analyzing every word she replies. It is not good for your mental state.

Do your yacking on the dates not on the phone. Assume beyond the shadow of a doubt she had a good time, that's it. Done. She will start flaking or turning you down if her interest drops. Until then, proceed with going out, dating, and hanging out with her.

Your next step is going in for the kiss, a very big indicator of where she stands.


Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
Harry Wilmington said:
Dude, dude, DUUUUUUDE!

You asked for advice, and I told you EXACTLY what you needed to do. What did you think her response would be if you asked her if she had a good time? What girl in the history of girldom would have ever answered you with "No, I actually had a sucky time and I wish you'd leave me alone??"

Let's get into psychology for a moment. Do you REALLY know WHY you even felt the urge to hit her up and say "thanks for the coffee, have a good night?"

The answer: it's because your interest in her, at the moment, is causing you to act on your OWN selfish impulses instead of thinking about what she actually NEEDS to feel in order to like you.

Now, you may be thinking, "but how is that selfish?" Simple: you hitting her up had all to do with trying to get a rating from her about how good of a date you were. However, what you should ALWAYS be focusing on is one simple thing:

"What is it this girl needs in order for her to build up more interest in me?"
That sounds way too complicated. "Thanks for coffee" can't be used against him, it can almost mean he doesn't want to talk to her again. You say that, be polite, and then go sleep with the girl at the bar. It also proves you went out with her.

Now if you are emotionally connected and outcome dependant, that's a different story.


Look OP, from what you are posting, you are coming off desperate. You need to f*cking stop communicating with this chick for a couple of days. By doing this, you will GAUGE AND INCREASE her interest if there is any there. She WILL contact you again if she is interested, if not, let it go. There is absolutely no point in pursuing women that have little interest in you. You end up wasting your effort, time and money.


Don Juan
Dec 17, 2011
Reaction score
I think I'm screwing up


So I texted her today and asked if I could call her later this week to see if she wanted to go out again. she said ok and said she was going to bed and she'd "ttyl".

Is this just pure low IL? She could have at least said that'd be great.

wth.. I didn't respond her last text.

Give me a break here. Maybe a stupid move as you guys said to wait to contact her. At least I had the balls to ask . I know I should have just called later this week but who cares really. At least she knows I'm not going to *****foot around what I want. Maybe I'll just never call/

Any advice again? To be honest Im kind of losing interest. She was blushing during the date and everything but I think my actions are turning her off. Id like a few indicators of interest or Im going to say hell with it.

Thought I'd let you know what's up. Your comments are awesome

oxford comma

Don Juan
May 7, 2011
Reaction score
t510 said:

So I texted her today and asked if I could call her later this week to see if she wanted to go out again. she said ok and said she was going to bed and she'd "ttyl".

Is this just pure low IL? She could have at least said that'd be great.

wth.. I didn't respond her last text.

Give me a break here. Maybe a stupid move as you guys said to wait to contact her. At least I had the balls to ask . I know I should have just called later this week but who cares really. At least she knows I'm not going to *****foot around what I want. Maybe I'll just never call/

Any advice again? To be honest Im kind of losing interest. She was blushing during the date and everything but I think my actions are turning her off. Id like a few indicators of interest or Im going to say hell with it.

Thought I'd let you know what's up. Your comments are awesome
you sound a lot like me when i was new to this. you're making a lot of mistakes, its okay though! just make sure you learn from them. before doing something ask yourself "is this something a MAN would do?" You think a man would ASK a girl for her permission to call her and ask her out? You think a man would care if a girl thought it was great that he asked her out?

oxford comma

Don Juan
May 7, 2011
Reaction score
Trump said:
That sounds way too complicated. "Thanks for coffee" can't be used against him, it can almost mean he doesn't want to talk to her again. You say that, be polite, and then go sleep with the girl at the bar. It also proves you went out with her.

Now if you are emotionally connected and outcome dependant, that's a different story.

I agree. Telling her thanks for coffee is fine. It's just a value offering statement. No harm there. Its not like he asked her if she had a good time, that would have been an issue.