weak men


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
This is somewhat random but i just wanted to point this out, we spend all this time talking about women and how they are the downfall to society, there are some pretty weak ass men out there too.

we have some associates, my fiancee was just telling me how a married couple we know, the woman had a part time job doing some clerical work. The husband demands that she go and try to find another job because he did not like the hours she was working (like 3 to 8)

anyway, literarly, on the way to the job interview, she gets her car totalled by a guy who had a seizure and ran a red light, she shatters her arm, brakes her leg, does some other stuff, we were quite worried about her but she is going to be okay, in fact she's fine now just on crutches.

so, she loses the part time job she had.

But they have no money in savings, because the guy spent it all on bs like a boat and a new TV and just crap, going out to eat every other night. living well beyond his means. drives a ****ing 91 saab but has a boat lol.

anyway, to make matters worse, now he doesn't even want to go to work. he has taking off days, just sits around the house complaining because no money is coming in. on a friday. sitting at home, literally took and off day to sit at home, when there is now only 1 income coming in, their internet got cut off because they can't pay a 100 dollar internet bill (she called and asked for money which i did not give but i told my fiancee to get the bill and go pay it herself)

I don't understand the mindset of a man that can sit at home, with one income coming in, not much food in the house, kids to feed and your wife laid up and just sit there like a lard ass. that actually pisses me off.

I just wanted to take the time to say that some of these women do have a point, there are some quite pathetic excuses for men out there. that **** would not be tolerated in my family. my father gets up at 2am goes to work then goes to his janatoral business, my dad makes more than enough money from the janatorial business alone but believes in hard work and has 2 basially full time jobs, he will be 50 in October and his house, a 150kish house is paid in full. two 40 year old people, should not be sitting at home without food in the pantry and you sitting on your ass.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
You do have a point. Which is why self improvement, self reflection and adjusting behaviors are the first things that men need to do before they go out and try to become Pick Up Artist or Player or whatever. The first thing you need to do is become a real man with real goals and real dreams and persue them doggedly.

Who can respect a weak man? No one. How can a weak man lead his household? He can't. What sort of woman would want a weak man? That is the question.

Become a real man first, worry about the rest later. Good post.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
Reaction score
A good look at the other side of this issue that most forum members would rather not admit exists. Weak/pathetic men are just as much of a drain on society as are needy useless women. I think your question is how did this guy get to where he was and why does he continue to maintain such a ****ty life style? its a tough one to address, but part of it is their drive obviously, and the other part is how they were raised. I find the biggest slackers are the ones with hard working well to do parents who gave their kids everything they didn't have. They literally don't need to work.

sun zu says that his troops fight best on death ground, so someone who literally has the world coming down on them must work hard or else. What you may be seeing is someone who doesn't work because, say, they have a trust fund coming their way and don't feel that sense of urgency.

The primary owner of the company I just left was also very similar. Both of his folks were very good hard working people who had put in literally decades to build a great life. If you met these folks, you'd have nothing but respect for them, but the son just doesn't have that drive. he completed a joke major in college years after his peers, never held a real job, and expects others to do his work for him. Thins brings up another interesting dynamic of someone who is being raised by hard working parents; do the kids feel unable to escape from the shadows of their parents and stop working hard?

Why do some people suck at life? I think you'd have to look at them on a case by case basis and even than, it would be hard to come up with a one size fits all answer to the question.


Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2009
Reaction score
The man is a loser, but he's not a beta.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
There is indeed some real loser men about, it's good that in here no one encourages that sort of behaviour and if anything it's more or less pulling guys away from that type of mindset.

I know some of those types first hand, usually though these losers don't have GF and dont have access to them - One guy I know totally selfish, lives with his mum - 29 years old - into football (soccer) and I mean obsessed with it and is tighter than a jews as* (no offence to anyone intended) - He is lazy, fat and doesn't really look after himself, hasn't had a fuc* in x amount of years, but at least he has a good work ethic - still a poor character.

I dont assocciate with guys like the one you described, I think those types of men get scorned by the rest of the male society anyway, much like this thread - I know If any of my mates where talking about such a guy it wouldn't be positive.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
synergy1 said:
A good look at the other side of this issue that most forum members would rather not admit exists. Weak/pathetic men are just as much of a drain on society as are needy useless women. I think your question is how did this guy get to where he was and why does he continue to maintain such a ****ty life style? its a tough one to address, but part of it is their drive obviously, and the other part is how they were raised. I find the biggest slackers are the ones with hard working well to do parents who gave their kids everything they didn't have. They literally don't need to work.

sun zu says that his troops fight best on death ground, so someone who literally has the world coming down on them must work hard or else. What you may be seeing is someone who doesn't work because, say, they have a trust fund coming their way and don't feel that sense of urgency.

The primary owner of the company I just left was also very similar. Both of his folks were very good hard working people who had put in literally decades to build a great life. If you met these folks, you'd have nothing but respect for them, but the son just doesn't have that drive. he completed a joke major in college years after his peers, never held a real job, and expects others to do his work for him. Thins brings up another interesting dynamic of someone who is being raised by hard working parents; do the kids feel unable to escape from the shadows of their parents and stop working hard?

Why do some people suck at life? I think you'd have to look at them on a case by case basis and even than, it would be hard to come up with a one size fits all answer to the question.
man this is a really thought provoking post, great job!

That's why, as much as my mom and I really do not get along because of the religion thing, i don't HATE my mom, I don't not LOVE my mom, we just are at an impass. I worked for everything I have had since i was 15. Car, clothes, new bedset, new furniture, new TV, you know what i got for christmas when iw as 16 and 17? socks and a ****ing bible lol and i bull **** you not. and we weren't poor at all, upper middle class. ]

My mother literary, and i can post pics, because my dad actually bought the house and renovated it and now rents it out, grew up with a tree in the middle of the living room. that's how dirt poor my mom was. she busted her ass, went to school and made something of that. she told me one day, she would not let me live like that but at the same time, she wanted to make sure i appreciated the value of hard work.

You now how the rockerfellers are still the rockerfellers? while they ovbiously have nice **** and they do ****, they also made sure that they installed the value of money into their kids, at a very early age. Read John D's bio. he had his kids selling chickens and doing chores on a daily basis, and this is the richest man probably of all time. he made all his kids teach bible study class, he made each one of them keep tabs on every penny spent and every penny earned from the time they could count.

conversly, in the horse racing business you make friends you meet some pretty freaking rich people. I make a lot of money, but i know people that **** my net worth for breakfast. I know a guy, he has syndicated some successful stallions that went on to make some money, guy has like 20-25 million int eh bank, nicest guy you will ever met, and you would not know if you did not know his story. drives a dodge ram diesel,would give you the shirt off his back to help you.

his son on the other hand, is the spoiled brat from hell. the dad grew up poor and gave his son everything. son is 22 years old, drives a brand new esclade, doesn't work, has no responsibilities at all, goes around yelling at people because of who his dad is he can get away with it.

No 22 year kid who has never worked in his life deserves a car that 99% of Americans can't afford. that's my philosophy. when my son is 16 i will buy him a dependable, nice looking but not new car to get around in, like a 05 Honda civic if i were buying it today.

sun zu says that his troops fight best on death ground, so someone who literally has the world coming down on them must work hard or else. What you may be seeing is someone who doesn't work because, say, they have a trust fund coming their way and don't feel that sense of urgency.
this is true. This is why i am a huge advociate of burning bridges. Because you will always run back if you have a choice. you will never give it 100% if you have a choice to take the easier way.

My fiancee's parents are farmers, and very, very, very successful ones, successful enough where she has a trust fund and gets about 1,500 a month automatically put into her banking account for the rest of her life. And she has a brother. While she never really wanted for ****, they worked her ass off lol. The only woman I know that can cut a yard, and can cut one better than I can and hell i used to do it for a living in high school. i don't touch my hard lol. Trim and all. And I saw it first hand when we went to visit them, even as visotors you are expected to work lol. there is no laying around the house not doing anything. Got up and showed me how to milk a cow, then feed cows, then helped her mom with cooking dinner. While i was expected to relax while i was there, i was at the same time pleasantly surprised. i didn't' mind the work at all, and that's what you want out of someone, who understands the value of a ****ing dollar.

even though she doesn't work, i can count the number of times i have just randomly walked in the house and not seen her doing ANYTHING. she will be cooking or cleaning or folding clothes, or doing something. she says busy. I think this is a very common trait in successful people the inability to sit around and do nothing. it's just not possible at least during the day time.

And the second my son can do any type of work i'm putting has ass to work lol. teach him how to fold his own damn clothes, teach him how to wash dishes, team how him to cut a yard, do somethign, anything.


Master Don Juan
Jun 30, 2008
Reaction score
backbreaker said:
This is somewhat random but i just wanted to point this out, we spend all this time talking about women and how they are the downfall to society, there are some pretty weak ass men out there too.

we have some associates, my fiancee was just telling me how a married couple we know, the woman had a part time job doing some clerical work. The husband demands that she go and try to find another job because he did not like the hours she was working (like 3 to 8)

anyway, literarly, on the way to the job interview, she gets her car totalled by a guy who had a seizure and ran a red light, she shatters her arm, brakes her leg, does some other stuff, we were quite worried about her but she is going to be okay, in fact she's fine now just on crutches.

so, she loses the part time job she had.

But they have no money in savings, because the guy spent it all on bs like a boat and a new TV and just crap, going out to eat every other night. living well beyond his means. drives a ****ing 91 saab but has a boat lol.

anyway, to make matters worse, now he doesn't even want to go to work. he has taking off days, just sits around the house complaining because no money is coming in. on a friday. sitting at home, literally took and off day to sit at home, when there is now only 1 income coming in, their internet got cut off because they can't pay a 100 dollar internet bill (she called and asked for money which i did not give but i told my fiancee to get the bill and go pay it herself)

I don't understand the mindset of a man that can sit at home, with one income coming in, not much food in the house, kids to feed and your wife laid up and just sit there like a lard ass. that actually pisses me off.

I just wanted to take the time to say that some of these women do have a point, there are some quite pathetic excuses for men out there. that **** would not be tolerated in my family. my father gets up at 2am goes to work then goes to his janatoral business, my dad makes more than enough money from the janatorial business alone but believes in hard work and has 2 basially full time jobs, he will be 50 in October and his house, a 150kish house is paid in full. two 40 year old people, should not be sitting at home without food in the pantry and you sitting on your ass.
Backbreaker, the issue at hand is, when a guy is pathetic, he gets called out on it, by girls, and by guys

When a girl is *pathetic* - her *pathetic* behavior is glorified and encouraged by society

Anyways, the bottom line is this, I am not definitely not going to go easy on pathetic girls and I will call them out on it too, no mercy


Senior Don Juan
Sep 1, 2008
Reaction score
synergy1 said:
A good look at the other side of this issue that most forum members would rather not admit exists. Weak/pathetic men are just as much of a drain on society as are needy useless women. I think your question is how did this guy get to where he was and why does he continue to maintain such a ****ty life style? its a tough one to address, but part of it is their drive obviously, and the other part is how they were raised. I find the biggest slackers are the ones with hard working well to do parents who gave their kids everything they didn't have. They literally don't need to work...
It's an interesting discussion, how the influences in one's formative years make a man into what he is. I have had the most ass backwards upbringing. I have had everything material, but no father figure and no guidance. I am in a way jealous of people like backbreaker who probably had a good role model of hard work/discipline, or were otherwise compelled by circumstances to get their s*** together.

I inherited some money from my parents, so I haven't had that impetus on me to go out and make money. In fact in my 20s I was interested in everything but traditional success. That seemed boring and played out to me. I lived in India for 6 years. I did nothing for awhile and tried to make it as a musician.

Now that I'm into my 30s, the only thing I care about is material success. No doubt having those experiences (spiritual and also being at the bottom society) has given me a good perspective, and I appreciate every little thing. A $10/hour office job that some college kids would scoff at would be like worshipful to me. But the point is, I'm doing NOW what I should have been doing when I was 21. And I'm around kids who are at that age and have the same level of success as me. Same thing with weightlifting. I could have done a lot more if I had someone to explain to me how the world really works, and what is required to be successful, and what happens if you're not.

So, in a way it is a minus, not to have that example of a hardworking role model, or to be in circumstances that don't force you towards material success. I am grateful to this forum because it helped me to figure out the missing piece, that "material" s*** like working out and getting ahead is important. And now I'm pretty much on track to where I want to be, so I won't have to be frustrated with women like a George Sodini and go frickin psycho lol.

Da Realist

Master Don Juan
Sep 1, 2005
Reaction score
Memphis, TN
Ease said:
The man is a loser, but he's not a beta.
Nope, the guy's a beta. An alpha reaps the big rewards, but it's because of the fact that he'll do the most to take care of the group. This guy's wife could do better without him.