Was I downgraded?


Don Juan
Dec 6, 2009
Reaction score
I think I been downgraded or the girl is playing hard to get or maybe is just plain busy. Some women I know work in banking, lawyers other professions etc where they work long hours during the week.

I tried to set up a date with this woman who I met last week who technically asked me out. I called her Monday no answer, she texts me the next morning saying sorry asking how my weekend was. I text her back at lunch saying i had a great weekend and that we should meet up sometime this week. I offer that i can take her out that night or thursday but i was busy tonight and friday.

I get a response just before 7pm saying that 'hey. cant do this week so perhaps next is best? i have a few presentations coming up so its all a bit crazy. talk next week.'

see now normally i'd think nothing of it but given it's valentines on sunday this tells me I may have been downgraded to back up if her valentines date doesn't go well (assuming she has one) does this sound like that?

I also didn't reply till today cos i was out at the time and I forgot about the message till this morning but i decided to send it just after lunch. i just said 'hey. sorry didnt get back to you yesterday i was out. yeah cool, get in touch next week.'

i waited a little bit longer than normal to reply because i was wary about being too keen plus maybe create some anxiety on her part to why i hadn't replied.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
Reaction score
New Jersey
Stop over-analyzing.
Don't text her anymore until next week, and then next week, CALL HER. If she doesn't pick up the phone or doesn't call you back shortly after, forget it. She'll keep the texting game going on and keep you hanging around and orbiting to pinch-hit. Is this what you want?

Spin them plates.

And don't worry about Valentine's Day. And don't let yourself be downgraded. YOU do the downgrading, not her.


Don Juan
Dec 6, 2009
Reaction score
Kailex said:
Stop over-analyzing.
Don't text her anymore until next week, and then next week, CALL HER. If she doesn't pick up the phone or doesn't call you back shortly after, forget it. She'll keep the texting game going on and keep you hanging around and orbiting to pinch-hit. Is this what you want?

Spin them plates.

And don't worry about Valentine's Day. And don't let yourself be downgraded. YOU do the downgrading, not her.
The thing is there isn't really any texting game, there's only been 2-3 all related to meeting up. i dont get into conversation with them.

the women i've arranged dates this week all want to do it by text, maybe it's cos they're cheap i dont know.

this particular one asked me out so maybe is testing me to see if i am genuinely interested in her though because valentines is sunday i'm reading it differently from a normal week.