Want sex more than once a week


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
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Just got engaged 2 weeks ago and everything was good. We did it the night i proposed and the next day and now its been about 12 days and we havent done it since. It's always something, she's tired and needs a nap in the afternoon or we get home on a sat night and she goes straight to bed even if its early, or she has to do her hair or put on makeup or she wont take her eyes off her laptop. How do i let her know this is unaccepatable.

I was thinking of either just exaggeratedly tryin to have sex every time i see her until she gets the drift and we do it 2-3 times a week (which is all im asking). Right now i only try about two or three times a week and i get some once. She never initiates and i hate being rejected when i ask so i limit it to 2 or 3. Maybe now ill just be super agressive and try 5-6 times a week and just act like there is no yes or no for her, girls like a guy taking charge in bed anyway right? basically im the guy and i wanna do it, i gave u a ring so that comes with the territory. So if i try 5 times and get it 2 or 3 then ill be happy. I just wanna make her understand that i wont put up with less than 2. The mistake i made was not nipping it in the bud early in the relationship. When we lived wioth our folks it was impposibel to do it more than once a week cuz our paretns were always home and we live far away and my work shedule was tough. But now weve lived together over a year and theres no excuse. I never made her unsterstanmd that im not ok with it. I hope its not too late.

My other idea was to just flat out say soemthing like this: Listen im a young guy in my 20's and im supposed to want to have sex with more girlfriend more than once a week. We never ever do it more than once a week and i dont think thats right. Why r u marrying soemone u dont want to sleep with?

Which idea is better? Ive had big arguments over this with her twice in the last 2 years and each time she starts cryign and denies it and says that we do do it a few times a week. She basically makes stuff up in her head which is really weird cuz we never do it more than once ever. Either that or she blames it on her period or something and i have to tell her im not talking about 4 days outta the month what about the other 26 days? I mean all i ask is twice a week maybe 3 once i a while buit twice would be fine. Its never twice and i feel like shes doing me some kind of favor doing it the one time a week. Its not supposed to be like that before ur marrie dwith kids am i right? Aside from the fact that im a yound man with needs, it also makes me feel like she doesnt want me and im basically just the guy whos allowing her to get to wear her white dres sand have her big day. Its just unbelievable, once we have kids in a few years the party is over, we wont ever do it. Ill be in my early to mid 30's and will basically never use my penis again.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 31, 2005
Reaction score
Why did you propose if this was happening? She'll never change. Accept it or move on.


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
Reaction score
SamMalone said:
Why did you propose if this was happening? She'll never change. Accept it or move on.

Cuz ive noticed shes very moldable with other thigns. Whenever im stubborn and act cold about soemthign im mad about, she gets scared and doesnt do it again. But with this sex thing i never have come up with the right formula for changing it. I really beleive the answer is there soemwhere and i just havent figured it out. I love her alot so i dont wanna leave her.


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
Reaction score
SamMalone said:
Why did you propose if this was happening? She'll never change. Accept it or move on.

Cuz ive noticed shes very moldable with other thigns. Whenever im stubborn and act cold about soemthign im mad about, she gets scared and doesnt do it again. But with this sex thing i never have come up with the right formula for changing it. I really beleive the answer is there soemwhere and i just havent figured it out. I love her alot so i dont wanna leave her.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2009
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DJinTraining06 said:
Cuz ive noticed shes very moldable with other thigns. Whenever im stubborn and act cold about soemthign im mad about, she gets scared and doesnt do it again. But with this sex thing i never have come up with the right formula for changing it. I really beleive the answer is there soemwhere and i just havent figured it out. I love her alot so i dont wanna leave her.
Are you really too stupid to be able to put 2 and 2 together? How about using your stubborn and cold act on her for not sexing you up enough? Really now, you should have figured that out yourself. If your girl is not giving you sex, then you have to move on, it can only get worse if you don't make efforts to change it. Threaten to break off the whole engagement if she doesn't fix her ways, aka spending more time sucking your d1ck than on the laptop.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
Brother, no one here is going to free you from your own prison. In fact, you have the key to your own jail cell; you've had it since the first time you started this exact same thread topic.


You're a tragedy. You've been a tragedy since 2006. How many different people do you need to tell you in how many different ways - DUMP THAT B!TCH?

Your thread history is a glaring crucifixion; a testament and deathly serious warning for any guy in the same position or moving in the same direction. See that guy hanging from the tree my sons? That's DJINTRAINING06, don't do as he's done or you'll suffer the same fate. You've been trapped in quicksand for so long you think it's normal. You love your own misery, and protest as much as you will, you're comforted in it.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 10, 2009
Reaction score
It's all right........ if u have a good time!
In all my years posting on different forums, I don't think I've ever agreed with a post as much as I do the post above me

I have read nomarriage.com a few times over now... but this thread really hammered that point home! DJinTraining06, why are you engaged to this woman, when there are 3 billion in the world??


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
Dont worry, valentine's day is coming... pray that you get some from your fiancee.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
Reaction score
amoka said:
Dont worry, valentine's day is coming... pray that you get some from your fiancee.
He should be praying that someone ELSE doesn't get some from his fiancee on valentines day. Bet you she got a new supply of KY Jelly just for that special occasion.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2009
Reaction score
amoka said:
Dont worry, valentine's day is coming... pray that you get some from your fiancee.


Don Juan
Apr 27, 2007
Reaction score
Also man....im pretty sure your fiance is fvcking other dude's on the side, maybe not now but sooner or later..you obviously arent cuttin it for her in the sex area of your relationship or else she'd want your **** all the time, your her fvcking fiancee this shiits supposed to happen like years into marriage.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
Geez guys,

I realize that the OP has probably burned some bridges in previous posts but he's just asking a question here. Maybe if he could find a way to get his girl more interested in sex then he'd be a happy camper.

Not everyone agrees with marriage, etc but if he's happy where he's at then so be it. He just wants some help with his relationship. Not really fair to blast the guy for getting married.


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
Reaction score
Slickster said:
Geez guys,

I realize that the OP has probably burned some bridges in previous posts but he's just asking a question here. Maybe if he could find a way to get his girl more interested in sex then he'd be a happy camper.

Not everyone agrees with marriage, etc but if he's happy where he's at then so be it. He just wants some help with his relationship. Not really fair to blast the guy for getting married.

Thank you, i find it hard to believe that nobody can understand wanting to marry a woman cuz u love her but at the same time being upset that she doesnt wanna do it as much as me, and askign a godamm question as to why this may b the case. She cried when i propsed she is obviosuly very happy so its obviuosly not that she dont love me.


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
Reaction score
if she doesn't want to have sex with you that's a major problem.

she could have cried for many reasons...happiness doesn't have to be the only one. She could have cried because she knows how bad she is(fat, not attractive, etc.) and she probably won't get anyone better than you at her current level. If she's thinking this way everything kind of makes sense.

not saying she doesn't love you, she may love you but may not want to necessarily be with you forever but at the same time she understands she's not in the best position to be arguing. Instead she holds her feelings inside and refuses sex because she's unhappy.


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
Reaction score
AAAgent said:
if she doesn't want to have sex with you that's a major problem.

she could have cried for many reasons...happiness doesn't have to be the only one. She could have cried because she knows how bad she is(fat, not attractive, etc.) and she probably won't get anyone better than you at her current level. If she's thinking this way everything kind of makes sense.

not saying she doesn't love you, she may love you but may not want to necessarily be with you forever but at the same time she understands she's not in the best position to be arguing. Instead she holds her feelings inside and refuses sex because she's unhappy.
They were tears of happiness trust me im not retarted i know the difference between cries of sadness and happiness. She slept with me that night and the night after. Its just normal everyday times that she doesnt wanna do it often and wheneve ri bring it up she gets defesnive and turns it on me and says that its a 2 way street and she doesnt see me tryign to have more sex. Meanwhile its not true at all cuz i always try and am, the only one who tries and she rejects me all the time. She says she never rejects me. im just tryint to figure otu wat this odd mind gamne means. She knows thats not true and obviously i know thats not true so why does she say that same thig everytime i brign it up. Well i only brought it up 3 times in 3 yrs cuz she starts cryign and getting furious and saying all that


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
Another piece of advice I can give you is that talking about the sex that you are not having is a big turn off.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
Seriously, anyone with any remaining interest in this guy really needs to do a threads started search for DJINTRAING06.

I've never seen a more doomed individual in all my years on SoSuave.

This guy is a perma-troll.