Walking, standing, interacting in public settings


Don Juan
Feb 22, 2009
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Hey guys, so last night I was at dinner at this place downtown, basically a big patio area with a bunch of restaurants and live music. There was a decent sized crowd with a lot of people lining the sidewalks, sitting, and some people dancing.

This is something that has always kind of bothered me but I really noticed it last night. When I am walking by myself in an open space with people around me, i become hyper-sensitive to my facial expression and the way I walk. I feel awkward for some reason. If I'm walking/talking with others its not a big deal but when I am alone I guess I just assume everyone is watching me. I feel like my face looks too stern or something and I become focused on trying to look confident and "happy" without walking around and grinning like an idiot. Doesn't really happen as much when I'm walking through the mall or whatever, but when I feel like I stand out and I'm highly visible I feel like this.

I also focus way too much on how I stand and what I do with my hands when I am interacting with people in public. Its easier and more natural when I have a drink in my hand but when both hands are free I feel awkward.

Any tips on how to alleviate this issue? I am a good-looking guy and I'm in good shape but I feel like sometimes I don't carry myself in a confident manner. Thanks in advance

edit: oh and also just in case anyone read my post from about a month ago (*****ing about some girl who kicked me to the curb) I am doing a whoooole lot better. nothing like getting wrecked by some broad to give you the jumpstart you need sometimes.


Don Juan
Jun 14, 2013
Reaction score
You should stop giving a fvck of what people around you think and i'm sure you'll stop feeling awkward.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 4, 2013
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usscrum said:
When I am walking by myself in an open space with people around me, i become hyper-sensitive to my facial expression and the way I walk. I feel awkward for some reason. If I'm walking/talking with others its not a big deal but when I am alone I guess I just assume everyone is watching me. I feel like my face looks too stern or something and I become focused on trying to look confident and "happy" without walking around and grinning like an idiot.
I do this as well sometimes. Your muscles start to tighten up which makes body movements and your walk seem unnatural. What happens is people speed up there walk to compensate and/or get out of the situation. While a confident man would have a slow and relaxed pace.

And yes, not giving a fvck would be one solution. But, that's not always so easy. I read on a previous thread how someone would teach people how to compensate for this. Try imagining you just accomplished something: you just got a promotion, you just got laid. Something that will brighten up your face, and make you puff out your chest a little.


Jun 16, 2013
Reaction score
Arthy said:
You should stop giving a fvck of what people around you think and i'm sure you'll stop feeling awkward.
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