Wake the **** up *******s


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
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Some really good replies in this thread. I'm not gonna post a reply to every single guy in here. There's a distinction between the two people who reply here. Those who agree and give women decent human respect and those who seemed to have been burned and are very defensive. Yeah, and a third group labelling me all sort off **** because they got a smaller **** than me.

You know, I'm AFC, because I respect women, they tell me to STFU because they can't handle the truth. And I'm a clueless newbie who walk around on eggshells and treat women as frail beings who never lie, steal or cheat. For all you guys, get your facts straight! It's the women who walk on eggshells around me.

My point still stands, I've lied, stolen and cheated, and most off us have done some pretty awful stuff in our lives. It's in human nature and we all have the same faults. Women are no worse than us guys. What's the point off being jaded off ******* who are too defensive to experience anything but hate and distrust. Grow up man!
Nov 6, 2003
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Wisconsin. USA
Nov 6, 2003
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Wisconsin. USA
Originally posted by Lifeforce
My point still stands, I've lied, stolen and cheated, and most off us have done some pretty awful stuff in our lives. It's in human nature and we all have the same faults.
It is NOT in our human nature to lie, cheat, or steal - thisi s not "natural"!!! I never lied to a woman or "cheated" on her - your thinking is in error!! Just because YOU THINK she is lying to you doesn't make it right to lie to her and vise versa!! A lie is a lie is a lie!! And it is still wrong!

By the way there is no such thing as "respecting" a woman that opens her legs to anyone except her husband!! Treat her like the hor that she is!!


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2001
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Lifeforce is the only one on this entire board who spells "loser" properly. Disagree with him or not, he's probably smarter than you are.


Don Juan
Jul 18, 2004
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because I respect women
Lifeforce is an idiot who respects women just because they are women. He is a chivalric idiot, and anybody who supports him does not believe in equality. That is because for Lifeforce, Hoes come before Bros.

Lifeforce is the only one on this entire board who spells "loser" properly. Disagree with him or not, he's probably smarter than you are.
See how women will automatically support a supplicator, not necessarily to ****, but as a slave and fighter.

This society is one that sacrifices large numbers of men so that the few that survive can get power. Chivalry is the machinery of this sacrifice. Chivalry is servitude, saying that a Man is WORTHLESS if he has not better, a better decided entirely on gender.

Chivalry says that a man is WORTHLESS if he does not constantly serve women, or even be willing to sacrifice his life for them.

Which is stupid because most women do not deserve such treatment, and STUPIDER because most men do not know the women they are serving and sacrificing for that well.


Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
Chilvary isn't dead...But that also doesn't mean it should be done 24/7. Guys should hold a door for females...But females should also hold a door for guys. So it takes an extra 2 seconds to do something...

Don't overdo things. I don't open up my gf's door when she gets into my car all the time, only on special occasions. Other times, she opens it herself. Hell, she even opens mine a few times.

Girls who go against guys are "femenists," and I think guys who go against girls are "misogynists." Or, in techincal terms:

- Lebsians
- Virgins

Learn to do things right and you'll get more females. If you want to continue to whine about females...Have fun with your hand.


Don Juan
Jul 18, 2004
Reaction score
What men have to realise is that in all endeavours, actions count more than talk. So why is it that people hammer the idea into men that if they complain about XXX, they will get no *****???

It's called psychological castration. It's called stopping men from speaking about whatever pain or injustice they are feeling.

In today's world, no pacifist is constantly reminded that he is dog food if he doesn't defend himself from predators.

Speak up effectively. **** keeping your mouth shut. Learn to convincingly say why you are pissed, and back it up with action and resolve.

THEN people will respect you.

And as for chivalry going both ways, chivalry goes deeper than holding doors open or paying for dates.

Chivalry is men being drafted into wars they had no part in starting, fulfilling the genetic destiny of being expendable, while women are never drafted for reproduction if birthrates should ever fall. In today's age, only ONE gender has to live up to such extreme gender roles.

Chivalry is the guise of "protecting" women from other men in order to gain power and benefit.

If you truly count the ways in which women want to be equal to men, or even the equality that men are willing to give to women, you will find that the list of mutual chivalry will stop at holding doors open and paying for dates.


Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Sardaukar
What men have to realise is that in all endeavours, actions count more than talk. So why is it that people hammer the idea into men that if they complain about XXX, they will get no *****???

It's called psychological castration. It's called stopping men from speaking about whatever pain or injustice they are feeling.

In today's world, no pacifist is constantly reminded that he is dog food if he doesn't defend himself from predators.

Speak up effectively. **** keeping your mouth shut. Learn to convincingly say why you are pissed, and back it up with action and resolve.

THEN people will respect you.

And as for chivalry going both ways, chivalry goes deeper than holding doors open or paying for dates.

Chivalry is men being drafted into wars they had no part in starting, fulfilling the genetic destiny of being expendable, while women are never drafted for reproduction if birthrates should ever fall. In today's age, only ONE gender has to live up to such extreme gender roles.

Chivalry is the guise of "protecting" women from other men in order to gain power and benefit.

If you truly count the ways in which women want to be equal to men, or even the equality that men are willing to give to women, you will find that the list of mutual chivalry will stop at holding doors open and paying for dates.
What "guise?" Now I'm not saving guys should be "Captain Save-A-Hoe," but if you have a gf/fiance/wife, you SHOULD help protect her. Would you let her get mugged and just stand there and watch?

Mutual chivarly doesn't end at holding doors or paying for dates...Girls now drive to see guys. Girls now call guys.

Dude, learn about the world, learn how people live and act, and THEN make a general assumption.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2004
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Theres a difference between chivalry and just respect. I guess I do respect most women simply for being humans, but I dont respect them as much as I respect most other men because I simply se no reason to. There are women which I do greatly respect, but that percentile is greatly smaller than that of the men which I respect.

Keasbey Nights

Don Juan
Sep 30, 2004
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Riding the tail of the third wave
If the girl deserves my respect she will get it. If shes a fool, i will treat her like a fool. Same as with males. If you deserve respect, you will have it.


Don Juan
Jul 18, 2004
Reaction score
What "guise?" Now I'm not saving guys should be "Captain Save-A-Hoe," but if you have a gf/fiance/wife, you SHOULD help protect her. Would you let her get mugged and just stand there and watch?
And you need to open your eyes before spouting Kum Ba Yah!

Chivalry is more than simple courtesy, no matter how hard you may protest.

As I said, look beyond the surface. Which gender still bears the burden of facing the draft and being the first and last line of defence for his family?

Despite the dangers that women can face, why are they not flocking to martial arts and weapons classes, instead entirely relying on male family members, soldiers, and police, most of whom are men?


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
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Lifeforce is an idiot who respects women just because they are women. He is a chivalric idiot, and anybody who supports him does not believe in equality. That is because for Lifeforce, Hoes come before Bros.
Hahaha... sorry man, you're hilarious. I respect women because they are human, as well as men, because they are human.

See how women will automatically support a supplicator, not necessarily to ****, but as a slave and fighter.[/I]
I'm not a supplicator man, get it straight. And I'm not promoting chivalry, I just say give people the respect they deserve. Hating people because they have a certain gender, skin color or religious belief is pretty retarded.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 21, 2004
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I don't have the time to read through all this BS so i'll just tell ya how I treat women (and men).... if you like it or not makes no difference to me:

As soon as I meet anyone, man or woman, I treat them with a certain amount of respect that they deserve as human beings (NOTE: i do NOT put them on some pedestal either). After that, by their actions they can either earn more respect, lose my respect or have it stay the same.... that is up to them.

I am DOMINATING with EVERYONE. Now the problem I see is that you might have your terminology a little screwed up like a lot of people... dominating sounds like a pretty bad thing to be doing right? Dominating means that NOBODY/NOTHING has any effect on my emotions (mentally, psychologically etc.) except for ME. It does not mean that I control other people, it means I am in control of MYSELF.

As far as women being cold, controlling or whatever else you said... damn right! Again the words sound bad but it's what we do, anything in life whether it's the dating game or business is a giant power struggle. Controlling doesn't mean handcuffs, it just means even the best of us tend try to "test" people or use such tactics, it's the way we are.

So do I treat women with respect? Of course.... but I'm a man,she's a woman and through instinct we both want the same thing from each other. A woman craves a fun, ****y, dominating (NOT disrespectful!) guy... that's who I am, because I'm a male.


Don Juan
Jul 18, 2004
Reaction score

Lifeforce, you can keep chuckling if you think that'll help you squirm out of the chair.

You know that these forums are POPULATED with people who have been BURNED with no other place to voice their pain and get feedback. You come in with a Holier Than Thou Art thread designed solely to start a flame war, not debate. Now you want to act like you are the paragon of self-control and wisdom after getting ruffled and starting a dumb thread over matters any true DJ would not be bothered about? You really saying you are more BALANCED than those loons that cry Hos and *****es?? Who's buying that?


Women should be treated only with the respect and courtesy you treat other men. People who are close to you should be given the courtesy and treatment that they need and deserve. There is no need to be the saviour of wronged women everywhere. They have enough protectors. In fact I contend that it is the men who you should speak up for, and allow to speak for themselves. WE HAVE SO FEW AVENUES, we are being psychologically castrated with the STUPID idea that complaining is a sign of the most pathetic weakness. IT IS WE WHO ARE BEING SILENCED AND SMOTHERED.


Chivalry can go F UKK itself!


Look at all those ****ING STOOGES making excuses for women who made a choice. They should be exterminated.


TWO YEARS for RIPPING OFF A TESTICLE???? How many years would a man get if he bit off a nipple or intentionally tore a vagina?? What just treatment would he get???

Rather than make remarks that guys who are angry over these are ****ed up, maybe it is time you consider that it is society's attitudes that are ****ed up.

I will not live my life as a second class citizen, nor will I allow my children or anybody else I care for believe that it is their lot in life.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
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At home
Actually, one cannot wake up if one is allready awake. Unless..... this isn't reality, maybe it's just a dream....




:( !


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
Re: Stooge

Originally posted by Sardaukar
Lifeforce, you can keep chuckling if you think that'll help you squirm out of the chair.

You know that these forums are POPULATED with people who have been BURNED with no other place to voice their pain and get feedback. You come in with a Holier Than Thou Art thread designed solely to start a flame war, not debate. Now you want to act like you are the paragon of self-control and wisdom after getting ruffled and starting a dumb thread over matters any true DJ would not be bothered about? You really saying you are more BALANCED than those loons that cry Hos and *****es?? Who's buying that?


Women should be treated only with the respect and courtesy you treat other men. People who are close to you should be given the courtesy and treatment that they need and deserve. There is no need to be the saviour of wronged women everywhere. They have enough protectors. In fact I contend that it is the men who you should speak up for, and allow to speak for themselves. WE HAVE SO FEW AVENUES, we are being psychologically castrated with the STUPID idea that complaining is a sign of the most pathetic weakness. IT IS WE WHO ARE BEING SILENCED AND SMOTHERED.


Chivalry can go F UKK itself!


Look at all those ****ING STOOGES making excuses for women who made a choice. They should be exterminated.


TWO YEARS for RIPPING OFF A TESTICLE???? How many years would a man get if he bit off a nipple or intentionally tore a vagina?? What just treatment would he get???

Rather than make remarks that guys who are angry over these are ****ed up, maybe it is time you consider that it is society's attitudes that are ****ed up.

I will not live my life as a second class citizen, nor will I allow my children or anybody else I care for believe that it is their lot in life.
If you actually read my replies I don't suggest you go sucking up to women. This post was aimed for those people who walk around treating women like ****. And no, being treated bad does not give you the right to **** up the life off others. Tell me, when you meet a bitter woman who treat people bad, how do you judge that person? Do you think that person is happy? Put the pain behind you and move on.

I piss people off because that's how people learn, they disagree they ***** about it but at some point they start to think about it. And trust me, you can probably throw a dart out the window and hit a person more holy than me.

As for the mannazi stuff, I'm sure it's just your period.