V's Health and Fitness journal.

Violent V

Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score
Hi guys,

I have looked through some of the required readings QuickSilver and co have set out, and look forward to reporting my progress.

I am 5ft 10, and currently weigh 13.7 STone if i am completely empty. I carry a lot of fat on my hips and thighs. My stomach carries fat but not as bad as it could be. I would post a picture, but i don't know where i can upload one apart from facebook, which isn't exactly discreet.

I am actually a very active person, but I can't seem to shift this fat off. I have been consistently trying to lose weight for the last 10 years, but have really taken it seriously ths last year after reading www.theloseweightdiet.com. I was 15 stone, and have dropped down to 13.7-14, from which i can't shift.

My gym work, usually 3 times a week, is an hour's jog on the treadmill, some weights on all muscles upper torso using the machines rather than free weights, and 15 minutes swimming. If i am not in the gym, i am probably playing football. I also cycle a lot.

My problem has always been my diet. Living with a mother who continues to serve me with the wrong stuff consistently doesn't help. I have been trying to implement fruit for breakfast, salad/vegetable for lunch, and meat and rice/potatoes/bread for dinner. My only drink is WATER.

This diet is mainly to lower my calorie intake. However its one thing planning this, and another actually doing it. I hope by keeping a journal here, i am more motivated to make the changes i have been trying for far too long. Once i am lean and fit, i want to start bulking up a bit.

Of course i understand this is no short term thing, and i am actually looking at achieving my goal in the space of two years. The key is of course consistency. The plan starts today.

If my cutting plan or diet stinks, please feel free to advise.

Some points i didn't know that I picked up from DIESEL:

3. Cardio is overrated.

The only use for cardio for cutting purposes is to insure a negative calorie balance. However, too much cardio eats up all your muscle.

4. NEVER GO BELOW 1600 calories.

That's what cardio is for. Start at your baseline, then progressive cut 200 calories each week til you hit somewhere close to 1600. Once in that 1600 range you start to add cardio.

5. Long, steady-state cardio is bullshyt.

No cardio session should last more than 20 minutes. High intensity cardio of at least 10 but not more than 20 minutes is the key. (by intense I mean, wind sprint level effort). Start at 2 - 3 sessions per week, and continue to add as needed.

6. Low-carb diets are bullshyt, unless you are on the juice (specifically the cutting drugs) .


I.E. CONTINUE TO LIFT HEAVY, this stimulation will keep the muscles overloaded and will retain as much mass as possible while the negative calorie balance takes off the fat. Also, it will keep the muscles hard and full..

11. higher reps while cutting is absolute garbage.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score
Violent V said:
Hi guys,

I have looked through some of the required readings QuickSilver and co have set out, and look forward to reporting my progress.

I am 5ft 10, and currently weigh 13.7 STone if i am completely empty. I carry a lot of fat on my hips and thighs. My stomach carries fat but not as bad as it could be. I would post a picture, but i don't know where i can upload one apart from facebook, which isn't exactly discreet.

I am actually a very active person, but I can't seem to shift this fat off. I have been consistently trying to lose weight for the last 10 years, but have really taken it seriously ths last year after reading www.theloseweightdiet.com. I was 15 stone, and have dropped down to 13.7-14, from which i can't shift.

My gym work, usually 3 times a week, is an hour's jog on the treadmill, some weights on all muscles upper torso using the machines rather than free weights, and 15 minutes swimming. If i am not in the gym, i am probably playing football. I also cycle a lot.

My problem has always been my diet. Living with a mother who continues to serve me with the wrong stuff consistently doesn't help. I have been trying to implement fruit for breakfast, salad/vegetable for lunch, and meat and rice/potatoes/bread for dinner. My only drink is WATER.

This diet is mainly to lower my calorie intake. However its one thing planning this, and another actually doing it. I hope by keeping a journal here, i am more motivated to make the changes i have been trying for far too long. Once i am lean and fit, i want to start bulking up a bit.

Of course i understand this is no short term thing, and i am actually looking at achieving my goal in the space of two years. The key is of course consistency. The plan starts today.

If my cutting plan or diet stinks, please feel free to advise.

Some points i didn't know that I picked up from DIESEL:
Please tell me that fruit is not all you are eating for breakfast? And only vegetables for lunch? I hope for your sake it is not.

Jogging on a treadmill isn't great for cardio because the tracks come towards you. Change machine, or put the treadmill on an incline if you can. Free weights are superior to machines by a long shot, so use them if you can. If you do, look at "Where to Start" by Effort in the vault.

"Simple starting Diet" also by Effort, and this by WBA are also threads that you should read:


Your diet should consist mainly of protein and fat, and be low in carbs with periodic carb ups.

Give some more info on the diet and whether you can do free weights, and we will try to help you onto the right tracks.


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
Since I'm ectomorph and prone to not store that much fat I'm not good at giving advice about cutting or making a diet. I wanted to stop by to give you a thumbs up for the progress you've had so far and the decision to start a journal here.

Best of luck.

Violent V

Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score
Hi all,

For the past month or so I have been eating 5-8 oranges/bananas in the morning. Occasionally i have a pie or baguette from a bakery shop called 'Gregs'.

I do eat meat for lunch whether it be a burger, fish, today it was roast chicken. What i mean by vegetables/salad is that i try to fill most of my plate with vegs or salad. The meat is more of something on the side in my plate rather than the main meal. I always have soup before my dinner. Today i had mushroom soup.

Snacks are usually a chocolate bar or a bagel. Drinks are a few teas, and 2 litres of water EVERYDAY. I never touch coke or alcohol unless on a night out.

Evenings its pretty much whatever my mum serves. It usually consists of either spaghetti bolognese or Chicken curry and rice. Its usually not good stuff. Theres always bagels in the fridge which i can't resist either.

The reason i've been on this sort of 'diet' is simply down to calorie reduction. I hit a point where i wasn't losing weight anymore, so i brought down my breakfast/lunch calorie intake to just fruit and salad/vegs.

Today was like an average sort of day for me. I ate 8 clementines in the morning, tea with brown sugar, roast chicken with roast potatoes and red cabbage, tea with brown sugar, hot chocolate and chocolate bar, 2 litres of water, and for dinner i just had a cheese salad baguette.

At the gym i ran/jogged incline on the treadmill for about 40 minutes- although i usually do an hour. I also do/did 15 mins of swimming. Inbetween these i hit the weights. Today i did half free, half machine. My main problem with free weights is that i am not certain of the different techniques for different mucles, and whether i am doing them correctly. If i did, i would be hitting the free weights all the time.

My main goal is to lose weight/this fat i am carrying on my hips, stomach and thighs. Theres also a bit on my pecks and arms. I have a picture, but don't know where to upload so that i can show everyone here. If you can gain muscle while losing weight then great! Please feel free to advise me how to do it since i have been lead to believe the opposite.

Take care peeps!


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score
Ok here are good free weight workouts for beginners:


Look here for how to do the most important lifts, this should get you started:


(Click on power lifts if it doesn't take you directly).

Here is a rough diet guide:


You should be trying to get in four meals minimum a day. Try to get 1.5g of protein per pound of bodyweight, but at least get in 1g per pound of bw. So you are roughly 190lbs so that is 190-285g of protein.

Before I go any further let me ask you. Are you under the impression that fat is the "enemy" in weight loss and being healthy?

Oh and from the moment you read this, no more chocolate, pies, white bread, and general s***. Try not to have sugar in your tea, or start cutting down.


Don Juan
Jul 18, 2004
Reaction score
Violent V said:
Hi all,

For the past month or so I have been eating 5-8 oranges/bananas in the morning. Occasionally i have a pie or baguette from a bakery shop called 'Gregs'.

I do eat meat for lunch whether it be a burger, fish, today it was roast chicken. What i mean by vegetables/salad is that i try to fill most of my plate with vegs or salad. The meat is more of something on the side in my plate rather than the main meal. I always have soup before my dinner. Today i had mushroom soup.

Snacks are usually a chocolate bar or a bagel. Drinks are a few teas, and 2 litres of water EVERYDAY. I never touch coke or alcohol unless on a night out.

Evenings its pretty much whatever my mum serves. It usually consists of either spaghetti bolognese or Chicken curry and rice. Its usually not good stuff. Theres always bagels in the fridge which i can't resist either.

The reason i've been on this sort of 'diet' is simply down to calorie reduction. I hit a point where i wasn't losing weight anymore, so i brought down my breakfast/lunch calorie intake to just fruit and salad/vegs.

Today was like an average sort of day for me. I ate 8 clementines in the morning, tea with brown sugar, roast chicken with roast potatoes and red cabbage, tea with brown sugar, hot chocolate and chocolate bar, 2 litres of water, and for dinner i just had a cheese salad baguette.

At the gym i ran/jogged incline on the treadmill for about 40 minutes- although i usually do an hour. I also do/did 15 mins of swimming. Inbetween these i hit the weights. Today i did half free, half machine. My main problem with free weights is that i am not certain of the different techniques for different mucles, and whether i am doing them correctly. If i did, i would be hitting the free weights all the time.

My main goal is to lose weight/this fat i am carrying on my hips, stomach and thighs. Theres also a bit on my pecks and arms. I have a picture, but don't know where to upload so that i can show everyone here. If you can gain muscle while losing weight then great! Please feel free to advise me how to do it since i have been lead to believe the opposite.

Take care peeps!
Unfortunately, stomach is the last to go on some people. There's no way to spot-reduce fat on a diet. It is possible to gain muscle and lose fat, like Quagmire said. Ensure that you get your protein from sources of lean ground beef, eggs, chicken, etc. Carbs should come from non-starchy sources, like veggies/fruits. Also don't neglect your healthy fats, such as almonds, cashews, etc.

Violent V

Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score
Hi all,

No more pies chocolate suger white bread etc from now on. The change starts today.

Quagmire, I am a pretty fit person and exercise more than most of my friends who look way fitter than me. I have two goals: to get my fitness up so as to get back into the football first team and also be ready for the London Marathon next year, and to get my body looking better and leaner i.e. reducing the fat and building the muscle.

I see one's body as a reflection/output of their diet and exercising/input. I am looking to significantly increase my exercising for the next two months whilst eating based on a proper diet, and hopefully my body will reflect this changes i've made in a month or two.

Thanks for all the links, I really appreciate it.

I ws recently watching these four videos on youtube. Pretty basic stuff, but great for a beginner like me:


talrock, I have read it before that weight loss is something that happens on the whole body rather than specific parts. Most of the fat seems to have built up on my hips rather than on my stomach though, and its horrible. I loath them because they make me look like a woman! Hopefully the will have significantly melted away in two months time.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score
If you only worked on your biceps, chest, triceps, and shoulders, you would become imbalanced quickly. Since you play football, focusing on your legs, core, and the remainder of your posterior chain would be far more beneficial. Not to say that upper body strength wouldn't come in handy.

If you are going to do free weights one of of the two routines in the thread I posted would be a great start:


You mention running a marathon next year. You should decide what your main goal is. Weight training and gaining muscle, and preparing for a marathon, do not go hand in hand. Yes if you were training for a marathon you would be able to gain some strength and lose fat, but you will not gain any appreciable amount of muscle mass.

Violent V

Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score
day 1

Hey guys.

I was planning to eat some branflakes in the morning but did not have time, and had 5 bananas for breakfast while at work.

Lunch was a Sweet Chilli Chicken and salad brown bap. This chicken was mixed with what seemed like Thai sweet sauce- not sure if its ideal for my diet, but it had plenty of Chicken.

Just got home half an hour ago- 11.30 here, and had some chicken and vegetables that was left in the fridge for me. This was actually fried chicken and chips, but i removed the skin and fatty bits and did not have any chips.

In between this i had roasted chilli cashew nuts. Is that okay? Or should it be just plain cashews with out all the extra flavouring in it?

At the gym i sprinted incline on the treadmill for about 15 mins. I did some good weights workout- 3 sets of
standing bicep curls,
side laterals,
standing one arm front deltoid raise,
seated dumbell tricep extension

my session was cut short by my man asking my to make up the numbers for his team that night. So i went on my way and played 30 mins of intense football.

Quagmire, bulking up/adding muscle is something i will look to do in the future, hopefully in a year or so. My main aim at least for this year is to lose weight and bring up my fitness. To look leaner and slimmer. To last longer on the pitch or in the bed :)yes: ).

I am currently 38 inch waist, and must lose some body fat for my own sake. The weight i carry is excessive and is disabling me from reaching my full potential on the pitch and in terms of confidence.

I will look to spread my weights sessions out during the week. Mondays will be upper, wednesday/thurs will be lower, and fri/sat will be a mixture(?) Not sure on that one yet.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score
Right, if you are more interested in conditioning over the next year with a focus to running that marathon and putting the bulking up on hold, I would recommend that you do two weight sessions a week. That way your Central nervous system will handle the workload better and you will be less likely to overtrain. If so, ask for a routine. If you want to do a three day, use the "Where to Start" thread, or get a simple one for begginers of off Ironaddicts.com.

What is your weekly plan of action for marathon training/getting fit for footie?


Don Juan
Jul 18, 2004
Reaction score
Violent V said:
talrock, I have read it before that weight loss is something that happens on the whole body rather than specific parts. Most of the fat seems to have built up on my hips rather than on my stomach though, and its horrible. I loath them because they make me look like a woman! Hopefully the will have significantly melted away in two months time.
I feel ya there man, as I've been on and off dieting since April. I wish that I could spot reduce fat, lets come up with a pill and sell it :D

Anyway, just keep plugging away at it. Between my diet, cardio and strength training, I am consistently getting leaner which is a good thing. Good luck with your goals.

Violent V

Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score
Hey guys heres some pics:

What i was 9 months ago:


What i was 6 months ago:


I am currently somewhere in between.

I am currently confused over what's more beneficial for me on the treadmill: 15 sprint, or 60 minute jog- both incline. I am guessing the sprint is good for weight loss, the latter good for fitness/stamina? I am kinda aiming to do both.

I play football at least three times a week, and thats not including training and matches for my team. My plan at the moment is to combine these 5 sessions with my five treadmill sessions in the gym. I also cycle about 9 1/2 miles on Sundays.

Today i sprinted inclone for 14 minutes, before hitting the weights and finishing what i started with regards to the shoulders, biceps, triceps and chest yesterday.

I used to be a bit worried of entering the free weights section of my gym, because everyone there is pumped up and big. Plus i was worried they might luagh at me for not using the right techniques.

But i have noticed all the guys are using the sort of free weights techniques I have seen on youtube, and that there really isn't nothing to worry about or be shy about. I am already social with one or two of the guys there now, and hopefully i'll get to know the regulars who i always see there in the near future.

For food i again didn't have time for cereal in the morning and had 5 oranges instead at work. For lunch i had Tomato soup, chicken salad baguette (white unfortunately no brown) and salad. For dinner i had chicken and vegetables, with 3 slices of wholemeal brown weigh****chers bread. Drinks were 3 cups of peppermint tea and of course 2l of water.

2 days i and i already feel great!


Don Juan
Jul 18, 2004
Reaction score
Nice difference in between the two pics. You can notice the slight loss especially around your pecs and love handle area.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2006
Reaction score
Get some more protein into your diet man! 5 oranges will build big muscles not.

Add a dozen whole eggs and another serving of red meat to your daily intake.

Violent V

Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score
Hi all. Just to define my goals again, i am aiming to lose weight for the time being. If i can add some muscle on at the same time, then grrrrrrrreat!

Weds no exercise.

Thursday I played intense football for a good hour and half.

Friday did gym work: usual 15 min incline treadmill sprint followed by weights, a swim and walk home.

Sat no exercise.

Sunday a good 4 hrs of football.

My diet was not perfect from Weds onwards, but changes are definetly being made!

Okay been reading up and some things i am confused about.

This is of course, assuming you’re eating clean: make sure your carbs are all low GI, restrict fruit to berries, grapefruit and other low –GI fruits, don’t overmix carbs and fats in a meal, no dairy, fruit juices or daily junk food, no sugars – common sense stuff here people.
Theres also good fruit and bad fruit? I've been on bananas, oranges and grapes. If i should switch to berries grapes and other low GI fruits can someone please clarify them so i can make the required changes?

Now, if you’ve got more than a few lbs to lose and you want to gain muscle at a reasonable (not rapid) pace then you go for something more middle-of-the-road....

To do this, you have to make sure your daily cardio sessions are at 45 minutes 6 times a week and that your carb cutoff is 6-8 hours before bed, which is about half your daily meals.
This guide is not for athletes, it’s for average guys who want to grow muscle and get a reasonable six-pack. Steady state cardio has all the benefits of high intensity cardio (fat burning, metabolism boost, recovery, nutrient partiotioning) but does not take a toll on your recovery and training weights (plus the likelihood of injury increases). Steady state cardio only enhances muscle growth which leads to more calories burned at rest just by carrying a few more lbs of muscle (which you couldn’t build while ‘dieting’ if you did HIIT but you could with steady state).
Could someone please clarify what i should be doing on the treadmill? I was under the impression "cardio is overrated" and "Long, steady-state cardio is bullshyt". I've been doing 15-20 min intense cardio for the last week; before i started here i was running/jogging an hour on the treadmill.

I am fine tuning my schedule this week. From tuesday onwards i aim to be in the gym 6.30 am doing cardio before heading for work at 7.30am.

Quicksilver, my breakfast from tomorrow will be branflakes cereal before gym, egg, mushrooms and tomatoes before work, and fruit between then and lunch.

I am a determined person and will make the changes and this journal a success. I just need a few guiding hands to point me in the right direction whilst i am starting.

Take care

Violent V

Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score
wk 2

edit: posted twice. Mods please delete this one post!

Violent V

Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score
Goodness me its been a long time since i last posted anywhere.

Last week was a bit of a write off. This week i kick started it again.

Monday went gym and ran for only about 10 mins, For some reason my body was unable to cope for any longer. So i did some more cardio on the bikes etc. I also did some upper body weights. While they were hurting at the time, esterday my muscles weren't hurting at all. This of some concern for me- perhaps i am not doing enough? My mucles are surely not breaking down for recovery.

Yesterday i did same cardio, and worked my leg muscles. Today i did no exercise as i had lessons.

In terms of food, I have been eating muesli and milk for breakfast, fruit, chicken/fish, salad and carbs (be it a bap, potatoes) for lunch, more fruit, chicken/fish and vegs for dinner. I have been unable to completely cut off carbs from dinner as its there and its hard to resist some- nethertheless i am cutting down.

My friend and i were talking about these protien supplements that gyms promote. How would they work and is it beneficial for me while my main goal is to lose weight?

No changes in terms of weight loss on the scales. I actually feel like i am getting fatter. Not to be put down.... consistency, change, desire, action!!!

Warboss Alex

Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
Reaction score
Violent V said:
I have been unable to completely cut off carbs from dinner as its there and its hard to resist some- nethertheless i am cutting down.
No changes in terms of weight loss on the scales. I actually feel like i am getting fatter.
no coincidence.. :D you eat carbs all day and expect to lose weight/lean out? decrease your carbs, replace with green vegetables and add some fat to your diet. whole eggs, olive oil on your veg, some nuts, some red meat won't kill you.

you don't need protein supplements to lose weight, although much of their marketing would have you believe otherwise.. the only supplement you need is fish oil (unless you eat a lot of oily fish every day).

Violent V

Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score

I am making progress with the carbs- the portions are tiny compared to the amount of veg i have on my plate at dinner. Starting today (beginning of a new week) I will try and cut carbs completely from dinner.

Carbs intake will look like this-

Muesli cereal in morning. Maybe an egg sandwich if i have time as well.

I will start having a proper meaty meal for lunch- chicken/steak/fish etc + salad and vegs and maybe a slice of bread or something.

For dinner i will now start cutting carbs out completely.

Its been to hard to force any change regarding gym in the mornings so far. I aim to eventually change this and go to the gym before going to work.

This would have to mean getting up at 6.00am, having my muesli cereal and getting ready, being in the gym at 6.30, cardio until 7.20, and then having a shower, getting changed and at the bus stop by 7.45 to get to work.

It will be a shock change to the system/routine, but I know i will start doing it sometime in the future, and want to start it NOW.

Warboss Alex

Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
Reaction score
no point doing cardio after eating cereal. weights yes, cardio no. you're just gonna burn off the cereal you ate.

do your cardio - you don't need to go to the gym for this, just walk around your neighbourhood - then eat your breakfast.