Urgent advice...


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2013
Reaction score
Hello DJs

That will be my first post so I will also explain my background...

I'm from Turkey, so in our country -which I believe- women in here is a little bit different like "hard to get" in every way...

Anyway I find this forum by a chance that I searched the web about "how to deal with LJBF zone etc." to find a way that the get the problem fixed with woman I liked.

So far in my life I can easily say I don't have a true and real relationship with a woman (I'm 28 and sadly I'm not proud of it). I had some very bad situations every beta went through like "I love you so much" that even I barely know about her, buying gifts, trying to impress women they way that betas thing naturally and got hearthbroken everytime etc...

So there was a girl that I acquiantances since my graduation from university (in that time I graduated and she was in her first term and now she is 24 yrs now). In that time I added her to my facebook. Never initiated a contact with her, just a few likes and comments about the shares that we did.

I am a photographer and in my freetime I usually took photos of people (99% of them girls) that i find attractive or liked to have their photos taken. So I asked her about 1 and half years ago that I would like to take her photos and she says she would be happy to take her photos. In that time I was trying to get another girl's attention so it was not big deal for me in that time. So time passed quickly and about 1 and half month ago one day I just asked over facebook that "I would like to take your photos now!" to her and she replied me again that yes we should do that meeting. So it was just a casual friendly approach. But I also thinking in that time maybe I can be more than friends with her. because I was single and there was no women in my life that I was interested. So we met and I took some of her photos in a friendly manner.

Most of time that we before meet I handled her the details where we met and what we do because I didn't know the neighboorhood that we can easily do things but she. So she has the little bit control of what we do but anyways that was not a true date so I did not gave too much attention.

There was a thing about that girl she is very relaxed and she do whatever she wants. I can easily say that she was too way comfortable than me. So she is a little bit crazy. I can easily talk with her about everything but of course in a friendly manner.

So we arranged a few meetings couple of times again in 2-3 weeks span. I really enjoyed the time I spend with her, also she admitted that she liked to spend time with me. We together took photos around city (Istanbul)...

She is an dancer by the way. She dances really good and sexy. One day she invited me to dance party in a pub and I accepted. In the meantime I was planning to explain my feelings to her (bad move I know, I wish I discovered that forum earlier!). So I bought a cheap but funny ring (she loves to wear multiple rings).

We went party together, everything was perfect, I was enjoying, took some great photos, meeting new people, I just very relex that I even not bothered that she was dancing with other males (I dont know how to dance so I wont bother myself). Anyway she approached me to talk with me and we were discussing about the usual things like relationships with friends, about her problems with life etc. and I was in a position that I was giving advices to how to handle things... So there was a moment that we went outside and we talked a little bit about her's problems. So in that time I thought it was a perfect time that to explain my intentions about her (bad move I suppose). She wants go get inside because it was cold outside but I interrupted and said "Just hold on, I have a something that I need to explain". So I told her give me your hand and I hold her hand and got the ring out of my pocket and said "I think that might be the shock to you but I had to say that I started to like you and I have a small present for you"... bla bla bla etc...

At first she looked shocked and unexpected. She just surprized and smiled like an shy girl to my face that she never expected the thing something like that from me and she just dont know what to say. I keep myself cool and relaxed and she looked so nerveous and shy. Anyway I keep talking and tried to explained etc. After that I let her talked and she said to me that she had a relationship with a man that she broke up and that man was with another girl but he might be broke with her and she was just waiting for settling the situations bla bla. I just kept my cooliness and told her Past is just past so don't wait a person that you can't never be together etc... Anyway I was just trying to get the answer right away but she jsut shocked and don't want to gave me answer. Then I let her to take time to give me an answer. After that we returned to party just as we left... A few hours later we left together, I picked her to her house, try to kiss her from his cheek by a "lovely manner" but that was a total failure. So I went my home and slept.

The following days she went just flaking girl. Whenever I try to initiate to contact with her she just doen't answer or answer my calls or messages a few hours and dates later. So I went mad and started to search on web to handle this situation. I learned NC method and since 2-3 weeks I'm applying it. So far its promising that she started to realized my absence that she started likes my facebook photos since 10 days that she never likes before, called me once to know how I am doing and got to know that if I m interested about get some dancing lessons etc. I just stayed cool and let her know that I m busy right that time but let her to talk that later.

I also started to know how to be alpha male. So that forum is is a bible for me since 3 weeks.

Anyway I still don't know if its worth to try a little bit harder with that girl. In the same time I just met 2 new girls that I would like to meet and also tries to arrange a meeting with them. Both of them really interested because of I'm a good photographer and theyu like my photos. So 3 girls, one of them knows that I'm liked her, 2 of them is new and I'm in the middle of everything :) I still want to go after 1st girl...

Any suggestions?


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2013
Reaction score
astrn said:
she said to me that she had a relationship with a man that she broke up and that man was with another girl but he might be broke with her and she was just waiting for settling the situations bla bla.
She not interested.

Forget about her.

Lotus Effect

Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2013
Reaction score
Yeah man. Deeply sorry to inform you that ship has parted already!

The good thing though, is that because of her you found this website, so use the information in here to become a better man.

She was not all that useless after all! :up:


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2013
Reaction score
Thanks guys! I thought right about it. At least I won't feel myself to follow her tail. No regrets! NC means NC now, not to try to get her back...


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2013
Reaction score
Well it turns out there are some unexpected situations going on that I cannot fully analyse (and also I shouldn't). Anyway I called today the 1st girl as a friendly manner. Because I already arranged a meeting today with another girl so I have nothing to lose. As I called her She answered my call almost immediately. She was really hesitant when I started to talked her (Turkish girls BTW is really unexpected). I was really relaxed that like nothing happened. We just chit chatted for 4 to 5 min. We talked about her schedule that she had a dance competiton etc. Afterwards I reminded her about my dancing lessons and afterwards I replied that OK we'll talk about after your dancing contest over. She also asked the photos that I took almost 1 month ago and also want to meet me again to take some photos together. I told her that OK we'll arrange it when the things are settled for both of us. (I gave her I'm pretending a really busy man and she sees it that she told me I see youre really busy lately)

Well normally I should be excited about it but I'm not. Maybe its because I'm going to meet an another girl tomorrow.

I let the door open for her so its now up to her that I'm here if you want to enter. Now she knows that I'm not going chase her...

I don't wanna play a game so she maybe got that point... Only time will tell.