Urgent Advice about marrage


Senior Don Juan
Jun 17, 2012
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Zarky said:
OP is your girlfriend 12?
honestly i don't know why she acts like this!!? she is an adult and I believe she is smart and somewhat manipulative like all women.

I see red flags in her character and just want to take things slowly for now, but she moves too fast! and gets upset when challenged!

I believe I control this relationship some what, but she seems to fight for the power often, causing the relationship problems.

I'm a nice guy-jerk, I just realized this, but i do good by her mostly.

engagement to me is a big commitment and I aint ready for that now but our relationship is on egg shells now, I also have major deadlines these weeks so I can't tell her "no engagement" because we live together so much is at stake now


Don Juan
Jan 11, 2013
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Why can't you tell her no engagement? it shouldn't matter if you live together. by not telling her you are letting her believe she is and that will lead to more trouble on down the road when things cement in her head and she tells more people.

You need to inform her calmly and politely she misinterpretated the intent of the ring, explain she may get one someday but you want to enjoy this stage of your relationship first.

How long have you been going out? if its small enough she should respect waiting a while longer for that cerrtain ring. Dont be bullied into this path and rush to her pace... otherwise you'll end up in a carcrash of a engagement / married life.


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
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john1234 said:
honestly i don't know why she acts like this!!? she is an adult and I believe she is smart and somewhat manipulative like all women.

I see red flags in her character and just want to take things slowly for now, but she moves too fast! and gets upset when challenged!

I believe I control this relationship some what, but she seems to fight for the power often, causing the relationship problems.

I'm a nice guy-jerk, I just realized this, but i do good by her mostly.

engagement to me is a big commitment and I aint ready for that now but our relationship is on egg shells now, I also have major deadlines these weeks so I can't tell her "no engagement" because we live together so much is at stake now

Check out the bolded lines.

I dont know your girl or your situation, but just based on the limited info you have given us, I cant see good things in your future with this girl.

Take it from me man, you do NOT want to toil through a relationship with a difficult, controlling woman. I have been with women who challenged almost every single decision I made, and it does not get better. Some guys will say you aren't "alpha" enough, which may or may not be true, but in my experience there are just certain women who will fight you tooth and nail to get their way or have the last word. It's just in their behavioral DNA.

It's far better to leave them and look for more submissive, flexible women, than to create this war of attrition scenario where you run yourselves ragged. Wait until your living situation is more stable though, don't shoot yourself in the foot.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 17, 2012
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Colossus said:
Check out the bolded lines.

I dont know your girl or your situation, but just based on the limited info you have given us, I cant see good things in your future with this girl.
Take it from me man, you do NOT want to toil through a relationship with a difficult, controlling woman. I have been with women who challenged almost every single decision I made, and it does not get better. Some guys will say you aren't "alpha" enough, which may or may not be true, but in my experience there are just certain women who will fight you tooth and nail to get their way or have the last word. It's just in their behavioral DNA.

It's far better to leave them and look for more submissive, flexible women, than to create this war of attrition scenario where you run yourselves ragged. Wait until your living situation is more stable though, don't shoot yourself in the foot.
I accept that its just in her behavioral DNA to fight for power and then when she got the power, she felt insecure and eventually I regained it. As the relationship started I had the power and lost it to her, on and off for some months and then I gained it ALL back and she was on her best behavior until now trying this engagement crap.

I also think she battles for power and not as submissive because she naturally has a better sense of things to do than I do, she mostly has better ideas for places to eat and destinations t go out and I believe she has better experience in going out to places than me, so this I have to accept that fact when its time to go out she usually suggests the scenario and it ends up turning out good. I also take her to good exciting places but she wins hands down for creativity and better outing ideas, so that makes her not as submissive.

like most women she has her social life and friends with her interests and enjoys going places . blah blah blah

I'm no saint but I treat and do right by her.Yes, she has her own mind and plans and is not totally a submissive type.

Just like you mentioned I want to spin plates and meet other women, and become friends with other women and bring them to the house and go out with them and have a good female network, however she gets very jealous when females are involved yet she has a quite large male friend network??

I also see she loves male friend attention, but I know I'm her best option(hypergamy)

I feel, I deserve better, don't get me wrong she is a good woman at times, buys me gifts and stuff but she likes male attention a lot.

I don't want marriage unless she changes big time! I want a large female network of friends so that we can have a joke and do friend stuff.

I dare not mention this to her because she is very insecure and will accuse me of cheating once I start talking to them. She is afraid that some other woman will steal me from her if I get the female network of friends.

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
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East Coast USA
OP.. you are clearly afraid of this b!tch. That's your first problem. She has your balls in her hand bag. She runs the show and you just do what she wants.

Take your balls out of her hand bag and replace that noodle in your back with a spine. Avoiding this kind of crap is what this forum is all about. You should never be afraid of a woman or afraid of making her mad. Too many men have this mindset:

"If a man cries or whines.. he is a little b!tch who made a bad decision"

"If a woman cries or whines.. there is something wrong with the world. Someone f*cked up and needs to fix it".

The mindset is: Women are always RIGHT and men are always WRONG. You need to detox this faggot mindset out of your brain and stop getting pushed around. Simple as that.

Ask yourself what exactly you are afraid of losing by standing up to your manipulative girlfriend. Do you fear she is the best you can do? If so.. that's a big problem. You should never be afraid to leave or lose ANY woman. I don't care if you have been with her for 35 years.
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Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
Listen to PlayHer Man, he's spot-on.

You say you don't want a marriage, but guess what? You are in fact in a pseudo-marriage because you live together. That's nothing more than a play marriage without the paperwork.

She owns you, bro, and you need to realize this and get out. You are afraid of her and that realization shoud get you very pissed.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 17, 2012
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fellas I'm not afraid of her, its just not the right time to piss her off.. as my deadlines are due in next weeks so I need to live in peace.

I just realized that since we are living together we are sorta married without the papers. I acknowledge that was a serious blunder on my part! to live together.

I never thought she would pull this marriage crap on me though, I think there is something more here and I thought you guys would spot that. She is quite wealthy and I thought the life style was good and all that stuff so gave her a shot.

but the truth is I have began to see women for who they are and I now understand which kind of woman I want.I am spotting more things about her that repulse me. she says one thing and does not stick to it.

After my deadlines are over I want change.


Master Don Juan
May 1, 2007
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john1234 said:
After my deadlines are over I want change.
Ok so approach it logically.


After deadlines are over, start looking for a place to move to. Don't tell her.

Finalize it, then tell her you're breaking up with her.

Move out.


Sadly, I don't think you're going to do this.


You'll put up a little fight, she'll start crying, and you'll forget all about your plans.

You marry her.

Become more beta than ever.

She cuckolds you, then divorces you.

You end up paying for a kid that's not yours.


Good luck!


Don Juan
Oct 16, 2012
Reaction score
PlayHer Man's advice is the bomb!

Tell her the ring was only meant for her nose so you can lead her like a cow when she is displeasing you.

Call it her 'educational ring'.

You wanna be another divorce statistic?


Senior Don Juan
Jun 17, 2012
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sh* has hit the fan now, arguments over something I said and she did not hear it and she says I did not say it and I 'm trying to play games? she says she doesn't trust me no more and blah blah and no more loves me blah blah.

So I'm to move out now, I think it has something to do with other other women showing interest and I was too imposing amongst other things I did leading to that building up to that.

I do think, I have been a Jerk and subconsciously, I just don't know wtf anymore. Will take a fresh start. I've made some bad decisions with this relationship and I will learn.

Do you guys probably think I deserve this, but any help on how I can move on from here with my head held high will be helpfull

I have no emotions now and just will take each day one step at a time, I'm gutted and she is very angry. Cant believe I'm in a position like this with all my deadlines and I supported her when she was f**ed.

I don't deserve this.


Master Don Juan
Feb 7, 2012
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On Earth
If you payed quite a lot that ring, I'd take it back. No love, no ring.


Don Juan
Oct 16, 2012
Reaction score
A small loss now (the ring) will garnish much greater rewards later on.

With a decent women! She sound like a total head F**K.