Update: stabbed!


Don Juan
Apr 22, 2009
Reaction score
Pachuco, you really are a sick insane child.

If you walked into a bar, and said to a room of strangers what you've said regarding your ex, you wouldn't be able to ever walk back into that bar.

But on a forum, you just hang around refusing to accept what everyone is telling you, and making it their fault that they see you as a douche, just as you make it your exe's fault that she doesn't love you any more.

You are the definition of the internet big shot.


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
Reaction score
yes, you are a white knight.

not only a coward powder-white anti-social weakling behind a keyboard, but also an idiot white knight with a two-digit IQ.

your "chaos" thoughts are laughable by the way, running a comedy club online?

Cabal: Get well soon, brother. A lesson for all of us.


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
Reaction score
you guys need to get your concealed carry permit and start carrying!!!!! I don't know how it all went down with you getting stabbed, but unless you were giving him a hug and he pulled the knife out and stabbed you with you never seeing it then I can only assume you saw the knife prior to you being stabbed. as soon as he pulled the knife, you had every right to pull your pistol, aim between his eyes and blow the back-side of his head clean off. castle doctrine, look it up. you have every right to defend yourself if you feel your life is threatened, in this case i would say your life was gravely threatened.

i go nowhere without my Glock these days, unless it's somewhere I am not allowed to conceal carry. i won't even bother dating a girl that is scared of guns or is weird about a guy carrying a gun.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
running a comedy club online?

Holy **** that’s ****ing brilliant. It’s pure ****ing genius.
I’v built enough websites where I have run into a few comedians or aspiring comedians. They all have the exact same ****ing problem; lack of access to people. Some of them are actually kinda funny. But I mean, if you live in Alabama and you want to be a comedian, you either have to get up and move to LA or give up the dream. Some guys try to build websites to promote their selves but being living hand to mouth , then dropping a few grand for a website and maintenance of the website..

Dude, seriously the more I think about this **** the more hyped I’m getting lol. this **** will work.

Anyway back to my point,.. what they end up trying to do is taking their **** like their videos or cd’s and selling them on the site, but the problem there is that when you do that, you have to pay for marketing and well they don’t’ have the money.

Your idea actually solves the a real ****ing problem, unlike most websites on the internet today. There is no question it will work. What YOU do is you don’t just create an online comedy club, you create a comedian marketplace so to speak


this is a site we built earlier this year, this is a site where writers can get online and create an account, upload their **** that they write, set a price for it and sell it online.

So your plan would be 2 fold. First, you have to target comedians to sign up with your site, you charge them a monthly fee, maybe 3 packages or something at 3 separate prices.. they automatically get setup with their own home page which will allow them to upload videos, audio files of their clips and sell them through the site or just listen to or download samples. You are creating a market place for the comedians to all be gathered on one site and it works for everyone because if they come and they are looking for one guy they can look at other **** while they are there so it’s free marketing.

What you can do and this is where the online comedy store part comes in is say, on the home page of the site, every day or maybe every other day, you upload a video that will play of a featured comedian. Free of charge don’t even have to login to view it, but it will draw people to the site.

The money, isn’t in the video on the home page. The money is coming from the **** that the people will sale to their other visitors once they browse through the site when they get there.

Also the fire the publisher site is setup to where the site gets a commission from each sale, I think 5% and you can change it in the admin panel as well, so say you get 10% of all cd sales, etc

Or ****, even better if you wanted to you could.. **** dude this is ****ing brilliant. You could make it part of one of the packages that the people who sign up on the site as comedians are allowed 1, 2 or 3 videos of their choosing to play a week on the home page of the site.

this is a site we just built (lol the picture on the home page with sara jean underwood playing in the sex hanging thing is my account). Login using spanishswat@gmail.com and password 11. Click on the best in the world profile, this is generally how the comedians home page will be setup except the difference will be that the comedians can set prices for the items and sell them online.

You would have to run 2 separate marketing campaigns, one to attract comedians, which honestly shouldn’t’ be that hard to do they are looking for ways to get out there, and one to bring in visitors, which is tricer but can be done.

also on the user's profile store page there will be an event calender that will allow them to post their live shows and let people sign up for newsletters to get buzzed when something is coming up.

or taking it even further, because you have a bunch of comedians on the site you can install a search engine / feature that allows for a person to type in the type of comedy they like and then that list will come up determined by the profile of the comedian

Mind you this is literally all off the top of my head in 10 minutes, so I haven’t done any real market research but I do this for a living and I have a general idea of **** that is out there and I can’t think of anything like this exactly. There are afew technical aspects we'd have to work out but nothing i can't do

Seriously dude, pm me about this **** I want to talk to you more.
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Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2009
Reaction score
Boilermaker said:
yes, you are a white knight.

not only a coward powder-white anti-social weakling behind a keyboard, but also an idiot white knight with a two-digit IQ.

your "chaos" thoughts are laughable by the way, running a comedy club online?

Cabal: Get well soon, brother. A lesson for all of us.
Sure, cool story. Needs more dragons and shiit though - Yep, a lesson for all of us - Don't work with SO, who is also a crazy BPD whhore.

Sorry OP doesn't get any sympathy from me.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
Reaction score
HeyPachuco! said:
Sure, cool story. Needs more dragons and shiit though - Yep, a lesson for all of us - Don't work with SO, who is also a crazy BPD whhore.

Sorry OP doesn't get any sympathy from me.

I need to ask, so why are you attacking the guys here? if you would explain over just bash this thing, maybe we could understand?

or are you trying to follow the create chaos of yours? btw did you paid all the public disorder fine now?


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
Alvafe said:
I need to ask, so why are you attacking the guys here? if you would explain over just bash this thing, maybe we could understand?

or are you trying to follow the create chaos of yours? btw did you paid all the public disorder fine now?
Well it does seem like Cabal (the original poster) puts himself in these situations. And that makes it hard to feel sorry for him after a while.

I looked back at his posting history through the past few years and it's full of stories about dramatic ex's, and stalking, and fights and cheating.

It makes me realize that a lot of guys here have a habit of dating pure trash. Which is why I always take it with a grain of salt when guys come on here talking about how "all women these days are (insert complaint)." Maybe it's not that all women are trash...maybe it's just the women that low self esteem males chase after. I've probably dated 4x the women that he has, and have encountered 1% of the drama.


Master Don Juan
Feb 7, 2012
Reaction score
On Earth
Alvafe said:
I need to ask, so why are you attacking the guys here? if you would explain over just bash this thing, maybe we could understand?

or are you trying to follow the create chaos of yours? btw did you paid all the public disorder fine now?
Because Cabal wrote on Pachuco's thread that he's a douche and now the flame war has begun.


Don Juan
Apr 22, 2009
Reaction score
I regret to inform that who you call Cabal has passed from complications.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
Cabal said:
I regret to inform that who you call Cabal has passed from complications.
Umm could you explain what this means?
Sounds like youre saying he's dead.


Master Don Juan
Feb 7, 2012
Reaction score
On Earth
Cabal said:
I regret to inform that who you call Cabal has passed from complications.

You better not be trolling.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
Bad troll + gullible posters = me rolling my eyes.


Cabal said:
I regret to inform that who you call Cabal has passed from complications.
If this is true and I hope it isn't, then R.I.P Cabal.