Understanding and Preventing Workplace Sexual Harassment

Jan 19, 2023
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Sup boys,

If you have a job, understanding the boundaries of appropriate behavior in the workplace is more critical than ever. This message serves as an essential guide for men to recognize, understand, and prevent actions that could be construed as sexual harassment, ensuring a respectful and safe work environment for everyone. While this guide draws upon the comprehensive framework of California's laws, the principles and best practices outlined are relevant and applicable regardless of where you work.
  1. What Constitutes Sexual Harassment: Unwelcome conduct based on sex, gender, and related characteristics defines workplace sexual harassment. From derogatory comments to unwanted physical contact, it's important to note that harassment isn't solely motivated by sexual desire but can arise from hostility or discrimination as well.
  2. Key Forms of Harassment to Avoid:
    • Quid Pro Quo Harassment: This involves making job benefits conditional upon receiving sexual favors. It’s crucial to understand that any suggestion of this nature, whether direct or implied, crosses the line.
    • Creating a Hostile Work Environment: Engaging in behavior that makes someone feel intimidated, offended, or oppressed constitutes harassment. This includes persistent derogatory comments, inappropriate jokes, and unwelcome physical interaction.
  3. Recognizing When Actions Are Inappropriate: It's essential to be mindful of your actions and their impact on others. Even if intentions are not malicious, the following behaviors can be perceived as harassment:
    • Unwanted physical contact, no matter how minor it may seem.
    • Sexually charged comments or jokes, especially if they're not well-received.
    • Repeated or aggressive advances after being turned down.
    • Favoritism linked to sexual relationships or expectations.
  4. The Importance of Consent: Always ensure that interactions, especially those of a personal or physical nature, are consensual and welcomed by all parties involved. Consent is an ongoing process and can be withdrawn at any time; respect for personal boundaries is paramount.
  5. Your Role in Preventing Harassment: As men in the workplace, you have a unique responsibility to set standards for respectful behavior. This includes:
    • Actively listening and adjusting your behavior based on feedback from colleagues.
    • Intervening or reporting if you witness harassment, regardless of the perpetrator’s gender.
    • Participating in and adhering to your organization's sexual harassment training and policies.
  6. Seeking Guidance: If you’re ever in doubt about the appropriateness of your actions, seek advice. Consult with HR, a mentor, or use available training resources to clarify boundaries and expectations.


Creating a culture of respect and safety in the workplace is a shared responsibility. By staying informed and vigilant about what constitutes sexual harassment and taking proactive steps to prevent it, we can foster an environment where everyone feels valued and respected. Let’s commit to being part of the solution, ensuring our actions contribute to a positive and inclusive workplace for all.

Best regards,



Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2009
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It is sexual harassment if she does not find you attractive or if she did, but wants to get revenge on you for something.

High value males do not defecate where they eat, so the situation is already out of the question.

If a chick harasses you, document everything. I have heard of cases where females claimed harassment after males rejected them.