UFOs and USOs and Triangles freaking me out.

May 23, 2006
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Youtube is full of documentaries that you can look at on searches, but I've looked through a string of stuff that's really freaking me out a bit.

Now, I've posted a while about this topic before. My belief is that UFOs are diabolical light shows and illusions that do not exist, and there is some evil angelic conspiracy where when the rapture occurs and millions of (born-again Christians and children below age of accountability) of people dissappear, that the emerging belief would be that they are beamed up by UFOs because they society had to be weeded out of them since they would not evolve into the 'new world order' new society. That being the case, let's assume that this is some paranormal entity that's planting some sort of evidence around so this story would be believed as stated above.

So, I look up these documentaries for fun and feel I'm getting more than I bargained for because the depth of information is freaking me out big time.

You got UFO crashes, military intelligence being privy to it and keeping it secret, reverse engineering such crafts and testing them around Area 51 or whatever....I didn't like looking at any abduction stuff or alien stuff since it seemed to occultic -- but say took things from the military or government perspective since it seemed to put some legitimacy into whatever this is.....but here's what really gets me.

1) These UFOs have been seen by many commercial pilots but this information is suppressed since it may scare people from flying if there is a risk there may be a UFO-airplane colission.

An argentina plane airliner reported this as well as a Mexico flight. So I'm saying, darn, you have to pray before you even fly a plane, not just for a machanical malfunction, but you may enter into the Twilight Zone and see a UFO outside the passanger window.

2) Then you got the Bermuda Triangle, the Japanese Dragon Triangle, and a whole bunch of Triangles where it's speculated there could be bases of alien colonies there because USO's are often seen there (USO - underwater submerged object), and water nests (whirpool imprints), and these things are like flying from the water going up. ...they are attracted to ships that have nuclear armanents in them and have high technology -- ???

I have to say, I used to like science fiction, and some of these things ... but this sort of blows my mind because....
1) if it's real - that pretty much challenges my belief system which excludes the possibility of any life other than human beings.
2) if it's a deliberate deception, it's so elaborate and detailed of a deception that it's scary....and I'm baffled as to why God would allow such anamolies to exist.

I don't think I'll see the movie 'Abyss' or other sci-fi the same way again....gosh, this stuff just freaks me out a bit. I had like nothing to do today and I end up just soaking all this stuff up, my own curiosity.....but this stuff shouldn't shake me or absorb me to this extent....ok...just a phase, I know I'll stop looking at this crap.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
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Look up actual flight logs from commuter jets for actual UFO documentary. I saw a show on it on the History channel.. and theres many different ones. It kinda freaked me out.

And its kind of ignorant to assume that theres no other planet in the universe that can support a life form like us.
May 23, 2006
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splinterkb said:
Look up actual flight logs from commuter jets for actual UFO documentary. I saw a show on it on the History channel.. and theres many different ones. It kinda freaked me out.
Freaked you out too? I still woud fly an aircraft despite an uncontrollable variable like that which could potentially crash a plane because I think the probability is lower than a human or mechanical malfunction occuring and think these incidents are very isolated.

splinterkb said:
And its kind of ignorant to assume that theres no other planet in the universe that can support a life form like us.
I don't think we are talking about other planets -- there is a possibility that this could be their home planet and they live in the depths of the ocean where they can not be detected and they fly out of the water, which adds another scary dimention to this....what exactly are they doing down there and what do they want?

But I don't think it's ignorant to call it for what it is...reports show that these 'aliens' or UFOs can easily be gotten rid of if any believing Christian rebukes one in the name of Jesus. Since they appear to expouse some heretical doctrine that's contrary to the Gospel it's quite obvious they are not aliens, but some branch of evil spirits that will work with the Anti-christ to deceive the world -- as I said, it's conceivable that if a million people vanish or more without explanation, then UFOs may be attributed to them, so I don't think this belief is ignorant, but offers an explanation.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Carl Sagan said pretty much the same thing, that he does not discount the possibility of alien life existing, but the implausibility lies in them actually being able to get here. Faster-than-light travel is required to get very far across the Universe in life spans anywhere near our own.

There is scary stuff on them Internets. There's pages and pages about all the aliens that are supposed to live underneath Dulce, New Mexico: Greys, Reptiles, Nordic Aliens. Hopefully it is one giant paranoid delusional fantasy.


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2003
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I agree with Bible Belt, it's not that I'm arrogant enough to think in the unfathomably large universe we're the only planet with life.

It's that I find it hard to believe that they would make an effort to travel all the way here to do some light displays, kill some cows, and anally probe some people... Not to mention - they have faster than light traveling space ships, yet less stealth technology than some modern military planes.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 31, 2008
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Luke Skywalker said:
But I don't think it's ignorant to call it for what it is...reports show that these 'aliens' or UFOs can easily be gotten rid of if any believing Christian rebukes one in the name of Jesus. Since they appear to expouse some heretical doctrine that's contrary to the Gospel it's quite obvious they are not aliens, but some branch of evil spirits that will work with the Anti-christ to deceive the world -- as I said, it's conceivable that if a million people vanish or more without explanation, then UFOs may be attributed to them, so I don't think this belief is ignorant, but offers an explanation.
After having read your thread, I do not think I can sleep well tonight!

I've always believed in UFOs and life beyond what we know. There is no reason for us to discount the possibility of alien life.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 31, 2008
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SmoothTalker said:
I agree with Bible Belt, it's not that I'm arrogant enough to think in the unfathomably large universe we're the only planet with life.

It's that I find it hard to believe that they would make an effort to travel all the way here to do some light displays, kill some cows, and anally probe some people... Not to mention - they have faster than light traveling space ships, yet less stealth technology than some modern military planes.
:crackup: !!!!!
May 23, 2006
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SmoothTalker said:
It's that I find it hard to believe that they would make an effort to travel all the way here to do some light displays, kill some cows, and anally probe some people... Not to mention - they have faster than light traveling space ships, yet less stealth technology than some modern military planes.
What about the idea they are not travelling from other planets but are coming up from secret bases in the oceans?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 31, 2008
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Luke Skywalker said:
What about the idea they are not travelling from other planets but are coming up from secret bases in the oceans?
How do they elude detection? Eventually, enough people will have seen them for the news to hit the masses. Right?

Joe The Homophobe

Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2004
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http://www.stargods.org (lots of articles)
How do they elude detection? Eventually, enough people will have seen them for the news to hit the masses. Right?
who controls the news? if we were to assume that abductions are real there is no way the govts of the world don't know what is going on. They are either unable to stop them or are their accomplices. There is more evidence to the latter as we have all read stories of area 51 among other things.

Now assuming once again they are real (let us forget debate and just concentrate on the conspiracy here). ARE THEY EVIL?????

would a good entity kidnap people against their will in the middle of the night, take them aboard a spaceship, inject huge needles and operate on them withit anesthetics? this is what report after report from so called "abductees" has claimed.

Once you examine the reports there is only 1 conclusion, they are evil. No being that can supposedly travel across galaxies will wait after the operation to put anesthetics on a patient. That is just cruel and unusual punishment.
May 23, 2006
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Purple-Haze said:
How do they elude detection? Eventually, enough people will have seen them for the news to hit the masses. Right?
President Bush is a reptalian shape-shifting alien, they have the government (read about it somewhere), but don't believe it.

Anyway, X-files fictional series would suggest the government are in league with these aliens for whatever agenda if you would like to believe that, and/or science cant dig far enough into the abyss of the sea to discover any colonies in the ocean, etc...

Another element is that, assuming my theory is correct, that it's really evil spirits ploying a deliberate hoax to fool people to help set up some future world government and give it some credibility, THEN if that's true, it's not really physical matter, it's spiritual matter or some paranormal stuff like ghosts, lepricons, elves, and stuff like which can not be observed or measured by science.

Even if you don't believe in the spirit concept, then other people believe that they may come from another 'dimension' rather than outer space, which would also be parallel to that belief system.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 31, 2008
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rjones said:
I'm more scared of demons and evil spirits than aliens. Even if aliens are real they dont bother anyone unless they live in a trailer park or something.


That was one the most...ugh...

I couldn't watch the whole thing. Frig.

I wish I was in my parents bed right about now...

I fear evil more than aliens too.


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2007
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HandyAndy said:
Who said aliens had to be evil?
They aren't, aliens are just doing research.

How do we research wildlife? First, we observe the animals in their natural habitat, their behavior. Then we snatch one or two, without disturbing the habitat, and then do some probing research. Then we release the animals without disrupting anything, if possible.

Aliens are just doing the same thing with us. In fact, I wouldn't doubt the people that have been abducted, are fitted with a transmitter so the aliens can monitor our migratory patterns.

No big deal. The chances of you getting researched are next to none anyway...

The Kidd

Don Juan
Mar 17, 2006
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hundreds of thousands of people have claimed to have seen UFO's or had experiences with aliens all over the world and they all happen to draw them exactly the same and describe how UFO's move exactly the same... coincidence? i think not


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2005
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Haha interesting topic! But is it really real? My question is.. if aliens are so good that they can do all this without being noticed, how come they slip up SOMETIMES? Seriously the technology to be able to fly about and do research without getting on radar or anything else would have to be phenomenal. They'd need invisibility maybe, be able to cross into other dimensions, whatever else, who can imagine??

However now that I've started to get interested in this paranormal stuff I'm interested in this topic a little...


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
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It's all a load of hooey. I'll believe aliens are visiting this planet when I see solid evidence. And I'm not holding my breath.

As for the exorcism video, funny how all 'demons' can do is make a naughty girl speak in a raspy voice. She's either faking it for the attention, or has been led to believe an evil spirit is in her and is acting accordingly.

Video recording is everywhere now, and yet I've seen nothing that doesn't have a more reasonable explanation than fakery or misunderstood natural phenomena. But if you want to believe you'll find plenty of 'evidence' to support any old rubbish.

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
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The Bermuda Triangle is a very large area, encompassing heavily traveled trade routes, and so just in principle one would expect many accidents and disappearances. Things like magnetic field anamolies and submerged UFOs are more the fancy of wild imaginations than substantive fact.

Supposed alien abductions are completely consistent with hypnagogic and hypnogenic dreams, which one out of four people experience at one time or another and usually around times of stress or sleep deprivation. Occurring either shortly before or shortly after sleeping, you vividly hallucinate and are paralyzed for a few moments. I have seen fairies, swarms of bees, snakes, a bedroom made entirely of blue velvet, and other such oddities, but to a more gullible person, prone to superstitious belief, less informed on such scientific explanations, understandably they may confuse what's going on inside the mind with reality. Supposed alien abductions also result from false memories imprinted by regressive hypnotherapy. Supposed alien abductees are often very genuine people but their perceptions failed them. For implants, it's very easy to get inexplicable marks on your skin and small objects burrowed into your body through the normal discourse of everyday life without being aware and without extraterrestrial probings.

UFOs have always turned out to be either mistaken natural phenomena, military aircraft, weather balloons, misjudgements of speed and distance, hallucinations, or hoaxes. But UFO believers don't allow people to correct their mistakes. Any corrections, retractions, are stupifiedly taken as the manifestation of some silencing conspiracy. No, they were mistaken.

There have been genuine conspiracies, the details of which are far too mundane and underextraordinary, but those genuine conspiracies help fuel believing imaginary conspiracies. During the Cold War, it was better for the public to whimsically believe in UFOs than know Russians had penetrated U.S. airspace by sending fighter jets up the Mississippi. That would have been mass panic. Believers, however, pervertedly twist this around by claiming the opposite, by claiming the public would mass panic if they knew aliens were true. No, the public is all too willing and all too desiring for aliens to be visiting that they hate it when reality pokes them in the eye.