trying to kill the mentality that women have it better than men


Senior Don Juan
Jul 12, 2012
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there seems to be a lot of people here who think that women basically get everything handed to them on a silver platter in life. it might be true that women get some things for being female, but its not out of real respect or earned. things that come from orbiting guys is typically a this for that if im nice to her maybe ill get laid kind of thing.
i still catch myself thinking this way and im trying to rid myself of that attitude. its a b!tchy attitude to have about the world. its the same as saying this other person has this, but i dont have it...i deserve it more than them. if someone has something, then they have some qualities that justifies them having it. life IS fair, unfortunately.
when you see a hot girl with another guy and you think, "what a dovche he doesnt deserve her...but i do". obviously he has some qualities that make her want him, and hes not undeserving. in acting that way youre thinking that everything should be handed to you on a silver platter. i swear some dudes here expect women to walk up and offer sex with a free sandwich. and getting mad and butthurt because you got rejected is weak.

it seems like womens biggest problem is not getting laid...most women could get laid with a text message faster than i can order a pizza...but they cant get the particular man they want or find a man they love who treats them like a man should. they cant stand that.(in your spare time join a dating forum and read their posts, its quality entertainment, lol).
i think people need to come to terms with the fact that men and women have different roles.
when you observe yourself, you notice how selfish you really are. i dont have a gf right now because i dont deserve one, my selfish behavior, and my bad attitude toward women and society. even if a hot girl just fell into my lap right now i would screw it up with my selfish insecure crap.
there no advantage to going against women. it is as it is. thats a unmanly attitude to have. it makes you look like an idiot.


New Member
Nov 3, 2013
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I agree that this attitude is destructive the same way as self pity. it's definitely a mindset that we need to over look and maybe focus more on how fortunate we have it or just accept that it exists rather then stall in this "why me/ how come" attitude.
But i have to disagree on the fact that you seem to sweep it under the rug like this inequality does not exist. My female friends laugh at how they get free drinks at the bar and a friday night out might cost $10 where as I'm spending 60 on drinks at the club for myself. And simply saying oh it comes with a price is inaccurate. I just accept it, from the neanderthals men have always been the strong, masculine provider.
As far as that train wreck walking with a HB, fine i just see it as that man must have some serious game and see it as inspiration or unfortunately quite possibly he's in the sad FZ.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2011
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Land of slow.
spang said:
there seems to be a lot of people here who think that women basically get everything handed to them on a silver platter in life. it might be true that women get some things for being female, but its not out of real respect or earned. things that come from orbiting guys is typically a this for that if im nice to her maybe ill get laid kind of thing.
i still catch myself thinking this way and im trying to rid myself of that attitude. its a b!tchy attitude to have about the world. its the same as saying this other person has this, but i dont have it...i deserve it more than them. if someone has something, then they have some qualities that justifies them having it. life IS fair, unfortunately.
when you see a hot girl with another guy and you think, "what a dovche he doesnt deserve her...but i do". obviously he has some qualities that make her want him, and hes not undeserving. in acting that way youre thinking that everything should be handed to you on a silver platter. i swear some dudes here expect women to walk up and offer sex with a free sandwich. and getting mad and butthurt because you got rejected is weak.

it seems like womens biggest problem is not getting laid...most women could get laid with a text message faster than i can order a pizza...but they cant get the particular man they want or find a man they love who treats them like a man should. they cant stand that.(in your spare time join a dating forum and read their posts, its quality entertainment, lol).
i think people need to come to terms with the fact that men and women have different roles.
when you observe yourself, you notice how selfish you really are. i dont have a gf right now because i dont deserve one, my selfish behavior, and my bad attitude toward women and society. even if a hot girl just fell into my lap right now i would screw it up with my selfish insecure crap.
there no advantage to going against women. it is as it is. thats a unmanly attitude to have. it makes you look like an idiot.
Not idiots though. Just sesceptible to their exterior enviorment. Don't go as far as judging yourself though. Look back to see what events piled together to see why you got to that point. Just remember we're guys so we should always project confidence/control/ and to be a challenge when it comes to affairs of the heart.


Nov 4, 2010
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spang said:
... i dont have a gf right now because i dont deserve one, my selfish behavior, and my bad attitude toward women and society. even if a hot girl just fell into my lap right now i would screw it up with my selfish insecure crap.
there no advantage to going against women. it is as it is. thats a unmanly attitude to have. it makes you look like an idiot.
I agreed with a lot of your post but what is this? ^^^
deserve? who the fvck deserves what? I deserve to be a millionaire, will probably never happen but doesnt stop me trying to make money, who are these creatures caled women that you have to deserve them, thats ***** talk


Don Juan
Nov 6, 2013
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^^^ this guy

The whole goal should be making yourself a better man, for YOU.
Its about being the great catch yourself...

Never think you dont deserve a women, you should be thinking what women deserve you!


Senior Don Juan
Jul 12, 2012
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i didnt mean undeserving because im not good enough, i meant because ive had a bad attitude toward women. like a why should i bother, women are all b!tches type attitude.


Don Juan
Nov 18, 2008
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The thing is, "getting laid" isn't even a concept for girls.

How can you assume its something they want or can even appreciate? Its not even a concept that exists in their minds that way. They see it differently and their descriptions of it would indicate a different view. I've never heard a woman talk about "getting laid" - projecting that onto them as a goal or something desirable is ... projection.

The physical and emotional are wed together closely in women. So the idea of anonymous sex as a fun, carefree romp, is not quite as powerful with them, because their goals and desires are different. My two cents.


Nov 4, 2010
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NewJack said:
The thing is, "getting laid" isn't even a concept for girls.

How can you assume its something they want or can even appreciate? Its not even a concept that exists in their minds that way. They see it differently and their descriptions of it would indicate a different view. I've never heard a woman talk about "getting laid" - projecting that onto them as a goal or something desirable is ... projection.

The physical and emotional are wed together closely in women. So the idea of anonymous sex as a fun, carefree romp, is not quite as powerful with them, because their goals and desires are different. My two cents.
really? so why do they have more sex, ONS than men? lets hear your views on why they do


Don Juan
Nov 18, 2008
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What, there are stats that say women have more ONS than men, and you believe those stats?

Dude, if women liked anonymous sex romps on a regular basis, the world would be completely different than it is. Look around you. Women practice fidelity as best they can, in situations where they wish to.

Just because 10% of girls are crazy, or even if its 30% are crazy, why should I give a rats ass ? I can recognize the 70% that aren't crazy, so any of these scary spooky stats, don't frighten me.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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betheman said:
really? so why do they have more sex, ONS than men? lets hear your views on why they do

Well, here's the thing.

For every 100 offers for sex, they sleep with maybe 5-6 guys.

That really adds up over time, making it seem like they are having tons of sex (and yes, they are having way more than AFCs), but the also turn down a lot of sex offers.

If a guy got 100 offers for sex, he'd take 100 of them.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
NewJack said:
The thing is, "getting laid" isn't even a concept for girls.

How can you assume its something they want or can even appreciate? Its not even a concept that exists in their minds that way. They see it differently and their descriptions of it would indicate a different view. I've never heard a woman talk about "getting laid" - projecting that onto them as a goal or something desirable is ... projection.

The physical and emotional are wed together closely in women. So the idea of anonymous sex as a fun, carefree romp, is not quite as powerful with them, because their goals and desires are different. My two cents.
Actually, females will use the phrase "get laid" once in a while. It's not COMMON, but I hear it once in a while. Women do have dry spells (even though they usually are voluntary lol). During a dry spell, I sometimes hear female friends say, "I need to get laid."

However, women don't put in nearly as much effort as men in this department. They don't have to.

sylvester the cat

Master Don Juan
Sep 30, 2012
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some women like ONS with no strings attached. some women don't.

some women who don't like ONS with no strings attached have ONS with no strings attached.

some women who like ONS with no strings attached have sex with strings attached.

some women who like ONS can't have ONS but are in long term relationships.

some women who don't like ONS can't have long term relationships but have multiple ONS.

and so on and so forth etc etc which is why no one theory can ever pin down women or men for that matter. we are all variables that express every possibility possible.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2011
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Land of slow.
Espi said:
My opinion: American woman are very spoiled. They expect to be treated equally, when in fact, you're not equal to us and never will be.

Men serve the front lines in combat and sustain the majority casualities.
Men build the skyscrapers.
Men do the manual labor.

From my point of view, women are not willing to do the the basic things that ensure society's survival. THAT is what frustrates me. It angers me that the vast majority of American woman have NO sense of gratitude for what men are willing to do. None.

When you're sleeping with your boyfriend at night, and you hear noises, HE is suppsed to protect YOU from harm. It's never the other way around--yet you Westernized women seem to want your cake and eat it too. You want to be viewed as equal and powerful, despite evidence to the contrary.

You want to be portrayed as capable of doing anything than men do, even though VERY few of you are willing to die for your country or do the manual shiat-labor jobs.

When women start dieing on the front lines and wearing work boots and willing to do the shiat labor that we men are expected to do, then maybe I'll understand your (trivial) opinions about women being disrespected.

Just remember than in Afghanistan they shoot women in the head for speaking out.

So, I don't agree that women deserve equal rights to ANYTHING--that includes votes, careers, and security in its many forms.
What's left of the women's lib movement has Espi on their hit list haha

NewJack said:
The thing is, "getting laid" isn't even a concept for girls.

How can you assume its something they want or can even appreciate? Its not even a concept that exists in their minds that way. They see it differently and their descriptions of it would indicate a different view. I've never heard a woman talk about "getting laid" - projecting that onto them as a goal or something desirable is ... projection.

The physical and emotional are wed together closely in women. So the idea of anonymous sex as a fun, carefree romp, is not quite as powerful with them, because their goals and desires are different. My two cents.
Yea... And it's women that do the choosing per say. :crackup:


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2013
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I also hate it when people try to argue the point by disagreeing that girls have it easier when it comes to dating and relationships, getting laid, they say this to argue the point, "if a girl is getting laid, then there is a guy having sex too", "if a girl has a boyfriend, wouldn't that mean the guy has a girlfriend?", DUH I KNOW THAT!!!!!, but the guy had to do all the work in order to make it happen, and I hate how people say that taking initiative, taking on the active role, assertive role gives you power, they make it sound like as if it gives you power, complete control of the situation, but they are dead-wrong because girls still have the final say, the girl makes a choice as to whether she is going to spread her legs for you or not, girls control the outcome.
Yes I know it depends on what perspective you are looking at it from, but obviously, a shy, quiet, introverted, reclusive, socially awkward girl has a much better chance of getting a boyfriend and getting laid than an introverted, reclusive, shy, quiet, socially awkward guy does at getting a girlfriend and getting laid, those that disagree with that are delusional because obviously women are the passive sex for the most part.

CJ 101

Don Juan
Apr 18, 2011
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Chicago, Il
sylvester the cat said:
some women like ONS with no strings attached. some women don't.

some women who don't like ONS with no strings attached have ONS with no strings attached.

some women who like ONS with no strings attached have sex with strings attached.

some women who like ONS can't have ONS but are in long term relationships.

some women who don't like ONS can't have long term relationships but have multiple ONS.

and so on and so forth etc etc which is why no one theory can ever pin down women or men for that matter. we are all variables that express every possibility possible.

Absolutely true


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2013
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Well a woman can live with her parents at pretty much any age, is not expected to have a career job by a certain age, not have her **** together, also doesn't have to be a well-rounded person in order to be attractive, doesn't need to have a life, doesn't need to show a guy that she has options, all she pretty much needs in a personality is that she be nice and friendly or have similar and common interests, for us guys having those personality traits is not enough in order to get a girlfriend, a girl does not need to have goals and be working on them or focusing on an area of self improvement in order to attract guys but us guys have the burden of that

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
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East Coast USA
spang said:
there seems to be a lot of people here who think that women basically get everything handed to them on a silver platter in life. it might be true that women get some things for being female, but its not out of real respect or earned. things that come from orbiting guys is typically a this for that if im nice to her maybe ill get laid kind of thing.
i still catch myself thinking this way and im trying to rid myself of that attitude. its a b!tchy attitude to have about the world. its the same as saying this other person has this, but i dont have it...i deserve it more than them. if someone has something, then they have some qualities that justifies them having it. life IS fair, unfortunately.
when you see a hot girl with another guy and you think, "what a dovche he doesnt deserve her...but i do". obviously he has some qualities that make her want him, and hes not undeserving. in acting that way youre thinking that everything should be handed to you on a silver platter. i swear some dudes here expect women to walk up and offer sex with a free sandwich. and getting mad and butthurt because you got rejected is weak.

it seems like womens biggest problem is not getting laid...most women could get laid with a text message faster than i can order a pizza...but they cant get the particular man they want or find a man they love who treats them like a man should. they cant stand that.(in your spare time join a dating forum and read their posts, its quality entertainment, lol).
i think people need to come to terms with the fact that men and women have different roles.
when you observe yourself, you notice how selfish you really are. i dont have a gf right now because i dont deserve one, my selfish behavior, and my bad attitude toward women and society. even if a hot girl just fell into my lap right now i would screw it up with my selfish insecure crap.
there no advantage to going against women. it is as it is. thats a unmanly attitude to have. it makes you look like an idiot.
Everything I highlighted in RED above is.. to put in bluntly --> Pure sh!t.

I will explain why below in the order they appear:

1. Having something doesn't mean you deserve it. Good looks and cancer are great examples of this. I guess anyone with cancer deserves it because they "have it" right? WRONG. Utter logic fail there. And NO: life is not fair. Sometimes life's unfairness will work in your favor and sometimes it wont.

2. Sex is not a prize a man must earn. A man is not taking from a woman by having sex with her. There is no reason why a woman couldn't approach a man and offer sex. In fact.. I have experienced this. It happens. :yes:

3. Again women are not prizes. A girlfriend is not something a man must "earn". Either a woman finds you sexually attractive / valuable or she doesn't. Your attitude towards women is 100% irrelevant to whether or not you can attract women. FACT. Only your behavior and what you offer matters.


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2012
Reaction score
Trying to kill the mentality that women have it better than men eh? Good luck

If an ugly girl wanted sex she could text one of her friends to come round and fvck her and he would.

I on the other hand am a 22 yr old virgin

Women do indeed have it better than men.
Over and out!