Trying to fvuk a friend gone wrong


Don Juan
Nov 30, 2008
Reaction score

I've been friends with this girl for about 4 months and I can see that she likes me. After getting dumped, I made a move on her and told her that i wanted sex.(should have done that 4 months ago, i know;) ) She knows that I just got out of a "thing", so she know that she would be just a rebound girl.

She didn't get pissed, but she didn't wanna have sex either. She made up an excuse about thin walls or something :p After kissing for a while i went home.

The thing is.. She's been contacting me and hanging out with me all week and started acting like she is my girlfriend. A little kissing, holding my hand, touching me in a sensual way, wants me to touch her. But when the kissing/touching escalades, she backs off.

This weekend she wanted to spend the night on my couch. Finally, I thought. Turns out she really did want to sleep on the couch. I initiated sex, but she backed off yet again, so I told her that I must have misunderstood her intentions. She responded by saying she had the period. :down: Just another excuse imo :crazy:

I'm not the most experienced guy out there, so even the most obvious tips would be helpful.

Is she playing me or what?

How come she don't want to have sex if she likes me that much?

Any ideas on how to handle this?


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
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sanoj said:
Is she playing me or what?

sanoj said:
How come she don't want to have sex if she likes me that much?
You just answered your own question. She doesn't like you that much. If she was then you wouldn't have this problem.

sanoj said:
Any ideas on how to handle this?
Start gaming others girls and stop paying so much attention to her. If she really likes you then she will see the competition and might finally put out.

Stud No1

Don Juan
Nov 6, 2007
Reaction score

Maybe she isn't a slut?

Since you's are buddies i doubt she'll just want to give up some sex with no strings. Bad move, poor judgement by you by the sounds of it. Clearly she sounds like she wants a relationship (of some kind) and thus to do things in stages. Dunno if that's what you wanted to hear or not but im surprised how you cant read a simple thing like that.


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
Stud No1 said:

Maybe she isn't a slut?

Since you's are buddies i doubt she'll just want to give up some sex with no strings. Bad move, poor judgement by you by the sounds of it. Clearly she sounds like she wants a relationship (of some kind) and thus to do things in stages. Dunno if that's what you wanted to hear or not but im surprised how you cant read a simple thing like that.
Quoted for truth. She obviously wants a relationship. She's not playing you, and the fact that she's not having sex actually bumps her value up in my book.

It amazes me how some people on this site project their own worldview onto everyone else. Life shouldn't operate on porn movie logic IMO.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
Reaction score
Los Angeles
I don't think she wants a relationship. Most girls are smarter than that when it comes to rebounds

just wondering how exactly you're escalating on her. she's obviously open to it but maybe you're doing something that's making it hard for her to be sexual


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Darth said:
It amazes me how some people on this site project their own worldview onto everyone else.
It amazes me how when some people disagree with someone else's assessment on this site, instead of giving a thoughtful rebuttal they tend to indirectly sh1t on their post instead, while taking a so called "high road of positive enlightment approach" and in doing so they are pushing their own worldview agenda onto everyone else.

Darth said:
Quoted for truth. She obviously wants a relationship. She's not playing you, and the fact that she's not having sex actually bumps her value up in my book.
Why quoted for the truth?! There is no truth only an opinion.

Its not obvious that she wants a relationship (that has not been established here) and any girl today that makes you wait until she is sure that she has locked you into a relationship before she gives up her poon is playing you for a fool. In most cases it is the guy who ends up being the fool by believing that he will actually get some sex if he just sticks by her longer.

How do you know this girl hasn't fvcked like 30 guys by now?! how do you know she doesn't have an agenda of stringing this guy so he will still pay attention to her?! How do you know she doesn't have a guy on the side right now whom she is swallowing his sasuage every other night she is not spending with the OP?! You don't.

You give girl's value in your book based on how long they hold out before giving you their poon?! In that case why stop at LTR? shouldn't you really make her wait and be like one of those born again christians, till marriage?! NOW THAT IS WHAT I CALL A COMMITMENT!! (even though the whole thing is farce as well).


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
DJDamage said:
There is no truth only an opinion.
Well that statement itself is your opinion. Many people do believe there is truth, and right and wrong...that everything is not relative.

My point is, why is it so unfathomable that she doesn't want to put out, yet she is still very much attracted to the OP? Have we really sunk this far as a society?

This isn't a personal attack, I'm just really confused on how no sex yet = no love.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Darth said:
My point is, why is it so unfathomable that she doesn't want to put out, yet she is still very much attracted to the OP? Have we really sunk this far as a society?.
My point is that she isn't so highly attracted to the OP as he thinks she is. Women who are attracted to men do not rationalize on "holding out" longer by choice. You got to get rid of the moral belief that just because you fvck a woman on the first date then it means that she is a slvt. Unlike women who hold on longer and are deemed more "worthy" but the action still remains the same.

Sure some women may play hard to get but in this case I think this charade has gone long enough especially when she kissed the OP and wanted to sleep on his couch but won't let him go farther. This is bullsh1t games, which I do not tolerate but there are some who do and 9 out of 10 times they will pay for it.

Darth said:
This isn't a personal attack, I'm just really confused on how no sex yet = no love.
A woman cannot truly love a man if she doesn't sleep him. Then again a woman doesn't have to love a man to sleep with him either.


Don Juan
Dec 5, 2008
Reaction score
My interpretation?

A classic case of a female using a man as her emotional crutch as she bangs someone else. She's been dumped and went on the prowl and the lucky sperm donor isn't you.

However, this guy is most likely not fulfilling her emotional desires only her sexual ones. Almost all women have that "guy friend" who they can pour their heart out to while later that night they get torn up by some alpha male (or hopefully one of us).

All her emotional garbage gets thrown your way while she plays hide the salami with some mystery dude.

You are in the friend zone. Run for the hills.

Stud No1

Don Juan
Nov 6, 2007
Reaction score
DJDamage said:
My point is that she isn't so highly attracted to the OP as he thinks she is. Women who are attracted to men do not rationalize on "holding out" longer by choice. You got to get rid of the moral belief that just because you fvck a woman on the first date then it means that she is a slvt. Unlike women who hold on longer and are deemed more "worthy" but the action still remains the same.

Sure some women may play hard to get but in this case I think this charade has gone long enough especially when she kissed the OP and wanted to sleep on his couch but won't let him go farther. This is bullsh1t games, which I do not tolerate but there are some who do and 9 out of 10 times they will pay for it..
TBH i detest your outlook. You don't "tolerate" a girl not putting out? You must meet some high-quality sluts, you know, the kind that cheat on you and have 50 sexual partners?

You think it makes no difference if she holds out out not because the "action is the same"? WTF?! Its not the action, its the point that they get comfortable enough to be intimate with you and they only give it up when they're sure they want to. You need to remove the notion, that its a "game" because for a lot of girls, its not a game its the way they do things, its the respectable way. Generally, it's the girl that puts out to me after only getting to know me, that worries me.

Of course, i can't say for sure what brand of girl TS is dealing with, but it's usually not that difficult to tell if you know the girl personally. I would say though, since they are already friends, her manipulating him using sex (of promise of it) seems a little less likely especially since he instigated everything to being with.

Seriously, this is the real world. Generally i ONLY target girls like this. Your expectation for a girl to put out because she's attracted to you or really likes you is really off base. In fact, i've witnessed times when the girl purposely holds out because she likes the guy so much and she wants to "do things right" so as to develop genuine intimacy so as to avoid the "notch on the bedpost" tag.

In all, its rarely black and white like you paint it buddy.


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2008
Reaction score
I think she doesn't have a BF and is using you for company. Maybe you seem like a better attraction than an LJBF which is why she won't say NO completely (by kissing and touching). I think she is smart and not conservative like some guys pointed out.

You have failed to attract her or killed the earlier attraction by acting needy about sex. The only chance you now have, having tried everything, is to MOVE ON, let her know there are other girls entering your life, THEN things will start getting in your favor.

Stud No1

Don Juan
Nov 6, 2007
Reaction score
DJDamage said:

You just answered your own question. She doesn't like you that much. If she was then you wouldn't have this problem.

Start gaming others girls and stop paying so much attention to her. If she really likes you then she will see the competition and might finally put out.
Again, maybe she doesn't sleep around?

TS should know the answer to this..


Don Juan
Dec 7, 2008
Reaction score
YES. she isn't banging you after one try. So OBVIOUSLY shes either manipulating you or not interested.

Get real. mabye not all girls are slvts?

And yea, a girl who puts out after 2-3 dates/hangouts is a slut.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
Reaction score
Los Angeles
those of you who put a negative judgement on certain girls by drawing a fine line between sluts and "respectable" female behavior need to cut that sht out.

relationships and sex are not mutually exclusive. they're not chronologically related either. totally wrong perspective thinking a girl has to hold off on sex with you in order to be real with you

that one guy DBot said it best when he said the only difference between a slut and a respectable girl is one is better at hiding it. you really wanna make a girl comfortable with you, let her know you understand the fact she's naturally a sexual creature but social norms (AKA guys calling her sluts) have her putting on a churchgirl mask so she doesn't have to deal with the bullsht

Stud No1

Don Juan
Nov 6, 2007
Reaction score
ready123 said:
those of you who put a negative judgement on certain girls by drawing a fine line between sluts and "respectable" female behavior need to cut that sht out.

relationships and sex are not mutually exclusive. they're not chronologically related either. totally wrong perspective thinking a girl has to hold off on sex with you in order to be real with you

that one guy DBot said it best when he said the only difference between a slut and a respectable girl is one is better at hiding it. you really wanna make a girl comfortable with you, let her know you understand the fact she's naturally a sexual creature but social norms (AKA guys calling her sluts) have her putting on a churchgirl mask so she doesn't have to deal with the bullsht
And what you said isn't at all mutually exclusive to what i said. In fact, i agree, that necessarily how fast she puts out or what not isn't often a barometer of how "real" or whatever she is with you. Hell, she might put out ultra-fast and not be a slut at all, it depends on the girl etc

That said, if she's the type of girl who doesn't sleep with many guys etc, then conclusions like "she isn't attracted to you enough" are severely irrational, as i think is the case here.

And no, some girls have more respect for their bodies and are more particular about who they sleep with than others, surely that's not even up for debate.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Stud No1 said:
TBH i detest your outlook. You don't "tolerate" a girl not putting out? You must meet some high-quality sluts, you know, the kind that cheat on you and have 50 sexual partners?
You know what's facinating about words?! is that you can change a few words here and there and make it sounds as if what you said came out of my mouth.

What I wrote was in refrence to the OP problem and I quote "This is bullsh1t games, which I do not tolerate but there are some who do and 9 out of 10 times they will pay for it".

Now if you want to put up with games of women not fvcking you and coming over to your house only to be sleeping on the couch (while fully knowing well that you do want to fvck her) then that's bullsh1t games in my book.

As for the comment of the type of women I meet, they tend to be the sweet and innocent type of women who blush often, who come from stable homes, and don't curse and from the outside they look like the early college girl next door type, the one that has a steady borefriend(yeah i said borefriend) for years.... that one you never ever suspect that she could be cheating on her boyfriend. You see some of them just can't help it. I know in your mind you have the image of some "angelic creature" that on occasions desires to have a c0ck stuffed inside her only from a steady partners and therefore she isn't a slvt as opposed to other women who just want to have c0ck all the time. Is there a difference between the two? not really since you never know if the woman you have now in LTR, isn't bored of you and dreaming of another guy's c0ck which is where I enter the picture.

Stud No1 said:
You think it makes no difference if she holds out out not because the "action is the same"? WTF?! Its not the action, its the point that they get comfortable enough to be intimate with you and they only give it up when they're sure they want to. You need to remove the notion, that its a "game" because for a lot of girls, its not a game its the way they do things, its the respectable way. Generally, it's the girl that puts out to me after only getting to know me, that worries me.
How comfortable can you get? suppose a woman has abandonment issues?! do i need to wait years for her? does having sex on the first date any ways more different then the third?! is there a time limit on this?! suppose I spend a whole day with a woman which equals roughly 16 hours and sleep with her that same day, does that make her any less of a woman if I went out on 4 dates with her and spend 16 hours in total and then at the end of the fourth date I end up fvcking her?!

Stud No1 said:
Of course, i can't say for sure what brand of girl TS is dealing with, but it's usually not that difficult to tell if you know the girl personally. I would say though, since they are already friends, her manipulating him using sex (of promise of it) seems a little less likely especially since he instigated everything to being with..
They have been friends for only 4 fvcking months, which means nothing. That is not friendship that is two people sitting together in a coffee shop with different motives and reasons of being there. I bet he doesn't know a thing about her. Sure he knows where she goes to school or what she does for a living, her likes and dislikes and her fears and other non esstential information. But what he doesn't know is her true nature and instead of being direct about it, he fumbles around and assumes that he is getting somewhere with her. Maybe he will get somewhere with her, I am not denying the possiblity but all that wasted time could have gone towards other women who don't play those type of games.

Stud No1 said:
Seriously, this is the real world. Generally i ONLY target girls like this. Your expectation for a girl to put out because she's attracted to you or really likes you is really off base. In fact, i've witnessed times when the girl purposely holds out because she likes the guy so much and she wants to "do things right" so as to develop genuine intimacy so as to avoid the "notch on the bedpost" tag.
Yes it is the real world, and the world is not always what it seems. With women I have learned that actions speaks louder then words. I have also learned what you see is not often what you get, and what you get is not often as what you see.

What you may so called witnessed is a girl manipulating and using her sexuality to get what she wants because she knows that most guys are grovelling for her pvssy and she also knows that she has the upper hand. She can take her sweet time because those guys are not going anywhere and therefore she can be picky and choosy and dictate what or when things are going to happen.

You think if she were to ever bump into her movie star idol that she would turn him down if he asks her for sex?!

Stud No1

Don Juan
Nov 6, 2007
Reaction score
DJDamage said:
You know what's facinating about words?! is that you can change a few words here and there and make it sounds as if what you said came out of my mouth.

What I wrote was in refrence to the OP problem and I quote "This is bullsh1t games, which I do not tolerate but there are some who do and 9 out of 10 times they will pay for it".

Now if you want to put up with games of women not fvcking you and coming over to your house only to be sleeping on the couch (while fully knowing well that you do want to fvck her) then that's bullsh1t games in my book.

As for the comment of the type of women I meet, they tend to be the sweet and innocent type of women who blush often, who come from stable homes, and don't curse and from the outside they look like the early college girl next door type, the one that has a steady borefriend(yeah i said borefriend) for years.... that one you never ever suspect that she could be cheating on her boyfriend. You see some of them just can't help it. I know in your mind you have the image of some "angelic creature" that on occasions desires to have a c0ck stuffed inside her only from a steady partners and therefore she isn't a slvt as opposed to other women who just want to have c0ck all the time. Is there a difference between the two? not really since you never know if the woman you have now in LTR, isn't bored of you and dreaming of another guy's c0ck which is where I enter the picture.

How comfortable can you get? suppose a woman has abandonment issues?! do i need to wait years for her? does having sex on the first date any ways more different then the third?! is there a time limit on this?! suppose I spend a whole day with a woman which equals roughly 16 hours and sleep with her that same day, does that make her any less of a woman if I went out on 4 dates with her and spend 16 hours in total and then at the end of the fourth date I end up fvcking her?!

They have been friends for only 4 fvcking months, which means nothing. That is not friendship that is two people sitting together in a coffee shop with different motives and reasons of being there. I bet he doesn't know a thing about her. Sure he knows where she goes to school or what she does for a living, her likes and dislikes and her fears and other non esstential information. But what he doesn't know is her true nature and instead of being direct about it, he fumbles around and assumes that he is getting somewhere with her. Maybe he will get somewhere with her, I am not denying the possiblity but all that wasted time could have gone towards other women who don't play those type of games.

Yes it is the real world, and the world is not always what it seems. With women I have learned that actions speaks louder then words. I have also learned what you see is not often what you get, and what you get is not often as what you see.

What you may so called witnessed is a girl manipulating and using her sexuality to get what she wants because she knows that most guys are grovelling for her pvssy and she also knows that she has the upper hand. She can take her sweet time because those guys are not going anywhere and therefore she can be picky and choosy and dictate what or when things are going to happen.

You think if she were to ever bump into her movie star idol that she would turn him down if he asks her for sex?!

All i can say is that you're living in your own skewed reality. Asking things like what's the difference when she puts out is dumb, because it often matters to HER, even if if doesn't matter so much to the guy.

So by the sounds of it your experience comes in an opportunist manner, aka girls in a relationship that are being disloyal. Well, news to you buddy, of course those girls are going to give it up, shy or not they're using you for sex pretty much. See how many of them leave their bf's for you, because i bet most wouldn't. You're a convenience, not superior to their bf you just fit in nicely in the back-burner.

As for the movie star example, not only is that an extreme outlandish example, it also isn't really pertinent because they would know they are having sex with that guy on a one-off basis. Just because they would sleep with their famous crush doesn't mean they should treat every tom **** and harry that they think is hot or whatever, the same. By that reckoning, every girl would have 100+ sexual partners at no age. Simply put, girls ration it, even if it means having to control themselves against their urges.

Again, i don't see the problem with a girl, especially one that doesn't have a promiscuous past whatsoever, to take things slowly. You continue to distort that situation to one where manipulation is occurring but that may or may not be the case.

I think you've been hurt badly in the past? Because you like to pretend every girl has an agenda and every move is a calculated one. Don't get me wrong theres so many *****es that manipulate to get what they want etc, but its far from universal no matter how you portray it.

Lastly, the comfort issue. Why use an example of someone with abandonment issues? If the girl you really wanted had such issues, well its up to you to work with those, isn't it? Every girl will have a different threshold for comfort and rapport before having sex, some don't need to know your name, but if she's genuine, then you should respect that.

Of course, if she's out sucking some other guy off and at the same time, playing TS, that's different. That could well be the case, i dunno. But what i do know, is there's plenty of decent girls too that consider having sex as a massive thing and want to make sure they don't regret doing it. So don't be so skeptical of a girl that doesn't want to have sex right away.

Say what you want, but if you meet a girl and have sex with her after 3/4 hours, and you end up in a relationship, don't you think she was a rather easy lay? Now, she could be the nicest girl in the world, really loyal etc. But im sure, a girl that sleeps with you very quickly, A) does that frequently B) Will have a bigger propensity to sleep with someone else behind your back than someone who doesn't sleep around (rules are never absolute of course).

All im saying, is i laugh at guys who get the lay the first night and think they're somehow 'special' and it was only a one-off for the girl. How often, really, did the guy truly sweep her off her feet and make her act differently that she usually would? Hardly ever. Further, for that reason, the easy lay rarely stimulates me beyond outright lust (which is fine, i just don't draw unrealistic conclusions about her behavior like many do) because i know no matter what i did, there was no way i was so special that made her give it up ridiculously easy as a "one-off". This is why one night stands usually don't lead to a relationship, and certainly not a good one.

But hell, each to their own.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Stud No1 said:
And what you said isn't at all mutually exclusive to what i said. In fact, i agree, that necessarily how fast she puts out or what not isn't often a barometer of how "real" or whatever she is with you. Hell, she might put out ultra-fast and not be a slut at all, it depends on the girl etc

That said, if she's the type of girl who doesn't sleep with many guys etc, then conclusions like "she isn't attracted to you enough" are severely irrational, as i think is the case here.

And no, some girls have more respect for their bodies and are more particular about who they sleep with than others, surely that's not even up for debate.
you totally missed what I was saying about female social conditioning though. the difference between you and djdamage is that when girls say they dont have sex because they have more respect for their bodies than other girls or are picky about who they sleep with, you go along with it and he doesn't. experience has taught me that cliches like that are just rationalizations the girl uses to protect her rep or counter feelings of guilt. On that note, I don't make any distinction between wholesome or slvtty behavior anymore - that perspective is just so far out of my reality at this point. With respect to the OP, the possibility that she is not putting out because she's sticking to some higher ground ideology doesn't even exist to me.

The girl is sleeping over on the couch, letting him kiss her and coming back for more. What do you think is on her mind

Stud No1

Don Juan
Nov 6, 2007
Reaction score
ready123 said:
you totally missed what I was saying about female social conditioning though. the difference between you and djdamage is that when girls say they dont have sex because they have more respect for their bodies than other girls or are picky about who they sleep with, you go along with it and he doesn't.

Personally i don't put any effort into any girl unless she's worth it in the first place. Sex or lack of isn't a factor in my original interest.

For djdamage and to not "go along" with it is his prerogative, but that approach will find a higher concentration of sluts than mine, assuredly. That approach could surely lose alot of high quality girls. Of course, if you don't get that type of girl in the first place, you won't notice the error of your ways.

experience has taught me that cliches like that are just rationalizations the girl uses to protect her rep or counter feelings of guilt. On that note, I don't make any distinction between wholesome or slvtty behavior anymore - that perspective is just so far out of my reality at this point. The girl having a promiscuous past is almost to be expected. With respect to the OP, the possibility that she is not putting out because she's sticking to some higher ground ideology doesn't even exist to me.
I agree, its completely not a set rule. BUT you say yo draw NO distinction between wholesome or slutty behavior? That's pretty dumb. What i try to do is tell go from a case-by-case basis. I know some of the nicest girls out there who come across slutty but they're really not. That's fine, i get that. But a girl's behavior is important, not reading it whatsoever seems naive.