

Senior Don Juan
Feb 12, 2009
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zeland
I Don't trust my girlfriend.....

And I know you can't ever really trust someone fully but i don't even trust her very much at all, I quite like this girl and would like it to last a lot longer without cheating. Now it's not that I don't trust her, its more to the fact that i don't trust her lifestyle.... Drinking all that, i do to myself but I'm just don't the type to cheat to be honest and when we first we're getting a bit closer she said to me that she realized she liked me a lot which is the first time she's ever really liked a guy.

Now through my subtle (maybe a little to much to drink AFC) questioning (mainly through txting) she has told me she that "She wouldn't cheat on me" and "I havn't and i fukin wont" (don't ask what i said to get that reply lol) and once she asked me what trust was and I said something that was quite nice and poetic haha and to cut the story short in ended in me saying so the only way to trust someone is to ask if they willing to trust you (if you want to know how i got to this conclusion ask haha) so after a few minutes i then asked are you willing to trust me and she said yes and kinda the same back anyway i few moment later i asked her what she was thinking and she said something along the line "its gonna be hard to stick to my decision but i will" and i thought that was all pretty nice, but should i probably trust her a bit more after saying these things??

I don't know, what do you guys think, should i next a girl i don't trust, should i tell her and maybe be more open with my questions of trust, or should i just get my balls wet and leave because since where in more of a relationship can i ask these questions??? what's your opinion on it


Five To One

Senior Don Juan
Jul 22, 2008
Reaction score
In my experience you need to 1) believe your gut, which is saying dont trust her and 2) protect your heart. Dont let yourself become attached.

Thats wonderful if shes your girlfriend and you like her and everything but... every day you need to wake up and look in the mirror and say "I would be completely fine if she left me today" The day you cant honestly say that to yourself is the day your not thinking the don juan mindset and in for some serious heartbreak.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 6, 2009
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA and State College, PA
Don't trust a ho, never trust a ho, won't trust a ho, cause a ho won't trust me.

Sorry I just had to say that xD (3OH!3 lyrics)

My friend said you shouldn't be in a relationship if you aren't happy...that's probably good advice. If the paranoia is making you unhappy then **** it.