True indifference means leaving this forum...eventually


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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One day, I want to stop posting, reading, and watching videos about women. Anytime we search content about seducing women, we tacitly acknowledge that women have a legitimate mating criteria. They do not. The reasons they pick or reject a guy are fluffy, trivial, and short sighted. Their criteria is flimsy and childlike.

It is ironic when men who claim they are MGTOW create videos about women. You cant go your own way and still be obsessed with the faults of women. If we really internalized how inferior women were ( at picking a mate, not in general) we would not even be discussing them. Do we discuss and obsess about how dysfunctional children are?

I understand that outlets like this are therapeutic. They are certainly therapy for me. It is okay for this to be a temporary crutch but one day we have to leave this stuff alone. This type of content only ensnares us deeper into the chaos of the feminine. Once we internalize their inferiority we will no longer need any dating advice. You will act in a manner that is already highly attractive to women. You will truly be indifferent to them. Only when you are indifferent to them can you attract them. This is the paradox.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
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Hmm bit too zen koan for me. Yes I know E = MC² but that doesn't make me a physicist. Your leaving out skill development. Also this is a red pill male hangout. Guys shoot the breeze get reassured they re not crazy, talk wealth, cars, music etc

Honestly if u could put aside everything you ve learned Read 'Practical Female Psychology for the Practical Man' a couple of times. I mean really read it with an open mind and try it out. Don't discount it because you think you ve heard it before or because you have a different opinion. I honestly think that would be a game changer for you.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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You both have a point, IMO.

Most recently, I've been considering this place sort of like a support group for men. Rather than a place for giving and receiving advice on seduction, although that's here too. Myself, I like the topic of gender differences and dynamics, it's endlessly fascinating.

I do think it's a little contradictory to claim to be indifferent but then go learn and practice game.


Mar 12, 2011
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Anytime we search content about seducing women, we tacitly acknowledge that women have a legitimate mating criteria.
Of course.

Anytime we search content about money, we tacitly acknowledge that rich people legitimately have it all.

They do not.
They don’t?

Pandora: “My dear daughter Rebecca, why did you pick John to marry and mate with?”
Rebecca: “I don’t know why, I have no legitimate mating criteria.”
Pandora: “That’s good, as long as your clear and happy with your choice.”

The reasons they pick or reject a guy are fluffy, trivial, and short sighted. Their criteria is flimsy and childlike.
Maybe in high school and college, but after that. it’s not so trivial and short sighted. They pick men for specific reasons. More importantly, they pick men that are most useful for them.

It is ironic when men who claim they are MGTOW create videos about women. You cant go your own way and still be obsessed with the faults of women.
Sure you can.

That’s like saying “you cannot not know how to play hockey and still be obsessed with the sport.”

If we really internalized how inferior women were ( at picking a mate, not in general) we would not even be discussing them.
Who says women are inferior at picking a mate?

What does internalized how inferior women are a picking a mate have to do with not discussing them?

Do we discuss and obsess about how dysfunctional children are?
No because we don’t want to have sex and procreate with children.

I understand that outlets like this are therapeutic. They are certainly therapy for me.
They are informational for me.

It is okay for this to be a temporary crutch but one day we have to leave this stuff alone. This type of content only ensnares us deeper into the chaos of the feminine.
‘Hey Doc, these antibiotics you are giving me, are they going to work?”
‘I don’t know. I stopped updating my medical credentials and reading medical journals a year ago. I mean if I read more than what I studied a year ago, it would only ensnare me deeper into the chaos of medicine.”

Rock on baby.

Once we internalize their inferiority we will no longer need any dating advice.
Who says they are inferior?

Physically they are inferior, but the United States government has said women are equal to men in every way, if not better.

You will act in a manner that is already highly attractive to women. You will truly be indifferent to them. Only when you are indifferent to them can you attract them. This is the paradox.
I don’t like the term “indifferent.”

A 27 year old hot actress you are in love with rejects you and goes out with a rich 38 year old guy and gets married and has his baby, you are going to be “indifferent?”

That’s what I don’t about this site. Doctors, lawyers, politicians, actors, billionaires, accountants, directors, bankers, KILL themselves to get a wife. Sosuave members are told to be “indifferent.”

A lot of assumptions and imposing statements bro.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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A 27 year old hot actress you are in love with rejects you and goes out with a rich 38 year old guy and gets married and has his baby, you are going to be “indifferent?”
The key thing that gets you into trouble in the first place in that scenario is is that you are in love with this girl who rejected you. Men should not be so quick to invest in women without first finding out if they are worth their investment. If she's not going to return your affections, she's not going to be a good match for you, no matter how attractive she is. Also, I don't think hot actresses tend to make for the best LTRs, statistically speaking.

I agree with you that I don't like the word "indifferent". This was discussed in another thread. If you are truly indifferent, you wouldn't invite her out or bother with her in the first place. You wouldn't even bother unhooking her bra lol, you'd be "Meh". What people are really talking about is outcome independence: Meaning that if a girl rejects you it will not affect your self esteem, mood, or determination to have a good time because you have other options and a solid frame. Ideally, anyway. Obviously if you're a loser in the first place, you've got some work to do.

17 shots

Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2016
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I like helping people who care too much about women, because I know eventually they won't care. They just don't have enough experience to realize that women aren't that special, and that they don't make or break your life. They don't define you

But it takes a lot of experiences to think that way


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
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Anytime we search content about seducing women, we tacitly acknowledge that women have a legitimate mating criteria. They do not.
They absolutely do.

If you did an actual scientific study of guys who get laid a lot, and guys who couldn't get laid to save their lives, you would find plenty of statistically significant differences.

To say that women have completely random dating strategies is a very weak argument against continued improvement.

To say that man's ability to bed more and higher quality women is irrelevant is a huge mistake.

And yes, the quality of a women is measurable, this is not another random variable.

Humans are self organizing ,hierarchical primates.

Not understanding the criteria for hierarchy levels is different from claiming they do not exist.

There are many measurable criteria which make women, in general, better than others.

There are many measurable criteria which make some men, in general, better than others.

If you ignore this, if you pretend this does not exist, that doesn't make it disappear.

However, I agree that watching videos and spending time online is essentially useless in one's quest to become a better man.

This behavior, of spending time online instead of in the field, which may ostensibly be to get better with women, generally turns into raw material for confirmation bias to verify your ideas that it is random.

This, of course, precludes men from getting in the game and improving themselves.

The self rationalizing hamster lives in everybody's brain.

Not just the girls who won't sleep with you.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
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It s still up to you. I ve found plenty of knowledge here. Applied some of it. Obviously if you never take it back to the trenches it's just mental masturbation.

And what I Iiked became part of my personal style. Which allows me to punch above my weight and has done my whole adult life. I spend far less effort on women than I did 10 years ago and have more success. You can attribute that to luck or sunspots but I know what I know. Pandora you are very close to getting it but you ve got stuck. You need to push through. Give the book I recommended a read. If it's useless and I m full of sh1t feel free to come back and tell me so.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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I like helping people who care too much about women, because I know eventually they won't care. They just don't have enough experience to realize that women aren't that special, and that they don't make or break your life. They don't define you

But it takes a lot of experiences to think that way
Does it get you laid more?

17 shots

Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2016
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Does it get you laid more?
Yes, just by analytics, if you put yourself first and care less about outcomes the more you're willing to take risks and put yourself out there. The more risks you take, the more possibilities there are for rewards. You also won't keep wasting your time with low interest, because you don't fear losing any of them or moving on to the next one

And if you put your body first, which goes hand in hand with putting yourself first to me, and never miss a workout, that gets more lays too. You can make an argument that the women who like you will like you regardless, but it optimizes the results with those women imo


Aug 19, 2013
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Eye of the storm
Indifference is misunderstood. A man who is truly indifferent towards women is either gay or asexual. Trying to be totally indifferent towards women is fighting our nature. Indifference can certainly be taken too far, easily to the point where it does not serve us.

The men who benefits from being more indifferent are those who put their entire lives into women. Those who would self destruct for a woman.

Indifference should be showed towards the negative so as not to reward it, even with attention. It is a result of personal boundaries and a way to express to a woman that you disliked her actions, as a result she is not deserving of your attention. It is also a defense mechanism, the ability to disconnect to avoid being emotionally hurt and instead simply move on.

I think whoever first gave this advice didn't intend for MGTOW, but for men to moderate their enthusiasm towards women in a more healthy manner. To find a way to involve oneself with women without giving them the power to break you, to expose emotion and knowing what to do when someone decides to abuse it. Not to emotionally shut down, pretend you're not interested and deny your own nature.

We are men, we want (with a few exceptions) women. Acknowledging that fact gives us more control over our desires than trying to shut it out. It is easier to handle it with full awareness than it is to push it into the subconscious, put a lid of rationalizations on top of it and having it pull strings that affect your life negatively while you continue to lie to yourself.

Indifference is not the ultimate solution to everything, it is merely one tool among many that can lead to great things when used appropriately.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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Of course.

Anytime we search content about money, we tacitly acknowledge that rich people legitimately have it all.

They don’t?

Pandora: “My dear daughter Rebecca, why did you pick John to marry and mate with?”
Rebecca: “I don’t know why, I have no legitimate mating criteria.”
Pandora: “That’s good, as long as your clear and happy with your choice.”

Maybe in high school and college, but after that. it’s not so trivial and short sighted. They pick men for specific reasons. More importantly, they pick men that are most useful for them.

Sure you can.

That’s like saying “you cannot not know how to play hockey and still be obsessed with the sport.”

Who says women are inferior at picking a mate?

What does internalized how inferior women are a picking a mate have to do with not discussing them?

No because we don’t want to have sex and procreate with children.

They are informational for me.

‘Hey Doc, these antibiotics you are giving me, are they going to work?”
‘I don’t know. I stopped updating my medical credentials and reading medical journals a year ago. I mean if I read more than what I studied a year ago, it would only ensnare me deeper into the chaos of medicine.”

Rock on baby.

Who says they are inferior?

Physically they are inferior, but the United States government has said women are equal to men in every way, if not better.

I don’t like the term “indifferent.”

A 27 year old hot actress you are in love with rejects you and goes out with a rich 38 year old guy and gets married and has his baby, you are going to be “indifferent?”

That’s what I don’t about this site. Doctors, lawyers, politicians, actors, billionaires, accountants, directors, bankers, KILL themselves to get a wife. Sosuave members are told to be “indifferent.”

A lot of assumptions and imposing statements bro.
Bro what 27 yr old hot actress that you know is marrying a physician? This doenst happen that much in real life. This my point. I dont think you SoSuave guys really hang out with real life chicks. In real life that 27 yr old chick is too short sighted to know that the doctor is a good catch.

Her promiscuity, mood imbalances, insecurity and feminist indoctrination all block her from pair bonding with him. If hot chicks were rational with their picking then 50% of women would not be single.

Hot chicks only pick high value men when their survival is on the line. They settle with the boring nerdy rich physician when they need a sponsor ( marriage).


Nov 18, 2019
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The indifference meme is the product of sociopaths who find meaningful, committed (i.e., Christian) relationships to be absolutely impossible due to their own immoral, degenerate nature.

Anyone who follows in their footsteps is a fool.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
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Her promiscuity, mood imbalances, insecurity and feminist indoctrination all block her from pair bonding
Man, what a tragically real way to sum a broken person up lol


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
Man, what a tragically real way to sum a broken person up lol
Lol I dont mean to sound so harsh but its the truth. Women were designed to be in a close knit tribal unit. In this unit the male patriarch and the older female patriarch will exert dominance over her mating choices. They will also instil mental stability in the female.

Women need the family tribe. Without this support they destroy themselves. Without this support they will become tragically broken. This is what we are witnessing in the West.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
The indifference meme is the product of sociopaths who find meaningful, committed (i.e., Christian) relationships to be absolutely impossible due to their own immoral, degenerate nature.

Anyone who follows in their footsteps is a fool.
They do it to each other... Following those footsteps into the bowels of hell. If one cannot be committed in relationship, what kind of friend could they be?


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
The indifference meme is the product of sociopaths who find meaningful, committed (i.e., Christian) relationships to be absolutely impossible due to their own immoral, degenerate nature.

Anyone who follows in their footsteps is a fool.
I agree bro. What I mean is that we should be indifferent to their male qualification standards. We should not try to figure them out. There is nothing to figure out. Its a void of chaos. They cant even figure themselves out.

This is why one day i want to stop reading this type of material. The more you ingest this stuff the more depressing it becomes. The reason it becomes depressing is because you start to realize that they are chaos. Chaos is scary for a real man. Men thrive on order.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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Lol I dont mean to sound so harsh but its the truth. Women were designed to be in a close knit tribal unit. In this unit the male patriarch and the older female patriarch will exert dominance over her mating choices. They will also instil mental stability in the female.

Women need the family tribe. Without this support they destroy themselves. Without this support they will become tragically broken. This is what we are witnessing in the West.
There are "tribe"(s) today. Ho3's are in "clans". This is why they all do the same things.... Because they communicate and pass information lilke a flock of birds... The feminist have themselves and various sub groups. What is an afterthought today is of a woman working with her man, that's the minority of the situations.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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Go try and figure out why the modern woman picks one guy over the other. Good luck with that. Trying to figure out a woman's romantic choices will leave you sad, jaded and a little neurotic. They cant even figure their own romantic choices out. How in the heck is a man going to figure it out? Its best not to figure anything out and to just move on. If she likes you and it falls into your lap...then cool. But trying to analyze why she didn't choose you is like trying to figure out why a toddler didn't like a certain toy.

If women made such logical romantic decisions then they would not be the in predicament they are in now. Ive had chicks not even remember rejecting me when I brought it up years later. The average man has NO idea the amount of moods a women experiences in a day.

Many of you guys on SoSuave do not take the time to really ASK girls questions. Shut your mouth and interview a hot chick. Really shut up and listen. Ask her probing questions on her romantic life. Observe her actions. Most of you dudes dont have any hot female friends that open up to you. So you guys think I am wrong on this topic. Go research yourself. After interviewing that girl you will be terrified. You will see she is a ball of confusion. Her criteria is ever changing, contradictory, capricious and shallow. THEY DONT KNOW WHY THEY DO WHAT THEY DO. A girl can date 5 guys one year, then a few years later not know what she saw in those 5 guys. She is a different person from month to month, week to week.