Troop Alert: Dr. Phil EXPOSES well known Seduction Gurus today (04/11/08)!

Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
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On the Frontlines
Yo Troops!

Dr. Phil is at it again...he's supposedly going to expose AND WARN women against various seduction gurus like Mystery Method, Charisma Arts, Ross Jeffries and others...

This is supposed be on TODAY. Here's a preview link:

We ALL know that this is probably gonna be a "hatchet-job" belittling some men's SINCERE attempts to get better at interacting with women, but I thought I'd sound the alarm anyway. I'm gonna try to watch it @ work, or hopefully, maybe somebody will eventually post all the segments on Youtube or something.

Who knows...either way, it'll probably be further fuel for discussion. The reason I'm posting it HERE is because I wanted all my Mature Man Forum, Brothers and Sisters in Arms to know about it.

So, MODERATORS-----Please feel free to move this to the main Discussion Forum or Anything Else because as of the time of my posting this-----NO ONE there seems to be aware of this.

Peace to you all...eventhough "The Battle" always continues...:yes:


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
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Thanks for the heads up, I will see if I can catch the show today.

I can't believe Dr Phil is going to call out a seduction artists on their game when he himself used "dirty" tactics to bed a 19 year old female patient 20 years his junior.

Fvcking hypocrite.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
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I hope it's on youtube, I can't wait!!!

"Lookout ladies: Men are on the prowl! Some guys win your heart and dupe you for thousands of dollars, while other men are learning the slick techniques of pick-up artists so they can land you in the sack!"

Love it!

Thanks Victory. I think all this does is make the guys working on inner game feel that much more..... validated.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
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I know the solution though: for now on, men are to be approached by women. Problem solved.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2008
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Don't worry fellas, your goal is to get good enough so the women won't even know they techniques are being applied in the first place. Just don't use the same canned stuff that's been around forever, make the techniques your own personalized brand, and you will be fine.

Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
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On the Frontlines
True words you've just spoken, MowtownMack.:up:

Only the guys who are NEW to this would actually consider the exposure of this information a threat. AND, these types of expose shows have been done BEFORE-----but not targeted directly at the Oprah/Dr.Phil crowd (at least not to my

The reason why I posted this here in the MM Forum was because I know that MANY of us take a keen interest in observing the psychologies, the perceptions, and the knee-jerk emotional responses that the "uninitiated" seem to always have once they learn of the existence of the seduction community.

I'm REALLY interested in seeing just how dismissive, and pandering Dr. Phil will be towards the topic. Also, there's probably a slightly greater amount of males in Dr. Phil's audience as opposed to Oprah's, so I'd like to see if any of the guys STAND UP for the positives of this segment of the "pro-men" community, OR, will they all just immediately bow the knee to the ridiculing group-think that I expect the female audience to exhibit. Should be SLIGHTLY interesting...

Most guys (and girls) on HERE (The MM Forum), are well aware that So Suave (and a handful of other sites) are far more than just a training ground for picking up chicks.

So I agree with you, only the folks who focus on displaying TECHNIQUES rather than exhibiting TRUE INNER CONFIDENCE should react to this kind of publicity in fear------"WE" on the other hand, tend to liken watching shows like this to watching a lab experiment, OR, like going on another RECON mission------and once again bringing back to headquarters news as to whether or not our previous assessments of the battlefield still hold true.

And unfortunately, I expect that it will.:yes:


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
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Do we take bets on if there will be a chick therapist giving the female's perspective and she says "guys you don't have to resort to these manipulation tactics, just be yourself"

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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From what I've read of the Mystery guys outline about the show, it only reinforces the community. If anything I'd say be ready for an influx of guys curious about the community.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 6, 2008
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Just beyond reach
One point you guys are missing is that the reason this exposure doesn't really matter is that it will not cause women to be any less attracted to the qualities that we know them to be.

When a girl tries to bust me on being suave, or a player, or any other accusation, I tell her first that she can't classify me, as she will never really be able to figure me out or understand me completely. What she will understand is that I will fvck her better than anyone else she has been with, and she knows it by the way I look at her. Then I may invite her to go ahead and hang out with that really nice looking guy over there. He doesn't look like a player. He seems like a nice safe choice for you.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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Two interesting things to note-

First, if you click on the link "Go inside a Mystery Method seminar" it seems that Dr. Phil is NOT going to be doing so much "bashing". Here is the last little bit from the slideshow on that link where he is asking a woman her opinion

"Do you worry sometimes that if there's a really nice guy who just doesn't have the social skills, that you might miss him? Whereas if he learnen how to engage you, you might discover somebody whom you might have missed otherwise," Dr. Phil asks. "You said it's not natural if they're kind of running a routine."

"In some ways it might not be natural because it didn't come from them. Someone taught them how to do that," she explains.

"Didn't somebody teach y'all how to put your makeup on, how to choose clothes, how to conduct yourself as a lady?" Dr. Phil asks. "Somebody invented the push-up bra for a reason."
For that Dr. Phil gets rep points in my book....

Second observation-

Click on the message board link and you will notice that the main reason women are AGAINST this is that they believe that women are out to meet men "to find their soul mate" and that men are only out to meet women to fukk them and chuck them. "Men only think with their penises, women think with their hearts".

What an utter load of crap.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
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STR8UP said:
"Men only think with their penises, women think with their hearts".

What an utter load of crap.
Yup. And this is what we hear growing up so we want to be different. The makings of an AFC. Happened to me. Women complained about men only wanting sex, I thought I'd be different by going straight to soulmate.

Batshyt crazy. Thank god for places like SS.

Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
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On the Frontlines
Yo Mistic,

Good point. And yeah, simple revelation of the mechanics or inner workings of something doesn't necessarily change our OPINION of it.

Which is why it's amazing to me sometimes WHY some people (women AND MEN) often react dismissively or with disdain whenever they hear about men seeking help bettering themselves so they can be better at attracting and KEEPING women.

I think that that is usually a reaction born out of a condescending attitude AT WORST, or a proud ignorance AT BEST.

Dr. Phil isn't ALWAYS wrong, though. And STR8up may be right: Perhaps he WON'T totally sell us out this time. That would be GREAT. But we'll see...

Also, back to MISTIC's point. Again, knowing what the other person likes and then catering to it in such a way that it BOOSTS your attractiveness to them, REALLY should be thought of as a good thing-----especially if the motives are not negatively manipulative or malicious.

For instance:

Suppose talk show hosts like Michael Baisden or Tom Leykis had a show where they "exposed" that there was a school that taught women how to stay in great shape, learn what pleases a man, and then tailor their interactions with him so that he would be more attracted to them than he would be the "average" woman-----but NOT neccessarily with a malicious intent behind it?

I'm betting that MOST guys wouldn't mind it AT ALL. But it's like STR8up pointed out...maybe the point of contention lies within how each sex interprets the ultimate underlying, motivations of the other.

Hmmm....Kind of points out just how important exercising your individualized gift of DISCERNMENT really is, doesn't it?

March on.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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reset said:
Yup. And this is what we hear growing up so we want to be different. The makings of an AFC. Happened to me. Women complained about men only wanting sex, I thought I'd be different by going straight to soulmate.

Batshyt crazy. Thank god for places like SS.
Women LOVE to pigeonhole men. Typical default mentality.

Women I know constantly remind me that I "don't want a relationship" because my last girlfriend "ruined me".

Where did they get that from? Out of their ass. They get pissed because I don't "step up to the plate" and "put myself out there", and they are women, so they can't possibly find any fault in themselves, they have to find something external to blame.

Matter of fact, this is a great litmus test for whether or not a chick is into you. If she starts talking about this kind of stuff it means that she is frustrated that she can't have a relationship with you or that you won't "take it to the next level".


Feb 10, 2005
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STR8UP said:
Two interesting things to note-

First, if you click on the link "Go inside a Mystery Method seminar" it seems that Dr. Phil is NOT going to be doing so much "bashing". Here is the last little bit from the slideshow on that link where he is asking a woman her opinion

For that Dr. Phil gets rep points in my book....

Second observation-

Click on the message board link and you will notice that the main reason women are AGAINST this is that they believe that women are out to meet men "to find their soul mate" and that men are only out to meet women to fukk them and chuck them. "Men only think with their penises, women think with their hearts".

What an utter load of crap.
Hey buddy I just noticed you're back on board.

My take on this is the seduction gurus want to be exposed. It's just a policity scam for both the gurus and Dr Phil for his female audience. Neither of these parties give a crap about anyone but themselves.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
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Ross Jeffries is attacking the Mystery Method on Dr Phil because he doesn't like that they take advantage of women by putting them down.

Ross Jeffries is just mad that he is losing money to the competition, plain and simple. He looks like an old Screetch from 'save by the bell'.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
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As far as what "The Mainstream Media" says, it is what it is. It's the Voice of A Million iqqi's, so don't take it too seriously. They'll never come around to see the point of the Men's Movement, so why worry about something that isn't going to happen?

Whether you agree with RJ, MM, whatnot, the bottom line is that we don't need their permission to improve ourselves. Just learn how to be good with women somehow.

In the end, you still have to get the guts to go up and talk to her, you have to be able to escalate physically, and you still have to have an interesting/exciting enough life to keep her.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2008
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Ross Jeffries is attacking the Mystery Method on Dr Phil because he doesn't like that they take advantage of women by putting them down.
Right, where all he does is try to hypnotize them into doing what he wants, which is so much better.


Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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