(Took a Full Red Pill Dosage) My Transformation from AFC to Full Alpha


Don Juan
May 10, 2012
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Hello My Fellow Don Juans,

I've been knowledgeable about Game since I read Style's book back in '04 during my college years. Even after all these years, I still feel like a neophyte in the game.

While the PUA stuff helps you with technique and how to respond to given situations, it's the Don Juan school of thought that intrigues me.

Although I've had my share of lays in College using Game, I never took the full dosage of the Red Pill until this week. These past few months have been an internal world war of opposing dichotomies: One represented the recently discovered (and initially terrifying) revelations of Roissy and Rollo, while the other was the last shred of belief I had in the true love that novels and Hollywood sells its society.

My world shattered this week, and the last vestiges of my Blue Pill prescribed beliefs have dissolved. But it's probably for the better. As I don't believe it's possible for one to willingly take the Red Pill without a traumatic event of such magnitude.

So, now that the shroud of the feminine mystique has been unraveled, I want to ask my brothers at the Don Juan forum for advice on what they've done in their lives that has helped them drastically in attaining Alpha status?

I'm 27 years old, so I am nearing my physical peak and on the up-curve of my SVM, but I still have a lot to learn!

Here's what I have in mind as to how I'll undergo a full Alpha transformation:
  1. Attain a level of Physical Fitness at the top 5% of the population (Yes, Game is mostly personality-based; but peak fitness breeds peak confidence)
  2. Cultivate an abundance mentality (concerning all aspects of my life - finances, job security, confidence, ability to network and make friends)
  3. Find my passion. Pursue it with reckless abandon
  4. Eliminate all the unpleasant things/obstacles in my life - It can even be by starting small: a squeaky clean room and car, make it a point to always look your best, etc. As an Alpha, you have no other choice but to look and feel good. Always.
  5. Eliminate watching porn, limit masturbation. This has many benefits. Time gained in the day for productivity, ability to utilize energy expended on masturbation onto becoming an Alpha, etc.
  6. Always bring a charismatic/positive vibe onto a conversation/ meeting. Work everyday to improve on this.

Thoughts? Looking for your input and additions! Now that I've taken the Red Pill... what's the next step? And how can I get there in the shortest amount of time, while maximizing my experiences.

Forever a Student,
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Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2012
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I think a few insights are important to remember. This will help you to see women (and yourself) in a more realistic light. Use realism to realize you're the prize instead of just blindly believing it.

#1- Most women are excessively self-centered and lack empathy when it comes to their romantic relationships. This self-centeredness and sense of entitlement is reserved ONLY for the man in her life, no matter how much she claims to "love" him. If a stranger does the smallest kindness for her, she will appreciate it more than the constant kindnesses and sacrifices of her lover. Even if she's madly in love with him and he's a dominant man, her mind is poisoned by a sense of entitlement and a lack of empathy. She may desire you. She may be crazy about you. She may even believe she loves you. And at the same time she will feel entitled instead of appreciative of your good deeds.

#2- This builds on #1..... No matter how selfless and how many sacrifices she makes for her kids or for other people, her sense of entitlement is CONTEXT RELATED. Meaning she believes she must make sacrifices for her kids. She also does NOT believe the average person owes her anything. But she DOES believe that men that are interested in her sexually (even if she's not interested in them) OWE her something. She also believes that a man SHE'S in love with OWES her something. That he's SUPPOSED to do certain things and this creates an entitlement mentality. She doesn't perceive it as him doing a kindness for her, but as him giving her something he OWES.

#3- In realistic terms, if you're a high quality man, you have more to offer than any woman has to offer you. You offer good sex. You offer good times. You're probably not expecting a woman to maintain you. You will probably over time spend more money on a woman than she spends on you.

#4- As a man, you have more to LOSE than a woman. Think about the divorce rate and how biased the laws in many countries are against the man. If you want someone to cook for you, hire a cook. If you want someone to clean your place, hire a maid. Your hired help will never disrespect you or talk back to you and the cost of either probably is equal to or less than the extra money that a wife will spend. The other option is to simply learn to cook and clean up after yourself. If you want sex, date casually.

#5- Constantly observe a woman's actions, especially if you're in a serious relationship. Continually look for good qualities in her and also continually be on the lookout for warning signs that she might not make a good live-in girlfriend or wife.

#6- Your time is your life. If a woman doesn't respect your time, she is devaluing your most valuable resource.

#7- Your sole purpose for existing isn't to make a woman's life easier at your own expense. Do NOT become a slave so that a woman can live a life of luxury.


Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2012
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#8- Good women are hard to find but they are out there. Don't become too jaded or you might pass up a good one.

#9- Even the good ones need some training. You have to decide if it will be worth the effort to invest in a long-term relationship or whether you'd prefer to pursue your interests without distraction, or to simply have casual relationships.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Insouciant said:
1. Attain a level of Physical Fitness greater than 5% of the population
It shouldn't be too difficult to put yourself into the fitness level of the top 95% of the population, but kudos for setting an achievable goal. :up:

Inscouciant said:
4. Eliminate all the unpleasant things/obstacles in my life - It can even be by starting small: a squeaky clean room and car, make it a point to always look your best, etc. As an Alpha, you have no other choice but to look and feel good. Always.
I'm always interested to see new attributes ascribed to alphas, and obsessive cleanliness is one I haven't seen before. I guess Felix Unger must have been quite the alpha!

Seriously though, congratulations on your new found attitude, and best of luck with your transformation. Sounds like you're on the right track. I always feel better when I have my place cleaned up. All the moreso since I'm not the neatest person in the world.


Don Juan
May 10, 2012
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zekko said:
It shouldn't be too difficult to put yourself into the fitness level of the top 95% of the population, but kudos for setting an achievable goal. :up:

I'm always interested to see new attributes ascribed to alphas, and obsessive cleanliness is one I haven't seen before. I guess Felix Unger must have been quite the alpha!

Seriously though, congratulations on your new found attitude, and best of luck with your transformation. Sounds like you're on the right track. I always feel better when I have my place cleaned up. All the moreso since I'm not the neatest person in the world.

LOL! Thanks for pointing that out about the "greater than 5%" thing. :)

Regarding the cleanliness idea, I just think that someone that takes care of himself and his surroundings would naturally be someone that has a positive outlook about themselves, no?


Don Juan
Mar 12, 2012
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Aristippus said:
#8- Good women are hard to find but they are out there. Don't become too jaded or you might pass up a good one.

#9- Even the good ones need some training. You have to decide if it will be worth the effort to invest in a long-term relationship or whether you'd prefer to pursue your interests without distraction, or to simply have casual relationships.
Damn bro, I feel like i'm in the same place that you are. So much get's lost once you start reading these forums and asking for advice. To the point that your brain becomes a muddled mess of confusion and you lose your sense of self. But, every once in awhile you come across a post like this and it sets you straight because you connect with it, you can relate yourself to it and you feel like you're in that same place.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Insouciant said:
Regarding the cleanliness idea, I just think that someone that takes care of himself and his surroundings would naturally be someone that has a positive outlook about themselves, no?

Oh, absolutely. It's a worthy goal, and it even has health benefits.

My quibble is with the term "alpha", a word that gets tossed around rather casually around here. People ascribe all sorts of different meanings to it. It's good to be clean, but as Rollo is fond of pointing out, even the filthiest scuzzball on death row might be "alpha". But it sounds like you are trying to make yourself a better man, which is the main thing.


Master Don Juan
May 1, 2007
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You made a good list, now get to it. Here are a few suggestions:

1) Persevere. What you describe is a complete personality shift and depending on your past, can take years to cultivate. I got introduced to Game about 6 years ago and while I've made some incredible changes, it has been a bumpy road with many setbacks. Despite all this learning and internalizing, there are still things that get under my skin which I'm working to eliminate. Changing who you are is no small feat, but absolutely worth it. Changing your physique is way simpler by comparison.

2) Don't take anything personally. Most people's true motives are almost never what they appear to be on the surface. If you're observant and give it time, you may find out the truth and it rarely has to do with you personally. This is part of the abundance mentality (aloofness/amused mastery). It will also help you master your emotions which leads to mastery of self. When you have mastery of self, you can have mastery of others.

3) Find your balance. To be truly successful and happy you need to feed all parts of the human machine and not to the exclusion of others. There's no point in chasing the dollar if you completely neglect your health, relationship opportunities (working super late all the time instead of going out), and spend your most intense years slaving away. There's no point in trying to build the perfect body if you completely neglect the path of financial independence. There's no point in chasing endless poon if you end up broke and unhealthy as a result. Work on everything the best you can. Finally, take time to reflect/meditate/soul search/whatever you want to call it. When you cut out all the distractions and are left with nothing but your thoughts, you begin to learn about yourself and gain internal strength and THAT is true power.