Too much information


Don Juan
Oct 6, 2002
Reaction score
East Greenwich, RI, USA
Hey everybody, ever since MOTU just posted about his true feelings about this site I have been thinking. I think a general problem with this site is that we have been giving certain people too much information. We have a DJ bible for God's sake.

When can too much information be a problem?

Well, the people who go on to these sites are at much different levels (not determined by how many posts they have of course). Some could be scoring chicks on a regular basis, and just want to get even hotter ones, while others may be lonely shy guys afraid to talk to girls, or afraid to ask them out. Both need an entirely different set of advice.

Ok, let's take a look at what I'm talking about here. Take me for instance. I'm sitting home alone on a friday night at 10:00. Although I could hang out with some of my guy friends tonight, I just don't feel like it, and would've rather gone on a date with a girl or at least seen some girls. I have needs.

However, for one reason or another, I have not been able to make things happen. See, I'm one of those guys who can approach and talk to girls, but I never seem to close. I'm a disorganised guy who has a minor self-confidence problem and a major planning ahead/ knowing what he wants problem/ fear of screwing up DJ techniques and jumping into things. Actually I'm not even sure what my problem is anymore, but I just know I really don't want to be lonely on weekends anymore. But that's another story.

Back to the point. The point is that with this problem, I am at a level, where only very basic DJ concepts will help me. Mystery and challenge will not help at all, in fact they have just made my problem worse. Now, when I ***** out about asking out a HB I sometimes think to myself "so much for being a challenge, **** this, it'll ruin everything." ****y and funny really does not solve the problem. Thing that totally sucks is that I think there's a lot of decent looking chicks that would definitely go out with me but I just never make anything happen. It's a shame, since now high school is basically over.

I guess what I'm trying to say here is that you should always consider what your real problem is. Is your problem the way you act around girls, or is it whether you have enough balls to take a risk in your life. For those of you in my position, the latter, I don't think going on this site will help you very much except for a very few posts, such as the recent one by MOTU. I think what you guys need to do is figure out what you really want, and then just be direct and honest about it. Don't flip out, but make sure you take those risks. That's what I'm going to work on in the last few weeks of high school. There's so many HB's there that I will probably see again very few times after graduation, I've got nothing to lose!