Tom Leykis' rules


Apr 9, 2010
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I just heard about this guy after hearing his podcast someone posted under PrettyBoyAJ's journal thread. These are his rules that he thinks every man should follow. What do you think? Agree or disagree? Would you like to add more?

Leykis 101 Rules

1. Spend no more than 40 dollars on a date.
* You worked hard for it and you should keep it. Spending more won't get you laid anyway. Optimally you should set up an after dinner date for ****tails.

2. Never date single mothers.
* You already know her stance on abortion, she won’t have one. Don’t risk paying vaginamoney. Plus her kids will always be #1 in her life and you will always be in the back burner. Why would you want to be in second place to some spoiled brat. They already made a mistake once, twice or more. Note: Child support if for 18 years boys!

3. 3 dates and no poon....? are outta there.
* If you haven't got laid by the 3rd date you are travling down the "friends" road and she is just sponging off you. (Leykis' 3 date rule is for guys who ONLY want sex - they don't WANT a relationship. If you're looking for a relationship, then that rule doesn't apply).

4. Leave if a chick if she answers her cell phone during a date.
* Most likely she has set up the bogus emergency call to get out of the date early because she's not going to bang or, she just talked to the bad boy that will bang her after you just bought the meal. If she answers the phone and you get that vibe, excuse yourself to the restroom and leave her there.

5. No coffee dates, no lunch dates.
* These are non-humping dates. You want alcohol involved.

6. There should be as little time as possible from drinking to banging. Don't detour to Denny's for breakfast or anything like that. She'll sober up and she won't want to bang.

7. Thursday-Saturday is offlimits for a girl unless its definite poon. This time is spent hanging out with your friends and having a good time.

8. Never answer your phone during the weekend.
* You want women to believe you are too busy out doing stuff.

9. Do not have a serious relationship until you have realized your personal dreams.
* Women are dream killers and will suck the life out of what you always wanted to do.

10. (For beginers) To get it done, Leykis says start with chunky chicks who are experienced or older women.
* Older women will love a young guy hitting on them and will show them the ropes. Remember: To play in the game, you have to warm up in the bullpen. This method gives you lots of room for player mistakes.

11. Never bang any chick from work.
* Unless you want to be fired. Yea, lots of people have met at work and it worked out for them but, there are also lots of sexual harassment suits ahppening and you don't want to be one of them.

12. YOU ARE PROUD TO BE AN *******...wear it like a badge.
* Tons of women seem to respect guys that act like jerks. If it's not true why are they alway running after "Bad Boys"?

* You don't want the crap she brought home and you don't want to pay child support for 18 years right? NOTE: When your done get rid of the condom good....some chicks are just crazy enough to remove the contents.

14. From Tom himself: The best chicks are the ones who aren't totally americanized. Those girls are pretty much faithful, are hot, good in bed, and will treat you well.

15. Try the best you can to make sure you don't bring a chick back to your place to bang.
* You don't want a girl who knows where you lived after you dumped her and gone to the next girl.

16. Your income will reflect the quality of poon you get. Strive high, don't settle, stay hungry. Girls upgrade all the time, and guys should be able to also.

17. Do not leave voicemails.
*Your number will show up on her caller ID and that will be enough to get her interest in many cases.

18. Show any way possible that you don't need her. Make her feel like she matters, but she is easily replaceable.

18. NEVER call a b*tch twice in the same week.
* This was in the movie Swingers, and Tom's played it before.

19. Don't discuss that you are a Leykis listener and follow his rules.
* Many women think Tom is a pig and won't bang just because.

20. Christmas, New Year's eve and Day, Valentine's Day, Thanksgiving, her birthday or yours, these are days that are off limits. You do not make plans with chicks you are dating on these days.

21. If you have a dinner date, eat a hearty meal before taking her out.
* Tell the waiter that you'll just have a salad. Tell your date your eating healthy. What girl is going to eat more than you?

22. Never do what you don’t want to do.
*You make the money, you decide on what you want to do and where you want to do it.

23. Don’t ask a woman what she wants. Women never know what they want.
* You're driving this ship.

24. No Spooning, No cuddling, No staying over. Get in and get out!

25. Don’t speak to women you work with unless it is work related. Don’t tell them they look nice, don’t comment on anything except on what work needs to be done. Your conversation should be limited to Good morning and goodnight with exception of the occasional good afternoon. Saying anything more may and most likely will lead up to a lawsuit.

26 Men don’t dance!
* The only exception is if you are Gay or Latino.

27. Never compliment a woman. Never.
* It raises her self esteem and she will look down on you. It will actually decrease your chances of getting *****.


Don Juan
Sep 17, 2009
Reaction score
Great. Just laminate them and pull them out as front of the girl.

This is not math or geometry...but human behavior. How about you use your god given observation skills and THINK. This is the problem with trip all over yourself following them. These are so categorical I don't know where to start. Let me tell you that the best F^ck of my life came from a girl who didn't give it up until a couple of months and more than 3 dates into it.

However, people like numbers...and rules...because it puts some order into an otherwise chaotic experience. Next we will hear about the "10 secrets to get you into her bed within 42 minutes"

You have a wonderful instrument between your ears that no computer can duplicate. It is worth is called your brain. I suggest you use it and let old and limp men spout nonsense and write rulebooks. a should not be too fond of rules.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
That guy's an idiot, and needs to stop crying over dumb skanks. That's what I think.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
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The only thing dumber than self-imposed rules is following them. Every situation is different. Treat them as such.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 29, 2011
Reaction score
Pretty much agree with what's already been said in here.

I'll also add one of the rules that stuck out to me was no lunch of coffee dates? Make sure she's drinking liquor? That's so lame.

And 95% of the field report dates that are posted here involve either taking the girl to a bar or club, and getting her tipsy, or going to her house and drinking.

Anyone here banging sober/non tipsy girls, no alcohol involved?

****. Some guys need to be original. Although it makes my job a lot easier when I take a girl on a date that doesn't involve drinking.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
I'm not sure about the resaoning behind #20 (don't see a girl during hiliday, birthday, etc.).

Number 21 is completely bogus. Men eat meat. I can't think of anything more gay than ordering a simple salad during a dinner date. It looks really, really bad to her. Trust me. Also, how cheap can a person be? ON that rare occasion that you take a woman out for dinner (if she deserves it), enjoy it and eat.


Don Juan
Jun 5, 2012
Reaction score
Fvck... no compliments ever?? but I use that as an opener.. fck me