to the druggies out there...


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
It feels freaking awesome. Now, I'm by myself, and I don't intend on using this all the time, but it does feel awesome.
You wrote that in your first post, h2o.

In your subsequent posts you implied (if not outright stated) that you were constantly high on cough syrup. You said you were taking another dosage every "7 or 8 hours" and that you take it before going to class, before going to eat, and before checking

I don't think there's anything wrong with experimenting, but if I think you're doing this too much, and I'm a complete stranger who doesn't know you, than maybe you should take a step back and re-evaluate how often you're tripping.

just some thoughts. good luck


Master Don Juan
Mar 22, 2002
Reaction score
nu juru
just be careful about who you get the shrooms from..if there bad you can get horrible food poisioning and be sick as **** for the next 6 months

But i did hear good things about friend tried it out...he said he saw lepracons everywhere....and he was building lepracon houses out of napkins and water...crazy stuff


Senior Don Juan
Aug 20, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Porky
You wrote that in your first post, h2o.

In your subsequent posts you implied (if not outright stated) that you were constantly high on cough syrup. You said you were taking another dosage every "7 or 8 hours" and that you take it before going to class, before going to eat, and before checking

I don't think there's anything wrong with experimenting, but if I think you're doing this too much, and I'm a complete stranger who doesn't know you, than maybe you should take a step back and re-evaluate how often you're tripping.

just some thoughts. good luck
Agreed...its been 2-3 days. It seems like your already hooked :down:


Senior Don Juan
Dec 23, 2002
Reaction score
Birmingham, Alabama
Morphine and heroin are both opiates. I don't think it would be hard to stop doing them unless you had been doing it long enough for physical addiction to set in. Heroin's problem is the physical addiction. I have a friend who tried it one time and he said it was great, but he didn't really want to do it again afterwards. I think the drug you would really have to worry about is cocaine. It has a strong mental addiction. I've done it before and as soon as you start coming down you want more. You feel really hyper and happy like there is nothing wrong with the world and everything will always be great. It's like you want it because you miss the feeling. Take my advice, stay away from cocaine.


Sep 3, 2004
Reaction score
welcome to my world
I decided to record my experiences of tripping for myself, just so I would know for next time how long it takes to get "hit," etc. I've also just written some other thoughts/comments, so I thought I'd just write them here and share.


Trip Log for Wednesday, Nov. 9th

9:50AM – Consumed ~130mg (I weigh around 61kg, so around 2.1mg/kg, enough for mid first plateau)

10:30AM– Feeling a bit queasy, and had a slight stomach cramp because I took it on an empty stomach

11AM – Hit me very strong, like a tank…difficult to move, wobbly

11:30AM – Still very high, but able to move though quite unstable…time is very distorted and 5 minutes seemed like 20 minutes…everything is a bit slowed

12:00PM, 1PM – Best high time, a very moderate buzz, feeling bouncy like I can fly, very calm and relaxed, feels so damn good. Also makes you want to fvck every girl in sight...I did a few approaches, just like everyday, but honestly, even though I felt "smoother" my game sucks under the influence. I opened one girl with, "hey, are you clipping your toenails?" LOL. 3 rejections, 1 fake number...and I barely ever get fake numbers normally. I don't even attempt closes that often.

2PM – After buzz…wearing off some, feel lethargy setting in; the “after buzz” feeling seemed to last until around 7PM, which is when the “tiredness” seemed to fade a bit. Not sure if it gives you a permanent boost of "feeling free," but it sure seems like the next day and hours subsequent to the end of the “after buzz” that I still feel that “zone of absolute freedom”

At around 4:30PM I played football…just threw the ball back and forth with a friend, and I seemed very coordinated and caught almost every ball…very aware and awake. Afterwards, my right index finger twitched uncontrollably…not sure if this is related to the DXM.


Next day, after better sleep, much more energized. Still feel like I am on something a little, I feel the “numbness” in my limbs.

Pure Powder

Found a website to purchase pure powder from.

A $55, 10G package would be enough to last me my lifetime limit of trips, of around 50-75 at approximately 130mg each. However, I am considering purchasing 500g – 1kg at bulk, packaging them in pill form and selling them…$4 for two 130mg pills. I will probably buy low and see how high the demand is, then decide to buy bulk if there is enough demand. The potential profit margin is enormous. I could make close to $9K off of 500g, and double that, $18K, off 1kg. It is very illegal, and the consequences are very damaging to not only my reputation but my whole family. If I choose to do this, I will plan it out to the most minute detail. I will write an actual business plan, and make sure every customer signs a contract agreeing to the risks, etc. I have to make it as legal as possible. Not only are there risks involved with customers abusing the product, but I need to figure out where and how to store that much powder, keep it safe from others stealing it, and keep it fresh, etc. I will also need to sell under alias, and only do so in certain areas etc. I will definitely look into all the legal aspects and possible consequence etc.

I am moving to Cali very soon, and with the rate of drugs, porn, and other similar activity that runs rampant in Southern California, I could sell this like hot cakes. This could be big, I could start an entire operation and eventually hire dealers to distribute the pills in San Francisco, San Diego, San Jose, and L.A. I wonder if anyone has ever tried to actually strategically plan…as in write up a real business plan and plan this out for real…I think it could work.

DDC, any thoughts/suggestions/warnings/advice?


Yeah…Porky and Jimbo2k, good point, I definitely need to be more careful.

On Wednesday, when I popped a dose for the second high in the morning, immediately after, I regretted it. I was like to myself, “damn, why did I just do that?” Because I realized I had some work to get done today, and being high wouldn’t exactly help my productivity, and it didn’t. So, in retrospect, I’ve already come to realized the impaired judgment and desire to get high can be very bad and I will be more careful. From now, I have decided to limit it to 2 days a week, and plan ahead so as to do it only when I know I can afford to let a day go by with no productivity. Thank goodness I have finally learned some time management and discipline lately, otherwise had I done this without being in good mental shape, I would have easily failed all my classes this semester, tripping everyday.

I think it is very easy to get hooked on that high. It is such an amazing feeling, that you need to watch yourself.

I’ve never tried cocaine, and I don’t intend on it. I have a friend (in fact, the guy I wing with) who is practically hooked.


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
I have a friend who has done every drug anyone could name and probably even some none of us here have even heard of before. He got addicted to DXM and he told me of all the drugs he'd done at that point, that was the one that almost ruined his life.

Oh...and stay the hell away from opiates unless you fancy yourself becoming a slave to shooting heroin.

You's kind of pointless to even be on a site to help you be more successful with women if you're getting high all the time. A lot of drugs cause sexual dysfunction, make it hard to get an erection or keep one and if you're so obsessed with getting high you lose interest in looking for quality women. In fact, you end up hanging out with druggie women who are contaminated with who knows what.

Drugs are a waste of time, money and brain cells. And no, I'm not religious. I've just seen too many people die from drugs, ruin their lives or come close to both before getting scared enough to stop.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
I've just seen too many people die from drugs

Legally prescribed drugs kill ten times as many people as illegal drugs. If you combine the 100,000+ who die from Rx drugs with the nearly 100,000 who die from medical mistakes, Doctors are the leading cause of death in the United States. But there is no "War on Doctors."

And pot, which has never killed anybody, is now, as of research out last month, the only substance known to mankind that actually grows brain cells. It also has anti-cancer properties; contrary to what the government says, pot does not cause cancer - it may actually prevent it.

Drugs are everywhere. Everyone needs an escape. Exercise, food, television, religion, and sex can all be drugs. Alcohol is the worst drug. Caffeine and energy drinks are probably not much better.

As much as I hate to agree with the government, meth and coke are bad news. If you think you have to do one of these two, do yourself the favor of not smoking or snorting. Both are a waste of good drugs, and nothing was ever meant to go up your nose. A new needle, administered correctly, will do less damage to your body. If needles make you squirm then please re-read the previous statement about coke and meth being bad news.

And to the idiot twelve-year-olds out there huffing solvents, for crying out loud, drop the glue, make some friends and score a bag of weed while you still have some brain cells left.
Erowid is a member-supported organization providing access to reliable, non-judgmental information about psychoactive plants and chemicals and related issues.


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Bible_Belt

And pot, which has never killed anybody, is now, as of research out last month, the only substance known to mankind that actually grows brain cells. It also has anti-cancer properties; contrary to what the government says, pot does not cause cancer - it may actually prevent it.
The part of the brain pot MIGHT cause growth of brain cells in is the hippocampus which is deep inside the temporal lobe. This part of the brain controls stuff like whether or not you become mentally ill. People with schizophrenia and alzheimers have shrunken hippocampus'. Even if the research is correct...pot doesn't make you smarter as you're trying to imply.

As much as I hate to agree with the government, meth and coke are bad news. If you think you have to do one of these two, do yourself the favor of not smoking or snorting. Both are a waste of good drugs, and nothing was ever meant to go up your nose. A new needle, administered correctly, will do less damage to your body. If needles make you squirm then please re-read the previous statement about coke and meth being bad news.
Advising anyone to use needles to take drugs is retarded. People that inject drugs (like heroin) typically have gotten to a point where they are no longer in control of their life. They put themselves at risk for not only HIV but Hepatitis, infection and a whole host of medical problems. Needles put drugs into your bloodstream faster which makes it much easier to get addicted. Shooting up drugs is a bit different from giving yourself insulin. Diabetics don't get together to share their insulin and needles and have unprotected sex with each other. They don't commit B&Es or rob people so they can go score more insulin. I've known two people who died from heroin overdoses, one being a woman who died in a dirty motel room with her 8 year old daughter alone with her dead body for two days. Her ex husband brought her the heroin and needles. He got HIV from sharing needles. I'm pretty sure he's dead now too. My niece's father recently OD'ed on Oxycontin and died. I've had friends who I've watched struggle with addictions to opiates and crack cocaine. Another friend has come very close to dying twice that I know of from drugs.

And to the idiot twelve-year-olds out there huffing solvents, for crying out loud, drop the glue, make some friends and score a bag of weed while you still have some brain cells left.
Using any drugs you don't absolutely need for medical reasons is a mistake and should not be encouraged. Although pot isn't as damaging to your life as the harder drugs...I've known lots of pot heads in my time. Most of them don't go very far in life. I don't know a single successful person with a good career and really nice home and car who is a pot head or druggie.

Yes, people can do whatever they want to themselves...I'm just saying it's stupid to waste your time and money poisoning your body. You only get one life and one body. Drug use also causes a great deal of pain and anguish for those who love the drug user. There is no logical reason to use drugs you don't medically require. It's just dumb...


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
Advising anyone to use needles to take drugs is retarded.

I know that you and most people think that way. You're not retarded, just average. Does the doctor ever give the patient a pill and say, "here, chop this up and snort a few lines?" Do any prescription drugs call for being smoked? No, they don't.

The world is full of white trash people who can't handle their drugs. Ten times as many people kill themselves and others with alcohol, but beer is all good fun.

There is no such thing as a bad substance, only stupid people.

I've known lots of pot heads in my time. Most of them don't go very far in life.

Maybe the potheads that do go far in life just don't hang around you. Law school is full of potheads.


Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
3rd rock from the sun
Now why in the world would somone want to try a thing when that very same thing has done so much psychological harm to others? Pure naeivity...

Some of you would probably say there ain't nothing wrong with a litle bit of DXM or weed but what's the point really? That's like working at McDonalds flipping burgers and being content with that position and never really considering managing the fricking McDonalds...

He who enjoys life without drugs is a very powerful man...


Don Juan
Jun 12, 2005
Reaction score
injecting street drugs is the worst thing you can do.
your advice can kill.
As little as a single line (approximately 20 mg) injected intravenously can be lethal
your advice is stupid.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
20 mg of what? "Drugs" right? As if they are all the same. And "lines" are snorted, not injected. Coke and meth eat the inside of your sinus cavity away when snorted, mostly from the "cut" that is mixed in as it passes down from larger to smaller dealers and the kitchen chemistry impurities. Stovetop crank is more crap than speed. Smoking and snorting make you ingest the crap. Shooting, especially with meth, allows the smart junkie to remove the small percentage of actual meth in the street drug and injest only that. We are so anti-needle because most people who do this stuff long enough to learn these things have already smoked and snorted more than their share. They already look like death by the time they start shooting.

My point is that if no one ever smoked or snorted, fewer people would do coke and meth. If needles scare you, these drugs should, too. But the people who are going to do it anyway would hurt themselves less if they injected their drugs.
November 13
Prosecutors: Drunk mom smothered baby


Don Juan
Jun 12, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Bible_Belt
20 mg of what? "Drugs" right? As if they are all the same. And "lines" are snorted, not injected. Coke and meth eat the inside of your sinus cavity away when snorted, mostly from the "cut" that is mixed in as it passes down from larger to smaller dealers and the kitchen chemistry impurities. Stovetop crank is more crap than speed. Smoking and snorting make you ingest the crap. Shooting, especially with meth, allows the smart junkie to remove the small percentage of actual meth in the street drug and injest only that. We are so anti-needle because most people who do this stuff long enough to learn these things have already smoked and snorted more than their share. They already look like death by the time they start shooting.

My point is that if no one ever smoked or snorted, fewer people would do coke and meth. If needles scare you, these drugs should, too. But the people who are going to do it anyway would hurt themselves less if they injected their drugs.
November 13
Prosecutors: Drunk mom smothered baby
20mg of coke, you snort that in a line, you will be fine, you inject it you may die


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
You are quoting some kid undergrad's chemistry page. Erowid is a much better source if you care about learning. Yes, you can OD shooting coke. But usually one has to find an experienced user to teach them how to shoot up, and generally that person will mention how to do it without killing yourself.

I keep re-iterating - coke and meth are bad news. But some people are going to do them anyway. They might as well have access to information about how to minimize the harm.

"My grandfather, like many medical doctors of his time (and like Freud)
was a cocaine addict. It caused him no problems at all as far as we could see, or he reported, and he always claimed that without the cocaine he would have been an alcoholic. He died at the age of 96, shortly after his third wife had died on him, and it would seem because he was fed up with living so long."

"If I had known ten years ago what I
have learned through much reading and thinking, I would have saved myself a
lot of money, and, more importantly, a lot of grief and self-destructive
behavior which I have, fortunately, survived."


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Bible_Belt

I know that you and most people think that way. You're not retarded, just average. Does the doctor ever give the patient a pill and say, "here, chop this up and snort a few lines?" Do any prescription drugs call for being smoked? No, they don't.
No one ever got Hep C or HIV from snorting or smoking anything. I happen to think doing drugs you don't NEED to take for medical reasons is foolish, and needles are the worst way for anyone to take drugs due to the additional risks involved.

The world is full of white trash people who can't handle their drugs. Ten times as many people kill themselves and others with alcohol, but beer is all good fun.
A glass of wine or beer is considered a beverage that quenches thirst and washes down food. If used in high doses,'s uncool. It's not the same thing as shooting up heroin or snorting or smoking cocaine. Trying to make it the same doesn't cut the mustard.

There is no such thing as a bad substance, only stupid people.
Apparently you haven't taken a serious look at the ingredients used to make Methamphetamine.

Maybe the potheads that do go far in life just don't hang around you. Law school is full of potheads.
I dare say that the unemployment office, welfare lines and jails are much more full with potheads than any law school is...but I digress.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
you haven't taken a serious look at the ingredients used to make Methamphetamine.

That's the reason to shoot instead of smoke or snort. The meth floats out and the crap stays behind.

No one ever got Hep C or HIV from snorting or smoking anything.
"Shared Straws Can Spread Blood Diseases Such As Hepatitis C
Just as shared needles can spread blood diseases between people, so can shared straws. A study by Bonkovsky and Mehta published in Am Acad Dermatol (2001 Feb;44(2):159-82) reported that blood and mucus on shared straws can spread blood diseases such as Hepatitis C between those who share the straw."

doing drugs you don't NEED to take for medical reasons is foolish

But that glass of wine is a drug you don't need to take. The principle is still the same. Why is it ok to get high on alcohol, but not other drugs?


Master Don Juan
Jul 24, 2005
Reaction score
Paradise (with rain)
Drugs are bad. You shouldn't need drugs to be happy, if you do then you have serious problems. However in small amounts studies have shown that drugs can do good things, I think it was a glass of wine a week will keep you healthy for longer.

Do what you wish, but know what your getting into and accept the possible consequences.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 31, 2005
Reaction score
h20's slow decent into drug addiction is actually entertaining me thus far. I can't wait to see what happens next. Keep up the good work.