Tips on proposing>?


Don Juan
Jan 11, 2015
Reaction score
Hi guys, havent been here for a while. I know I am not over 25 to post here but screw it. I need some tips.

Here is the situation. I have a girl who even asked me : "what do You think I would say if You would propose to me right now?". It ended up in her confessing to me she want me to propose to her. Also I am 100 percent sure she is my wife material.

But there 2 things. I have no role models to look up to, my father is introvertic pseudo alpha male, I mean he acts like an ******* all his life, my sister's husband is total beta without his own opinion. I have no idea how to do this. Ring thing or just some kind of sweet gift saying "marry me" or just asking.

I may be stupid, but I really have no idea how to do this, not even any role models to take some suggestion. I was thinking about the ring and the official way, but her family is plain stupid and all of them doesn't care about her and they don't like me at all since the beggining of my dating with my girl. Also if I would give her the ring, she would have REALLY HARD TIME at home. She is only 18 to be fair and that doesn't make things easier. She would be prolly hated at home until she move out or get throwed out of her "home".

Any ways to propose to her in some meaningfull but kinda discreet way? Or just sink or swim and go with the ring despite everything?

Also she is the girl which I admire, love, and we completes each other, also in the future I want to have a happy home with her. She even said the same thing to me about myself. She is a girl who I want and will set up in the future.

I am looking forward to some mature and grown replies and tips. I want to show the world she is with me no matter what but I am aware of consequences it will bring at her. Also I want to show her I will stand by her side despite of everything. I don't want to see any "alpha" replies like "lol, u suck, just tell her she is your wifey" "don't propose at all, let her propose to you". I want some meaningfull tips/ideas to show her she is my only girl and it won't change (she thinks of me as a great catch, maybe sometimes afraid of me and other girls hitting me) but not bringing the hate at her and so on. Dunno if it complex situation, or I just see it as one. But as I said, I have no role models and no idea how to do it.

Discuss and give me some feedback please! Fellow young man, who has been on this forum a while and learned about standing for himself thanks to You guys!
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Master Don Juan
Nov 9, 2015
Reaction score
Not what you are asking for, but be careful with saying, and believing, things like "I will stand by her side despite of everything". I know, she's wife material, but you don't know if she will in 1, 4, 30 years, so be careful with full commitment.
I'm sure the oldies will help you, good luck.


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2009
Reaction score
Hi guys, havent been here for a while. I know I am not over 25 to post here but screw it. I need some tips.
Here's your tip... Don't get married.

OP how many relationships have you been in? Is she your first sex partner? Are you her first sex partner. Do you have a career? Has she finished school? Do you have your own place?


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
I know I am not over 25
If you're not over 25 or even over 35, then you shouldn't be proposing to anybody. You're not experienced enough to know what a good woman is, and what a good woman isn't.

Also I am 100 percent sure she is my wife material.
How many women did you date and fvck before her? If you've dated less than 20-30 women, then you cannot be 100% sure because you have nothing to compare your GF to.

Ring thing or just some kind of sweet gift saying "marry me" or just asking.
A woman who is truly in love with you won't give a damn about a wedding nor a ring. A wedding lasts one day and the novelty of the ring wears off. I fvcked a chick who had an engagement ring on her finger for a year. A ring makes her feel great when she first gets it because she gets to show it off to all her friends. After a while, the excitement is gone and it just sits on her finger.

A valuable woman needs to focus on the future and the life she can help her husband build. Most women today just focus on their wedding and the excitement of having their first baby. Everything after that seems to be worthless.

She is only 18
Your GF is sitting at the right age to meet her "soul mate", but she hasn't hit the age of female maturity (23-27). THIS is the age range where you should be proposing. If your relationship survives the "party years" and you're still together when she hits her mid-20s, then she's proven her value and is worth serious consideration for marriage.

I want to show the world she is with me
Why do you think the rest of the world cares? They don't. If your GF is attractive, a55holes like me will still hit on her regardless of that ring on her finger. Not only that, a woman will fvck around on her boyfriend/husband if his value is seemingly lower than the guy she meets.

I want to show her I will stand by her side despite of everything.
Unconditional love only exists with a pet. GFs and wives are not pets. They are incapable of displaying unconditional love.

Here's a scenario... Let's say I meet your wife and fvck her brains out. Will you still stand by her even though she rode my c0ck? Yes or no? (Saying "that would never happen" is not a realistic answer.)

I want some meaningfull tips/ideas to show her she is my only girl and it won't change (she thinks of me as a great catch, maybe sometimes afraid of me and other girls hitting me) but not bringing the hate at her and so on.
Women don't need proof that you're going to stick by them. They need the opposite. They NEED to be afraid of losing you because you're a man in high demand and of high quality. Women are extremely competitive. They're competitive because they love the emotional rush they get from competing with other women. If you take away the competition, they get bored and find other ways to inject drama into your relationship. One way is to make you jealous by flirting with other men. Will you stand by her side despite her flirting with other men?

After reading your post and how you view marriage and relationships, it's pretty clear that you're not ready for the challenges you will face with marriage. You don't sound like a great catch because you have seemingly less value than someone like myself. You have to be a MAN who is high value and in high demand for your GF/wife to resist advances by other men. I'm just not seeing that in you.


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
South Dakota
Desdinova nailed it. There is no unconditional love except for your dog. Would you still love your wife if she slept with another guy? No? Well, that's conditional love..... Remember, the woman you marry is never the one you divorce...... That Sweet thing you are nailing now will become a fat cow who isn't in the "mood" for sex..... EVER. Are you still in love? If not, again, it's conditional love.

Do you have a JOB that will support both of you? If not, why are you thinking about it now? You THINK you want to protect her, but will you get her tossed out of her home and NOT be able to replace it? NOT a very good job of protection....

The ring doesn't lock her down with you. It DOESN'T mean you are together for life. While you are parading her all around "look what I have", she may be nailing another guy. I was the other guy once....They are married, but she just sent me a Christmas Card.....

You sound like you think marriage will solve all your problems, and you will live "happy ever after". SORRY, it doesn't solve any, it CREATES more problems. Before you do this, think. Does her family spend more money than they have? She will, she thinks it's normal. Are the parent's fat? She will get there.Her family is stupid? She thinks it's NORMAL.... and you want to marry INTO it. You DO marry the family.....the crazy sister, drunk father, b1tchy mother, the whole crew will be over to visit.

The ONLY thing I see you have going for you is she's YOUNG.... the number of men who have visited her V@G is probably low and she may pair bond with you..... as long as she doesn't wake up one day and think " I haven't had many D!cks, I need to get a Divorce and have some more"


Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
Reaction score
Desdinova is right.You think you give her marriage you have love and loyality forever - thats very naive thinking,actually you keep her love forever if dont give her the main prize and stay competitive.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Do you have your own place, car, and job? That's a prerequisite.

And if you do, my advice is that cohabitation is the way to go before marriage. You have no idea how annoying a person can be to live with until you try it.

And please, for the sake of not destroying your life....don't knock her up! That is a much bigger deal than marriage or living together.


Don Juan
Jan 11, 2015
Reaction score
Well, I am done here I guess. I didn't wanted your opinion about the whole thing, so I don't care if you think of me as a low value or something evenly stupid. If you judge me due to one post about one thing or my age, I have nothing to talk about with you. I don't want her to be "bonded" to me by my proposal.Thanks Bible Belt and sodbuster for sober advise and grounded look on it, I will take that into consideration also I have time to work it out 1 thing after another, I am young, determined and self-confident, I will find a way to make it. Thanks for clearing out the stupid tradition about ring thing. To the guys, thinking of me as a low value, or afc, or insecure, I don't care about what you think about me :) Thanks about the valuable on topic posts, lets close the topic


Master Don Juan
Oct 6, 2015
Reaction score
@KingWizard a more productive way to say what the guys was saying is: you're leaving yourself vulnerable. Youre so invested in this female that if she broke things off it would break you. Try to pull back a bit. Also, just find an intimate moment, tell her how much you love her and show her the ring and ask. Just don't get down on one knee.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
The land of improvement
This people is a true example of a blue piller. He's not ready to get unplugged.

I bet in 2-3 years you will be back here 90%.

And yes ,one can understand many about you cause you are a smartass kid with no knowledge of anything.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
I don't care if you think of me as a low value or something evenly stupid.
Well that's good, because none of us really give two fvcks about you. You asked for advice, we gave it, you walked away crying. You'll be forgotten once this thread hits page 2.

lets close the topic
Sorry, I'm keeping it open. More people who were once like you thinking the future is full of kittens, babies, happiness and good times will get to chime in and give their experience of walking away with nothing but their clothes on their backs.

Enjoy pursuing your fantasy while you've got it. It only lasts a short while.


Master Don Juan
Dec 28, 2013
Reaction score

Catering to a woman's whims is the equivalent of emotional suicide.

She's a good girl, she's beautiful, she's great in bed. There are also ten million women just like her. she's not special and her value lies only in what she can do for you. Stop the oneitis or face divorce!

Before you propose to her, take her on an emotional roller coaster. Lots of ups and lots of downs in order to have her cry years of joy when you propose. In order to be successful in helping her fall in love you will need to rein your heart in a bit before she stomps on it "accidentally"

Good luck bro, keep us posted!



Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Well, I am done here I guess. I didn't wanted your opinion about the whole thing, so I don't care if you think of me as a low value or something evenly stupid. If you judge me due to one post about one thing or my age, I have nothing to talk about with you. I don't want her to be "bonded" to me by my proposal.Thanks Bible Belt and sodbuster for sober advise and grounded look on it, I will take that into consideration also I have time to work it out 1 thing after another, I am young, determined and self-confident, I will find a way to make it. Thanks for clearing out the stupid tradition about ring thing. To the guys, thinking of me as a low value, or afc, or insecure, I don't care about what you think about me :) Thanks about the valuable on topic posts, lets close the topic
You need to read Desdinova's post 20 times, or at least until you get some understanding.

But you know what, fvck it, marry her. You will be back within 5 years talking about how you got ripped off. Some people don't learn until life knocks them on their a$$. Just like the doctor could tell a FAT guy over and over that he's too big, he needs to eat right, start exercising, etc., or he's going to develop X, Y, Z health problems. The FAT piece of crap ignores the doctor's advice, continues to go about his business as usual, and then one day falls out with a heart attack.

I also can't stand when these young "punks" come on here, ask for advice, receive recommendations that they don't want to hear, and demand that the thread be closed.

Grow up, apart of life is being able to take criticism and have people offer you tips for correction. You obviously found SOME level of value in this Forum to make the thread in the first place, just because you didn't get the gynocentric/blue pill/AFC type of answer you wanted.....doesn't mean the advice (from Desdinova especially) was inefficient.

Getting married in general is a piece of WORK today, but this guy (the OP) wants to marry a chick that's 18/19? In terms of the divorce rates, it's when you marry very young and before you are established that the divorce rates are the highest. The divorce rates at least go down when you are older and established, but even then, marriage is still a significant damn risk without any true identified rewards for taking on said risk.
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Young OG

Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2015
Reaction score
You might not come back here to read this, but you will eventually be back. Take it from someone who moved in with an 18 year old. She is to young. I was lucky I didn't marry her. She will eventually change as she gets into her mid 20s. Most likely in a couple years at the most, she will decide that she is to young to settle down and she will leave you to hop back on the cvck carousel. My ex changed a lot when she got into her 20s. It was almost like I didn't know her anymore when we broke up. Good luck.