Tips On College Social Circle Game


Senior Don Juan
Jul 19, 2007
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With Fall Semesters kicking off across the nation, I decided to put together a special post in light of it. During my run at my University, I was able to put together a solid social circle game. My social circle game was able to work for me and it did just that. I was blessed to have a great college experience because of it. I met really attractive girls at parties I hosted and it was a great feeling when people acknowledged me and wanted to be my friend haha… It didn’t all start this way though. It took time to build my social circle game. Now that I look back, I wouldn’t take it back. I will cover more on the college game on future posts, but for now check out these quick tips.

Define what type of social circle you want to build- I’m going to give you the run down on the game I ran in college. There are many ways to run social circle game but I will highlight how I put mine together.

Get connected with the party scene- I went out of my way to meet the big players at my University. These were the guys who were throwing great parties and meeting HB’s consistently. At first, I was just a regular at their parties.

Show them what you can do- I showed the big players what I could do. I pulled girls to their parties. This gave me leeway with HB’s telling them my friends were hosting the parties. They viewed me as part of the social circle because of this.

How can I meet HB’s to bring to parties?- First, you have to figure out where there are an abundance of HB’s at your University. Mine were in my classes, the gym, at the dorms, library, and various other places. When I was out and about, I would let them know of whatever events that were going on and number close them. I would later call them when there was something going on. Or you can text it depends on your preference.

Great parties you build your reputation-
The parties I was helping out with were really good and I had HB’s asking ME when the next party was. Not to mention that, but I had guys who I didn’t know telling me about how awesome the parties were. I was able to hook freshman HB’s all summer and fall long by presenting them to parties and showing them around campus.

Build a Team but do it wisely- I had a solid team of wings I put together. We all brought HB’s to these parties and helped each other out. You have to choose wisely who you want to add on your team. The reason is if you meet guys who just want to steal your targets and not contribute, what kind of value do you think that brings to the team?

Stay confident-
The path will not always be easy. Maybe you might have trouble in certain aspects of your game that you will have to work out. Stay positive and outline the goals you would like to achieve with social circle.

This type of game covers so much that I will be featuring more of them in future posts for you. I hope you enjoyed these quick tips. Have a great Fall Semester and good luck with all those beautiful HB’s :)



Master Don Juan
Jun 17, 2008
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Parties are ok for meeting people. I have my "crew" and we basically just let the freshman girls know where our "spot" is and we all hang out there.

The Bat

Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2007
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This is actually solid advice. For guys who are natural at meeting new people and having fun, this is a piece of cake.

But the guys who are very introverted and shy, this can still work but it will just require lot of exposure and practice. The key is to be WILLING to meet people just for the sake of meeting people. Don't go out with a purpose or an agenda in your mind. Those things are just a side effect.

Just meet people, be friendly, crack jokes, talk about something mundane, crack jokes, etc. Party people are very fun and easy to meet because you are in a very friendly, people oriented environment and there is alcohol involved.

This is how a "party person" and "prize mentality" can develop very quickly and very efficiently. Everybody wants to hang with the Mr. Good Times because everybody is looking to have fun and enjoy life. When you become this Mr. Good Times, you develop an abundant mentality because you realize that you don't need that one girl or that one dude to hang with and have a good time. You can show up to any party and have fun with any person that is there.


Don Juan
May 4, 2008
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I try and channel all my effort, not into impressing a girl, but to building and maintaining my social status. If you do this, you don't need to try to impress her; showing her you impress other people is far more powerful.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 19, 2007
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Garand said:
I try and channel all my effort, not into impressing a girl, but to building and maintaining my social status. If you do this, you don't need to try to impress her; showing her you impress other people is far more powerful.
No one ever mentioned anything about IMPRESSING anyone. I ran social circle game because I liked throwing parties and having fun; including the women in there was a bonus. If you are trying to impress women, they will read that. Running this type of game, will not make you seem needy if you do it the right type of way. You will have so many people trying to GRASP your attention she will be trying to IMPRESS you. Trust me, from experience :)


Senior Don Juan
Jun 4, 2008
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What do you think about gaming girls your freshman dorm? I'm asking this because I'm thinking it could probably get awkward if it doesn't work out since your basically living together. What do you think?


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2007
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Voice said:
What do you think about gaming girls your freshman dorm? I'm asking this because I'm thinking it could probably get awkward if it doesn't work out since your basically living together. What do you think?

go for it, if it doesnt work out, so what! its not like your losing anything by gaming them, you're getting experience and thats what will improve you more than all the 'tactics' 'techniques' 'NLP' and all the other stuff like that, if it is awkward if it doesnt work out, it doesnt matter, its not the end of the world, its not like their going to haunt your dreams and your going to see them much after college anyway if it doesnt work! lol

anyway their is some good basic advice on this thread which i reckon is lacking on this forum

personally i think a very important piece of advice is to get off to a good start if your going into first year of college, people stereotype you straight away and if you get a bad stereotype as the shy, nerdy type your not gonna score like george clooney are you! lol

starting college is a new start for a lot of people, people mature and develop a new sense of freedom which gives them the confidence to roam and develop into a mature adult.

other things i think which are important are:

dont be immature or be too full on : i have a friend like this he's constantly getting his n0b out or running up and down the street screaming and shouting, you get what i mean lol, anyway my point is, have fun all you want, but show some maturity and keep some mystery about you, dont be all over the place for people to see what your all about, this may seem like a stupid tip and im telling you to be quiet and stay in the corner at college, but im not saying that, im saying that there and boundarys to what you should and shouldnt do, be the life of the party and all that sh1t but dont be a **** with it lol

join a club: whether it be football, rugby, baseball whatever, make sure you always have things to keep you busy and keep you interacting with people just make sure you're having fun and taking the focus off the chicks

study hard: you go to college to learn so do it, you can throw your life away in college over something stupid, work hard, play hard try and stay out of trouble, its your life your p1ssing away if you waste your college years cause you cant be arsed

and finally the most important thing:

HAVE FUN!!!!!!!

we are still young, have as much fun as you can, dont pretend to be something youre not, love yourself and have the time of your life!!!!!!


Senior Don Juan
Jun 4, 2008
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playa99 said:
go for it, if it doesnt work out, so what! its not like your losing anything by gaming them, you're getting experience and thats what will improve you more than all the 'tactics' 'techniques' 'NLP' and all the other stuff like that, if it is awkward if it doesnt work out, it doesnt matter, its not the end of the world, its not like their going to haunt your dreams and your going to see them much after college anyway if it doesnt work! lol

anyway their is some good basic advice on this thread which i reckon is lacking on this forum

personally i think a very important piece of advice is to get off to a good start if your going into first year of college, people stereotype you straight away and if you get a bad stereotype as the shy, nerdy type your not gonna score like george clooney are you! lol

starting college is a new start for a lot of people, people mature and develop a new sense of freedom which gives them the confidence to roam and develop into a mature adult.

other things i think which are important are:

dont be immature or be too full on : i have a friend like this he's constantly getting his n0b out or running up and down the street screaming and shouting, you get what i mean lol, anyway my point is, have fun all you want, but show some maturity and keep some mystery about you, dont be all over the place for people to see what your all about, this may seem like a stupid tip and im telling you to be quiet and stay in the corner at college, but im not saying that, im saying that there and boundarys to what you should and shouldnt do, be the life of the party and all that sh1t but dont be a **** with it lol

join a club: whether it be football, rugby, baseball whatever, make sure you always have things to keep you busy and keep you interacting with people just make sure you're having fun and taking the focus off the chicks

study hard: you go to college to learn so do it, you can throw your life away in college over something stupid, work hard, play hard try and stay out of trouble, its your life your p1ssing away if you waste your college years cause you cant be arsed

and finally the most important thing:

HAVE FUN!!!!!!!

we are still young, have as much fun as you can, dont pretend to be something youre not, love yourself and have the time of your life!!!!!!
Thats good stuff thanks. I've always done that mystery thing and it's works great. Most of the kids i like are on the first floor my floor sucks. Anyway it's good because I have them wanting me to come down and hang with them because I'm not always available and have other friends from other campuses I hang out with. I already have some HB8 who I can tell is in to me. But ****, I don't even know her name, so I felt like an azzhole when she says "hey voice".


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2007
Reaction score
Voice said:
Thats good stuff thanks. I've always done that mystery thing and it's works great. Most of the kids i like are on the first floor my floor sucks. Anyway it's good because I have them wanting me to come down and hang with them because I'm not always available and have other friends from other campuses I hang out with. I already have some HB8 who I can tell is in to me. But ****, I don't even know her name, so I felt like an azzhole when she says "hey voice".
go up to her and say "hey type your number into my phone!" thats a way to find out her name lol