Tips for long-distance boyfriend assassination?


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Keesler AFB, Mississippi
Anyways, Ante, let's see...

You need alcohol to hit it off with her.
You hedge your confidence on whether you make it with her.

Now, another question. How would you enjoy it if your gf was at a school sixty miles away (which isn't THAT long a distance, unless you drive a big SUV/truck and have very little money for gas, or have no car stereo), and some clown was putting moves on her? Or, how would you like it if she left you for that clown? Don't be a douche.

"and I could tell that she took it seriously because she kept drilling me for why I thought that or how I could think that without knowing him."

That doesn't mean she took it seriously. That more likely means she thought you were full of crap and wanted you to explain yourself.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
You can't move to close the deal with her or try to convince her that her boyfriend is no good. You can plant those little seeds, but don't over-water them. Let them grow on their own.

Keep being the great guy, demonstrate your effectiveness as a potential lover, but stop short of actually ADVANCING, unless she leaves an opening for you. You HAVE to respect her decision between you and him, even if you think it's the wrong one. If you don't respect that, she won't respect you.

Also experiment with other women. She needs to know that if she waits forever to make the move, the position may be filled by that time. Think of it almost like trying to woo over an employee of a competing company. You can't just try to hire her's not fair to her or to the company she works for (her boyfriend). But you CAN demonstrate how much better off she would be with a local corporation that has so much to offer. Then one day when she "comes into work" ticked off, she may just decide to start considering a transfer. And you have to take ground where you can get it.

Thinking this over, you actually made me see where I went seriously wrong with a chick *I* was trying to turn. I actually HAD her going, good teasing, kino, fun conversation, action, everything, but as the night went on I started aiming for a close and she panicked and went back to her boyfriend.

Press her to a decision...not directly, but by being 1) an exceptional male and 2) available for a "limited time only." Eventually, her man will do something to tick her off or they'll lose touch for a couple days and she'll start wondering if he still loves her. Do NOT try to swarm all over this like an opportunistic vulture. Just stay out there as the alternative. Let her think, "I've got this boyfriend at home, but I just don't know, he's been so aloof/jealous lately...and here's this guy who's always upbeat, always physical, always knows how to make a girl feel good...maybe..." and wait for HER to open the door for you. Then simply walk through.