Hot Ice Casanova

Don Juan
Jan 4, 2009
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Here's something cool I thought I'd share.... most of it is pretty self-explanatory and intended for guys that are new to the game and looking to learn more... so if you are a master Don Juan you probably won't need to read this (but feel free if you want to anyway):

Beware the fake gurus!

When dealing with books and sources on seduction and attracting women, it’s important to know where to start. But it’s just as important NOT to waste your time and money on worthless books written by crackpot authors. Who is a crackpot? Anyone who writes NOT from personal experience! In other words, anyone who claims their method works but has never tested it themselves – or anyone who LIES about the effectiveness of their method. I don’t care if they have a million doctorate degrees from Harvard! They are STILL liars and crooks if they have never proven that their methods work.

The WORST of the “usual gang of idiots” are the authors who write sappy, mass-marketed drivel that is NOT based on personal experience. We’ve heard of them many times. All of those “relationship” gurus that write books on how men need to “communicate more” and “explain themselves” and buy lots of gifts so that women will be attracted. This is total nonsense. The more you try to “explain yourself” and justify every step you take with a logical argument, as if you are on trial for the “crime” of masculinity, the more you will REPEL women, not attract them. Women don’t want to hear you blab on about your money, your car, your house, how nice you are, or why they “should” love you. Attraction is emotional and unconscious – it does NOT need the woman’s approval! Anyone who has ever gotten laid with lots of women will know this, and any closet virgin trying to pass himself off as a “guru” to make a quick buck probably won’t. Those guys are not seducers, pickup artists, Casanovas, or even anything close. They are failures trying to capitalize on the consumer’s vanity. Their books are not worth a dime, much less a second of your time. That being said, here are some of the worst offenders whose bad advice simply should be AVOIDED.

1. Asexual wuss-man windbags. These are spineless guys with no game. Even worse, most of them have no balls, and quite a few (coincidence?) have gotten filthy rich from marketing bullsh!t dating advice that even a 12-year old kid wouldn’t fall for.

John Gray is the most infamous example of this. He rose to fame in the 1980s for his over-hyped pop psychology books on “Mars and Venus”. Basically, he advocates the old loser dating frame – buy her lots of gifts, shower her with compliments, talk about boring, guarded, “safe” topics, max out your wallet – in essence he recommends that you try to beg and buy your way into a relationship with her. No sex yet, just a relationship where she only sees you as her meal ticket and insurance policy! Then, marry her!

Now, wait – no sex unless you ask her permission really nicely first like a good little schoolboy, and if she says no… buy more gifts! (Meanwhile all this time you had no clue about all the young, confident alpha males she’s been sleeping with while you were at work!)

Gray has another odd quirk about him that marks him as a total crackpot – he says men should “notice” their partner and “be nice to her” to improve the relationship, then the woman should SETTLE for lame repetitive compliments from a boring man who has to go to John Gray for romantic conversation subjects. WOW. What a novel idea! So according to Gray, all the bad relationships and gold-diggers and vicious divorces are the fault of the man not being NICE enough! My friends, women don’t divorce a man because he’s “not nice” (the world is full of women who stay with abusive husbands even when “common sense” tells them to leave) – but they do divorce him if he’s a castrated schmuck and NOT A REAL MAN! What’s interesting is that feminists LOVE John Gray because he tells men to be weak, boring, predictable asexual prunes, but feminists also HATE John Gray because he expects women to be even weaker and more boring than that! The only thing more repulsive to these hags than a strong man, is a weak man who thinks he can control women.

And Gray does indeed try to control – to him, women are fragile flowers that must be nurtured with the tenderest care and spoken to in endless streams of dull and begging “let’s share our feelings” platitudes…He feminizes men and also makes women feel stupid, infantile, and bored in order to boost his own ego. Not surprisingly, women in such a situation won’t even feel the LEAST desire to have sex with such a loser. Hey ladies! Trapped in a boring relationship with a schmuck who gives the same lame compliments and says “I notice you” over and over again like fingernails on a chalkboard, then acts all patronizing like some creepy therapist? You may very well be dealing with a John Gray student (or rather, a John Gray cultist – the mindless mental SLAVERY of some of these guys truly shocks me).

My take on Gray - he is a loser and a crackpot of the first water, who writes purely for profit, not from personal experience. He has NO proven experience in seduction whatsoever. And the needy “beta” attitude towards women found in his books, not to mention their overall vibe, is that of a mentally castrated man who gives away all his power to women and is desperate to overcompensate for it.

Here’s the dirt:
After dropping out of college, Gray abandoned the real world and became a follower of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi – the same billionaire spiritualist “guru” who held an almost trance-like control over George Harrison of the Beatles (John Lennon openly dismissed him as a fraud). John Gray took a vow of total celibacy during this time, like all members of Maharishi’s cult were required to do, and was rewarded for his years of sexual frustration with an unaccredited degree in “Transcendental Meditation” – whatever that is. He was the Maharishi’s celibate lackey for 20 years! He was the original 40 year-old virgin! Among the wacky beliefs he was required to hold as a devoted follower of Maharishi:

*Anyone who ejaculates will never encounter the divine (despite the fact that Maharishi cult also prays to the Shiv Lingam, the “penis of Shiva” representing divinity and male fertility in Hindu mythology)

* Epilepsy, insanity and seizures are caused by “insulting the gods” and should be treated by drinking ass’s urine (it’s truly shocking that a “PhD psychologist” believed this).

* Constipation should be treated by drinking elephant urine.

* Sex causes dental abscesses (no wonder Gray avoided women for all those years!)

* Meditate hard enough and you can fly (the “Yogic flying technique” – which, even if it worked, would be totally useless for attracting women, or for much else)

* Miscarriages are caused by the woman staring at ditches and waterfalls (Hah! Now we all know where to take a girl if the condom breaks!)

* The solution for impotency is castration! (Perhaps Gray really DOES practice what he preaches!)

And if that’s not strange enough, after leaving this bizarre cult of phallus-worshipping celibates, he changed his colors and suddenly got married - to ANOTHER over-hyped self-help author whom we won’t name here, then got divorced (losing all his previous copyrights to that gold-digging shrew in the process) and re-married to a very un-attractive woman – never even attempted any real seduction or flirting. He has probably never even had a girlfriend – he simply proposed to the first spinster who would settle for him and take care of him like a mother! He hasn’t got a clue on how to attract women – he only tells you to suck up to them once you are already stuck in a sub-par relationship with a sub-par woman. This is obvious if you read even a bit of his books.

This guy, like 90% of self-help authors, is a fraud. He is, and was, and always will be, a failure with women his entire life! He does not offer one practical bit of behavior that will change anything. And he never mentions if he’s had success with attractive women with ANY of his methods. I’m sure SOME women (mostly frustrated middle-aged hags) are willing to settle for advice from a “guru” who couldn’t get laid to save his life. I am reminded of Aesop’s fable about the soothsayer who was out on the street offering that he could predict anyone’s future for a fee, unable to foresee that his own house was being robbed that very moment!

And talk about robbing. Gray had also been involved for years with GENI, a company that distributes his videos and other products, and is largely controlled by the infamous Saudi Arabian arms dealer and international war profiteer Adnan Khashoggi, who used GENI as a front business for several major investment scams. One of Khashoggi’s own cronies was the main sponsor of Gray’s “Venus and Mars” video seminar series. Of course, watch these tapes and it’s almost embarrassing how they sold at all!

Indeed, there are even reports that John Gray’s PhD is a worthless scrap of paper that he purchased from a now-defunct diploma mill. He simply has a million dollar title. He brilliantly repackaged every self-help psychobabble book ever written. He has hit all of the hot buttons that were pre-programmed by hundreds of shady two-bit “relationship experts” who put out their wussy garbage before him. He, like all pop psych “writers” aims at the second most lucrative book market. It is known as the “Frustrated Middle-aged Female” audience. Promise to solve their problem like a politically correct asexual “nice-guy”, and they will desperately rush to buy your book in droves. It’s the best they will ever have anyway. Only junky romance novels outsell these pop-therapy hoaxes.

Hot Ice Casanova

Don Juan
Jan 4, 2009
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BEWARE the FAKE GURUS (continued)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

2. Bitter Feminist bi*ches. I rarely ever find cause to use the word “bi*ch” in anything more than a sarcastic or playful context, but in this case the recipients truly deserve this title. These are cranky wrinkled women who usually have failed to attract a man and therefore start to blame men for all the problems of the world simply to nurse their fragile thin-skinned ego. And they primarily have one goal – the total wussification of men. Any time you see one of these “Let’s empower women” whiners, what you are really seeing is a fragile ego trying to hide its impotence behind violence and an antisocial, psychopathic hatred of all things male.

Real women who are comfortable with their sexuality will never fall for this feminist crap. Real women want a real man – pure and simple. They don’t want feminist-worshipping nice-guy wusses. The only women who want wussy men are the women who are too ugly, obnoxious, stupid, brainwashed, or insecure to attract anything better. Not surprisingly these women never get laid!

Interestingly, these feminist media attention-(w)hores are often the same authors that wussy she-man book peddlers like John Gray get their material from! He plagiarized several other sources, including a book called “You Just Don't Understand” by a “PhD sociologist”… Deborah Tannen! A burnt-out old feminist from the stale textbook academia, not the real world, making tons of money telling foolish, frustrated females who blame men for everything exactly what they want to hear. It’s not a means of attraction – it’s a worthless worn-out sob story repackaged as socio-political philosophy. No man will ever benefit from this drivel. Forget about gender equality – these sexless robotic liars demand nothing short of the total subjugation and psychological CASTRATION of men! According to Wikipedia, she is also intrigued by same sex couples – which is also true of many other robotic feminists who view men as the devil incarnate. She even goes so far as to say that men should throw away their male persona if they want to attract women: “Men have to learn how to speak woman-ese!” Good heavens - I’m afraid I’m about to sprout ovaries! No wonder more and more women are becoming lesbians these days - they find other women more confident and manly than all the wimpy feminist-following “nice guys” they see everywhere!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

3. Self-admiring Sugar-Daddies. These guys are less common than the wussy windbag or the feminist bi*ch, but once again, their self-assured “expertise” on women is nothing but pure deception. Tom Leykis is one very messed-up example – but the chief among these “buy the babe” charlatans is actually R. Don Steele, whose real name is John J. White. (The nickname is a not-so-slick homophone of the combined words “hard-on” and “steel”). This man, more than any other, tried to destroy the pickup and seduction community in the early 1990s when it was in its infancy – by means of libel, slander, hate speech, personal attacks and outright dishonesty – simply to protect his near-monopoly of the men’s dating book industry. Fortunately for everyone, he failed in his malicious endeavor, and today he’s little more than a washed-up husband dispensing outdated dating advice to a few desperate disciples.

Steele’s idea of attracting women (and the main reason why the REAL pickup artists avoid him for the most part) is to be the provider rather than the lover – much like John Gray’s approach, only this time with a bunch of try-hard “Macho” posturing. He acts like you need to be rich to attract women:

“If you don't have money, you're dog ****… NO MONEY = NO WOMEN”

What he forgets is that there are lots of rich guys out there who have NO success with women because money is precisely what they rely on for getting women’s attention. And there are lots of guys who are NOT rich, who get lots of women because they can excite a woman’s emotional circuitry so that she gets addicted to their presence! You don’t need tons of money to attract beautiful women. In fact, appearing too obviously wealthy in the beginning can make girls see you for your wallet rather than your personality – which is always a losing strategy. You should only want money for your own benefit – not as an indirect means to get women. Make money however you want, because YOU want it – not for getting women’s attention. Women don’t want you for your money. And the ones that do, are not the sort of women you want in your life anyway! Don’t call them (w)hores – that’s too kind. They’re THIEVES and CRIMINALS. (w)hores only charge you at most a couple hundred for a guaranteed one-time deal, whereas Gold Diggers will hold out indefinitely and rob a man for everything he’s got!

Steele was already old and wealthy when he started dating, and thus his approach is very narrow and specific, aimed mainly at rich men over 35. "An older man/younger woman couple is the best kind, and more divorced men are choosing women 10 or 20 years younger the second time around, because they can," he says. This, of course, assumes you can even afford to remarry after any divorce!

Steele keeps emphasizing that his method is based on “being a man, not a boy”, but behind all the cheap slogans, his material is wussy begging at its worst. He totally fails to understand the roles of Lovers and Providers, and how a young, attractive woman will often juggle the two and keep one for sexual adventure, and the other one simply for money. The macho provider is still a wussy boy in men’s clothing, and women can see through this fake exterior instantly.

Steele says that women want a wise, settled and rich man (in fact they do, but only as a husband/provider/sugar daddy – very rarely as a sexual partner, unless he attracts them without fear or insecurity), while men want impressionable and youthful women – in his mind, it’s something of a two-way street.

"He offers security - and she boosts him up, improving his mood and blood pressure, helping him to live longer."

Does he really think all young women care about making a frustrated rich man live longer? If he marries them and croaks quickly, they can get their full inheritance sooner! Unfortunately, he forgets WHY some hot young women want a rich man in the first place – for money and bragging rights, not sex – they may have sex with him a few times, but it’s purely for an ulterior motive – and they will withhold sex entirely if they can get away with it. We call these girls GOLD DIGGERS for a reason. If money is the core of your approach, they’re all you’ll ever attract. Women know all about “the Game”. And they know they can use their bodies to hijack the Game in their favor, getting anything they want for free. Yet they only crave what they have to work for – attractive alpha males and Casanovas who may not always be rich, but know exactly how to tease and lure women into wild nights of hot pleasure. Women who are comfortable with themselves actually LOVE to be seduced – it just has to be done with subtlety.

Meanwhile the naïve sugar daddy thinks his sweet little girl is his alone… And when she comes home late after a “girls’ might out” or doesn’t call back, she expects you to fall for it and assume she’s sincere in her “love”… and just wait until you’re out of town on a business trip, she’ll really be having fun then!

I’m not saying older guys shouldn’t date young girls – by all means, seduce them into your seventies if you want! But Steele just goes about it totally the wrong way. He advocates snail-pace dating, outdated “techniques” and planning to “meet up” without first developing a strong alpha personality, as well as relying heavily on money to generate interest – which KILLS any genuine attraction there may have been between you and her. Real women don’t care how many Benjamins you wave at them. Money does not excite their sex drive in any way – in fact, trying to dazzle and impress women with your money makes you look like a LOSER with no balls.

Hot Ice Casanova

Don Juan
Jan 4, 2009
Reaction score
BEWARE the FAKE GURUS (continued, again...)

Ever notice Donald Trump or Hugh Hefner desperately trying to impress women with their bank account? Hell no, they make women WORK for their attention without spending a dime on them. And you don’t need to be a millionaire to do it either – all you need is knowledge of HOW women respond to different male attitudes. (plus, ever notice how rich bad boys like Trump don’t look all that great, while younger, better-looking seducers are often not so rich? – And ever notice that guys who ARE both filthy rich and stunning in the looks department often tend to be GAY? Just an observation for the wise).

Using money as the basis of your game will only guarantee one thing – becoming enslaved by a manipulative, cheating gold-digger. And though not every woman is a gold-digger, it’s VERY easy to turn some otherwise great women into gold-diggers if all you offer them is money. If you’re foolish enough to give it all away in hopes of sex, she’s smart enough to take it and leave. If you really want to exchange money for sex, go to Bangkok and hire a hooker. They’re a lot cheaper there, and unlike Steele’s method, the sex is guaranteed. But if you want to sexually attract women regardless of money – if you want them chasing after YOU, so that YOU can have your pick of the prettiest ones – then avoid Steele’s outdated “sugar daddy” books like the plague. Likewise, avoid radio jock Tom Leykis and his similar methods.

REAL attraction is not based on money or being a provider. It’s about skill, presence, and smoothness, and flipping her attraction switches. It’s not the middle ages. Women are not the property of their husbands and fathers. And they don’t need your money. They need your hidden alpha personality. They need a high-value man. They need to be baited to chase, tempted, teased, and put on an emotional roller-coaster. They need a guy who’s not rattled by their superficial bich shields. They need a guy who goes for what he wants. A guy who’s not needy. A guy who’s not attached to outcomes. A man who isn’t afraid of his own testosterone. A man who’s smooth, takes nothing personally, and doesn’t have to resort to macho bragging or displays of wealth to feel confident about himself. This seems obvious but Steele just doesn’t get it.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

4. Hyped-up Talk-show Hucksters. Who is the number one source America turns to for dating advice? Dr. Phil! And what credibility does he have to be offering dating advice? NONE. Look what he has going for him at Match.com.

“Dr. Phil” McGraw is taking his psychological “pearls of wisdom” to cyberspace. Subscribers who pay $12.99 a month for Match.com's new “MindFindBind” premium service will get access to McGraw's folksy tips on dating and relationships in the form of short video clips. The service launches with about 50 clips, covering topics such as communication, making good first impressions and having meaningful conversations on a first date. In one clip, McGraw advises: “If you want to be a winner in love, you want to be a winner in relationships, then do what it takes.”

“Do what it takes”? What the hell is that supposed to mean? He’s very obscure on that point, but it sounds like he’s proposing that men turn to needy, clingy, trying-too-hard wussiness – whatever it takes - as the solution. No No NO Dr. Phil! Making men into asexual, pleading cowards is not a solution, it’s the PROBLEM.

Now I wonder which is worse – Match.com with all its millions of platonic crap profiles and fake users, or Dr. Phil, the man who’s always been too shy to approach women, suddenly offering dating advice? How many women has he romanced? How many has he aroused? How many has he been more than “just friends” with? Do you ever wonder why every time he has a pickup artist on his show, he just panders to the feminist crowd with scary, empty catch phrases like “WOMEN BEWARE!” and “WATCH OUT FOR THE PLAYERS”?

It’s like he wants men to fail by humiliating the successful ones! As if he sometimes forgets that he himself is a man! He even admits having failed with women as if it’s an inevitable fate for every man! In fact, when Savoy and The Don, two instructors for the Mystery Method company, a major (though overrated) seduction school, were on his show, he openly admitted that he has always been VERY shy and insecure around women.

And yet he only tried to trivialize their method and pander to the feminist audience, never acknowledging even the mere possibility that the Pick-up Arts, no matter what method, are more effective than the traditional date-and-wait model with all the expensive dinners, drinks, and disappointments - and he never went to any of their seminars to try to actually test their method to see if it could fix his problem!

It’s a simple fact that Phil McGraw’s show is nothing but an over-hyped cash cow for himself, Oprah, and networks selling advertising. Even if you ignore his harebrained dating scheme, he’s STILL a loser in every other aspect of his show. As a defrocked therapist, he has no credibility – he merely redirects some seriously messed-up people to “resources” on his site – which are usually OTHER psychologists! He doesn’t really solve their problems, he’s just the middleman that hooks them up with the real doctors.

And yet he has the gall to advise his guests on how to run their lives, despite not having his own life together - for example always telling insecure obese women that they HAVE to change their lifestyle now or DIE – when he himself is overweight and yet writing books on weight loss!

When you make that much money just for showing up on TV, what’s the need to practice what you preach? Pathetic is not even close. Can anyone trust a fat guy who sells diet books and programs with a straight face?! Next he will sell hair loss prevention products using the same style as his diet program, which is: “If I didn’t follow this program I’d be really fat.” "If I didn't use this hair tonic, I'd be completely bald!" ROFL.

Dr. Phil is the last person on the planet who would have a clue about dating, let alone internet "dating." He’s an utter tool from an outdated, unproven school of thought, who has merely read a lot of self-help books. And as far as I can tell, he has never had a real therapy practice (he owes his present status to Oprah’s endorsements, not to any of his own accomplishments), so he is not even experienced in helping the totally dysfunctional nutcases who don’t know what a bathroom is, let alone normal people like you and me who have much more complex issues on our hands every day. I challenge ANYONE in his audience to actually try out his advice (if it is even possible to implement such general and vague tips in the real world) and get laid by beautiful women. Not one person has ever demonstrated that it’s possible with Phil’s stuff.


Conclusion: so in short, don’t buy any books from these deceptive authors. They are simply better left on the shelf of your local bookstore to gather dust or be recycled into pulp.

Look for the advice and writings of REAL seducers who have bedded hundreds of attractive women and gotten incredible results by field-testing their own material. Just like you’d go to a self-made billionaire to learn how to get rich (rather than a broke broker peddling the latest over-hyped volatile stock), you should also go to REAL-LIFE Casanovas for seduction advice, NOT wussy virgin self-help crackpots or ‘politically correct’ man-hating talk show hosts sponsored by greedy corporate media. Trust real life experience more than anything. An academic degree or a pop-culture endorsement, does not a Casanova make.

Wishing you excitement and many steamy nights,
Hot Ice Casanova


Don Juan
Aug 15, 2009
Reaction score
Hot Ice Casanova said:
Ever notice Donald Trump or Hugh Hefner desperately trying to impress women with their bank account? Hell no, they make women WORK for their attention without spending a dime on them. And you don’t need to be a millionaire to do it either – all you need is knowledge of HOW women respond to different male attitudes. (plus, ever notice how rich bad boys like Trump don’t look all that great, while younger, better-looking seducers are often not so rich? – And ever notice that guys who ARE both filthy rich and stunning in the looks department often tend to be GAY? Just an observation for the wise).

Using money as the basis of your game will only guarantee one thing – becoming enslaved by a manipulative, cheating gold-digger. And though not every woman is a gold-digger, it’s VERY easy to turn some otherwise great women into gold-diggers if all you offer them is money. If you’re foolish enough to give it all away in hopes of sex, she’s smart enough to take it and leave. If you really want to exchange money for sex, go to Bangkok and hire a hooker. They’re a lot cheaper there, and unlike Steele’s method, the sex is guaranteed. But if you want to sexually attract women regardless of money – if you want them chasing after YOU, so that YOU can have your pick of the prettiest ones – then avoid Steele’s outdated “sugar daddy” books like the plague. Likewise, avoid radio jock Tom Leykis and his similar methods.

REAL attraction is not based on money or being a provider. It’s about skill, presence, and smoothness, and flipping her attraction switches. It’s not the middle ages. Women are not the property of their husbands and fathers. And they don’t need your money. They need your hidden alpha personality. They need a high-value man. They need to be baited to chase, tempted, teased, and put on an emotional roller-coaster. They need a guy who’s not rattled by their superficial bich shields. They need a guy who goes for what he wants. A guy who’s not needy. A guy who’s not attached to outcomes. A man who isn’t afraid of his own testosterone. A man who’s smooth, takes nothing personally, and doesn’t have to resort to macho bragging or displays of wealth to feel confident about himself. This seems obvious but Steele just doesn’t get it.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

4. Hyped-up Talk-show Hucksters. Who is the number one source America turns to for dating advice? Dr. Phil! And what credibility does he have to be offering dating advice? NONE. Look what he has going for him at Match.com.

“Dr. Phil” McGraw is taking his psychological “pearls of wisdom” to cyberspace. Subscribers who pay $12.99 a month for Match.com's new “MindFindBind” premium service will get access to McGraw's folksy tips on dating and relationships in the form of short video clips. The service launches with about 50 clips, covering topics such as communication, making good first impressions and having meaningful conversations on a first date. In one clip, McGraw advises: “If you want to be a winner in love, you want to be a winner in relationships, then do what it takes.”

“Do what it takes”? What the hell is that supposed to mean? He’s very obscure on that point, but it sounds like he’s proposing that men turn to needy, clingy, trying-too-hard wussiness – whatever it takes - as the solution. No No NO Dr. Phil! Making men into asexual, pleading cowards is not a solution, it’s the PROBLEM.

Now I wonder which is worse – Match.com with all its millions of platonic crap profiles and fake users, or Dr. Phil, the man who’s always been too shy to approach women, suddenly offering dating advice? How many women has he romanced? How many has he aroused? How many has he been more than “just friends” with? Do you ever wonder why every time he has a pickup artist on his show, he just panders to the feminist crowd with scary, empty catch phrases like “WOMEN BEWARE!” and “WATCH OUT FOR THE PLAYERS”?

It’s like he wants men to fail by humiliating the successful ones! As if he sometimes forgets that he himself is a man! He even admits having failed with women as if it’s an inevitable fate for every man! In fact, when Savoy and The Don, two instructors for the Mystery Method company, a major (though overrated) seduction school, were on his show, he openly admitted that he has always been VERY shy and insecure around women.

And yet he only tried to trivialize their method and pander to the feminist audience, never acknowledging even the mere possibility that the Pick-up Arts, no matter what method, are more effective than the traditional date-and-wait model with all the expensive dinners, drinks, and disappointments - and he never went to any of their seminars to try to actually test their method to see if it could fix his problem!

It’s a simple fact that Phil McGraw’s show is nothing but an over-hyped cash cow for himself, Oprah, and networks selling advertising. Even if you ignore his harebrained dating scheme, he’s STILL a loser in every other aspect of his show. As a defrocked therapist, he has no credibility – he merely redirects some seriously messed-up people to “resources” on his site – which are usually OTHER psychologists! He doesn’t really solve their problems, he’s just the middleman that hooks them up with the real doctors.

And yet he has the gall to advise his guests on how to run their lives, despite not having his own life together - for example always telling insecure obese women that they HAVE to change their lifestyle now or DIE – when he himself is overweight and yet writing books on weight loss!

When you make that much money just for showing up on TV, what’s the need to practice what you preach? Pathetic is not even close. Can anyone trust a fat guy who sells diet books and programs with a straight face?! Next he will sell hair loss prevention products using the same style as his diet program, which is: “If I didn’t follow this program I’d be really fat.” "If I didn't use this hair tonic, I'd be completely bald!" ROFL.

Dr. Phil is the last person on the planet who would have a clue about dating, let alone internet "dating." He’s an utter tool from an outdated, unproven school of thought, who has merely read a lot of self-help books. And as far as I can tell, he has never had a real therapy practice (he owes his present status to Oprah’s endorsements, not to any of his own accomplishments), so he is not even experienced in helping the totally dysfunctional nutcases who don’t know what a bathroom is, let alone normal people like you and me who have much more complex issues on our hands every day. I challenge ANYONE in his audience to actually try out his advice (if it is even possible to implement such general and vague tips in the real world) and get laid by beautiful women. Not one person has ever demonstrated that it’s possible with Phil’s stuff.


Conclusion: so in short, don’t buy any books from these deceptive authors. They are simply better left on the shelf of your local bookstore to gather dust or be recycled into pulp.

Look for the advice and writings of REAL seducers who have bedded hundreds of attractive women and gotten incredible results by field-testing their own material. Just like you’d go to a self-made billionaire to learn how to get rich (rather than a broke broker peddling the latest over-hyped volatile stock), you should also go to REAL-LIFE Casanovas for seduction advice, NOT wussy virgin self-help crackpots or ‘politically correct’ man-hating talk show hosts sponsored by greedy corporate media. Trust real life experience more than anything. An academic degree or a pop-culture endorsement, does not a Casanova make.

Wishing you excitement and many steamy nights,
Hot Ice Casanova
Hey great advice ice!! Whats your opinion on DR Laura just courious????:D


May 13, 2009
Reaction score
great post !!
there s a lot marketeers in the business
NLP for instance there s this BRITISH guy PAUL MAC KENNA who claims you can become the man of your own dreams to be in 7 days ( he s a personal friend of BANDLER ) you see a perfect vision of yorself you get into your new self act superconfident and you ll superman IN 7 DAYS
THE GUY IS CLEVER INASMUCH HE QUOTES VARIOUS RECOGNIZED AUTHORS LIKE nietzche S o the sucker thinks " hey man this MACKENNA guy s read NIETSCHE i can t get wrong with that stuff !!

NLP claims are just claims if it was that effective everybody d be problemfree !!!

There s this other guy aN english guy who claiMs you can bust AA by using what he calls TAPPING again there s not proof that it works nothing scintific about it ( it s vaguely akin to acupuncture does acupuncture work that well ?

plagiarizE NEAL STRAUSS get your e bk on GOOGLE AND YOU MAKE A PROFIT PROMISE the sucker he ll get his money if not satisfied ( the sucker ever hardly get hisc money back )

Erik V

Don Juan
Dec 30, 2009
Reaction score
Dr. Phil certainly fits, but then, he is just entertainment. He deals with deep problems in a one-hour format. In one episode he talks to a young guy who says he is addicted to the internet, and the guy is at home, we see him through his web camera. Dr. Phil says that he must turn off his computer and go cold turkey. "I want to see a black screen now." The guy doesn't seem to understand first, but then turns off his web camera. The audience applauds. Phil has solved another problem.

But John Gray's main book is actually informative, and Hot Ice Casanova's OP does it injustice. You can say as many negative things you want about Transcendental Meditation, and we will all agree. But John Gray left TM. And his books don't contain any of that. So that is an extremely dishonest way of dealing with his books.

In Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus, the basic message is to communicate in a relationship, rather than not tell each other what bothers you, which is sensible. It also talks about how men and women communicate differently, expect different things from a conversation, and how they misunderstand each other. The second message is to give each other space when you need it.

Perfectly reasonable advice. The book does not deal with picking up women at all, so the entire wall of text about John Gray in the OP is moot.