This site is a breeding ground for mental masturbation.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 15, 2004
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There are so many techniques but the whole seduction community can be boiled down in this post I'm about to make.

God gave you a body and a mind. You'll probaly never be as buff as Arnold nor will you have the mental capability of Einstein. But whatever hand you were dealt you have to make the absolute best out of it. IF you can attain the classic V shape your possiblites with women will increase drastically. Alot of you are trying to be Alpha when you don't actually look the role. Look at a beta and alpha wolf and you can tell the difference.

In life survival of the fittest and if you are flabby the chances that you are going to pull a HB10 are slim to none and slim just boarded the train.

But if you like a challenge go ahead and keep looking out of shape and sickly. I'd rather deal with women when I'm in the best shape I can be in.


Write down your long term goals and work backwords.

For instance.

In one year I want to have a new house, 20,000 dollars in my bank account, anew motorcycle and 3 HB10's I can have sex with at anytime in my rotation.

So break that down month by month. And then week by week. And finally before you go to bed write down a "TO DO" list for the next day. Constantly review your goals and stick with them no matter how far out of reach they appear to be. If you soundly plan each goal attaining them will be easier than you ever thought.

To further prove my point. Harvard did a study a few years back and out of all their graduate students the 3 percent of people that had clearly defined goals made more than the other 97 percent combined.

So where we at? Are we closer to becoming the person that we want to be or are we wasting away on message boards, internet porn, and video games?

Live life with NO FEAR. Take back control from your peers, teachers and family members that limit you. They've killed your dreams. They may have pushed you over the edge into a mediocre existense. But the good news is that you are still alive and kicking and have the power to do whatever it is you desire.

If you follow the advice in this essay you will be able to get nearly any women that you want. It is that simple fellas. Neg hits, ****y and Funny, Gunwitch are all nice bits of ammunition but if you don't have the weapon cleaned and polished you are destined to misfire. Clean the weapon.

At the end of the day there are people that talk about it and people that do it? Which one are you?


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
To further prove my point. Harvard did a study a few years back and out of all their graduate students the 3 percent of people that had clearly defined goals made more than the other 97 percent combined.
I definetly agree with the overall message but these statistics are misleading and pointless. I would like to question you as to where this figure came from.

The Brotrain

Don Juan
Feb 13, 2005
Reaction score
It does not matter if you have everything going for you if your pure AFC. Let's face it society does not try to limit us to the medicore it allows fools us to thinking what women really want is to be chased and showered with attention. It's so much more than just being built or having a sweet car. This website is successful, because it works.


Sep 3, 2004
Reaction score
welcome to my world

Just searching some old posts...this one is really good. This is definitely a great read, and exactly what I needed to read right now.


Senior Don Juan
May 30, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by belividere
I definetly agree with the overall message but these statistics are misleading and pointless. I would like to question you as to where this figure came from.
Even if the statistic is made up, I wouldn't be suprised if it isn't too far wrong.. I know people who know what they want to do, and study like hell to get there, I have no idea what I want to do and I can't muster the energy to do anything work related.

The Bad Ass Canadian

Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by The Brotrain
It does not matter if you have everything going for you if your pure AFC. Let's face it society does not try to limit us to the medicore it allows fools us to thinking what women really want is to be chased and showered with attention. It's so much more than just being built or having a sweet car. This website is successful, because it works.
There's a major flaw in this post.

What you're failing to realise is that the man that does everything that Casino described above, is nowhere near being an AFC simply by his nature. Because of what he is doing, he will attract women, and when they start to interfere with his plans, he will drop them like a bad habit, because it is how he works.... If it is not in his plan and it's intyerfering with his plans, he won't put up with it.

That's a natural DJ


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2005
Reaction score
It's not that people don't have dreams - if anything, people have dreams that are so big as to be genuinely impossible - it's that they don't want to do what it takes to achieve them.

Good luck getting people to want to suffer for things, because that's what it takes to make it in this world. Everybody I've asked to tell me the secret to success has told me the same thing: "Love the struggle. Love it no matter how much it hurts."


Don Juan
Jan 3, 2005
Reaction score
Yeah good post.

May be we should start a thread where people can post their goals in life, so others can read and (a) be inspired (b) see that achieving a goal is very possible (c) offer advice to others with similar goals

Personally, I had a epiphany last night. I couldnt sleep at all, suddenly I got the idea of travelling to china to study mandarin and wushu intensively for a year. I did some research on the internet, found out that theres an organisation that does this exact thing for you, and people have been doing it for years. In fact i would even be able to train with the Beijing Wushu Team.
Today I met one of my friends just out of coincidence in town. He had just come back from Beijing from training with Jet Li's teacher Wu Bin. He gave me loads of great advice and his experience was awesome!
I also found out there are mandarin classes that i can take every sat, only 5mins walk from where im staying.. AWESOME!
All of a sudden a dream has become a very real possible reality. Im so excited about this, as it ties alot of my passions together. Martial arts, chinese culture and enhancing my career prospects. Plus azn girls are damn cute =]

Basically, find your dream first, then see if its impossible or not. Everything starts with a little random thought =]