This PUA stuff is laughable


New Member
May 9, 2015
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Not needed! Look. I am 27 and have had great attractive girlfriends since I was 18. How did I do it?

1. Being the nice guy. No no no not the pushover guy, the nice guy.
2. Keeping clean and well enough dressed. No dirty or wrinkled or falling apart clothes. You wouldn't believe how many guys don't get this.
3. Having a good decent paying job. I don't make six figures but I'm employed in an office job with a good salary.
4. Being authentic. A guy can fake it but his true self will come out, so why fake it?
5. Listening to her. This one the majority of guys flop on. Whether it's where we should eat dinner or what she wants in bed, I listen. It doesn't imply just doing what she wants but I listen to her.

I'm average height of 5 foot 10 and average looking and not even that athletic, but every one of my girlfriends has been out my league. Not really. My league has gone up by doing these five items well. No secret and no special pickup lines.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 10, 2015
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K27 said:
Not needed! Look. I am 27 and have had great attractive girlfriends since I was 18. How did I do it?

1. Being the nice guy. No no no not the pushover guy, the nice guy.
2. Keeping clean and well enough dressed. No dirty or wrinkled or falling apart clothes. You wouldn't believe how many guys don't get this.
3. Having a good decent paying job. I don't make six figures but I'm employed in an office job with a good salary.
4. Being authentic. A guy can fake it but his true self will come out, so why fake it?
5. Listening to her. This one the majority of guys flop on. Whether it's where we should eat dinner or what she wants in bed, I listen. It doesn't imply just doing what she wants but I listen to her.

I'm average height of 5 foot 10 and average looking and not even that athletic, but every one of my girlfriends has been out my league. Not really. My league has gone up by doing these five items well. No secret and no special pickup lines.
I rember reading something that said dressing nice during the day was better than night , also I don't know about the nice guy thing, which part of the world you from


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May 9, 2015
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Thechamp said:
I rember reading something that said dressing nice during the day was better than night , also I don't know about the nice guy thing, which part of the world you from
The states. Dressing nicely during the day is really important in my experience. The nice guy thing gets mixed up here all the time. Being nice but not a pushover has worked but being a pushover doesn't work at all. Not all respond to being nice but those that don't respond tend to be damaged and full of drama and what good guy wants that?


New Member
May 9, 2015
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Ruler said:
You sound like you're always there for her and her shoulder to cry on. All your time is devoted to the women you date and you pedestalize them. "They're out of my league" but then you back-tracked because you knew that would be frowned upon here. Maybe this works if you want a girlfriend and an LTR with a girl who will be boring, or crazy, or nice. It's a random selection, but you will run into a lot of problems. Mainly: THEY WILL LOSE ATTRACTION TO YOU!.

They want a guy who keeps them on their toes and gives them emotional highs and lows. The more you make her laugh, cry, sulk, beam with happiness, etc., the more she will love you. You never reveal every detail about yourself, but you are YOURSELF. You never give them your 100% undivided attention unless you're having sex. That is the time to bond the most and let her know she is yours right then, and she has won you over. She's LUCKY to have you. Not the other way around.
Always spin plates. Be a man who every girl wants, by being desirable to as many women as possible. The more women want you, the more your woman will recognize it and fight to keep you. She'll cook for you, clean, wash clothes, give great head, etc. You EXCITE her and give her the tingles like no other guy ever has. You're special. And this is how you truly handle a woman.
Not one has broken up with me since high school. The breakups were either mutual because we were growing apart or I broke it off early because she had too much drama that I didn't want to be a part of. Not a one has lost attraction to me. Not one.

I exclusively do LTRs with girlfriends. I require her to be nice and not into drama and have had no problems getting very attractive. She can cry on my shoulder but if that's all she does there's no balance and I let her go. I'm average looking and each of my girlfriends have been way above average looking. By doing the little things well I've greatly upped my league.

I won't ever call them plates and am insulted that you would have so little respect for them that you'd call them plates. One woman at a time. I don't do that crazy emotional roller coaster stuff. I have little doubt it works on the higher drama ones but I don't do high drama. You can have that.


New Member
May 9, 2015
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Obsidian said:
Then why are you on this website
To warn guys that the advice is trash and to let them know what actually attracts great looking drama free ladies. Those in charge here are doing a real disservice to guys everywhere by posting trash.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
It's being authentic that gets them bro. And you don't LISTEN to her, you take an ACTUAL INTEREST in her. There IS a difference. We do preach these things. Or at least we did anyway. The greatest posters preached what I just told you anyway.

So this place can be useful to some, sometimes.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
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I've always been nice, clean, authentic, and a good listener. Not sure that my career is the best, but whatever. I never had tremendous success with the ladies. Really, I don't even think I was ever that much of a push-over. I think your advice is weak. Since the website, I have made great strides.


Jun 23, 2014
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K27 said:
To warn guys that the advice is trash and to let them know what actually attracts great looking drama free ladies. Those in charge here are doing a real disservice to guys everywhere by posting trash.
Dude please, nobody needs your advice. You got some teens on this site but by far this site is full of grown men and don't need your "words of warning" that this advice is trash.

This advice is not trash, especially the discussions that are centered on MRA and MGTOW related foundations. Women are difficult to deal with from all aspects including dating, financial, legal, political, social, familial, and professional.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
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West Coast
K27 said:
To warn guys that the advice is trash and to let them know what actually attracts great looking drama free ladies.
Tells us your methods. The stuff you posted is in the DJ bible and you're talking about a "Good guy(DJ)" not a nice guy.


May 8, 2015
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K27 said:
Not needed! Look. I am 27 and have had great attractive girlfriends since I was 18. How did I do it?

1. Being the nice guy. No no no not the pushover guy, the nice guy.
2. Keeping clean and well enough dressed. No dirty or wrinkled or falling apart clothes. You wouldn't believe how many guys don't get this.
3. Having a good decent paying job. I don't make six figures but I'm employed in an office job with a good salary.
4. Being authentic. A guy can fake it but his true self will come out, so why fake it?
5. Listening to her. This one the majority of guys flop on. Whether it's where we should eat dinner or what she wants in bed, I listen. It doesn't imply just doing what she wants but I listen to her.

I'm average height of 5 foot 10 and average looking and not even that athletic, but every one of my girlfriends has been out my league. Not really. My league has gone up by doing these five items well. No secret and no special pickup lines.
O.P men come here looking for answers because they've been fcked over by females. They stay for a certain amount of time soaking up the advice from so-called experts and end up even more fcked over then when they started.

Its not their fault. Its everyone else's fault. Denial, finger pointing and no self reflection rules here.

If you don't like it. Leave. Posters here are content with being at war with females and society because they are "in the know" and not like the rest of us who operate just fine.

Starfvcks 64

Senior Don Juan
Dec 22, 2013
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K27 said:
To warn guys that the advice is trash and to let them know what actually attracts great looking drama free ladies. Those in charge here are doing a real disservice to guys everywhere by posting trash.
You're a joke. Probably a troll too because it doesn't make sense to find this site and create an account just to say we're wrong. you're entitled to your opinion though. a lot of us disagree on various things, but there is still a level of respect and understanding on topics that can't be freely discussed anywhere else. There is a lot more going on than the stereotypical "PUA" you hear jokes about on Jezebel.

1) Be a nice guy, but not a pushover:
Nobody is going to disagree about the pushover part, but "nice" is open to interpretation. It's completely subjective. There are hundreds of posts about this topic. Nice to you may be bad for her, and vice versa.

2) Clean and well dressed
Genius advice here. I just ordered a toothbrush from Amazon because I never thought about brushing my teeth before...

3) Making money
Making money is always good, but you shouldn't have to spend money to get girls. That's getting into prostitution territory. It doesn't take any skill to buy a bltch. Skill is getting girls to pay for you. I've spun plates while unemployed and none of those girls had any idea. That ties into the next point:

4) Being authentic
Authenticity is a mixed message because it can imply the overused cliche advice that goes something like "just be yourself." I hear that and picture the typical dude sitting at a first date saying "i just feel so happy when i'm around you! i think you're really special! will you be my girlfriend?"He's just being his authentic, desperate, pathetic, self...
You shouldn't strive to be "authentic" you should strive to be self aware in order to maximize your positive traits and minimize/improve your negative traits. Understanding basic "game" concepts will make this all very easy to figure out.

5) Listen to her
Of course you should listen to her, but learn to actually understand what she's saying. Learn to decipher the hidden message in her words, learn to hear what she's really saying. I think the problem is too many guys "listen" to women and take their words at face value.
"oh, she says she wants this, so I better get it for her. that will make her happy" :crackup: :crackup:

Everything you wrote is extremely basic and I don't understand why you posted such a shltty list. Do you honestly think your basic advice would help a guy get laid? Like after twenty years of struggling he'll see your list and think "oh. so i should just be nice, wear clean clothes and listen to what she says" then he'll suddenly transform into a master Don Juan?

Hilarious. Go post on reddit or something.


Don Juan
Oct 19, 2013
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K27 said:
1. Being the nice guy. No no no not the pushover guy, the nice guy.
2. Keeping clean and well enough dressed. No dirty or wrinkled or falling apart clothes. You wouldn't believe how many guys don't get this.
3. Having a good decent paying job. I don't make six figures but I'm employed in an office job with a good salary.
4. Being authentic. A guy can fake it but his true self will come out, so why fake it?
5. Listening to her. This one the majority of guys flop on. Whether it's where we should eat dinner or what she wants in bed, I listen. It doesn't imply just doing what she wants but I listen to her.
As a female, I would say point 4 and 5 are the most important among those above, and point 1 too. Saying women only going after bad guys is nothing but a myth. Seriously, what decent woman would want a bad guy?

K27 said:
I won't ever call them plates and am insulted that you would have so little respect for them that you'd call them plates. One woman at a time.
Can't agree more. It seems like most people on this site don't understand that decent women are attracted to decent guys who are attractive by simply being themselves, not poor character guys who have no respect to women but having need to resort to psychological games in order to keep women by their side.


Master Don Juan
Feb 22, 2012
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So you've been effectively married to a girl from when you were 18, and have been effectively out of the game for 9 years and think you know better than the experts who have had a wealth of experience and knowledge gained banging many women since then? :crackup: It's nice to be with a high school sweet heart but it doesn't work for everyone.

Also ignore the crap from Charmaine about "guys being themselves". Interesting that guys being themselves have got them no where, myself included. Since I have taken on a road for self improvement and improved my game I have been able to bang girls left, right and centre.

Don't know where all these trolls have suddenly sprung up from. The OP is either a man living in a fairytail or he's some bitter woman.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2014
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LMFAO said:
Don't know where all these trolls have suddenly sprung up from.
I haven't made a full year on this board yet but I'm starting to wonder if April-May is the beginning of troll season, perhaps? Here's to hoping that May 10 is the final day of it...


Don Juan
Oct 19, 2013
Reaction score
LMFAO said:
Also ignore the crap from Charmaine about "guys being themselves". Interesting that guys being themselves have got them no where, myself included. Since I have taken on a road for self improvement and improved my game I have been able to bang girls left, right and centre.
You have missed a very important point from my post:

Only decent guys would be attractive by being themselves.

Also, the OP was talking about girlfriends, not women to be used as sex objects.
Apr 23, 2015
Reaction score
Charmaine said:
You have missed a very important point from my post:

Only decent guys would be attractive by being themselves.

Also, the OP was talking about girlfriends, not women to be used as sex objects.
You probably are a descent woman. The men here are speaking of party girls and ones who are out taking advantage of men. There's a different mentality to deal with these type of women.


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2012
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I don't know what advice to believe anymore, none of it seems to work for me.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Frayzer said:
Tells us your methods. The stuff you posted is in the DJ bible and you're talking about a "Good guy(DJ)" not a nice guy.
If all the stuff he said is in the DJ Bible, why is everyone attacking him? Shouldn't they be agreeing with him?

By the way, regarding "making money": It isn't necessarily about spending money on girls, or gold diggers, or whatever. Making money shows that you are a successful man, and that you have your sh!t together. Which is attractive (to most women - some of course like the deadbeats. But those are not usually desirable women).


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2005
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Most guys fail because they come here read the bible and think they'll roll out the next weekend and slay 4-5 girls. It doesn't happen that way. It takes work and growth and improvement isn't linear and each guy starts from a different level of experience and ability.

The key is seeking change when things aren't working instead of repeating the same pattern expecting a different result ( aka insanity).