This board stressed me out as far as eating


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2002
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Now that I know what I know from this site I'm not content eating foods even when they are healthy.

Breakfast: I like bacon but it is high in fat so I shouldn't eat that. I could have peanut butter on toast but the peanut butter has a lot of fat and the toast is full of carbs. I could have oatmeal or pancakes but there are a lot of carbs in that. Eggs have a lot of cholestrol so I shouldn't eat them. O I range juice has tons of sugar. I can't drink milk people tell me its bad for me.

Lunch for work: Simplest thing is a ham sandwich. But the bread has a lot of carbs. The ham supposedly has nitrates and will give me cancer. Cheese is fatty.

For a snack I could have an apple or banana they have a lot of carbs. Walnuts are good for you but they are loaded with fat.

Sometimes I just throw up my hands, say screw it and go to McDonalds. I know that isn't good for me either but i feel like nothing is truly healthy everything is bad for me so I don't know what to eat and feel good about it.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 8, 2008
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What kind of 'fat' are we talking about? No fat in a diet is bad, the only fats you need to avoid are saturated and trans really. Peanut butter is awesome (keep it off the white/potato/etc bread though)

Just look at the nutrition label, if you feel there's too much sacrifice to eat that item at the moment, there's always celery.

I've been on a protein diet lately and I guess I am seeing results. I do avoid some food but any workout plan that requires you to sacrifice peanut butter and oatmeal is for 8000lbs. behemoths.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2006
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No fat in a diet is bad, the only fats you need to avoid are saturated and trans really.
What's wrong with saturated fat DarkShade?


Senior Don Juan
Jun 8, 2008
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Well, if I had the choice to chow down on 10g of unsaturated fat or 5g of saturated fat, I'd go unsaturated every time. High cholesterol for starters. All in moderation of course, as you can't avoid saturated fats if you eat protein, but make sure it's as lean as possible.


Don Juan
Jul 18, 2004
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bud_2005 said:
Now that I know what I know from this site I'm not content eating foods even when they are healthy.

Breakfast: I like bacon but it is high in fat so I shouldn't eat that. I could have peanut butter on toast but the peanut butter has a lot of fat and the toast is full of carbs. I could have oatmeal or pancakes but there are a lot of carbs in that. Eggs have a lot of cholestrol so I shouldn't eat them. O I range juice has tons of sugar. I can't drink milk people tell me its bad for me.

Lunch for work: Simplest thing is a ham sandwich. But the bread has a lot of carbs. The ham supposedly has nitrates and will give me cancer. Cheese is fatty.

For a snack I could have an apple or banana they have a lot of carbs. Walnuts are good for you but they are loaded with fat.

Sometimes I just throw up my hands, say screw it and go to McDonalds. I know that isn't good for me either but i feel like nothing is truly healthy everything is bad for me so I don't know what to eat and feel good about it.
It really all depends on what your goals are. If you want to do bodybuilding or simply lean out, then Big Macs aren't the best way to go. Everything in moderation, and if your bulking, fat certainly does have its purpose. Otherwise, just eat mainly clean and cheat every now and then. No ones forcing a gun to your head telling you what to eat or not. If you're truly serious there's no point in putting crap food in your body that serves no purpose as fuel.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2002
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You could probably call it cutting I'm really overweight (5'8, 230 lbs)


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2004
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Wow, and I thought we were actually getting somewhere with the anti-fat lobby on this board.

Warboss Alex

Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
Reaction score
I actually sympathise with bud_2005. This board has become rife with overanalysation lately, if I was a newbie I wouldn't know whether I was coming or going. I read a few threads on here the other day and nearly wanted to throw the computer out. so I'm just staying out of them. :D

your best progress in (any part of) life will come when you're not thinking too hard about it.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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Wow I don't often see on this board people saying to avoid fat.

I mean we have threads about cooking or eating raw eggs ad nauseam. That's not exactly avoiding fat.

Look up the book "Good Calories, Bad Calories"


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2006
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Ok, Bud, I'll take one crack at this and then leave it alone. Basically you're buying into both the anti-fat and anti-carb lobby & that leaves nothing to eat but egg whites or chicken breasts sauteed in olive oil.

But wait! There's nothing wrong with fat, any kind of (natural) fat, as long as you consume it with some sort of reasonable balance with others. The trouble with American diets (and thus diets that mimic ours to any degree) is that our fats are balanced way towards a handful of not so helpful fats (way too much corn & soybean oil, and any amount of partially hydrogenated oil is probably bad) and light on several beneficial fats.

And furthermore, your concern with carbs should be proportional with your concern for bodyfat. If you're trying to lower bodyfat, strictly limiting carbs is a good idea, and so is moving from simple to more complex carbs (higher in fiber). But if your bodyfat is a range that you're happy with, you're fine consuming whatever you've been consuming. Try small changes: switch from white bread to whole grain, or from 'multigrain' to 100% whole wheat.

The trouble with bacon & ham are the array of preservatives used to cure them. But that alone isn't likely to kill you unless you insist eating them at every meal. McD's is a concern both because of the preservatives AND the transfats in all the fried foods (burgers, as far as i can tell, are exempted from these concerns, but you're still putting them on a white bread bun).

Eggs, oatmeal, peanut butter, whole fruits & veggies, and nuts should definitely be on your list of foods that it's hard to eat too much of (just go slow with nuts & dried fruits -- it is certainly possible to eat too much especially if you're starving and eating in a hurry & not getting a lot of physical activity).

Some other foods in my fridge & pantry right now that are hard to eat too much of: green beans & other frozen veggies, hummus, fresh carrots & celery, salad greens (i prefer romaine lettuce), apples, grapes & other fresh fruits, and an assortment of dried, frozen & canned beans. Add to those sufficient sources of protein & energy for whatever you're asking your body to do these days, and I don't see what there is to complain about.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2002
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ok i know you have to have some fat in your diet buat like i said i'm really overweight. it seems like just about everything has something bad going for it so i'm unsure if it is actually going to help me get thin.

There are just some contradicting things on this site. some ppl say a low carb diet will get you cut, others say you need carbs for energy. Some say cardio on empty stomach, others disagree


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2008
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Whatever happened to just eating 500 calories below maintenance :|

getting all complicated and memorising the nutritional data on everything makes me wanna downa cheesecake.

Fats are not the devil, but they are the devil's advocate and as such should be used only sometimes.

Carbs are needed to feed the brain and replenish glycogen. Pretty useful if you ask me.

i think people forget that a Diet is a temporary thing. healthy eating is completely different.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2006
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The human brain and physiology didn't develop on carbs dude.. There's a reason why our primate relatives are still sitting in their trees eating bananas :)

Youre right in saying its best to be simple.. I'd say just start eating healthy and lifting again then adjust as you go.

Our issue with carbs is that it's much easier to maintain a healthy weight and lean bodyfat percentage on a high protein/fat diet rather than a high protein/high carb diet.

Warboss Alex

Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
Reaction score
Aragon034 said:
Carbs are needed to feed the brain and replenish glycogen. Pretty useful if you ask me.
Protein and fat can both replenish glycogen and feed the brain perfectly adequately. Carbs are not strictly needed for either.

As for contradicting data on how to train/diet/whatever, it's symptomatic of the 'too much information' era. Anyone who is stuck in the overanalysing/reading/studying rut (you know, you guys who spend every spare minute on various bbing/nutritional/science/whatever boards or related literature) will find their progress grind to a halt fairly quickly.

Lots of people on here would do well with taking 6-12 months completely OFF the internet and just trying different ways of eating/training and seeing what works. Once you've got an idea of what's working, make adjustments without straying too far from that pathway and you won't go wrong.

If you don't want to do this, search this forum for posts by EFFORT and Throttle and read those only, ALL the info needed for anyone who wants to get muscular and lean has been covered by them more than once.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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wolf116 said:
What do you mean by that mrR? The link dose not work.
If you seriously can't look at a URL and remove an accidental ] from the end of it or manage Google yourself then nothing i can say past the "then" will be very nice so i will leave it out.

Warboss Alex said:
As for contradicting data on how to train/diet/whatever, it's symptomatic of the 'too much information' era. Anyone who is stuck in the overanalysing/reading/studying rut (you know, you guys who spend every spare minute on various bbing/nutritional/science/whatever boards or related literature) will find their progress grind to a halt fairly quickly.

What does it say about our school systems if we can't expect people to be able to read a bunch of information and give the most attention to the most important parts? Maybe it's because our brain evolved on proteins and fats so it's defective and we should really be gorging on carbs like Fruity Pebbles.