There is NO magic pill

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
There are many people who are wasting there time, matter of fact a majority of the people who go to sites like these are wasting there time. You're reading all this but if you don't actually go out and do it, then it doesn't matter because you won't get it.

If you're not going to approach why waste you're time? If you're not going to try stuff out, but instead ask the most mundane stuff over and over, then why waste your time?

I'm not going to lie going through all this is fuking takes a lot of effort. Most guys aren't willing to do it, and instead they waste there time and I sometimes feel bad for them because at the end of the day those who went through it got good and those who didn't do sh!t but read and type ended up seeing the new guys start off as noobs and watch there whole process of them actually getting pretty good, meanwhile he's still at square one.

There are a few things that I think is very important for sites like these but is really lacking are...
1. Field Reports - Barely anyone posts there FRs anymore, except for a few. As a result they can't get no feedback and they don't inspire others to stop typing sh!t and just get out there and approach.
2. No value posts - There are never no real valuable posts anymore, just the same mundane question based posts that get flaming and mundane answers. Also they think because it's dealing with them then the situation is different. How many times are people going to ask "Is she interested in me?" when all he really had to do was escalate and see for himself instead of asking a bunch of guys over the internet.
3. No Field Testing - No one really posts there break throughs, sticking points. They rarely post about things they've tried in field or new things there testing out.

At the end of the day though if you really aren't out there "In the trenches" as some guys say, then your wasting your time and I feel bad for you because time isn't going to pause for you. When you get old you'll be thinking back about "Damn I should've just approached that chick 30 years ago" or "Damn I should've just went for the kiss". You might as well have some fun before you get old and start wishing you coudl rewind your life.

The biggest thing though, you can't skip the process. SO many guys try to do that when this stuff can take months just to be competent at it.

As a you newbie you have to go on constantly and just approach to get comfortable with everything going on. You have to learn how to hold conversations, get #s, escalate, venue changing, etc. You must get out there and just hit up set after set and not giving up when you hit an obstacle because trust me you'll hit many.

I personally had 2 sticking points that took me awhile to get past. One took about 1 month to get passed and the other took about 2-3 months to get passed. The thing is though I fuking went through the whole ups and downs during that time and I wouldn't go by to my old self for anything.

There are sooo many guys who think they'll learn this go out, never get rejected, and get a girlfriend and then stop thinking that now they are great with women. Which is dumb, because say you just started and your first night out clubbing you just so happen to lay a chick and make her your girl friend. You barely even got anywhere yet but now you think your pimp because you have a gf, so now you can quit the game when in reality if you were to go out the next day you wouldn't be able to open any sets. Why? because you haven't gone through the process of actually getting good.

When it comes to learning all this, it's not to say your not going to be getting sex and having a good amount of sex partners because that can happen at anytime. At times it may be just flowing in a new girl sexual relationship a week other times it will seem like months you haven't had a new girl and you start doubting yourself.

I recently felt it after graduatating. I lost every fukbuddy that I had, right now I'm dry and been dry for a month now. But you actually think that will stop me hell no. Because a year or two from now I'll look back and realize how far I came.

So for the guys not doing sh!t stop looking at it short term, trying to get that specific # or specific girl, for now just focus on being consistent as some guys say and just get that experience under your belt. Trust me in the long run you'll be proud you actually got off your ass and constantly worked at this. I know I have

A great example was this one guy I knew from the forums. He hasn't got laid yet but he's finally been getting makeouts and he is 100% comfortable approaching and talking to took him a year. But he's got there and he told me it was worth it and he was glad he kept at it. I remember when he was about to give up, but now he realizes it was dumb.

Jay Jay

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score

This is an awesome post.

Unless you are actually getting out and experiencing this **** you won;t learn a thing.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2003
Reaction score
Should be stickied, couldn't agree with this more. If your not going out then i don't even know why your here. This is a long term process. We all start from different places but generally speaking in 5years everyone can get pretty damn good. A basic starting point is going out 4 nights a week and doing 10 approaches a night, or go out during the day 4 times a week to a place loaded with chicks (college campuses are great for this) and do 10 approaches. Imagine how much progress you'd make in 4nights, 1 month, 6month, 1year, 2,3,4,5 years wow you'll be crazy good.

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
EFFORT said:
Should be stickied, couldn't agree with this more. If your not going out then i don't even know why your here. This is a long term process. We all start from different places but generally speaking in 5years everyone can get pretty damn good. A basic starting point is going out 4 nights a week and doing 10 approaches a night, or go out during the day 4 times a week to a place loaded with chicks (college campuses are great for this) and do 10 approaches. Imagine how much progress you'd make in 4nights, 1 month, 6month, 1year, 2,3,4,5 years wow you'll be crazy good.
Yeah you're seriously right, 10 sets a day for just 4 days is 40 sets a week. Even if you did that for about a month you get it atleast 160 sets. That's more than most guys do in there entire life.

A few things that I think is very important it to not focus on getting the girl but instead focusing on improving and gaining the skill. Out of all the frames this probably helpped me the most.

The Juan and only

Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Apart from the contraceptive pill. Thank *you* science.