The woman's emotional mechanism


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2006
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WOW!!!! It is has been stated how emotionally charged women are in their behavior and thought process. The undeniable truth is MEN think based on logic and women on emotion.

This has been discussed before on here, like what hasn't? But I am finding it entertaining how it works.

A women can be completely wrong and she will react in an abhorrent manner to justify why she did a certain thing. This means she will turn it around on to make it look like YOU WERE WRONG! As a result, she will curse you, speak to you like you are a dog, call you names that would make a Truck driver blush and viciously attack your character.

Most of us on here know... well maybe some of the new guys or inexperienced ones won't, but they will use this emotional overload to justify cheating and just plain out mistreating your a$$.

Don't fall for her little fit of rage. This is best learned early on so you can put her a$$ 10-8 (in service) to infect another poor lost soul. But you know better and will not put up with it.... or will you???


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
SoldMySoul said:
A women can be completely wrong and she will react in an abhorrent manner to justify why she did a certain thing. This means she will turn it around on to make it look like YOU WERE WRONG! As a result, she will curse you, speak to you like you are a dog, call you names that would make a Truck driver blush and viciously attack your character.
There are two reactions/ mistakes men often make when this happens.
The first is just standing still for that shyte. Most men have been raised to expect women to be "emotional" and will tolerate her hysterics because they (foolishly) believe that that is "just the way they are ".
So guys just stand still until the storm passes. What they do not understand is that by offering themselves as a willing target, they are encouraging more of the same behavior from her in the future.

Second mistake is seeing her outburst as a "sh1t test" which they need to "pass". I see and read this mistaken nonsense frequently here and on the general board ...NO it's not a "test", it is just an infantile squall from a brat in an adult body. It may be comforting to regard her poor behavior as a "test" which you "pass" and thereby gain some dominance points by standing still and not reacting, but by doing so you are in fact sending her the massage that you willing to tolerate her craziness....and once again, you can look forward to more in future.
When bratty children misbehave, they needs to be punished with 'time out'.
The same principle need to be applied to a woman who is acting up, except that in the grown up world we just walk away and leave her to her rant.


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
Reaction score
that was really powerful.

and a very good example of what Jophil described.

I couldn't get enough satisfaction; she was so quick to rationalize with infantile remarks ( What kind of people are you? ) and to get on top...

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
jophil28 said:
Second mistake is seeing her outburst as a "sh1t test" which they need to "pass". I see and read this mistaken nonsense frequently here and on the general board ...NO it's not a "test", it is just an infantile squall from a brat in an adult body. It may be comforting to regard her poor behavior as a "test" which you "pass" and thereby gain some dominance points by standing still and not reacting, but by doing so you are in fact sending her the massage that you willing to tolerate her craziness....and once again, you can look forward to more in future.
When bratty children misbehave, they needs to be punished with 'time out'.
The same principle need to be applied to a woman who is acting up, except that in the grown up world we just walk away and leave her to her rant.
Absolutely. :rockon:


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2006
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Rollo Tomassi said:
Listen to this:

The original thread is here:

This is a fantastic example of exactly what you're describing. Listen to the automatic plea for victimhood even when she's caught red handed. Emotionalism is the default.
I remember that thread and that was worth a listen to again!!! Solid fvcking classic right there!!! Even though it was a milder form of pitching a b1tch than I have witnessed, it definitely demonstrated the overall idea of how she tried to turn it around on him. I sent that $hit to all my partners for their perusal!!!


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
SoldMySoul said:
. I sent that $hit to all my partners for their perusal!!!
Funny you should say that. I sent RT's link to two of my ex's.

One came back to me via email with some trumped up outrage about how that woman was publicly humiliated by those "crass " radio presenters.

The second one called me, unamused, and just said the radio dumping was "soooo Jerry Springer "
Neither hinted at any condemnation of the cheating baitch - instead she was regarded as a victim because her b/f publicly exposed and shamed her.

The sisterhood automatically protects its own, it seems.


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2006
Reaction score
jophil28 said:
Funny you should say that. I sent RT's link to two of my ex's.

One came back to me via email with some trumped up outrage about how that woman was publicly humiliated by those "crass " radio presenters.

The second one called me, unamused, and just said the radio dumping was "soooo Jerry Springer "
Neither hinted at any condemnation of the cheating baitch - instead she was regarded as a victim because her b/f publicly exposed and shamed her.

The sisterhood automatically protects its own, it seems.
As my brother would say, "Man, they are all sisters." I, for one, absolutely loved how she was done. Call me mean, call me an a$$hole or whatever, but the fact is the woman got her just desserts.

So the ladies saw no wrong in this $lut screwing over a decent guy whom she dated and lived with for five years? Well, that doesn't surprise me.

Some may argue two wrongs don't make a right... I am not one of them because what she did to him was far worse, in my humble opinion.

I made this thread because I caught a woman I had been speaking to in a lie the other day. She went off attacking me calling me a jerk, and a arrogant b a s t a rd like her ex husband. She even went as far as saying I will not find a good prideful woman like herself because of my attitude.

The lie was over a phone number she had given me and it was bogus. I played along for a while after knowing it was fake. She continued chatting a day after the bad number. I told her it had been years since I was given a false number. I further told her she was game playing and starved for attention. I even suggested that her game has "she is married all over." She indignantly pointed out her husband left her for a black woman----- Her way of feeling dissed--- I guess. She was white and like that had any bearing to me.

Oh, but you see, I am the bad guy because I pointed out what she knew to be true. Therefore, I am the Richard Skull.

That is plenty of rotten fish for ya. I am moving next week out of state and the real life/ old way of doing it is about to happen instead of online nuts.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
SoldMySoul said:
Oh, but you see, I am the bad guy because I pointed out what she knew to be true. Therefore, I am the Richard Skull.
Yep .

There is an old saying, "Hell hath no fury like a woman who is scorned."
Well, I would add this to the end of that sentence, "..or has her lies exposed."


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
it was wrong of the woman on the radio to have been cheating on her boyfriend. and it was wrong for her to have been snooping.
and it was more wrong that she snooped, found the ring and then cheated, after bragging to her buddies that she was getting engaged.
what a tramp.

she is not my sister!


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2006
Reaction score
penkitten said:
it was wrong of the woman on the radio to have been cheating on her boyfriend. and it was wrong for her to have been snooping.
and it was more wrong that she snooped, found the ring and then cheated, after bragging to her buddies that she was getting engaged.
what a tramp.

she is not my sister!
Penkitten, you are a needle in a haystack!!! I'd marry a woman like you!!!!


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
thank you for the compliment.

i really need more coffee before i go making a post about accountability. however there are women, such as myself, that hold themselves accountable for their own actions.

High Voltage

Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
I've never understood the whole revenge thing when it comes to interpersonal relationships.

If someone screws me over I don't get angry at them. I do feel sad with myself that I misjudged their character. The end result is that I never put myself in the position to be screwed over by them again. Either that or if I know it's a possibility I make sure I've a backup plan in place. If they really let me down they get cut out of my life. Live and learn.

If I were the guy in that situation I would not have called in. If I had people I trust tell me they saw my girlfriend making out with another guy I'd kick her ass out (like he did). Only difference is, I wouldn't have bothered to ask her if she cheated... because I already would have known.


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2006
Reaction score
High Voltage said:
I've never understood the whole revenge thing when it comes to interpersonal relationships.

If someone screws me over I don't get angry at them. I do feel sad with myself that I misjudged their character. The end result is that I never put myself in the position to be screwed over by them again. Either that or if I know it's a possibility I make sure I've a backup plan in place. If they really let me down they get cut out of my life. Live and learn.

If I were the guy in that situation I would not have called in. If I had people I trust tell me they saw my girlfriend making out with another guy I'd kick her ass out (like he did). Only difference is, I wouldn't have bothered to ask her if she cheated... because I already would have known.

I perfectly understand where you are coming from... My line of work has shown me the most dangerous animal on the planet=HUMAN.

With that said, I have seen people that killed for doing what this woman did. I have seen people that beat the brakes off of someone. Of course that is the worst of being taken over by the green monster.

If you had someone that was dear to your heart and one that you truly loved, who had cheated like this girl did, you may have a paradigm shift of feelings and become overburdened with emotional overload resulting in irrational behavior.

This was a better option than blowing her brains out. The most respectful option would have been to simply walk in silence....

My main point is a breaking point that exists in all of us. Like a crime of passion so to speak. I would not call this a crime of passion because it was pre-mediated. This poor guy reached his point and put her on both barrel blast to out her. For some, revenge is best served cold. This was cold I agree. I am okay with his decision. I have felt that kind of love and betrayal before and even did some things that I regretted later.... but mostly just thought about revenge and finally moved on and realized living a better life is the best form of revenge.
For this guy, his revenge was justified and made funny a$$ radio; not to mention a reminder to men how devious some women are.

It is a matter of perspective. If you are stickler for the Old Testament of the bible, this could be considered an eye for an eye... Probably a bad analogy. The main thing is the dude found out all he needed to know. Hey..... Some people would say the guy's friend was wrong for telling him. I would disagree with that too. If my friend knew, he better damn well tell me!!!