the ULTIMATE FLAKE guide: help me perfect it!!!


Don Juan
Mar 22, 2005
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I'm setting up an ULTIMATE FLAKE GUIDE! I do need your help for MORE INPUT, because I can't read ALL FLAKE GUIDES ON THIS BOARD. Let's make one instead of a billion AFC threads about this topic!
I also would like to thank all contributors which I forgot to quote. Please don't feel like I "stole" your text

Reasons why women won't show up on dates

I know that a lot of men on this board meet their potential girlfriend with the "3 seconds rule" (or some variant that has the main principle of that rule).

There are a few outcomes on this situation:
1) you don't ask her phone number because you are not attracted to her
2) you don't ask her phone number because you feel that you needed to build up more attraction in order to get phone number.
If you met her on a party, you still have time. If it was on the bus or something, you probably won't see her again and you should "next" her.
3) you ask her phone number and you have the possibility of setting up a date

(or 4) you ****ed up! In that case, don't ask for a phone number!!)

When you have their phone number a lot of men complain that the girls flake on them. Even if they gave their number, their home address and EVERYTHING the girl STILL flakes!

A number close does not mean she's interested and if you encounter flaky behaviour, take the hint! and move on. She will get back to you if her excuse is genuine and she's really interested, so save your dignity.

Did you ever see the possible reasons?

I believe the main reason that girls flake on you is FEAR. Fear is a weapon of Mass Destruction like "Faithless" paraphrased extremely well.
Some girls explained that they wouldn't feel comfortable alone with a guy they'd met in this way and persistent calling creeps them out. If they were interested, however, they'd consider hanging out as part of a group and take it from there.

People do sometimes have genuine reasons for flaking (even if it's just a bad hair day), but if they emphasise they still want to meet, it's a good sign.

This is why I say that the number close is a waste of time. Unless it is obvious that she is into you, don't depend on the #close.

Put away the AFC BS like, "we had a good time together","she gave me a lot of eye contact", "there was tons of kino" blah, blah blah.... The only way to tell that she is into you are her actions of getting back in touch with you or going out with your right then and there. Her projecting future tense is a good sign to but it too isn't definite.

Stop thinking the #close is a goal. There's a bunch of guys in this forum that get the number and is afraid to call because they lack telephone conversation skills. I wonder why these guys even waste time with a #close.

“Tell her you wanna take her out first, then ask for a phone number. This simple change cut down the amount of phone flakes I had by a lot.” (MindOverMatter)

Focus on seeing the woman on your terms. Take her away from your current venue, if she accepts that is a good sign but still, it's not definite.

“Too much too soon is the problem here. These girls simply don't feel comfortable enough to really open up yet.” (Spike_the_Dragon)

The outcomes on this situation are:

1) She isn't attracted to you: then you should build up more attraction, but this will be impossible since she's scared of meeting you. (You creepy guy!) Perhaps she will give you a chance, but what are the odds?
Some girls give out their numbers to guys because they hate confrontation and would rather brush them off over the phone/text message or ignore their calls than to tell them to their face. Other times, guys approach them and act like they want to be friends and so the girl (in her naivety) gives out her number thinking she has made a potential friend.

2) She is attracted to you, but she's afraid of meeting with you. You probably only met her one day but she doesn't know who you are!!!

I think the reason is in case number 3 that after she gave her number, she had some time to think about you. But because she doesn't know you very well, she probably won't remember how you looked, or forgot your name or something else.

Were you Frankenstein? A stalker? A guy that just escaped out of a mental institution?
She probably doesn't remember it and she rather stays home in stead of being stuck up with a possible guy that thinks he "scored" with a girl.

How to overcome the fear of flakey women?
- You have to build a trust relationship. She needs to know you. Give a positive image.

- If you have her number, don't call her the same day. Give it at least one day. Otherwise she might think that you don't have a life and worse of all: she will smell that you are looking for a girlfriend. She might conclude that you are a desperate man (or in rude words: an AFC).

- Do you need her number? Why won't you ask her e-mailaddress? I know this worked out perfectly for me.
The advantage is that she can think about what she's going to reply to you. She has plenty of time to work out a good e-mail. If you phone her and you didn't build up enough attraction it can go too "fast" for the girl and the result might be that she will reject you instantly, even IF she was ATTRACTED to you. Her brain might have told to her: possible stalker, I'm scared, get rid of him!
Another advantage is that there is a higher chance that girls give out their emailaddress in stead of their number. If she doesn't like: she'll probably mark your emails as spam.
The disadvantage of emails are: you don't hear what she's saying. Her intonation, her voice... something like 60% of the communication goes away in an e-mail.
There's also the danger that she won't even read your e-mail and just delete it, or she will never respond to it!
The conclusion is: don't think that e-mail doesn't work, but think of the advantage AND disadvantage of it.

-You might want to consider this, when you come to call the girl you number closed, you may want to be a little more casual and suggest a group get-together rather than a date. I.e. "My friends and I will be in X club on Friday, maybe I'll see you there".
- Instead, guys do this SET UP THE DATE FIRST.

Now that you have balls and you approach, tell her you are doing whatever on whatever date, and she should meet you there or go with you, if she accepts, then you get her number....but guys if you have not read my thread, Do This And You will have puzzy coming from everywhere, then being ****y funny, being tall and handsome, or being Pook wont mean must first connect with her....once you do that, she will begin to chase your azz...

- for the rest: I need more input from you expert Don Juans to complete my "research".

Thanks in advance,

Sources: anonymousguy (me :p)


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
firstly, change 'perfectionize' to perfect. Its pissing me off. :)


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2005
Reaction score
Northern New Jersey
Why chicks flake is not that important. Yeah, its good to know why it happens, but it happens.

What is better to know is how to respond. When a chick flakes, call back the next day and say that you couldn't make it because you hooked back up with your ex-girlfriend, and that you are sorry for lstringing her along. Then, tell her that she seems like a nice person, so that 'you can still be friends with me.'

Then hang up.


Don Juan
Oct 5, 2005
Reaction score
Chinatown =p
once a girl, lillian, who i had gotten a number off while playing pool, flaked out on me but was still dumb enough to hang out in the same place with her friends where we were sposed to meet (in the CBD). we were sposed to meet outside a restaurant

she saw me and looked away. i called her and she said she forgot about it (i didnt believe it). i started chatting to her friend, jane, (who later gave me her number) and jane asked if i was standing outside a restaurant before, and i replied 'yea, why?' and she goes 'oh bcoz lillian told me she was sposed to meet someone there'

my face went red with both embarassment and anger but i continued to chat up the friend and got her number


Master Don Juan
Mar 27, 2003
Reaction score
the flake cannot be completely controlled. I think you are better off working on your attract game. If you make her really attracted to you then your chances of her seeing you again go up A LOT

for example-

last week a girl from this summer that I hooked up with and was ALL over me calls me up (our fling ended b/c I called her one day, like 3 days after we hooked up, and she didn't answer and I didn't leave a message and she never called her back. She never called me back either though lol... it could have also been b/c the last time we saw eachother she asked "why dont you ever call me" i call her maybe 1 time every 9 days... she wasn't a high priority... and I was in this phase where I was trying to be 100% honest at all times but I was way too stupid and was brutally honest at all times and i flat out told her "becasue I'm always looking for the next best thing" I immediatley caught myself and was like WTF DID I JUST SAY LOL

well she called 2 weeks ago again (hadn't talked to her in like 5 weeks) wanting to hang out. I didn't answer but I called her back and set up a date to hang out. She agreed and the next day I call her and she NEVER called me back. Haven't talked to her since

see how weird girls can be?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 19, 2005
Reaction score
Guys.. Ahh feeeeel yourrr paaaainnn.....

But, this is turning into a VENTING/CRYING board about women that HAVE flaked. I REALLY want to see how to PREVENT flaking. That's the UFG (ultimate flake guide) I want. The ones that have flaked deserve a spanking, a punch in the tit, and/or next'd.

What have you tried that you noticed INCREASES SUCCESS???? I'm looking for the ultimate flake INNOCULATION guide. And, I want to be clear to exclude filtering exercises such as noting there's not enough interest and so ejecting before number closing.... I can see how "not trying" minimizes flaking, you don't have to do the math for me.

To be open about where I'm at, I'm an advanced beginner. I'm at the point where I get contact info from 1-2 new women each week. I'm 41, people usually guess 33 or so. I'm fit, but of average stature. It's a huge flake city for me now. I'm experimenting with both more C&F and building rapport. There's not enough consistency to tell what is working (yet).

Please, please, please post your flake preventative prescriptions. I'm looking for not only ideas, but actual empirical evidence (Field tests... I did x, and the flaking went from 70% of the time to 40%.. or whatever your results were).


Don Juan
Oct 6, 2004
Reaction score
Brazil, São Paulo
Hey guys,

I thought it's a good topic, however, is too much....

When you're chating with a gal you have the idea what's the deal

Don't complicate all, get it interested girl will give her phone number and date with you (including F***** :D ).

if not, just do it (NEXT her)

Just my $ 0,2


The Comeback Kid

Master Don Juan
May 4, 2005
Reaction score
Thomas94305 said:
Guys.. Ahh feeeeel yourrr paaaainnn.....

But, this is turning into a VENTING/CRYING board about women that HAVE flaked. I REALLY want to see how to PREVENT flaking. That's the UFG (ultimate flake guide) I want. The ones that have flaked deserve a spanking, a punch in the tit, and/or next'd.
haha I agree.

Actually, this situation has come up w/ me recently too. Some chick I met at the camp I work at and I got along real well, we hung out together once and everything seemed to be great. She also said she'd see me again before I head off to college. A few days later, we talked a little too, and things seemed to go well. However, about her urge to see me again...

...maybe not the case. I already had her number and her screenname, and after a few tries to contacting her on those (subtle things like to hang out, I'm leaing in less than a week, etc.), she's about to be nexted.

It's hard to really go find her or distictly show why she shouldn't flake when I can't get in contact with her - it would look like I'm a stalker, so I came up with a new idea. She lives on a road near my house with the yellow lines in the middle (so it's not a neighborhood), and if I'm out late w/ friends and I'm passing her house, down come the windows and pumped to the max is my heavy metal CD in the car. :rockon: The second I see that light go on in her house, I'm already too far down the road for that person to see what car I have or what my license plate number is. Yes, I know it's immature, but atleast there's a tiny bit of personal satisfaction in there.


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
I read the above linked article and can agree with Tyler Durden. Don't aggravate the flaker, give them some C+F (I've used the "I am still at such and such a week after we were supposed to meet" to great effect as well.)
Give them a funny guilt trip about flaking and if you get no response, move on to another spinning plate, that is why you work more than one woman at a time after all.
If you read the girl's perspective in the article, the woman has any number of reasons for flaking, leave them alone and check back in a while to see if they are more receptive, maybe they just need to see you a little more. You may know your the prize. Have you ever seen a woman shop? Guys try on clothes and buy them, woman agonize for hours about the right combination and this and that, they rarely jump at the first thing they see. Sometimes they will try somethign on and still don't buy it. MMM I maybe onto somethign here...could be a thread topic.