The two(or more) types of men and how to switch between them


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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Recently i met this woman hb6,5/7 through a dating app i went full feck boy, experimenting with a shirtless picture. She matched me had the same ol' dull bs convo and I was like F this. Send my nr and told her to hit me up if she wants to hangout.

No repsonse.oerhaps too much too straight forward?

But 5 days later I get a WhatsApp message. Ahaaa. On WhatsApp same dynamics. She repsonds rather slowly or not at all. So i say, hey if you wanna meet let me know. Again, now she responds she has time one,or two days from now.

She doesn't wants me to talk to her on the app. She picked me out of 100s of suitors, remember. She want me to be straight up.

apprently there's two types of guys. Regardless of the type you are, tte biggest challenge is two be able to read your opponent (woman/women) and adjust accordingly.

Because some will SAY they prefer type 1 over type . Lets have a looksy at these two types shall we?

1. The good guy. Ya know. Overhere we describe him as bluepilled or beta. He has no harm ,no ill will at first sight. He's willing to set aside lesser qualities in order to sustain a relationship. He wants best for especially her.

2. The bad / not caring type.

He care about himself first. He isn't neccesarily redpill, but he does have enough experience with women to cut bs interactions short. He's straight up in his intentions, even when these are less flattering.

So , sometimes a man encounters a woman who prefers type 1 ,although he IS type 2. He gets ditched. If this man woukd change his persona (naturally due to getting smashed murk by rejections)ha AGAIN might get ditched because the 2nd woman has "had her fair share of feck boys" or whatever.

I've made threads like this before. Becauee imo its a great tool to be able to switch ,or lets say adjust characteristics accordingly to the woman you're dwaling with. She likes career focused men? I cn do that. She likes bad boys? I can do that too. She just wants to have sex?cool, no boyfriend energy. 3ct ect

My question is;
What are the types we need by default to ensure more succes add how do yall do this?

- the feck boy.

- the boss

- the boyfriend/husband

-the teenager


Point is, if i didn't embraced "acting like another type" I'd miss out on this one.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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You read that sentence on women's profiles: "I'm not much on (dating app), contact me on IG". IG models do this to generate followers among the simps, but I took that sentence and put it in my dating apps. "I'm not on here much, contact me on IG" and it works like a charm.


Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2019
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Too much analysis into this.
You need to be the IDGF guy which is on his own purpose and only makes time for girls when he feels for it/have time for them.
Can him the "boss type", "fvck boi type", "Tyrone type", "alpha type", "Chad Thunder0ck type" or whatever, they all fit the profile of the guy that focus on his own shyte. So you need to convey/signal that in the text chat with chicks. If you are then they will pick up on that.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
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Women like different things depending on their age and even the time of the month


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Women like different things depending on their age and even the time of the month
That's why you shouldn't kowtow to what women want, but you need to have what women need, and what they can get from you only.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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Too much analysis into this. You need to be the IDGF guy which is on his own purpose and only makes time for girls when he feels for it/have time for them. Can him the "boss type", "fvck boi type", "Tyrone type", "alpha type", "Chad Thunder0ck type" or whatever, they all fit the profile of the guy that focus on his own shyte. So you need to convey/signal that in the text chat with chicks. If you are then they will pick up on that.
Too much analysis into this. You need to be the IDGF guy which is on his own purpose and only makes time for girls when he feels for it/have time for them. Can him the "boss type", "fvck boi type", "Tyrone type", "alpha type", "Chad Thunder0ck type" or whatever, they all fit the profile of the guy that focus on his own shyte. So you need to convey/signal that in the text chat with chicks. If you are then they will pick up on that.
Yall keep saying that everytime when i try to deep dive into personality traits.

Perhaps you are 100 spot on. Perhaps I'm digging too deep. But the games goes DEEP.
"Just be cool and dgaf about the outcome" imo works especially when you've done most of the work at the background(e.g your car speaks volume so you don't have to try as hard. )

Any other man might benefits from
-being aware of what is going on
- the ability to adjust

Again, perhaps you are right. But I think its beneficial to understand EVERYTHING about your opponent.
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Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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"Just be you bro"

Just be cool bro

Dgaf bro

We all see and know how well this serves the majority of men out there. This is why you get 10/15 % vs the rest. Because the man who studies game and uses it to his benefit, will shoop up all them h0es..

Never for a second think chad OR Tyrone doesn't study game. The men yall envy are the men working (out )the hardest, making most money , studies most game, havjng best style of clothing, smells best whitest teeth ,best cooks ect ect.

I'll keep pushing threads like this!
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Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2019
Reaction score
"Just be you bro"
Is just pure bs. Don't be "you". That's what wahmen tells you.

But on the other hand it is different to be indifferent and just take action. Thinking to much stops action from happen which is why I personally refer to the DGAF persona. It kinda boils down to this old thingy, see the link below.

I agree with at lot of it but, not all, (The "Don’t have expectations" part is something I don't resonate with. You need to have visions and goals and to reach them you need to have accountability and expectations on that). But the rest of it does serves a very valid point:

#howtonotgiveaFvCK is a philosophy that recognizes the absurdity of attaching desire to any idea, object, person, etc. We strive to promote this way of life by offering advice and inspiring others to improve their lives.

How do you start not giving a fvck?
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Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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Lol @Gamisch

I just found this old archived website's YouTube channel... and this video is fvcking hilarious (and somewhat cringe but IDGF cuz its still funny cuz he really doesn't give a fvck while doing it for the lulz).
Some of his pickup comments are stupid epic lmfao
I start to more and more appreciate corney lines, because an approach =an approach.

A corny line is way more remarkable . He outs himself out there and it just takes one to start a family..


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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Most of the women ive done very well with ive been very clear in what is going to be happening between us and ive done it very quickly

Most of the women ive failed with ive either taken too long to make my intentions clear or over played my hand or done some other cringey sh1t

It becomes awkward when you fall into a grey area of " does she like me " assume she likes you and wants to have sex with you

You'd be surprised how many women will just go with the flow in the heat of the moment


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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Advice from the old lady:

Personally I can’t stand men who want to hump my leg. Ugh. Yuck. Don’t be that guy.

You ever seen a male Lion hump a leg? No? A Lion ain’t got time for that.

A Lion doesn’t give a crap what you think of him, he’s a lion doing lion things.

Women who want control or want to wear the pants do NOT want a lion. They like dogs. Dogs can be trained and reinforced into controllable behaviors. They can have the leg humpers.

I’ll take my Lion.

Be a Lion. It will help you screen better, trust me.


Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2019
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A Lion doesn’t give a crap what you think of him, he’s a lion doing lion things.
Exactly; a lion doesn't give fvck about the fvcks. He just take action instead.
However it is also important to do give a fvck about the things that matter. A lion know that too well also to rule his kingdom well..


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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Most of the women ive done very well with ive been very clear in what is going to be happening between us and ive done it very quickly

Most of the women ive failed with ive either taken too long to make my intentions clear or over played my hand or done some other cringey sh1t

It becomes awkward when you fall into a grey area of " does she like me " assume she likes you and wants to have sex with you

You'd be surprised how many women will just go with the flow in the heat of the moment

Thats why we need volume. So we can make mistakes left and right and not care.

With out volume you'll overcare and thus always lose your frame in the heat of tge moment.

Plus it teaches us (point of my thread) to read our "opponent " and switch styles when necessary!

Learning Curve

Senior Don Juan
Feb 7, 2023
Reaction score
Recently i met this woman hb6,5/7 through a dating app i went full feck boy, experimenting with a shirtless picture. She matched me had the same ol' dull bs convo and I was like F this. Send my nr and told her to hit me up if she wants to hangout.

No repsonse.oerhaps too much too straight forward?

But 5 days later I get a WhatsApp message. Ahaaa. On WhatsApp same dynamics. She repsonds rather slowly or not at all. So i say, hey if you wanna meet let me know. Again, now she responds she has time one,or two days from now.

She doesn't wants me to talk to her on the app. She picked me out of 100s of suitors, remember. She want me to be straight up.

apprently there's two types of guys. Regardless of the type you are, tte biggest challenge is two be able to read your opponent (woman/women) and adjust accordingly.

Because some will SAY they prefer type 1 over type . Lets have a looksy at these two types shall we?

1. The good guy. Ya know. Overhere we describe him as bluepilled or beta. He has no harm ,no ill will at first sight. He's willing to set aside lesser qualities in order to sustain a relationship. He wants best for especially her.

2. The bad / not caring type.

He care about himself first. He isn't neccesarily redpill, but he does have enough experience with women to cut bs interactions short. He's straight up in his intentions, even when these are less flattering.

So , sometimes a man encounters a woman who prefers type 1 ,although he IS type 2. He gets ditched. If this man woukd change his persona (naturally due to getting smashed murk by rejections)ha AGAIN might get ditched because the 2nd woman has "had her fair share of feck boys" or whatever.

I've made threads like this before. Becauee imo its a great tool to be able to switch ,or lets say adjust characteristics accordingly to the woman you're dwaling with. She likes career focused men? I cn do that. She likes bad boys? I can do that too. She just wants to have sex?cool, no boyfriend energy. 3ct ect

My question is;
What are the types we need by default to ensure more succes add how do yall do this?

- the feck boy.

- the boss

- the boyfriend/husband

-the teenager


Point is, if i didn't embraced "acting like another type" I'd miss out on this one.
I use the chameleon analogy.

I read the woman and based on her response i adjust my approach accordingly. Always keeping my personality in place but adjusting the way i approach the women. From my direct responses, my escalation, and eventually moving to sex.

Some women like bad boys as you mentioned, some like more straight to the point guys, some like the nice guys and some just the f3uckboys. Which again most of the times they get bored of nice guys.

I had them all. All the types and most of the times nice guys finish last.

The nice guy analogy is probably the worst to be used and should be only used with certain women but again even those certain women get turned-off easily because even women don't know what they respond to. The think they know. They think they want the nice-guy.

They want a man that can lead. Take her to bed. And f3uck the sh1t out of her. This is what all women want at the end of the day.

In my last endeavors so far with four women i met i slept with all of them.

Different types. Different approaches. Different personalities.


Last women i had in my bed was the one i mentioned in my thread on the 68 missed calls.

Hot 9 with a sexy body. Her EX was calling her while i was banging her for 7 hours. She was shy in the beginning, she wanted slow escalation not much sex innuendos as she felt like a b1tch with even small escalations. I had to take it slow, slow like a turtle. But eventually when she got in to bed, she turned in to this passionate monster.

It's all about taking correct steps and adjusting the approach. This needs experience and to be active in the field.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
Reaction score
I use the chameleon analogy.

I read the woman and based on her response i adjust my approach accordingly. Always keeping my personality in place but adjusting the way i approach the women. From my direct responses, my escalation, and eventually moving to sex.

Some women like bad boys as you mentioned, some like more straight to the point guys, some like the nice guys and some just the f3uckboys. Which again most of the times they get bored of nice guys.

I had them all. All the types and most of the times nice guys finish last.

The nice guy analogy is probably the worst to be used and should be only used with certain women but again even those certain women get turned-off easily because even women don't know what they respond to. The think they know. They think they want the nice-guy.

They want a man that can lead. Take her to bed. And f3uck the sh1t out of her. This is what all women want at the end of the day.

In my last endeavors so far with four women i met i slept with all of them.

Different types. Different approaches. Different personalities.


Last women i had in my bed was the one i mentioned in my thread on the 68 missed calls.

Hot 9 with a sexy body. Her EX was calling her while i was banging her for 7 hours. She was shy in the beginning, she wanted slow escalation not much sex innuendos as she felt like a b1tch with even small escalations. I had to take it slow, slow like a turtle. But eventually when she got in to bed, she turned in to this passionate monster.

It's all about taking correct steps and adjusting the approach. This needs experience and to be active in the field.
YES . Finally someone gets it!

Thanks for this addition !


Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2019
Reaction score
YES . Finally someone gets it!
Different types. Different approaches. Different personalities.
Its the same thing in sales. ;)

I like often to use the analogy of sales sometimes because the methods of prospecting and selling to a customer is very much the same techniques which you also use in dating/pulling women.

So here it goes:
You never use the same approach when you call a prospect because each person is different so you adjust your approach towards how that person you speak is/reacts and adjust from there. Same thing applies in dating and pulling chicks.

You would be insane to think that you can approach different women the same way and produce real tangible results. Same in sales and if you just follow a stupid sales script by the book your sales results will be quite bad. So you need to adapt and be adjustable for each person you approach and take it from there.

Its like the old saying:
That is the definition of insanity?
The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again and thinking it will work and things will change.
You cannot attempt to force yourself through a solid wall and smash into it thinking that it will break at some point. That will hurt you both not only physically, but mentally too. Instead you have to find a different way to climb over it.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
Reaction score
Its the same thing in sales. ;)

I like often to use the analogy of sales sometimes because the methods of prospecting and selling to a customer is very much the same techniques which you also use in dating/pulling women.

So here it goes:
You never use the same approach when you call a prospect because each person is different so you adjust your approach towards how that person you speak is/reacts and adjust from there. Same thing applies in dating and pulling chicks.

You would be insane to think that you can approach different women the same way and produce real tangible results. Same in sales and if you just follow a stupid sales script by the book your sales results will be quite bad. So you need to adapt and be adjustable for each person you approach and take it from there.

Its like the old saying:

You cannot attempt to force yourself through a solid wall and smash into it thinking that it will break at some point. That will hurt you both not only physically, but mentally too. Instead you have to find a different way to climb over it.
Yes. This is a great analogy. I notice I get better at gauging what it is SHE is after. And my experience in life and with women comes in handy, as I've seen all or at least most types by now.

Thr most interesting development seems to be that I am less focused on the box(p00sy) than i was before. Regardless of which woman it is, they all know (subconsciously)most men are living in a spectrum of lust that diverse from Only fans to hookers to begging women online for p00sy.

By just removing that part I manage to differentiate myself from the getgo.


Master Don Juan
Aug 12, 2022
Reaction score
Advice from the old lady:

Personally I can’t stand men who want to hump my leg. Ugh. Yuck. Don’t be that guy.

You ever seen a male Lion hump a leg? No? A Lion ain’t got time for that.

A Lion doesn’t give a crap what you think of him, he’s a lion doing lion things.

Women who want control or want to wear the pants do NOT want a lion. They like dogs. Dogs can be trained and reinforced into controllable behaviors. They can have the leg humpers.

I’ll take my Lion.

Be a Lion. It will help you screen better, trust me.
This is gold right here. If you have to play games to get said woman, then she is the wrong one. Your time is valuable, don’t waste it. The IDGAF attitude is an abundance mindset. If you just want to smash, then game away, but if you are looking for an LTR, this is setting yourself up for trouble.

“Leg humpers” . That is the biological driver of every man on the planet. How you manage to control that urge Is what sets men apart from each other.