The twisted woman called wh0re


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
When I read around on these boards I find alot of bitterness, confusion and even hate towards females. Some I can understand, some others try to be cool by talking **** about women, others just have got hurt so much they want to take revenge now when they have the power.

But I think deep down we all know that hate and bitterness only leads us to one place, and it isn't happiness. Losing faith towards women is really, really simple. Every time we interact with them, every time something goes wrong, there's a chance to leap into the dark side and let that hate take root in the heart.

I don't post very much in the tips section or the don juan forums, but if there is anyone who know something about me then they know I've been rejected in awful ways, people have literally treated me like ****. I've got mentaly beaten up so many times I can't count it. There was times I really hated women and all that they stood for. But I have never let it get so much to me so I lose all faith in women.

I think the most important thing to realize is that your perception of the world isn't the only one. The world consist of many different realities and just because you are in one where women are wh0res doesn't mean everyone is like that. The thing is you judge women before you take a look on yourself, what you do. Have it ever occurred to you that you are looking at the wrong place? Good women and wh0res are drawn to different places, maybe you should change where you pick up women so you meet other kinds of women.

Might it be so that you are drawn to wh0res while you reject either yourself or the girl when you see a girl that isn't a wh0re?

The point of all this is not to loose your faith, if a women treats you like ****, then it's her, she's an individual, not the whole womankind. Suck it up and move on, we already have to much hate and bitterness in the world. And you aren't cool if you call women wh0res, it just polarize the sexes even more and give steam to the feminists.

Give it a thought.



Senior Don Juan
Nov 20, 2003
Reaction score
in a great place
I was sarging with my friends and one of my AFC pals asked this one girl for a dance, and she said yes, but then she went dancing with the guys she came here with. And he was all frustrated and stuff. We needed about 5 minutes to ask him to leave the club.

And when we were going home, he called this girl a wh0re and acted like the ****. It made me very abso****ingloutly sad.

Everybody's a human, think of that. Treat every lady the same ;)


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2004
Reaction score
i dont have a grudge on anyone there are simply yhose girls i choose to hang out with and those who i do not associate myself with because i do not want to. There is never a case where i a start feeling a large dislike of anyone, i just remind myself they are all human deep down they feel pain like me and you. If anyone does somthing to me i do not like i genuinly feel more sorrow for them then hatred because they are the ones with the problem deep down, and what they say to me can not effect me if i dont let it.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2005
Reaction score
I think that, most people got angry at least once on the whole female race, and the once that have'nt yat, really should. The reason I say it is because it is a learning experience. It forces you to learn about your self and what you are really looking for in a woman. It also helps you realize and accept what they really are. They are flawd just like us. They have their own urges and feelings that they can't get rid of, and have to act on. And realizing what those urges/feelings/instincs are will make you a better man, and will help you understnad woman better

The thing about us is that most of us (there are always exceptions to the rull) at one point in time have had a perfect little view of women, and women in our lives. They ware princes/godess. At one point in time that gets destroyed, and we finally realize what makes them tick, and why they do what they do.
Remember when you got in sh1t from your mom when she found your porn stash. But then lather that year when you ware looking for some cash you found her vibrator in her drawr:( . At first you ware discusted by her, but then you realized she is human, and she has those urges too, no metter haw wrong you feel they are...........(i think i'll call my shrink now)


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
atl, GA
Originally posted by spider_007
I think that, most people got angry at least once on the whole female race, and the once that have'nt yat, really should. The reason I say it is because it is a learning experience. It forces you to learn about your self and what you are really looking for in a woman. It also helps you realize and accept what they really are. They are flawd just like us. They have their own urges and feelings that they can't get rid of, and have to act on. And realizing what those urges/feelings/instincs are will make you a better man, and will help you understnad woman better

The thing about us is that most of us (there are always exceptions to the rull) at one point in time have had a perfect little view of women, and women in our lives. They ware princes/godess. At one point in time that gets destroyed, and we finally realize what makes them tick, and why they do what they do.
Remember when you got in sh1t from your mom when she found your porn stash. But then lather that year when you ware looking for some cash you found her vibrator in her drawr:( . At first you ware discusted by her, but then you realized she is human, and she has those urges too, no metter haw wrong you feel they are...........(i think i'll call my shrink now)
And that is a good thing. It helps us put women in perspective. yes, it is puzzy I want to fyck, but its puzzy that is not worth fighting for.

why do some guys have it so easy with pulling hot azz, while the rest of us continually crash and burn on HB7's and 8's?

Because they just dont give a fyck about it. They know that women desire attention, and they are in power to not give it to her.

Joe The Homophobe

Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Slimijs

Everybody's a human, think of that. Treat every lady the same ;)
a ***** is not a lady. Don't treat all the women the same. Treat most women for what they really are (*****es) but if you find true good hearted ladies you treat them well.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 24, 2005
Reaction score
Treat 'em all like wh0res... until you're ready to settle down.

I don't know why people get so upset by this.
Women love sex too... get used to it.
No reason to act like Mr. Nice Guy and take care of her feelings.

The only reason we were bringing up wh0res was for long term relationships... for sex any wh0re is good.

She wants you to bang her!!!!!
Just look at her eyes.... she's imagining it right now.
Now go get 'em Tiger.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 3, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Lifeforce
When I read around on these boards I find alot of bitterness, confusion and even hate towards females. Some I can understand, some others try to be cool by talking **** about women, others just have got hurt so much they want to take revenge now when they have the power.

But I think deep down we all know that hate and bitterness only leads us to one place, and it isn't happiness. Losing faith towards women is really, really simple. Every time we interact with them, every time something goes wrong, there's a chance to leap into the dark side and let that hate take root in the heart.

I don't post very much in the tips section or the don juan forums, but if there is anyone who know something about me then they know I've been rejected in awful ways, people have literally treated me like ****. I've got mentaly beaten up so many times I can't count it. There was times I really hated women and all that they stood for. But I have never let it get so much to me so I lose all faith in women.

I think the most important thing to realize is that your perception of the world isn't the only one. The world consist of many different realities and just because you are in one where women are wh0res doesn't mean everyone is like that. The thing is you judge women before you take a look on yourself, what you do. Have it ever occurred to you that you are looking at the wrong place? Good women and wh0res are drawn to different places, maybe you should change where you pick up women so you meet other kinds of women.

Might it be so that you are drawn to wh0res while you reject either yourself or the girl when you see a girl that isn't a wh0re?

The point of all this is not to loose your faith, if a women treats you like ****, then it's her, she's an individual, not the whole womankind. Suck it up and move on, we already have to much hate and bitterness in the world. And you aren't cool if you call women wh0res, it just polarize the sexes even more and give steam to the feminists.

Give it a thought.

This is a great tip LF . AS Men , Women are natural .. We strive to be men , and accept their sexuality , nature and learn to work within it not whine or complian .

But however if you can excuse me man if i changed the direction of this tip . I mean Im talking about facing tough times , oneitis , girls that treat you like sh*t , This is embracing humanity , One shall accept that but what i want to talk about is when I sometimes face these times , I start loosing faith in the improve yourself in every aspect , having fun , being a man road not that i don't believe in it but that i think it is hard , long to get the desired outcome ( a girl for a example) . this is when i m starving to read tips like before when i used to intellectualize everything ( thanx pook for letting me escape from this road) What do you do man or did to survive those times ?? how do you build up confidence to get back on the road ? I m actually the kind of person that's affected so much with happiness and confidence meaning that if i find myself low in confident , not so happy , i get depressed , anxious , clueless ...this was solved before by reading here alot but i find myself 2nd guessing ,not having fun with girls , socialzing , making an enjoyable process like work etc... Sometimes i need this push to get back on track ...How do you deal with this ?


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
Yeah, women love sex, some of them really are *****es. But being an insecure mother****er like most people who hate women is not my way to go. If you can't value a woman from her personality because you have nothing to offer yourself besides your pathetic hate and you being too intimidated by her so you must resort to hate to get some. Then it sounds way DJ. :rolleyes:

People who view everyone the same with that kind of hate brings back memoires from the old Nazis. Maybe we should gather women in a ghetto so we can have sex and then when she is not fit for sex, lets gas her. It's you people who scar women up for life for being such *******s, there's enough already from both sides, we need no more.

If you walk through your life viewing women as wh0res then how easy is it to find a good LTR companion? You'll be ****ed up in the head from all the hate and all generalizations of women.

Spider: I completly agree. But get out from the hate when you realize this. If the guy who experiences this also see the faults of himself then he'd realize that he's not better in any way. I just don't see the problem with having sex and being casual about it. Why some people have to view them as wh0res? Must they feel they have dominatd her, do they have such a small **** they must overcompensate because they suck in bed?

I never thought I'd say this, but I agree with check_mate... if you don't like a certain kind of women, then don't spend your time with them.


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
sorry man, you posted while I was writing my own post.

Everyone feels like **** sometimes. If you're losing faith in it, then it probably means you don't have the success you want to have from it. I got no good solution for this, my solution was the gym because of alot of reasons. Reevaluate your goals and go for them 110%..

When I'm down I know it's just like the gym, sometimes you just have a ****ty workout, and if you just keep fighting you will have a great workout some time later. If you don't see results at all then there is no reward for improving and you just stay stuck at the same place.

If you find yourself 2ndguessing and being timid with girls, then IMO you either have too low value in your own eyes or you think too much. Find the thing that keep you self councios. I mean, I can't help you with anything. From the talks we've had I think you think way too much and have way to high goals to start off with as well as a picture of a perfect don juan that it's impossible to live up to. Ease down a little and take it step by step.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
atl, GA
Originally posted by Lifeforce
Yeah, women love sex, some of them really are *****es. But being an insecure mother****er like most people who hate women is not my way to go. If you can't value a woman from her personality because you have nothing to offer yourself besides your pathetic hate and you being too intimidated by her so you must resort to hate to get some. Then it sounds way DJ. :rolleyes:

People who view everyone the same with that kind of hate brings back memoires from the old Nazis. Maybe we should gather women in a ghetto so we can have sex and then when she is not fit for sex, lets gas her. It's you people who scar women up for life for being such *******s, there's enough already from both sides, we need no more.

If you walk through your life viewing women as wh0res then how easy is it to find a good LTR companion? You'll be ****ed up in the head from all the hate and all generalizations of women.

Spider: I completly agree. But get out from the hate when you realize this. If the guy who experiences this also see the faults of himself then he'd realize that he's not better in any way. I just don't see the problem with having sex and being casual about it. Why some people have to view them as wh0res? Must they feel they have dominatd her, do they have such a small **** they must overcompensate because they suck in bed?

I never thought I'd say this, but I agree with check_mate... if you don't like a certain kind of women, then don't spend your time with them.
I have no hate towards American HB's, just disgust at their behaviors and mindsets. But I am also pissed off at all the AFC's that have long nurtured and encouraged them to be prissy bytches, including myself. I dont advocate hate rallies and whatever, because I want that puzzy myself.

But for once, we have to put these girls in perspective. If that girl was average or ugly looking, would you be hollerin at her? Have you also noticed that almost every average and ugly looking chick you are friends with would have sex with you, just by making a little effort? Why is that? Because we barely give them attention!
We walk by them and dont even acknowledge them, we keep our conversations short with them, we are generally cool and aloof whenever they are in our presence. We assume higher value than these chicks and they sense it.

On the other hand, we are complete puzzy's to the girls we are attracted to. We glance at their direction every 10 seconds. We get excited whenever she starts talking to us, when she is around we must smile, touch, play, or somehow interact with her to let her know our intentions. Multiply our actions by 50 other guys who do the same thing, and there you go, a full-time egotistic bytch who knows she is actively desired by many and now is free to exploit and manipulate and get away with it. A wh0re if you will.

so instead of just ranting, we need to shift focus away from them and focus on ourselves. What will make us more desirable to the opposite sex?

1. lean, muscular body
2. clean appearance
3. nice clothes
4. charisma
5. passion for different things
6. aloofness to their appearance

just a few to note, but I would say those are the essentials. Once we have those aspects nailed down, many women will find us attractive, and that will mean less bullshytting and games from them.

So I will be honest, I want to fyck the manipulative egotistic wh0res I rant about, but I finally realize what I am dealing with, and take action to avoid being exploited and used anymore


Master Don Juan
Jul 24, 2003
Reaction score
So, Jake, treat em all like wh0res until YOU are ready to settle down?

Then what? Who are you going to settle down WITH? One of the many wh0res that we ourselves have created?

None of you who defend women's rights to be wh0res have ever answered the question, if you would marry one of them, and if not, who will you marry?

You young guys won't think this through, you will become CPT Save-a-ho if you don't watch out.



Senior Don Juan
Apr 24, 2005
Reaction score
I was the one against the wh0res... :rolleyes: or rather for treating them like wh0res which is exactly what i'm stating here.

I'm just saying that things are the way they are. We might as well take advantage of them instead of jerking off every night...

I still don't have an idea on what to do when i'm ready to settle down... but i figure i'll worry about that later. Who knows i might not even want to get married.

Then again, if i'm a wh0re and she's a wh0re it won't really matter. We're both wh0res, who decide to settle down. So no one will be the chump. :D

I sure hope i won't turn into captain save-a-ho... i'm getting better at reading women. I can usually tell which girls are total wh0res and *****es that i wouldn't want to be with. Hopefully by the time i get married i'll know how to tell which girl is a keeper.

After all this site is about self improvement. I think we've complained enough about wh0res and its time to realize who they are and how we can recognize them.
If we learn to recognize the qualities that wh0res exhibit we can learn to chose the right girls for us and avoid unnecessary pain in our lives like most AFCs encounter after trying to enter a relationship with a h0.

And hey if we learn to recognize wh0res, and they happen to be hot, i say there's no reason not to lay them.
Just keep in mind who she is
and know that you'll never be able to have a healthy relationship with this girl.

The previous post was just a motivational tool to get you to stop complaining and get some puzzy.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2000
Reaction score
This thread is going to be divided not by ideas but by geography.

Those Don Juans in Europe, especially Eastern Europe, are probably wondering where these '*****s' comments are coming from.

I live in America and I can tell you there is truth to what they say. It is not a hatred for women, it is a hatred of being disrespected. In America, man is actively mocked and made fun of. I posted Mencken's comments on another thread, but he says, "if a man goes beyond the rhetorical protest, the full weight of the state falls on him".

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of convenience, but where he stands in moments of challenge, the historical moments of great crisis and controversy. And this is where I choose to cast my lot today. Believe the American when he says how 'easy' it would be to get a woman, a wife, here by buying her a house, an SUV, wear nice clothes, have nice body, in other words, living life like an image, commit your life to a soul destroying job, and define your masculinity by the amount of your paycheck. This is easy. Guys do it here all the time. The cost, however, is his soul.

Men here do not hate women. They hate the disrespect. They hate how the law and courts are stacked against them. They are tired of being told they should be happy in a job they know they aren't. They are sick of being told to value materialistic things rather than discovery, adventure, friendship.

If the male says, "I think it is time that males get a bit more respect," he will be replied with, "What! You want to keep women down in robes, keep them locked in a house, like Muslim males do in the Middle East!" Of course, this response is hysterical.

Pluck an American or Canadian male and place him within a distinctly different culture.

Russia Example:

Asia Example:

I haven't seen any examples of standard American women being desired by men in other cultures (though American men seem to do well anywhere). Doesn't this rejection of American women not just in America but in all cultures point to a problem? American women have steadily been raising the prices for themselves. Have they finally raised it too much?

The big issue for guys in America and other nations that have this issue is not to become addicted to self-pity. The core of Anti-Dump was this issue. He was very easily exploited since he was a Nice Guy and divorced. He did not whine about it. He didn't give up on love either. Instead, he made a 'machine' that would filter out the girls who weren't personally interested in him. I have been amazed over the years how many girls will date guys and even marry them without actually 'loving' them. If we guys want financial independence, we have to understand finances, create businesses, buy real estate, etc. Women can do this but also have a much easier option: marrying a 'sugar daddy'. His paycheck becomes her 'cashflow'. The husband literally becomes her employee. He does not have to be rich 'now', but they do expect him to work and grow in income over a lifetime fairly similiar to a young donkey.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
atl, GA
Originally posted by Pook
This thread is going to be divided not by ideas but by geography.

Those Don Juans in Europe, especially Eastern Europe, are probably wondering where these '*****s' comments are coming from.

I live in America and I can tell you there is truth to what they say. It is not a hatred for women, it is a hatred of being disrespected. In America, man is actively mocked and made fun of. I posted Mencken's comments on another thread, but he says, "if a man goes beyond the rhetorical protest, the full weight of the state falls on him".

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of convenience, but where he stands in moments of challenge, the historical moments of great crisis and controversy. And this is where I choose to cast my lot today. Believe the American when he says how 'easy' it would be to get a woman, a wife, here by buying her a house, an SUV, wear nice clothes, have nice body, in other words, living life like an image, commit your life to a soul destroying job, and define your masculinity by the amount of your paycheck. This is easy. Guys do it here all the time. The cost, however, is his soul.

Men here do not hate women. They hate the disrespect. They hate how the law and courts are stacked against them. They are tired of being told they should be happy in a job they know they aren't. They are sick of being told to value materialistic things rather than discovery, adventure, friendship.

If the male says, "I think it is time that males get a bit more respect," he will be replied with, "What! You want to keep women down in robes, keep them locked in a house, like Muslim males do in the Middle East!" Of course, this response is hysterical.

Pluck an American or Canadian male and place him within a distinctly different culture.

Russia Example:

Asia Example:

I haven't seen any examples of standard American women being desired by men in other cultures (though American men seem to do well anywhere). Doesn't this rejection of American women not just in America but in all cultures point to a problem? American women have steadily been raising the prices for themselves. Have they finally raised it too much?

The big issue for guys in America and other nations that have this issue is not to become addicted to self-pity. The core of Anti-Dump was this issue. He was very easily exploited since he was a Nice Guy and divorced. He did not whine about it. He didn't give up on love either. Instead, he made a 'machine' that would filter out the girls who weren't personally interested in him. I have been amazed over the years how many girls will date guys and even marry them without actually 'loving' them. If we guys want financial independence, we have to understand finances, create businesses, buy real estate, etc. Women can do this but also have a much easier option: marrying a 'sugar daddy'. His paycheck becomes her 'cashflow'. The husband literally becomes her employee. He does not have to be rich 'now', but they do expect him to work and grow in income over a lifetime fairly similiar to a young donkey.
jeez so very true. American women have literally priced themselves out of the market.

you know i was thinking, at my high school, we were fairly even in the girl to guy ratio, maybe a little more girls than guys. But it seemed like only the top 10 percent of the guys were getting consistent lays with most of the girls at school, while the rest of us were denied sex our entire high school career. I mean, jeez, I did not have one girl i liked offer sex to me or anything. I was the one always trying to mack them, not like the top ten guys who were getting "fyck me" signals all day.

why did it have to be so hard??? why did finding one girl that an average guy was attracted prove to be such a challenge in terms of keeping her interested?

Why have girls over here become so increasingly self-centered, superficial, and egotistic? Could it really be true about how women are in Russia or Brazil, or Asia? Its like a fycking monopoly of white wh0res where I live, what other choice do I have?


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2003
Reaction score
Boston, Ma
Originally posted by sstype
jeez so very true. American women have literally priced themselves out of the market.

you know i was thinking, at my high school, we were fairly even in the girl to guy ratio, maybe a little more girls than guys. But it seemed like only the top 10 percent of the guys were getting consistent lays with most of the girls at school, while the rest of us were denied sex our entire high school career. I mean, jeez, I did not have one girl i liked offer sex to me or anything. I was the one always trying to mack them, not like the top ten guys who were getting "fyck me" signals all day.

why did it have to be so hard??? why did finding one girl that an average guy was attracted prove to be such a challenge in terms of keeping her interested?

Why have girls over here become so increasingly self-centered, superficial, and egotistic? Could it really be true about how women are in Russia or Brazil, or Asia? Its like a fycking monopoly of white wh0res where I live, what other choice do I have?
The fact that only a select few men are sought after in a social group isn't "american women being *****y" or anyone pricing themselves out of the market it is human nature. The top tier will ALWAYS be sought after. It is human nature and you're going to have to deal with it. That's the way the world works, and rightfully so to pass on stronger genes etc.

If you'd like to get "**** me signals" you need to be in that top 10. I hear it all the time, college kids i know complaining "wah wah I never get laid". I tell them they need to have social value they need to show masculinity and the drive for dominance. Join a frat, be a sports star, join the football team, be a rock star, be a leader etc. Move up and make friends with people with power in the social hierarchy. Yet it falls on deaf ears usually.

Why? Because generally these people are afraid and must endure the risk and discomfort. They generally wont or dont have the "ummph" to.

A DISTINCTION obviousely has to be made here.

When one says "American women price themselves out of the market" it means they feel unrealistically deserving of your money and attention just because they hang out with you and have a vagina or just because they are in a relationship with you.

They develope no personality, have "daddy spoils me so you should too syndrome", they go for a career yet expect everything paid for them.

I personally can't compare american women to other women much because I haven't been around other places.

But at this point in my life, I'm focused on becoming a successful entrepreneur and a mover and shaker. I personally have seen the devastating effects most women around here will suck out of you.

And the more experience I have with women around these parts, the more i realize that aside from quickies, it just sooooo isn't worth it compared to working toward success and conquering more and more day by day.

I see women in two distinct classes whereas you will not get involved in bull****. (And yes, you're going to have to turn your back a lot. You're going to run into the classic "self entitled ***** that is in for a rude awakening")

1. Women I meet for quick one night stands during the times I am takin a breather from my conquering. aka when i go out places with friends to relax. (chances are very low that you'll meet #2 in bar, club, type scenes when ur out with friends blowin steam). It beats masturbation unless she acts entitled to something for her sex, then i next, then masturbation is more fun.

2. Women that after you have hung out with them, you WANT to become a better person, you want to be more ambitious, you feel charged. You dont feel this in a woman you need to disconnect immediately, she's got no value.

(Yup these women are out there. But I can guarantee you you'll mostly be doin a lot of seed sowin before you find one. Might take you makin some waves to get the attention of one. )

That's my thoughts for now, better stop before i go off in a tangent. I'll have to elaborate in a post at a later time.
Apr 8, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Pook
This thread is going to be divided not by ideas but by geography.

Those Don Juans in Europe, especially Eastern Europe, are probably wondering where these '*****s' comments are coming from.
Pook, I'm actually dating a girl from eastern europe (she's an actress there, gets hit on by strippers, 75% of my friends have asked her out and been rejected before me, so she's high up on the attractiveness ladder). She has good things about her, but honestly, she is the most disrespectful person I've ever met (I made her that way to on) which is why I'm going to dump her ass soon - not now because its our anniversary today and that would be cruel, but give it a few weeks.

So while I agree with your point about pricing oneself out of the market (as she has succeeded in doing with the one guy she ever fell in love with), I dont think its a problem limited to American ladies. I think I failed as a man, and thats what other people might be seeing.
I lost when I became overly sweet, stopped acting alpha and treated her as an equal (not to say one shouldnt consider that, but I forgot that a man is meant to act like one - not like a friend with a penis and a strut). Didnt fight, but tried to be the softspoken solution finder. Remembered anniversaries, planned surprises, bought presents. All without getting **** back in return.

While I have no doubt in my mind that she loved me (for reasons that are best not discussed publicly), I stopped being dominant. I f'ed up. Surprise, surprise, it is the non-dominant males who are the ones who complain. No gentlemen, the enemy is not them, its us. Its our belief in being sweet and nice EXTERNALLY that is screwing us over (amongst other things, certainly, but the idea is of being a male). Subtle sweetness, and inner sweetness are admirable. External poofy writing poem bullcrap [guilty] will get you a girl who doesnt respect you enough, and get you disrespecting yourself too.

Our women may have high "price tags" but as long as I stayed dominant, I got this girl who almost every guy she met wanted but couldnt have. The second I forgot this important principle of being a DJ, the relationship moved to the gutter. I don't know how to bring it back, which is sad, but there is a message here. If we fail to remain men, we cannot blame the women for taking our place. Their price tags increase because the media has shown them the jock who is masculine and doesnt need them, and has his own life and friends (and much more, but Pook wrote a brilliant piece on that that can be found in the DJ Boot Camp readings, first week). If we cannot be that male, a REAL male, with his own life and pride, we deserve this ****.

I dont blame her, I blame me. Now I can do something about it. I'd recommend that all the American gents come to terms with our ladies and realize that if we want them to be caring and feminine, we musn't forget to be masculine ourselves.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
atl, GA
Originally posted by geneticperfection
Pook, I'm actually dating a girl from eastern europe (she's an actress there, gets hit on by strippers, 75% of my friends have asked her out and been rejected before me, so she's high up on the attractiveness ladder). She has good things about her, but honestly, she is the most disrespectful person I've ever met (I made her that way to on) which is why I'm going to dump her ass soon - not now because its our anniversary today and that would be cruel, but give it a few weeks.

So while I agree with your point about pricing oneself out of the market (as she has succeeded in doing with the one guy she ever fell in love with), I dont think its a problem limited to American ladies. I think I failed as a man, and thats what other people might be seeing.
I lost when I became overly sweet, stopped acting alpha and treated her as an equal (not to say one shouldnt consider that, but I forgot that a man is meant to act like one - not like a friend with a penis and a strut). Didnt fight, but tried to be the softspoken solution finder. Remembered anniversaries, planned surprises, bought presents. All without getting **** back in return.

While I have no doubt in my mind that she loved me (for reasons that are best not discussed publicly), I stopped being dominant. I f'ed up. Surprise, surprise, it is the non-dominant males who are the ones who complain. No gentlemen, the enemy is not them, its us. Its our belief in being sweet and nice EXTERNALLY that is screwing us over (amongst other things, certainly, but the idea is of being a male). Subtle sweetness, and inner sweetness are admirable. External poofy writing poem bullcrap [guilty] will get you a girl who doesnt respect you enough, and get you disrespecting yourself too.

Our women may have high "price tags" but as long as I stayed dominant, I got this girl who almost every guy she met wanted but couldnt have. The second I forgot this important principle of being a DJ, the relationship moved to the gutter. I don't know how to bring it back, which is sad, but there is a message here. If we fail to remain men, we cannot blame the women for taking our place. Their price tags increase because the media has shown them the jock who is masculine and doesnt need them, and has his own life and friends (and much more, but Pook wrote a brilliant piece on that that can be found in the DJ Boot Camp readings, first week). If we cannot be that male, a REAL male, with his own life and pride, we deserve this ****.

I dont blame her, I blame me. Now I can do something about it. I'd recommend that all the American gents come to terms with our ladies and realize that if we want them to be caring and feminine, we musn't forget to be masculine ourselves.

100 percent agreed. Time for us to increase our values by involving ourselves in testosterone/masculine driven activities

Jon E

Don Juan
Jan 17, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Lifeforce
Yeah, women love sex, some of them really are *****es. But being an insecure mother****er like most people who hate women is not my way to go. If you can't value a woman from her personality because you have nothing to offer yourself besides your pathetic hate and you being too intimidated by her so you must resort to hate to get some. Then it sounds way DJ. :rolleyes:

People who view everyone the same with that kind of hate brings back memoires from the old Nazis. Maybe we should gather women in a ghetto so we can have sex and then when she is not fit for sex, lets gas her. It's you people who scar women up for life for being such *******s, there's enough already from both sides, we need no more.

If you walk through your life viewing women as wh0res then how easy is it to find a good LTR companion? You'll be ****ed up in the head from all the hate and all generalizations of women.

Spider: I completly agree. But get out from the hate when you realize this. If the guy who experiences this also see the faults of himself then he'd realize that he's not better in any way. I just don't see the problem with having sex and being casual about it. Why some people have to view them as wh0res? Must they feel they have dominatd her, do they have such a small **** they must overcompensate because they suck in bed?

I never thought I'd say this, but I agree with check_mate... if you don't like a certain kind of women, then don't spend your time with them.

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