The true value of PUA


Senior Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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Is PUA a scam?

On youtube, there are ****loads of PUAs with accounts, often with them in seminars and stuff. Aren't PUAs just using basic supply and demand mechanics to sell their goods? "oh, many guys have problems getting chicks, let's make up the seduction community and make a tonne of cash!" :D

OK, that's being cynical, but there is value in the thing, in terms of confidence building and being assured. It's just with the proliferation of PUAs out there, it seems many just jump up on the bandwagon now.


Don Juan
Feb 11, 2012
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ilikecharlene said:
Is PUA a scam?

On youtube, there are ****loads of PUAs with accounts, often with them in seminars and stuff. Aren't PUAs just using basic supply and demand mechanics to sell their goods? "oh, many guys have problems getting chicks, let's make up the seduction community and make a tonne of cash!" :D

OK, that's being cynical, but there is value in the thing, in terms of confidence building and being assured. It's just with the proliferation of PUAs out there, it seems many just jump up on the bandwagon now.
Too true. Isn't it funny that every so called PUA guru claims that theirs is the one true method?
All they do is rehash other people's ideas. They either get you to fake a personality or do NLP.

Complete cash cow IMHO


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Black.Magic said:
Too true. Isn't it funny that every so called PUA guru claims that theirs is the one true method?
This is the thing that bugs me most about pickup theory. It's way too narrow minded. A lot of it has its roots in gurus trying to make money.

It's not "one size fits all". There is more than one way to skin a cat.
Different things work better for different people, and different women are drawn to different types of men. One thing that contributes to attraction is how different a guy's genes is from their own (makes for healthier babies). A woman is not always going to choose the guy in the leather jacket with the motorcycle. The claim "Do this, all women will respond to it" is dubious at best.

If there's an "Always" or "Never" attached to the advice, it's a lot more likely to be meaningless garbage. For example, someone might say "NEVER text a girl" (used to see that here all the time). But some guys run text game with women to great effect, I've seen it.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 29, 2011
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i think a lot of it is overblown. there is no silver bullet for any of this. i think sometimes men on here run into problems because they are trying to game girls that clearly have no interest in them, or very limited interest

when you have true, inner confidence, it shows. you'd be surprised how much you can get away with when you have just that in your arsenal.

you may do things that, in the pua community is seen as "beta" or "afc" but when you have confidence in who you are as a man, and you have a woman who's attracted to you, there are no rules.

guys with true confidence don't ask themselves "should i text her at exactly this time? it might seem beta!", "what should i text her? something cool and show im not an afc!"

meanwhile there's girls out there that i can text one word to, any word, and they'll jump at me. i could text the girl the word "banana" at 2am just to do it and she'll respond positively.

when you have confidence, and you're your own man, and you don't put women on a pedistal. you dont follow rules, you make your own.

i do think the pua community does a great job in pointing out the tests women put men through, as well as going into detail the many different types of personalities there are out there and how to handle them, but a lot of this stuff boils down to true confidence. you can have all the pua rules memorized; if you don't have confidence it's worth nothing