The True Purpose Of This Site


Don Juan
Mar 1, 2003
Reaction score
This site is slowly losing all of its valuability. This isn't going to be a long post about why the site has gone downhill as of late. However people need to realize that sosuave is not a quick cure from an afc to a don juan. It takes a lot of hard work and time.

Furthurmore, when i first came onto this site, I tried all of the quick tips and fixes in order to seduce females. Learned all the tricks and thought I was a champ. My initial approach was horrible and lately I've seen a lot of people go by in a similar route. Easy tricks and fake confidence is not what the site is all about. Sosuave isn't a place for quick fixes and easy tips, it is more of a mindset. These days there are too many posts about what should I say next, or how should I approach her.

The one thing that everyone should know is that no amount of tricks or techniques is going to beat genuine confidence. Instead of all of these posts about what you should say next or how to act when your around her, you instead must improve yourself and improve your game to the point where you actually do exert true confidence, and then my friends that is when the women will be flocking to you. If we honestly look at it in a different perspective, human beings want what they cant have, if we continously give them all of the power and put them on that pedestal, then we have already lost the game. Improve yourself and gain confidence. Just a thought or two.


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
Good post. I thought I had this stuff down pat a few months ago when I started to see great results, but it only occured to me last week that until recently I hadn't gained what this site is all about: confidence. I've stopped caring what I look like when I go out in the morning, and that's great.

Superman X

Apr 20, 2003
Reaction score
Nice post!

It was almost as good as the other 86,283 posts which said the exact same thing!

But it's all good and it's all in fun...


Jerky Boi

Master Don Juan
Feb 10, 2004
Reaction score
Very well said. It's good to have posts like this every once in a while. I remember when I also first discovered this site from a friend. I seriously thought it was just a few quick tips that'll get you laid in a few days lol, but man was I wrong. This site has changed my aspect on women and not to mention life in general. But the site didn't do all of the work. I and only I was the one that made the effort and the decision to change for the better. Great post :D

Frankie Poullain

Don Juan
Mar 30, 2004
Reaction score
This is very true. But, I have to agree with Superman. The posts about how Sosuave should be and how great it was in the past are now almost as common as the posts that are unarguablely dragging it back. In theory it would be nice if people on both sides could stop (including myself) but maybe that's just the natural evolution of anything that exists over a period of time.

To be honest, I don't think this site should part of anyone's life for too long anyway, look how few of the regular posters of the past are still here. Not many, and that's because hopefully these people no longer need its advice as much as other people do now. I personally would like to think that all these people are now happily hooking up with girls all over the world and completely confident in themselves with their lives and achievements.

There has certainly been a shift away from the older posters to a newer generation (of which i am part of) so I don't feel it's right how we can be all negative about how things have changed. It has to happen this way, if it didn't the end result down the line would just be some LTR forum, because that is where we will all end up anyway.


Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
That's the beauty of this site. Its an evolution for the individual (if they make an effort). I remember coming here and this site opened my eyes to what an AFC I was. Little by little I read all the tips and articles on the main page and made it into my own style. I wont lie, from time to time I need some advice here and there, but one piece of advice that I can give is for the one's who just came on this site to truly look at the situation they are asking advice for before posting it. What I mean is lets say this HB9 is treating you like sh!t. Firstly you shouldn't take that because not only is that disrespect to you, but its just common sense. In a situation like that, the answer is obvious and you don't need advice from sosuave. The more you do this, the more you start to trust your inner voice, and rely less on sosuave. Hope this advice helped fellas.


Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2001
Reaction score
Actually.. I'm gonna have to disagree. This site has not been going downhill. As I see it, this site USED to be about quick fixes, techniques and all that stuff. It is actually shifting towards a site where picking up and techniques are getting to be more rare. Instead, I see lots of advice about having to change your mindset, stop being a whiner and the 'think for yourself' attitude is getting to be more important.

When I first came to this site, there was talk about being more confident and all of that, all these techniques.. wait for 5 days before calling.. stuff like that.. Today it is about: Have respect for yourself and the girl as well. Don't treat her like crap, but also don't think she is so much better than you. Be a MAN, not a DJ-wannabe.

Sure, there are some ridiculous posts but they have always been there, and they always will be. Newbies will always be looking for quick fixes instead of having to change their outlook on life. Stick with them, help them and give them the advice you think is appropriate is much better than b!tching about the value of this site. Because that, to me, is like whining like a little old lady.


New Member
Jan 17, 2004
Reaction score
i agree completley, I think that some of the "tricks" this site has teach fake confidence.

On the other hand i think thta it is possible to have all the comfidence and a lack of character/ origionality that is where this site can help you inmprove your game



Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by donalpha
i agree completley, I think that some of the "tricks" this site has teach fake confidence.

On the other hand i think thta it is possible to have all the comfidence and a lack of character/ origionality that is where this site can help you inmprove your game

if you are talking about a "game" then "tricks" are what you use to play it. and that is not what this site is about


Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2004
Reaction score
Mansfield, Notts
All those rules and tricks might seem like it's building "fake" confidence, but I see it as is a tool to break the cycle. The cycle of the AFC.

Instead of sitting at home, you're going out using all these techniques. Of course anyone can use these lines - but if this shows them that women arent the godesses they previously thought they were, they could start building their own confidence.

This way, you open up the world for them with experience, not a load of text. They can start to see things for what they really are and start to have fun with it. Make their own methods of picking up girls. They experiment with it, and above all, have fun.

Thats definately a step in the right direction.

When you teach someone to play guitar, you'll teach chords and scales ETC ETC. If you teach all this first they'll have a solid foundation. If you dont, they'll spend ages getting nowhere. This is what you are doing here with all these approaches and techniques. You're teaching them the very basics of what they need. When this is mastered, they can start to get creative. They can use creativity and originality and put it to good use.

Just what I think as an RAFC.


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by YILMAZ
Sosuave isn't a place for quick fixes and easy tips, it is more of a mindset.
So suave teaches the technique, that if you believe it, its true.

For the confidence, we teach that if the person believes they have confidence, they will act like they have confidence, and confidence will follow. This isnt a trick, its just how we work phsychologically.

This forum ALWAYS cycles like this. There is a few stages that the new people go threw. I've seen it over 2 years, and the more experienced vets will tell you the same. There is the confused afc ("i talked to her but she still didn't give me her number, Why not?!?!?1). The greedy afc ("I want to get with this chick tonight, help!" 1st post). The dependant afc ("QUICK I'M TALKING TO THIS CHICK, WHAT DO I SEE NEXT"). The AFC that blames us instead of himself ("I said everything you told me to and it still didn't work. WHY NOT")

AFC's are gonna come and go, some stay some don't. They make rediculous posts, and there is ALWAYS someone who posts complaining about the transition in the forums. They're are about 4 good seasons of posts (non-afc all the time), 4 bad (a lot of AFC stupid posts). they alternate because the afc's will read the good ones, decide to post, then when they fail due to horrible self respect, and lack of willpower to change.

Get used to it.


Don Juan
May 1, 2004
Reaction score
Nice call. I'm compiling everything I think a DJ should know and I'll post it eventually. So hopefully that will help.