The Tom Leykis technique & discussion thread (merged threads)


Senior Don Juan
May 6, 2002
Reaction score
Knoxville, TN, USA
Opinions on Leykis 101

I don't know how many of you have ever heard Tom Leykis on the radio. He says his methods help men get laid, and avoid being wimps. What are your opinions?

For those of you who haven't heard him, here are some of his rules:

NEVER, and I mean a single mother or father.

Follow the "three strikes and your out" rule. Which means if he/she hasn't put out in the first three dates, dump them.

Never pick up your phone Friday through Sunday. Screen all of your phone calls.

No cuddling after sex. You kick their ass out in time for Sportscenter.

Always wear a condom. Even if she is on birth control. No exceptions.

Never spend more than $40 on a date. And if she pays, all the better.

Pick out the women with the lowest self esteem. The lower the better. Beautiful women normally have a very low self esteem.

Get in touch with your "inner A-hole". Women are drawn to *******s. If your a nice guy(pvssy), you won't get laid. She'll categorize you as her "friend".

Women are attention *****s and will do almost anything to get it. So keep that in mind when you see some woman dressed to kill.

Men, never have coffee or lunch with a woman unless you want to be "friends". Women have dinner with the men that they bang, not lunch or coffee.

Women, you have no male friends. Every male you call a friend wants to bang the living fvck out of you. If you don't believe me, then as a test...tell any one of your male friends that you want to sleep with them and see if they turn you down.

Stay away from any women who says the words "All my friends are guys". That is trouble and should be avoided at all costs.

If the person you are dating stops putting out, "Dump that *****".

Men, the reason why you are friends with a woman with the exception of having a past relationship with that she doesn't find you attractive. The truth hurts. Move on.

Men, the more confidence you show the better chances you have of getting the girl. Women smell a *****(figurative term for a man with no self esteem) a mile away and they can also smell confidence. Women are attracted to confidence almost more than anything else.

Don't ever tell a woman you love her unless you really do. Don't do it especially just to get in her pants. The consequences are many and get you in to big trouble.

If your girlfriend or boyfriend is spending a lot of time with a "friend" of the opposite sex, dump that *****.

Do not get married until you are at least 25 years of age.

Do not buy her flowers until the second year you are married.

Don't do anything in the beginning of the relationship you wouldn't normally do later in the relationship. Because her expectations of anything you do for her will cause you problems later.

Never hold her purse. Unless you are a ***** or have a *****, you shouldn't be holding a purse.

Always become unavailable during the holidays. Never pick up the phone close to holiday seasons. Especially Valentine's Day or Thanksgiving.

Do not go to a concert with a woman if she invites you. Especially if she has backstage passes or has a friend in the band she is going to see. It just means she is there to **** the other guy. She probably just used you for the ride there.

Never buy a woman a drink. It's just another way of a woman getting something she wants for free while the man thinks she's interested in him. (applies outside of relationships)

Eat before you go out on a date. Purpose is that a woman normally wouldn't be caught dead eating more than her date. So this results in a lower costing date by the end of the evening. You tell her that you are trying to eat healthy.

Do not order a bottle of wine. And the reason you don't when she asks is because you want to make sure you get her home safely. And to ensure this to the best of your ability, you don't want to drink any alcohol.

If your date picks up their cell phone, silently get up and drive off without them. If they wouldn't give you the lack of respect to pay attention to you on the date, you don't give them the respect of driving them home.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2002
Reaction score
chicago,il , usa
Makes sense to me..I dont do most of that stuff..

Except Ive dated Single Parents (but was very cautious)

and Ive been to concerts before with a that she can make some other dude jealous


Don Juan
Sep 18, 2002
Reaction score
detroit, mi usa
Leykis is the MAN...without a doubt...He is a true DJ...He has been preaching DJ tactics long before this board was ever up....I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend everyone to check his talk show out


Don Juan
Jun 22, 2002
Reaction score
Irvine, CA, USA
Originally posted by FluffyMutt:
If your date picks up their cell phone, silently get up and drive off without them. If they wouldn't give you the lack of respect to pay attention to you on the date, you don't give them the respect of driving them home.

Haha... Good stuff...


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2002
Reaction score
NEVER, and I mean a single mother or father.
Disagree. Single mothers could be looking for a simple fvck like everybody else. No reason to exclude them because they have a child. Hell I'll even fvck a "committed mother".

Follow the "three strikes and your out" rule. Which means if he/she hasn't put out in the first three dates, dump them
Agree. This is a good rule to follow. However, there are a lot of cases where the woman WOULD put out of the man knew what he was doing.

Never pick up your phone Friday through Sunday. Screen all of your phone calls.
Agree. This is simple challenge rules. It is a technique to make the women you're dating think you are 'busy' and show them that they have to compete for your time. I don't follow this rule, but I can certainly understand its place.

No cuddling after sex. You kick their ass out in time for Sportscenter.
Disagree. I think this is more of a joke then a rule. If you kick anybody's ass out of bed she'll feel disrespected and you'll kill any rapport you had with her. She'll feel used.

Always wear a condom. Even if she is on birth control. No exceptions.
Agree, for obvious reasons.

Never spend more than $40 on a date. And if she pays, all the better.
Disagree. You shouldn't be paying for her AT ALL.

Pick out the women with the lowest self esteem. The lower the better. Beautiful women normally have a very low self esteem.
Disagree. This rule is basically filtering out the healthy, stable women and allowing only the head cases. I don't know how this would help your dating life. All I can see is myself coming home to a low-esteem woman boiling rabbits on my stove. No thanks.

Get in touch with your "inner A-hole". Women are drawn to *******s. If your a nice guy(pvssy), you won't get laid. She'll categorize you as her "friend". Disagree. Women aren't drawn to a$$holes. They are drawn to the certain characteristics that they radiate. *******s tend to be more aggressive, ****y, confident, and strong. These are attractive traits to have. Of course *******s also have many negative traits, the woman can look past them because she'd rather deal with those bad traits then have to settle with a puzzy nice guy. There is a happy medium and it's called DJ. Nice guys do not make women FEEL anything, jerks make them FEEL a lot of emotions (better than nothing) but they are bad in most cases. The DJ can make her FEEL and those feelings are very GOOD ones.

Women are attention *****s and will do almost anything to get it. So keep that in mind when you see some woman dressed to kill.
Agree. Women dress sexy to get attention of men. I try to dress sexy so that I can get the attention of women. This is no secret.

Men, never have coffee or lunch with a woman unless you want to be "friends". Women have dinner with the men that they bang, not lunch or coffee.
Disagree. In fact, I'll go as far as to say that women generally DO NOT fvck on normal dates. They usually fvck during 'get togethers' or hanging out sessions. When you're on an official "date", the woman is watching your every move so closely. She is monitoring you and trying to figure out your motives. She is very careful about what she gives you. When you are simply 'hanging-out' with her you can get away with a lot more and make progress because her security system is not on full blast.

Women, you have no male friends. Every male you call a friend wants to bang the living fvck out of you. If you don't believe me, then as a test...tell any one of your male friends that you want to sleep with them and see if they turn you down.
Agree. Most men that WANT to stay friends with a woman, secretly want to fvck her. However, if SHE initiates the friendship then SHE wants to fvck. He makes a very good point.

Stay away from any women who says the words "All my friends are guys". That is trouble and should be avoided at all costs.
Agree. But this all depends on what you want. If you're searching for an LTR partner, avoid women with many male friends. But if you're looking for some casual fvcking and sucking then who really cares who she is with when she's NOT with you?

If the person you are dating stops putting out, "Dump that *****".
Agree. But only if you can't fix it.

Men, the reason why you are friends with a woman with the exception of having a past relationship with that she doesn't find you attractive. The truth hurts. Move on.
Agree. Far too many times are men willing to settle for the friendzone rather than risk the rejection or not be able to spend anymore time with her. What is she giving you as a friend? Is her friendship really that valueble? Probably not, if you want to fvck her and she's not providing this to you, she's a waste of life to you.

Men, the more confidence you show the better chances you have of getting the girl. Women smell a *****(figurative term for a man with no self esteem) a mile away and they can also smell confidence. Women are attracted to confidence almost more than anything else.
Agree. No need to explain this one, it's been done in the DJ Bible.

Don't ever tell a woman you love her unless you really do. Don't do it especially just to get in her pants. The consequences are many and get you in to big trouble.

If your girlfriend or boyfriend is spending a lot of time with a "friend" of the opposite sex, dump that *****.Agree. If she is doing something that you don't like, tell her to stop it. If she doesn't stop it, get rid of her. PERIOD.

Do not get married until you are at least 25 years of age.
Agree. I'll even go a step further. Don't get married.

Do not buy her flowers until the second year you are married.
Disagree. You can buy her flowers as long as you're MEANING something by it, instead of using the flowers to BUY her approval. The act of giving flowers is absolutely fine. The problem lies when the man is doing it to try to impress the woman.

Don't do anything in the beginning of the relationship you wouldn't normally do later in the relationship. Because her expectations of anything you do for her will cause you problems later.
Agree. This is a VERY good point. A point that should be discussed further on this board.

Never hold her purse. Unless you are a ***** or have a *****, you shouldn't be holding a purse.
Disagree. Who the fvck cares?

Always become unavailable during the holidays. Never pick up the phone close to holiday seasons. Especially Valentine's Day or Thanksgiving.
Agree. I never really thought about this one. I guess it is the same princple as the "don't pick up the phone on the weekends" deal. Except I'm not sure what kind of thing you're supposed to be doing during Thanksgiving thats going to make her think your BUSY. You're eating turkey, who the fvck cares if you answer the phone and chat it up? What else would you be doing besides eating turkey?

Do not go to a concert with a woman if she invites you. Especially if she has backstage passes or has a friend in the band she is going to see. It just means she is there to **** the other guy. She probably just used you for the ride there.
Disagree. If she has backstage passes I'm going. Fvck it, I'll drive. She's using me for the ride, I'm using her for the backstage passes. The backstage passes are much harder to come by. Maybe he should rephrase this rule to say... "Don't drive to concerts". Weird.

Never buy a woman a drink. It's just another way of a woman getting something she wants for free while the man thinks she's interested in him. (applies outside of relationships)
Agree. Buying drinks is the same as buying flowers, a ritual that is supposed to bring a woman's interest. Stupid.

Eat before you go out on a date. Purpose is that a woman normally wouldn't be caught dead eating more than her date. So this results in a lower costing date by the end of the evening. You tell her that you are trying to eat healthy.
Disagree. I don't agree with dates PERIOD, but I also don't agree that by you eating less it's going to save you money. You almost always order an entree which comes with soup or a salad. Whether she eats the entire soup or the entire entree is irrelvant to the price. It still costs the same whether she finishes it or not.

Do not order a bottle of wine. And the reason you don't when she asks is because you want to make sure you get her home safely. And to ensure this to the best of your ability, you don't want to drink any alcohol.
Disagree. Fvck that, the $8 bottle is worth the effects that wine has on a woman. Feed a woman a half a bottle of wine, then start touching her neck and SEE if she doesn't start massaging your crotch.

If your date picks up their cell phone, silently get up and drive off without them. If they wouldn't give you the lack of respect to pay attention to you on the date, you don't give them the respect of driving them home.
Agree. hahahaha. Picking up the cell phone during the date is ultimate disrespect. I never thought of going to the extent of driving off without her but I'd like to test this to see her reaction the next day.

It seems like this guys knows most of his shyt. The only problem that I see is that he doesn't have a specific audience. A lot of these rules really don't apply to guys who just want to fvck women, and some don't apply to LTR guys. He's trying a little too hard to be "The Man Show" but as long as he's reforming AFCs I'm glad to have him on our side.


[This message has been edited by xblitz44x (edited 10-09-2002).]

Pimp For A Living

Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2002
Reaction score
Heartland of America
Never hold her purse. Unless you are a p*ssy or have a p*ssy, you shouldn't be holding a purse.

It never ceases to amaze me the men who walk around carrying their woman's purse!


I see this EVERY weekend when I go out.

It is shameful and sad.

Most of the time the guy knows he is being a p*ssy, and walks around with a pissed off look on his face.

The worst ones are the ones who walk around with them like it's no big deal.


Pimp For A Living
"Pimpin' them hoes since God only knows..."

[This message has been edited by Pimp For A Living (edited 10-09-2002).]


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2002
Reaction score
San Diego, CA

Don't make me hit you with my purse if I see you at the mall.....

Pimp For A Living

Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2002
Reaction score
Heartland of America
Originally posted by xblitz44x:
Never hold her purse. Unless you are a ***** or have a *****, you shouldn't be holding a purse.
Disagree. Who the fvck cares?
Ah ha ha ha...

Come on man, don't tell me you hold their purses?

I just find carrying women's purses to be supplicative and EXTREMELY AFC.

I also think that it is disrespectful for a chick to even ASK a man to do that.

Unless the chick doesn't have any arms, don't carry the purse!

[This message has been edited by Pimp For A Living (edited 10-09-2002).]

Pimp For A Living

Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2002
Reaction score
Heartland of America
My philosophy is that if a woman asks me to hold her purse, then she is giving me the right to take anything I want out of it.

You still won't EVER see me holding a woman's purse for her, though!

Pimp For A Living
"Pimpin' them hoes since God only knows..."


Master Don Juan
Jan 15, 2002
Reaction score
I agree with most, with some expceptions of course, since I'm not the type to follow anyone blindly.

No cuddling after sex. You kick their ass out in time for Sportscenter.

-Even in serious relationships? Personally, I don't like getting my ass booted out of bed right after. And also, most men need at least 20 minutes to recover from f*cking me.

Always wear a condom. Even if she is on birth control. No exceptions.

- Well, since I don't do this, it is hard to agree. If both partners got tested together and are in a serious relationship, I think it is a different situation.

Pick out the women with the lowest self esteem. The lower the better. Beautiful women normally have a very low self esteem.

- This is just me, but I find people with low self-esteem whiney, boring and needy. ICK!

Women, you have no male friends. Every male you call a friend wants to bang the living fvck out of you. If you don't believe me, then as a test...tell any one of your male friends that you want to sleep with them and see if they turn you down.

- I've done this test and they said no, so I guess we really are friends.

Do not buy her flowers until the second year you are married.

- Personally, I like getting flowers and giving them. I'm a giving person and expect my partner to be as well. If I've giving him gifts, I'd like him to care enough to give flowers WAY before our second year of marriage. No gifts while dating = bye bye.


Master Don Juan
Jan 15, 2002
Reaction score
Regarding the whole purse thing, if I need to bend down and tie my shoe, my BF offers to hold my purse, or else it keeps hitting me in the face when I am down there and is quite annoying. It is only for a minute and hey, I would hold anything for him if he asked, so I don't see what the big deal is.

Pimp For A Living

Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2002
Reaction score
Heartland of America
Originally posted by VeryBadGirl:
Women, you have no male friends. Every male you call a friend wants to bang the living fvck out of you. If you don't believe me, then as a test...tell any one of your male friends that you want to sleep with them and see if they turn you down.

- I've done this test and they said no, so I guess we really are friends.
Or, maybe you are just ugly?

Just playin'.

I think that most of his advice has more to do with short term relationships than LTRs.

As for kicking a woman out, if she is just a FB, this is acceptable. Of course you don't want to be a total ******* about it, and I give some woman a few minutes of after sex loving if I sense they need it.

Otherwise, get out so I can get some work done!

Pimp For A Living
"Pimpin' them hoes since God only knows..."


Senior Don Juan
May 6, 2002
Reaction score
Knoxville, TN, USA
Originally posted by VeryBadGirl:
Regarding the whole purse thing, if I need to bend down and tie my shoe, my BF offers to hold my purse, or else it keeps hitting me in the face when I am down there and is quite annoying. It is only for a minute and hey, I would hold anything for him if he asked, so I don't see what the big deal is.
Here is what the test is. Is the guy willing to look stupid and out of place and hold something she could easily hold herself just because she asks him to.

Like she can't take her purse into the bathroom? Can't sit it on a table or the ground to tie her shoes? Can't leave it in the car sometimes?

As an extra bonus, he has a harder time talking to other women while she is in the bathroom. If he didn't have a GF, why would he be holding a purse?

[This message has been edited by FluffyMutt (edited 10-09-2002).]


Master Don Juan
Jan 15, 2002
Reaction score
When you live in a big city like I do and you set your purse on the ground, you are asking for someone to steal it. Not very smart.

Perhaps they are not doing it just because they ask them to, but because they just want to help out for a minute - because they care, perhaps?

I mean, I like wearing skirts, which have no pockets. But yet I do need to carry my wallet and car keys around to, well, buy things and drive. So, hence the need for a bag of some sort.

I don't really see what the big deal is holding it for a minute. When my boyfriend goes to pee I hold his breifcase if he came straight from work.

I don't see why this simple gesture would be used to judge a man.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2002
Reaction score
I'm not saying that I will carry the purse around the mall for her while she's walking next to me, but if she has to use the pisser or is running somewhere I'll 'watch' her purse or hold it if she's gotta go run somewhere. I don't really care. If she's going to fvck me the purse has no bearing on her decision.


Pimp For A Living

Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2002
Reaction score
Heartland of America
I think the real issue is not for a guy who will do something like watch a purse for a second.

As far as I am concerned, that's fine.

What I am talking about are the guys who walk around ALL NIGHT carrying their woman's purse, like they are a coat rack or something.

It's sad and pathetic, you know?

It's like if I walked around and made the woman I was with carry my coat and my hat.

She would look VERY foolish if she carried it around all night, would she not?

The point is that neither a man's nor a woman's purpose when going out with each other is to carry around another's belongings all night.

That's all.

Pimp For A Living
"Pimpin' them hoes since God only knows..."

T Dog

Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
austin, tx
Leykis is the Bomb, hell yeah.

Another Leykis 101 rule..

Never date a co-worker, don't joke with them, don't even send them e-mail that is not work related.


Master Don Juan
Jan 15, 2002
Reaction score
Ok, now I get it - and I agree. If you want something for the night, you carry it. I mean, it is not like purses weigh a ton. Do men actually carry it around all night? I've never really seen that. But perhaps I don't really pay enough attention.


Senior Don Juan
May 6, 2002
Reaction score
Knoxville, TN, USA
Originally posted by VeryBadGirl:
No gifts while dating = bye bye.
Oh dear! Which will get a guy kicked out sooner, bad sex or failing to buy gifts? What would you think of a guy who dumped you because you didn't give him gifts?

Jake Steed

Master Don Juan
Oct 10, 2001
Reaction score
I listen to Tom Leykis almost every day. He is very entertaining and he knows his shyt. He has been through 4 marraiges, makes millions (and brags about it on air), and is a master at manipulating conversation, especially with women.

In fact, I'd say he's probably the smartest guy I've ever heard in regards to manipulating women. I've heard women call him up ready to tear his head off and in less than a minute, he'll have her ready to come down to the studio and have him sign her breasts. He is an excellent example that women are attracted to men they LOVE to HATE.

The focus of his rules is to get laid with as many different women by spending the least amount of money. He's also very much against having kids, which is why he says don't date a single mother and always wear a condom. To Blitz: Single mothers are PROOF that if they get pregnant with your kid, they will keep it--that isn't a character trait you want in a woman, is it?
