The Sillyness of Females


Don Juan
Mar 8, 2010
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From a guy...

Welp, once again, I've been known as a bad guy and hurt someone else. I tend to try to make girls change into a whole different person. I tend to not care about anything they do or say. I'm not there when they need me. I don't help them with their problems. I have done all my girlfriends very wrong. They always been good to me and never done anything wrong for me to act the way I act. I tried to be better than their last boyfriends who really did them wrong, cheated on them, and showed them no love. But someone how I end up being worser than them. This is the fifth time this has happened.

My first love left me for a dude who is now locked up. She chose a dude who cheated on her over me. She chose a dude who knoced her up and left her over me. One ex left me for a dude she met at a party and said she never been in love the way she's in love now. One ex left me for a dude who cut her face with a knife and raped her. If these girls chose those kind of guys over me, then I must be really worse than whatever they done. Me and my recent ex stopped talking becaue I did her wrong. She never did me wrong. Its all my fault. I messed up everything up. Thats all I ever do. I'm not a good person. Im not meant for relationships. All I do is hurt people.

I'm an ass, prick, ****head, bumb, *****, mean, evil, careless and very cold hearted person. And much more. One day i'll be a good guy. I hope. I've hurt people in the past and i still have. And because of me...

History REALLY Repeats Itself. - Sorry
Some dumb ***** in response to him...

manny like no need to even try to pay yourself your not a bad person and your not the worse guy i havent stop taking to you you told me to just go like yeah you hurt me but like i said every thng wasnt your fault i dont look at you as a bad guy i'm still in love with you very much but i cant force my way i your life you gotta want me to be there and i know you dont waa be i a relationship due to everythig we went though and i understand i just dont want you to sit here and dog yourself out like your not a bad guy and you bee done dirty just like i have like things just really god bad between us that we had no control over mainly my fault i didnt know how to treat you so you left i dont blame you for being how you are now with me i just hope oneday we can get pasted it sorry for what i said and acted maybe you do deserve better i'm the one whos the bad person
It seems like the LESS of a man a guy is the MORE a girl falls for him.


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
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His problem is he's dealing with women who aren't intelligent enough to structure a working paragraph. Sounds like im joking, but his first step should be getting away from trash like that.

It seems like the LESS of a man a guy is the MORE a girl falls for him.
Complete nonsense. The more a man is a man - the MORE a woman will fall for him. Problem is, guys don't know how to be a man anymore! They aren't taught their genders role in school. They're taught instead all things are equal.

Sadly, most men who walk this earth (especially in western society) think being a man is letting someone walk all over him. Which is the surest way to get walked all over.


Senior Don Juan
May 18, 2009
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I bet you that guy did not grow up in the western world, and is from some culture or society where they are able to manipulate women by beating themselves down, or appearing to beat themselves up over there actions.

My most recent ex was born and raised in Pakistan, came over to the UK on a student Visa, as things didnt work out and i told him it was over, he did the whole feel sorry for me thing, telling me how he wasnt worthy of being with me, and how much of an idiot he was to let a girl like me slip away. When he realised there was no way i was going to go back to him, at that point he turned nasty, and called me a tart, stuck-up, pompous british born confused asian chick and a lot more. Still it didnt bother me in the least.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
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If any chick actually came to terms with herself and realized all the things she does intentional or not, you would see something similar to what that guy wrote. Girls will never admit their wrong, they are just acting on their feelings, they are inconsiderate to others and only care how THEY feel. I used to get into moods like this before I knew the truth. Now I have absolutely no sympathy whatsoever.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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Cinamon said:
I bet you that guy did not grow up in the western world, and is from some culture or society where they are able to manipulate women by beating themselves down, or appearing to beat themselves up over there actions.

My most recent ex was born and raised in Pakistan, came over to the UK on a student Visa, as things didnt work out and i told him it was over, he did the whole feel sorry for me thing, telling me how he wasnt worthy of being with me, and how much of an idiot he was to let a girl like me slip away. When he realised there was no way i was going to go back to him, at that point he turned nasty, and called me a tart, stuck-up, pompous british born confused asian chick and a lot more. Still it didnt bother me in the least.

british born asian chick? pix? lol.

Seriously though...nice guys turn vicious when the truth comes out. That's why women don't like them because they aren't being their true selves. And for some reason they seem to think someone owes them something. Like if they are nice enough a girl should go gaga over them.


Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
i kinda thought the first paragraph was sarcastic, maybe i'm wrong. I think I saw one verb in that whole damn second paragraph and no punctuation in sight. I don't understand how you can get past elementary school with writing like that.

Not to say women are better or worse, but men can be cruel too. That first paragraph talked about women who chase bad guys. Well guys chase the girl with the biggest rack or skimpy clothes. A better statement would be "Human nature is cruel". We pay attention to people were attracted to. We're only kind to people that we need something from. We envy those above us and look down on those below us. Then we complain that were lonely and no one cares.

Don Israel

Don Juan
Apr 24, 2009
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Montreal, CA
Cinamon said:
....... When he realised there was no way i was going to go back to him, at that point he turned nasty, and called me a tart, stuck-up, pompous british born confused asian chick and a lot more. Still it didnt bother me in the least.
This is why women are even more emotional than men nowadays than ever before : a guy that uses a blatantly obvious tactic to get her back.

Men nowadays should just say exactly what they think and believe...enough of this soap opera/emotianal manipulation crap.

Therefore, i don't blame cinamon for permanently dumping the dude.



Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2009
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I blame cinamon for not posting a picture of that butt!


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2009
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Duh! But only if he's a Wrangler man.