The reason why being yourself doesn't work.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 10, 2011
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...and about being nice:

Again, this relates to YOUR happiness. Be nice to people only if it makes you happy. Don't be nice because society/religion/media/your mom tells you to be nice. It shouldn't be forced, and it shouldn't be put on with the expectation of getting something back in return.

Most of the time...I personally feel a bit happier when I'm nice to other people. It usually puts me in a better mood, it reduces arguments/fights with people and seems to make life easier with less drama. That's why I do it. For MYSELF. But there are times too when I feel it would be fake and I don't feel happy being nice. For example, I'd rather be an honest douchebag than a nice liar. So I might say/do something that won't be popular but I don't care because I'm being true to myself.

Other people are different though...if being a douche makes you happy Konada, then do it. Seriously.


Don Juan
Jan 23, 2011
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I kind of agree with this guy when i was a kid i thought i was so smary and could do it all. Life is hard im a "nice" guy and i use and get used all the time. Sad i have a baby on the way. But i know im being used by this womsn because im "nice", she "loves" me hell i cheated on her and im sure she cheated on me. This is life its hard no one on these boards are perfect.


Master Don Juan
Mar 28, 2011
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JonJaper said:
Konada I don't think you're wrong but at the same time I don't think you're right either.The world is what it is, and we simply have different interpretations of it. Two people could interpret the same incident in completely different ways depending on their outlook.

You choose to interpret the world as cruel...fair enough. BUT it seems to be getting you down. In this instance, nothing else matters apart from your happiness. Is this interpretation of the world making you happy?

I'm not saying you should take on a different interpretation so that you become happier. But you shouldn't let the opinion on the cruel world and people's inherent selfishness affect your life.

Get on with your life, improve yourself for YOU (not for some b!tch) and your happiness.

Forget how cruel/nice/whatever the world and society is. It doesn't matter. Who gives a f*ck about whether the average joe is a deceitful selfish sleazebag deep down? Focus on yourself.

And haven't posted your workout progress in a long time. Your last entry in the Health and Fitness section was quite a while back. I know you say you have finals this month but if you have time to post here on sosuave you have time to hit the gym!!

Exercise is a natural mood alleviator. Maybe you're feeling down because you haven't worked out in a long time. Let's make it a competition to see who can squat more...I'm on 176 pounds x6-7 reps (will move up next week), last time I checked you were on 155 pounds, I've overtaken you LOL.

Get to it buddy! No excuses for skipping your workouts! I said in your workout journal that both of us are going on a similar journey with regards to our lifting and I'm not gonna let you fall behind while I continue progressing.

We progress together.
My finals span across the whole of November. Didn't want to risk another injury in the midst so I did home training to mantain strength. Definitely will hit the gym full throttle after my finals are done. Though I lost about 6 lbs lmao, mostly fat though.


Master Don Juan
Mar 28, 2011
Reaction score
After a good long talk with one of my close friends and the comments here I've come to terms with my emotions on this matter. I don't deny the fact that the reality is true as such, but that means with this knowledge I'll be able to distinguish the people who are really worth keeping.

Being a man for others is in my nature and always will be. I will treat others as do they treat me.

Thanks guys.