The Naturals - Discuss


Senior Don Juan
Feb 4, 2005
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We all have these guys as friends, the naturals. These guys are just EXCELLENT with women,unbelivably good.
We all have them as our friends.

I have come across a couple in my life, 2 were blessed with model good looks so i cant really call them naturals because their looks did it all for them. They didnt have much game though.

Theres 2 other guys though, one who i grew up with whos a few yrs older then me and another guy who works with me.

The guy who works with me, lets call him "S" is about 5'8, 145lb-150lb , skinny dude. He dresses pretty nice and well groomed. I wud class him as average looking, but he gets the HOTTEST girls there and i MEAN IT even though there are much better looking guys there.

Some times when a new girl works with us who nobody knows or has talked to, "S" ends up as having the girl respond to him the most. One way this happens is that he has MEGA social proof. Ive seen the power of social proof work and its magic. Another way he does this is "starting small" and escalating..

ie. he will ask her for a pen one week then the week after he will say "hi, bye"..then as the weeks go by he justs asks them a general question/or busts on them.

i.e one girl who went to get a cup of water and when she returned "s" busted on her and said "wheres my cup of water then?" and she giggled and said sorry. After that he carried on busting on her and stuff. And let me tell u this girl is goodlooking, great body,ass etc etc.

Having observed him i see what he does. He qualifys the girls and busts on them all the time. He is NOT NEEDY at all. This is why girls find him comfortable to be around. For example a different girl had a birthday party and he asked
"come on jessicca you party animal, tell us what u got up to" she told us what she did to which he replied "that all u did, u need to party more than that" constantly busting + qualifying.

Also, he has high standards too. I showed him a HB7 i was macking on and i said " what u think about her" to which he replied "naahh, u cant be seen with people like that"

What he means is that she has lower social value and that would decrease his higher value if he interacted with her and stain his social proof.
He speaks slow with good tonality and deep voice. he walks real slow too.

Hes sure of him self too. Theres a Hb9 we have both talked to and he says "i know i can get her" he JUST KNOWS.
He is always being approached by Hbs and running off into corners to talk about shyt and other girls see this. The guy is cheeky too. For example a girl gave him a bag of sweets. After he took a couple of sweets he tied a really tight knot in the bag and gave it back to her. She was like "OMG". I observe him alot and have learned alot o fthings from him.

The 2nd guy im gonna mention is a real force to be reckoned with. Put it this way, if your planning on macking on some girl in your area its very likely that he has already dated/fvcked her. Its unbelievable the amount and which girls he has been with. The guy gets around. When i was about 17, he mustve been 19/20 he boasted to having 10 girls on the go. This guy "j" is bad ass. he fights, hes criminal,used to sell drugs, drives fast cars ( and drives them VERY VERY VERY FAST + VERY VERY WELL ). When he is with us and we have an argument he usually gets his way. Alpha male/bad boy for real.

Hes about 6'1 150-155lbs. Dresses street/thuggish altho he can dress very smartly sometimes. This guys is blessed with very good looks. Tall dark and handsome fits him nicely. He used to be alot bigger but he smokes too much weed that he has lost alot of weight.
He is the definition of azzhole or jerk.

Here is an example about how much of an azzhole he is.
He was in a club with a friend of his who was from out of town. Every one was mackin on chicks but his friend was unsuccessfull. SO "j" pulls a hot chick and gets down with her and heats her up. Then he brings his friend over and tells the chick this:
"im not gonna fvck you untill you give him a bl0wj0b"

To me he shows extreme confidence and shows her that he doesnt give a shyt about her. I dont know if she blew the guy or not. I firmly believe that an attention wh0re cannot touch this guy. Ive seen it in real life. I remember we were shopping when we saw some girls that we knew who knew they were hot and used to guys giving them scores of attention. One of the girls was wearing a t-shirt with a red button in the of her breasts. "J" went over and pressed the button and we laughed and the girl who is used to breaking guys hearts/making afcs cry had a look on her face that "omg what just happend" it was not a look a disgust but of an overpowering force who just "dealt with you".

The guy is not needy and like "S" this guy sees him self as the prize. he is very self centered. For example when we play football , whether we loose or not he will brag about him self. Once we lost 3-1 and every other player was saying "man this sucks we lost cos of blah blah" but "j" was saying "did u see my skill when i took their players on!"

Its all about him and no one else. Hell, one of his younger brothers was dating a chubby chick and "j" made him drop her ASAP because his brother going out with a fat chick would bring embarrassment on him. Right now he has been in a an LTR for 5 yrs with a popstars auntie ( the bytch is blonde and hot, hb9 EASY). She worked in the gym and thats where he met her. Because he knew her, we gt free admission in the gym. The same happend when we went to an amusement/arcade. Of of the hot green eyed girls would give him free credits because he knew her /banged her.

These guys are the naturals and we can all learn ALOT from them, thier attitudes and actions. It can help us immensely..

Share your stories of naturals that you have come across and describe their actions and behaviours so we can learn too.



Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2005
Reaction score
entering the 4th quarter....
I like this post alot great job man...and i think your absolutly right there are characteristics about these guys.....

i also had natural friends...leme explain

It actually started back when i was n 6th grade my best friend at the time (would soon grow and go to the dark side literally) He was born with natural looks and swager....He ended up dating almost every single hot girl in our grade....and it ended up by the time we were out of middle school we both totaled it up and the number was 17 girls in a span of 3 years (seriously no lie!!)

now going into the later years of highschool...

I had another friend who was tall with a natural tan and i really don't think he looked that good but the girls (especially younger) drooled over him...the crazy thing is the guy was one of the coolest people you would ever meet...he was silly and he really never really was a follower for ex

group:eek:h man les go see this new movie comin out!!!
him:naw im not goin i'm probably gonna hit the club
me:eek:h well das cool i'll go with you.
him:Naw dude that's cool if you wanna see the movie i don't need company

and he wouldn't budge....he would also get shot down plenty of times but he would always smile it off....he's been caught doing do so many things wrong by girls and teachers but no matter what it was he would take it and with complete confidence just shrug and say "O Well :rolleyes: " One night i'm chillen with him and we were meeting these 3 girls up and right when they pulled up he say's to me

Him:you see that girl there (points at her)(she was a HB8 and she looked like she wasn't interested in anyone You know that look!!!)
me:yea yeah i see her she's cute wassup why you ask?
Him:Yeah im gonna hook up with her before the nights over
me:you know her??
Him:(smiles) NO!!!

now i'm thinking this sh*t is never gonna happen but sure enough by the end of the night he was roundn the bases.

What kills me is these kind of guys seem to lack the self-doubt that some of us guys have and i just think that there fully comfortable with themselves...i'm sure i will be like that sooner or later i hope. but yeah those guys are the real alpha don juans.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 11, 2005
Reaction score
Yorkshire boy
I know one of these guys. I personally think he is an arseh*le as well as many others.

The ladies love him and he always pulls.

One exapmle i saw of him was a chick trying to use a machine where he was working. She couldnt do it so said

"are you thick" givin her a look of 'i think your so stupid' nothing jokey or anything.

What a b*stard.

Mr. Cardio

Aug 27, 2005
Reaction score
there are no such thing as naturals. We all are blessed with good looks or genes, these give us auditions and easier notices with women, but we still have to master our game, or we will just nice guy and AFC her azz away with our poems, sensitivity, and nice guy bull crap.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2005
Reaction score
It might be that I don't get out enough or something, but I don't know ANY naturals. Back in highschool I never knew one guy who clearly had a lot of skill with women (most of them only got women because of social status, maybe some looks, but that's it). I don't know any men who clearly know what they're doing. I have yet to see any guys who know how to tease women and put them in their places..... except of course, me ;)
I myself am NOT a natural by any means. I got here through my own efforts.


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2005
Reaction score
entering the 4th quarter....
sometimes i am called an as*h0le by chicks that are likeing me at a time but then i'm just the kind of person who speaks my mind...

but if i don't know you and i don't want to you might think i'm's kind of like people im around they think i have mpecable confidence but lately i've been around 80% of girls at college and sometimes i freeze up and feel like a lil b! is defenatley in progress!!!!


Senior Don Juan
Jul 25, 2003
Reaction score
Muskogee, OK
A buddy of mine is an AFC "natural"

Seems like a contradiction, but perhaps it's not.

There's "something special" about him - women routinely give him looks and smiles, while I apparently don't exist.

But he nearly always "F's Up" his opportunities.

He had (apparently) good rapport with a cute female bartender but he never asked for her number, only gave his to her. I overheard him say stuff like, "You know, I'm really different from those other guys." Meaning, he wasn't like those stocky meatheads who routinely hit on her. I told him she already knew that, but he would carry on the same old shtick.

He also tries to amuse women by puffing out his chest and arms (as if he's built) and pokes fun at the big alpha-type guys who patronize our local bars, clubs, etc for a cheap laugh - but that's clearly a sign of insecurity.

I've also heard him say stuff like, "OK, so can I ask you out?" when he swaps numbers with a woman he's met.

I'm far from some sort of master PUA, but I know AFC behavior when I see it. I try to counsel the guy, to no avail.


Sep 3, 2004
Reaction score
welcome to my world
great post.

however, there is only so much that other guys can follow, such as being not needy and having a lot of confidence. the other things are parts of their personality, and the things that really make these friends of yours really great with women is not that they are exceptionally good-looking or bad-boys or whatnot, it is that they are absolutely comfortable being themselves around women, and truly do not give a sh!t.

i know this, because lately i have been achieving this comfortable, and i too enjoy:
Originally posted by muttley
being approached by Hbs
Originally posted by muttley
The guy is cheeky too. For example a girl gave him a bag of sweets. After he took a couple of sweets he tied a really tight knot in the bag and gave it back to her.
actually, funny you mention this because i can relate very similarly. there's this girl (and occasionally her friend too) that's always buying me candy. heck, i'm extra cheeky about it too...i tell her exactly what to get me, and when she doesn't get what i want i tell her to get me something else, or i say get me a bigger candy bar, etc.

lol, though i've never tried giving her back the wrapper...haha, i'll do that next time, it'll be funny :D

haha, and i've never done a single thing for her...met her off a cold approach a while ago. and i ljbfed her, lol.

i think the key to get from this post is that when you become truly comfortable being yourself, girls will start being visibly attracted to you, and even doing things for you.

btw, i think of all my friends that i've known, i knew one who was a natural. and surprisingly, he didn't do much different. he was pretty muscular, smoked weed, etc...kind of like a thug type of dude. the one thing that he had that made him successful was his confidence. i mentioned this on another thread, but once he dated a chubby chick and got her in shape, and she looked good after. he always approached chicks everywhere. heck, i remember we'd be in the cafeteria, and we were at like basketball camp, and he'd approach the older (and attractive) cafeteria women, and he would score bigtime!

edit: just have to mention that this guy had more girls than i've ever seen...and they were all very beautiful...his confidence was borderline delusional at times, but that's just who he was

he definitely had the whole "sexual vibe." dude was always walking around like he just got out of a really smooth sort of way. very relaxed and chill...nothing fazed him.

muttley, he was a lot like your friend "j" ... because back then i was in killer shape, with a 8-pack and all, but i had serious social skill issues. girls would be checking me a lot back then and since i was extremely nervous, he would be like the ultimate wing for me...though i still managed to fvck it up.

haha, i remember he'd go around to girls and tell them that they had to see my abs. and girls would come over and touch my abs and stuff...damn i had it good, but no social skills was practically thrown at me on a daily basis, and i chickened out.

but anyway, shows they care for their, yeah, being loyal is really important. kind of like that "secret society" bit that tyler durden posts about:
Originally posted by bluelemond

10) Secret society members COME FIRST. If someone in the society is not having fun with an interaction, it is cut off.
we must have been part of the secret society back then, because he really cared if me and our friends were having a good time...if not, it was onto something else
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Sep 3, 2004
Reaction score
welcome to my world
Originally posted by Badmannaz
Go get me a Snicker's bars b!tch!!!!!!!!!!!!

actually funny because that's exactly what i ask for...king size preferrably, lol.

i know it's just a couple dollars total, in the end, but hey, i get it for free, so why not.