The Matrix that is Social Dynamics


Don Juan
Feb 10, 2003
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The Matrix that is Social Dynamics

Ever since Hitori posted the article on social status and there was an interesting debate with Don Giovanni, we never did bring closure to the subject of Social Dynamics and Social Status. I would like to continue where we left off last year and take a closer look at the Matrix that is Social Dynamics. As Don Giovanni brought up some interesting points last year (his responses are also contained at, I would also like to use his replies as the basis for exploring Social Dynamics.

The basic principle: The ability to conquer the Matrix of Social Dynamics allows you to conquer women, to conquer your career, to conquer society.

Before we look into the Matrix that is Social Dynamics, let us examine another aspect of our world. You may have noticed our physical world is bound by the laws of physics. For example, take into consideration gravity. As a test, without anything attached to your body, I urge you to strip down to your bare underwear and jump off the top of a 100 storey building. At the end of the test, when they scrape the remainders of your body off the street, you will have proven the existence of gravity.

You may choose to ignore the existence of gravity, but you cannot deny the effects of gravity on you. Similarly, if you exist in society, you may choose to ignore the Social Dynamics around you, but you cannot deny the effects of Social Dynamics on you.

Society affects both men and women, not just women alone

Don Giovanni suggests the following:
Don Giovanni said:
The social realm is really the realm of women.

This is an incomplete and probably, a misleading viewpoint. The social realm is the realm of women and men. Let us look up the basic definition of "society" at Webster:

An enduring and cooperating social group whose members have developed organized patterns of relationships through interaction with one another
Men and women live in society. Society is not composed of women only. Thus, we are all affected by the social realm and the social structures that permeate society. If you want to succeed in your society, you must first understand it.

Don Giovanni said:
There is a real world and you won’t get there by climbing the hierarchy of ‘social status.’ The real world must be made by you. It will be the world you create.

There are two men and both are dreamers. But while one dreams endlessly and is ignorant about the world around him, the other seeks knowledge about his world in an effort to turn his dream into reality. Which of the two men is most likely to achieve his dream? Remember, if you want to conquer this world, you must first understand this world.

It is unfortunate that men such as Don Giovanni are ignorant of Social Dynamics in the society they live in. Similarly, you can be ignorant of gravity too. I urge you to conduct the aformentioned experiment of jumping off the top of a 100 storey building if you choose to ignore the effects of gravity.

Don Giovanni said:
The real world must be made by you. It will be the world you create.

This is dangerous advice and possibly even misleading advice, especially if acted upon in the wrong manner. We live in society and thus, and have social structures placed upon us. Furthermore, today's society is a very feminist society. Don Giovanni appears to suggest that the men that live in today's society should blindly and coercively thrust a new world where men are allowed to dominate and feminists are silenced. This is the blind man's approach without regards to today's Social Conventions and Social Dynamics. If you want to enact change on the society around you and create a world more palatable to your tastes, start the change from within society. If you can persuade those around you, then they will follow. This understanding of Social Dynamics is paramount if you wish to create a society that bends to your will.

Men that understand Social Dynamics will reap the rewards

Many of the successful men in this world can see the Matrix that defines Social Dynamics. Yes, this Matrix exists. It is invisible. There is no single definitive manual written on it. But yet, it governs society and the people within it minute by minute, day after day, year after year.

The most successful friend that I know - the shining example of what many would consider a "DJ" on this board - has a successful career and before he got married, constantly went through a plethora of attractive women,. His secret? Of all the men I know, he also has one of the most comprehensive understanding of Social Dynamics. Not only did he use his understanding of Social Dynamics to court his very attractive wife, he also uses the same understanding to court wealthy clients.

Women are attracted to men that have conquered the Matrix of Social Dynamics

Women are attracted to men who have conquered the Matrix of Social Dynamics. These men are labeled as "smooth", "suave", "cool", etc. Not only are women attracted to men with superior social skills, society in general is attracted to men with superior social skills. There is no coincidence that men who can attract followers are also the type of men that are likely to succeed with women, work, and business. Men who are able to attract followers are simply men that are using their knowledge of Social Dynamics to work in their favor.

Using the Matrix of Social Dynamics to serve you

We all know that women are naturally attracted to dominant men. However, today's society is predominantly a "feminist" society that shunns the dominance of men. In fact, the feminist society of today tends to encourage "nice guys" to put their women on a pedestal. Thus, for men, there is a contradiction between social norms and what women are naturally attracted to.

The key to this game is to dominate in a socially acceptable way. If you have a cool friend who is very successful with women, pay attention to his behavior next time. Most likely, if you consider him cool, it's because he is socially fluent and he calibrates socially to each given social situation. Now watch him around women and take note how he is able to demonstrate his dominance while he never miscalibrates socially.

Life is a game

Life is a game. If you want to win this game of life, then first set out to understand it, and in time, you may conquer it.



Aug 14, 2005
Reaction score
Excellent post, Coulda been longer but is great for newer people.

I'd advise every new person to litterally "Study" what people do in every form of relationship. It's so essential to have social skills and abilities, they will take you furthur than any other skill.

On that note, I need to be better at AMOG'ing