The Life is Awsome Thread!


Don Juan
Feb 5, 2004
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Ok, ever since i turned into a DJ i have been happy with life and being only 15 and a freshman I am very excited over the things I am going to accomplish with myself throughout the next few years. Every time I think of what i will be i get excited and just want to tell people how happy I am. Now assuming most of you guys are happy with your lives, I would like to devote a thread to people just posting whats on their minds and how they plan to improve themselves over the next few years. I dont know about everyone else but I dont want to just spam up the forum with just happy thoughts im having and thought others would like a forum to post theirs on to without worrying about flooding the boards.

Well ill start off, lets see after learning how to be a awsome DJ around october, things have been going great. I started bodybuilding in spetember and I get a lot of compliments on my muscles which is awsome considering less than a year ago i was a chubby weak and unatractive kid. Besides that ive improved my looks, no acne, got a tan, lowering my bodyfat after bulking, gelling my hair, nicer clothes ect...

I was able to naturally get a hb7 to beg for me to go out with her (i didnt really care since i was having fun being single) and we went out for a couple months and about 3 weeks ago we broke up. (she was my first girlfiend of all time and also was the first chick i kissed/made out with)

For some reason even after that my confidence has skyrocketed even more and I am completely unintimidated by even the hottest girls in all of my high school. Lately i have had a hb9 Sr cheerleader with a jock bf flriting with me. I know of at least 3 hb8's that like me. And another hb8-9 that im going out with tomarrow for bowling. Besides this i have getting general postitive signals from almost every hot girl in HS. Besides with women my popularity among fellow males has dramatically increased. I cant even walk through the halls without recieving some hand/back slaps.

Well im a fast learner and i seem to be a very fast applier as well and by the end of my sophmore year i cant imagine how popular and attractive i will be. I did make the mistake of not singing up on any after school sports or activities this year, but it has given me time to think and to learn self improvement. Ill give a small list of the things i plan to do/learn in order to improve myself the next year.

This summer i will be taking drivers ed and i will probably have a summer job bailing hay with some friends of mine. I also plan to start taking karate and hopefully other classes that can better teach me to better control my body. (anyone know of some? I am thinking along the line of doing 1 arm handstand stuff =) In the fall i plan to get another job working at a haunted hayride through halloween, then end up joining FFA, the bowling team, basketball and baseball throughout the rest of the year. DAM I CANT WAIT!!!!! In a little more of a longterm note i plan to to gain about another 40 lbs of lean muslce and compete in amature teen bodybuilding competitions.

Ok anyone else like the idea of thread such as this or was i the only one who wanted to tell others about how happy their life is going? Maybe this is something a long time DJ would bother with but im sure some other semi begginers would like to post their general progress and what they plan on doing to improve themselves in the future. I think this or a thread like this should become a sticky and think how inspirational it would be to someone just starting off to see a huge thread with people posting about their kickass lives!
May 28, 2003
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Nodferatu's Lair
Life seems to be going a lot more smoother than in the past couple of weeks..I've been talking to a lot of girls lately, overall. been more confident and maybe matured a little more because my friends went to jail last week, and so I'm the only one not in trouble so I guess everyone thinks I'm a mafia type of dude because people have been telling me that, but I'm like, I gotta learn from their mistakes, not be so into the drugs and start going towards other things. I realize that I'll probably smoke bud until I die, but a supreme chiefer knows how to control himself. And after all the ganja and pills, jack daniel, and southern comfort bottles I've drank on the school nights, I've seen a lot of ****..and learned. And somehow its giving me knowledge, strength and confidence. The other day, I got this HB some snacks, but they weren't the ones she wanted, and she put me on her "angry list" and I didn't really give a ****, so the next day I got her back, her face lit up, she gave me a kiss on the cheek, and said I was sweet. If my mindset was like the weeks before then I would have *****ed her out. But I felt like I needed to compromise, and correct myself. And although she wasn't mada nymore, I quit talking to her because maybe she needs to truly recognize what she has.

Overall, I'm just letting life go by its own course. whatever happens happen, don't regret a f*cking thing because what's done is done and all we can do is take in the wisdom and then share it because wisdom is useless if you don't pass it down.

It is hard to describe your feelings, your true feelings you see; black and white words put in some ****ed up sequence, that the original shape and meaning of what the hell was said is hammered out like sheet metal. You dig? It can be bent but not destroyed. Not by a regular man anyway....

I believe, that with fortitude, the content on these forums is very valuable. From what I see, the messages are being read through DJ discussion forums, and to KNOW the music is to be enlightened to a new existence in the ******d look of the scrutinized and misunderstood. It's tough to bull**** a don juan, or better yet a MAN. You'll suffocate in your own fall from every grace possible.

Be thankful for what you thankful for your parents, my father is dead, and I was raised from a mother's point of view, and she will teach me intuition and to be kind and all that sh*t, but the father teaches you other things more towards a manly enlightment. for 15 long f*cking years, I've been having to learn this sh*t from experience and from elderly and wise. It's tough sh*t to not be told about girls at an early age. I was scared to sh*t to tell anyone in my family that I liked a girl because I would feel so sh*tty and worthless because I'm attracted to the opposite sex, I don't know what the f*ck went on, but I continue to learn and apply, seek and destroy, The road to total domination could prove to be not so long!

With integrity I write this for the reader. YOU. It is ultimately up to you if you want to be happy, the first step is to simply take action..


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
It is the funniest thing ever to walk around and enter a room with all your male friends and have every female head turn and look at you. Ofcourse... Your friends might get a bit angry.

Best friends? NAY

Senior Don Juan
Oct 8, 2003
Reaction score
Where ever I am
ya..gettin with a Hb8 Polish chick(it's SO hard to resist doing polish jokes) with a 9 personality. My plan for the next few years, is to have fun, get good grades, have fun, have more fun.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2004
Reaction score
yeah man. My plan is to build some shoulders cause although I'm in very good shape u cant tell I lift when I have cloths on which is like allll the time. So I'm enjoying seeing them grow. I have done more this year than I have allllll my life and the year is still on the first half :D. Made some knew going out buddies, turning heads.

Got some plans now to work on my approaches on meeting grls. dam I'm nearly there :cool: