The Journal of Mr. Pink: Getting Back in the Game


Don Juan
Apr 26, 2003
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So what's the point of this journal entry you ask?? Simple. I realized while going back through my old journal entries that recently I've gotten way of track with how I was once doing. Instead of going out and meeting new girls, I've narrowed down and started focusing on individual girls and wanting to start relationships with them immediately. Which, isn't good since it's placing a large amount of undue pressure on me, and causing me to fail. So, in order to get back in the game, I'm starting my list back up. As of now, this is what it's looking like. Any advice on how to handle each individual lady??


I hate using girls actual names, but since I've used it before in past journal entries, her name is Tara. But she'll be referred to as Cheerleader from now on. Read my last journal entry to get the whole scoop on her since I don't feel like typing it all up again. Anyways, recent development with her is that she was, last time we talked, thinking of breaking up with her bf. So, who knows how this is going to turn out. This may be the best bet I have going for me, or may not. What do you think with this latest development?? If she does end up breaking up with him, she's probably going to be my next move with how things have been between us lately.


I'm gonna call this girl by that name since she looks like the pornstar of the name of Taylor Rain. Sort of. Anyways, longtime followers will remember around Halloween I met a girl at a party that was pretty good looking and has pretty cool too. However, after the party, I never followed things up. But, good news is that in the past 2 weeks I've bumped into her at 3 parties, and will be doing so much more often. So, I'll start things back up with her. Any ideas for how to approach her since I havn't talked to her since Halloween??

Little Sister

Go back two Journal Entries to my New Years post. This is the girl I was trying to talk to. On a follow-up, she does know about the bet, so do you think there's anyway in hell I could try to work this out??


Ah... here's one I never bothered to even meet. She was friends with my ex-oneitis, and she was supposed to introduce us one night, but the plans fell through. However, we now have a pretty strange thing in common. Her ex, is now dating my ex-oneitis. And because of it, we both hate him. So, we now have something in common, and someone in common, so maybe trying to meet her now would be a good idea. Concur??

Anyways, I know the list is small, but for being out of the game basically since Thanksgiving, I'm slowly starting to build back up. So, any ideas on how to handle things with these women??

-Mr. Pink


Don Juan
Apr 26, 2003
Reaction score
Wow, still no responses. Cool.

In a quick update, I talked to the Cheerleader again yesterday, and her and her bf decided to stay together. Yay. So, cross her off the list.

You think any of the others are still worth persuing??

-Mr. Pink

Jay Fiedler

Don Juan
Nov 22, 2003
Reaction score
Madison Heights
Yes, I have advice. As I told you months ago Pink, you should stop focusing on women so much!! Quit breaking down into catagories your prospects and obsessing over them!! You should concentrate on yourself, improve your look, your confidence, your mental well being, social skills-everything. Then when you least expect it and when you AREN'T TRYING to get a girl, you will get one.

And one other tip. I know that this may go against your psyche, but instead of going after only super hot girls, why dont you lower your physical standards and go after the 5's and 6's? One-- this will improve your confidence and get you involved with a possible gf, but also you never know, you just may fall for her. I really think you need to start off as big fish in a small pond and dominate, rather than be a small fish in a big pond and fall through the cracks like you have been.


Don Juan
Apr 26, 2003
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Why should I have to suddenly give up because of some bad experiences?? The whole thing about being a DJ is how you handle rejection. If I was to just give up now, it makes the past months completely worthless and a huge waste of my time.

And if I wanted too, I can think of about 3 girls in the 5-6 range that are interested in me, but I have no interest in them beyond being friends. So if I wanted to just arbitrarily jump into a relationship for the hell of it, I could anytime I wanted to.

But as of now, I have my priorities set. And I'm not obsessing with these girls. I'm writing about them so you all know what I'm dealing with. You think I sit at home and plan out all and think about every little minutua and detail about these girls and how to go about them. No. Right now I have two girls that I could go after and possibly get somewhere with (I'm crossing D off the list now too since I was talking to her during lunch and she mentioned something about some guy calling off work to hang out with her, so her interest is elsewhere), so I want to get some outside perspective on how to handle them.

I'm fine with myself and my personality and since I've started this, my confidence has skyrocketed. However, I do at times have my blue periods, but who doesn't??

So, in quick summation, no, I will not give up and just hope that something falls out of the sky into my lap. I did that for 3 years in High School, and the only good it ever brought me is I met two girls (my ex-oneitis and The Cheerleader) that I ever got to be friends with. However, since I started this, I dated the ex-oneitis a few times and got farther with her than I ever did before.

Eventually, my hardwork will payoff. And that is why I keep doing this. I'm not going to just give up after all this work and progress.

So... back to the topic at hand. I'll be going to another party this weeked where the girl I havn't talked to since Halloween will be there. Can anyone think of a good opening line/approach I could make since I havn't talked to her in so long??

-Mr. Pink

Jay Fiedler

Don Juan
Nov 22, 2003
Reaction score
Madison Heights
The bottom line is if these girls you mentioned were interested in you, you could spout off for hours about the theory of relativity to them and they'd giggle and laugh all the way into your pants. Theyre either attracted, or they arent. Thinking up one liners to attract these girls just wont cut it-trust me.

It seems like you have a pattern that you fall into. Seems like all of these girls you have been mentioning for the last few months are:
1. Very hot
2. Thinking of you as a friend

Which is why you should go after all of the 5's and 6's that you mentioned are interested in you. As they say, a bird in hand is worth two in the bush. In other words, you DO have girls that are interested in getting with you, just not the ones that you want, but you would be better off at least for now taking what is available.

I really really get the impression that the girls that you keep going after think of you the same way you think of the 5 and 6 girls-friends. Perhaps your shooting to high? At least for right now. Im telling you, be a big fish in a small pond and bask in the glory of the women that are ACTUALLY INTERESTED in you, instead of wasting all of your time and energy on girls that think of you only as a friend and who you dont have much chance with.


Don Juan
Oct 10, 2003
Reaction score
How about...

"Hi :) If you grab me a drink I'll let you have the pleasure of my company for the next few minutes :)"

Mr. Pink have you tried doing some cold approaches? That way you'll open up your options. Just a thought...


Don Juan
Apr 26, 2003
Reaction score
I suck with cold approaches. I've gone out a few times with the intent to try, but I usually never get around to it for some reasons.

1)I can't find good places. If I was to just randomly walk up to some chick in a mall/bookstore/wherever and strike up a conversation with them, it'd be where'd. I'd have to be doing something where interacting with them would come as natural, so I'd be at ease and more confident.

2)My friends I go with suck. I want to go with friends so I don't appear as some lonely nut that randomly talks to strangers, but they never have the balls to actually say something. There's been times I've wanted too, but have been held back by them.

But, I did try one once and was talking to the chick for like 5 minutes. I didn't grab her number or anything, but it was an interesting experience. Any ideas to help with this??

-Mr. Pink


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score

I think Jay is right here in a sense. You don't seem to have any real dating experience and much like every other guy in high school your only going for girls based on their looks. That's bull**** bro, especially if your saying how much you want a gf!!! Let me tell you something, looks are big, they make a difference don't let anyone every tell you differently, but once you've connected with a girl that becomes less and less important. I think you need to get out in the field and get some experience under you belt. Go out on as many get togethers with girls as you can. Even if you know your not interested one bit from the start, just so you can have that time to learn. Then you will naturally become more confident, smooth and be able to move your way up the ladder. Look, some of the best people in their profession didn't start out at the top. They had to work hard, harder than others to get to where they could even feel accepted.

Some people pick up the DJ attitude without any effort, others have to really work hard to improve. Don't worry about anyone else but yourself. I remember one of the 1st things I did when I realized I wanted to get better with women was assess MYSELF!! I looked at myself and said, what can I improve. And I went out and improved EVERTHING I didn't like about myself. Change takes time, its not going to happen overnight, but the progress you make now will help you with your future encounters with women.

Don't feel like we are saying you can't pull 8's and 9's, we are telling you to get experience with women first then move up to the big leagues.



Don Juan
Apr 26, 2003
Reaction score
See, the reason I don't do anything with these 5 and 6's is that I don't feel that "click" I did when I was with my ex-oneitis (I know your gonna rage for that comment Pimp... let me have it), and I don't want to lead them on and make them think like I am interested in them.

One of them takes a very AFC like approach with me, and constantly asks me out for certain things. I always try to let her off as nicely as possible though, since I was in her shoes so many times before and don't want to put someone else in that position.

But, if I was to go out somewhere with her, I'd get her hopes up, just to bring them back down. You see what I mean??

-Mr. Pink


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
To be honest pimp-sicle the only way a girl will keep my attention and get me out more times is if she is good looking and good in bed.... I honestly have issues even being close to ugly girls.

I think I need some psyche-eval :p


Don Juan
Nov 27, 2001
Reaction score
Camp Lejeune, North Carolina
Pink, Jay and Pimp have given you some great advice. I complete understand it when you say you don't feel the chemistry with these "average" looking girls, but the average girls outnumber the hotties by a helluva lot. I'm sure you've heard it all before, but these girls who aren't gorgeous usually have excellent personalities. I've got my fair share of experience with women, and I'll tell you, the good looking ones were great for the ego, but it's been the so called average ones that I've fallen for and have made me really feel great. And brother, once you fall for a girl, you no longer think of her as average. Find some cute, intelligent 6 (and these numbers don't mean a thing, it's all relative) and if you get to know eachother and do indeed click, the 8s and 9s will lose their luster.


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2003
Reaction score
Pink, I know your predicament, because that's the way I've always been. Physical attraction plays a huge role in a relationship for me, right or wrong. If I don't find the girl attractive and I still act intimately toward her, I feel like I am lying to myself and her. For me, 6's and 7's are fine to date, because they are still above the average... the average being 5. I consider anything under 5 "below average" and undatable.

Sex appeal will only get a girl so far if she is flabby and unhygienic. Only feminine-looking girls appeal to me, and the fives and below wander into beastly territory... territory I am biologically inclined not to enter. There's nothing wrong with dating hot girls, but you should widen your pool of hot girls. We can do it together bro :).

Let's pick a time in the near future (preferably on the weekend) to go out and do cold approaches. We can set a number limit and have a sort of competition to motivate our asses. I need to work on cold approaches just as much, if not MORE than you do. What do you say?


Don Juan
Apr 26, 2003
Reaction score
I like your idea Duke... I always work best under pressure. Maybe this could be the motivation I need. This weekend looks kind of booked for me already, but next week is looking free. Let me get back to you sometime in the next couple of days and we'll set something up. Sound good??

-Mr. Pink


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2003
Reaction score
Sure, thing bud. This weekend is looking full for me, too.


Don Juan
Apr 26, 2003
Reaction score
Alright, so how will this work?? Do we just see who can number close the most during a day of cold pickups and then compare?? Or do you want to try going for like a ratio of approached/closed or what??

-Mr. Pink


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2003
Reaction score

Well, I thought about just approaching and comparing after that...

But then I remembered that the whole purpose of this exercise it to EXPAND the number of hots girls we know. So let's go for number closes, shall we? How about we set the bar at three closes? It's perfectly fine to exceed this limit by as much as you want, but I want to be motivated enough to get at least three. Want to up the ante? Hehe... BTW, where you planning on doing this? I'm thinking of the mall personally-- "stopping by" a hottie's table in the food court to ask her if I should consider eating what she is eating. Maybe even asking for a taste test, mm :). Neg hitting at clothing stores... "I can see why you are in this store, those jeans are *gay voice* soooooooo passe!"

Haha, as long as we keep it light, I can see this being fun instead of nerve-wracking.


Don Juan
Apr 26, 2003
Reaction score
Yeah, unlike something me and my friends did a while back, instead of making this a competition, we should make this a healthy exercise and a way for the two of us to improve in an area that we both lack in.

And as for where I'm going to do it, I have no clue. The mall would be a good place, but I would still think a girl would be more pissed if some random guy came up and started to randomly hit on her while she's trying to get something done. But that's just me.

And I'll probably bring my newly single friend with me so he can try to get over his gf and be there as some backing.

But as for number closes, since we both lack in cold pickups, why shoot so high, so quick?? The more I think about it, wouldn't just approaches be good for the first time, and unless things go really, really well, leave the number pickup for a later time when we'd be better with it??

-Mr. Pink